Saturday, July 27, 2024

Southern Province Teachers are “Cheating”, no teaching is taking place-Dr Phiri


FAWEZA Mongu District Charperson Limpona Nakwebwa (l) listens to Education Minister Dr. John Phiri (r) the books as Western Province Ps Amos Malupenga looks on during the Launch of the National Libraries Week at Mongu Librabry in Mongu Western Province
FILE: FAWEZA Mongu District Charperson Limpona Nakwebwa (l) listens to
Education Minister Dr. John Phiri (r) the books as Western Province Ps
Amos Malupenga looks on during the Launch of the National Libraries
Week at Mongu Librabry in Mongu Western Province

Statistics from the previous Southern Province Grade 7 and 9 results show that there is very little teaching and learning taking place in the region, Minister of General Education John Phiri has observed.

And Dr. Phiri has warned teachers in Southern Province against engaging in partisan politics as the country goes to the polls in August this year.

Speaking during the Southern Province Provincial General Education Indaba on the Grade seven, nine and 12 examination results held in Livingstone yesterday, Dr. Phiri said drastic measures needed to be taken by the provincial and district leaders in education in order to improve the performance this year.

“From the 2015 examination results, the statistics clearly show that there is very little teaching and learning at Grades 8 and 9, and that drastic measures needed to be taken by the provincial and district leaders in education,” he said.

Dr Phiri said this was so because of the poor performance which the province had continued to record since 2014 adding that there was need to candidly review the performance of some schools.

“It is obvious that there is a lot of work to be done in Southern Province. We demand from the provincial, district and school levels much more effort if we are going to see changes. The onus is on you to deliver.

“I am here to plead with you and remind you that you should change your minds and should not be business as usual. God has positioned you where you are for a purpose. The purpose is to care and guide children still in school. The purpose is not to molest or abuse them.

The purpose is not to receive salaries under false pretences,” Dr. Phiri said

He said for teachers to sufficiently and effectively contribute to the education process, teachers must be professionally well grounded and that they needed to grow professionally.

And Dr. Phiri warned teachers to leave politics to politicians adding that partisan politics would ruin their live.

“Concentrate on you core business which is teaching or aiding those who teach. If you are receiving messages from God that you must be a politician, kindly resign. Do not create unnecessary problems for yourselves and the system. Stay away from active politics,” he said.


  1. Do not just take a narrow perspective Phiri, do some research. First check the pupil attendance registers for the affected schools. It may most likely be due to low attendance due to the hunger situation in the region.

    • Do we really need grade 7 and grade 9 exams? With most schools becoming basic schools shouldn’t grade 12 be basic essential school education? Am sure we can find a way of checking standards at various levels. We should stop this issue of having grade 7 drop outs its quite unproductive.

  2. What do you expect with HH being their sole candidate?. People of this Province will not change. It is easier to move a stone than it is to move a Tonga.

    • PF campaign strategy – Donchi kubeba reloaded:

      A. Obtusification: Lying that Lungu is on top of things and humble despite shortages, high prices, violence, corruption, inflation, unprecedented debts. Don’t talk about Lungu wealth and ballooning body.
      B. Falsification / Smear / Hate campaign: Accuse HH of sattanism, mason, privatisation
      C. Tribalism: Demeaning and discriminate against tribes that challenge Muchinga Bemba PF hegemony. Incite ethnic hatred against tribes that are not from Muchinga-emba/Easterners and insult them as Tongas.
      D. Violence through Police and PF militias and Courts using Judge Mungeni and Mambilima.
      E. Blackout HH from public media whilst PF daily campaigns with Police help.
      F. Unprecedented corruption to loot funds for vote buying.

  3. “Dr” Phiri (1)Campaigning for Fallen Lungu in Southern Province won’t reverse the primaries you lost your in your quest to stand on the PF parliamentary seat in Lundazi the Central (2) You know as much as I can know that you used to write assignments for the late Michael Sata’s online degree program with the questionable ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AIU) (3) Stop ? venting your frustration on office workers at the MOE and on unsuspecting innocent Zambians at MOE (4) Know that you cannot FooL G. O. D. (5) Your days are NUMBERED, come May.

  4. “Dr” Phiri (1)Campaigning for Fallen Lungu in Southern Province won’t reverse the primaries you lost your in your quest to stand on the PF parliamentary seat in Lundazi the Central (2) You know as much as I can know that you used to write assignments for the late Michael Sata’s online degree program with the questionable ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AIU) (3) Stop ? venting your frustration on office workers at the MOE and on unsuspecting innocent Zambians at MOE (4) Know that you cannot FooL G. O. D. (5) Your days are NUMBERED, come May.

  5. “Dr” Phiri (1)Campaigning for Fallen Lungu in Southern Province won’t reverse the primaries you lost your in your quest to stand on the PF parliamentary seat in Lundazi the Central (2) You know as much as I can know that you used to write assignments for the late Michael Sata’s online degree program with the questionable ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (AIU) (3) Stop ? venting your frustration on office workers at the MOE and on unsuspecting innocent Zambians at MOE (4) Know that you cannot FooL G. O. D. (5) Your days are NUMBERED, come May.

  6. These are side effects of men and women following UPND blindly and hating the government of the day. They end up neglecting their work and instead embark on endless complaints all day long. I happened to visit one school in Monze and in the staff room there was just talk of PF this PF that, they didn’t even notice I had entered the staff room. It is only when they saw me they scampered to their respective classrooms to teach. I felt pity for the children!

  7. Thing happening in this country A.. are miserable Dnt rule us as if we still in colonial people out there are making lines as they are grade 1 to enter the class government was aware of shortage of things in the country. Don’t think that people are dull as u are people they think but the is nt taking advance from citizens. Plz as Grz open to get chance as PF office buh if not de president z packing hos katundu and go kumyabo ts same no ukubula upofu mwaipela position in the part u expect his follower to fall together in hole.

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