Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man’s Heart, Eyes, Manhood removed in horrific killing in Lilyana


Another dead body has been picked up in Lusaka’s Lilanda compound.

The victim, a middle aged man has had his chest cavity torn apart, his man hood and eyes removed and his body was found near Lilanda Catholic Parish.

Police Deputy Spokesman Rae Hamoonga in a statement could not confirm whether the body was intact or not.

“There is a dead boy that has been found there but then when officers rushed to the scene, members of the public started throwing stones at them and they turned back,” Mr Hamoonga stated.

“We are mobilising ourselves to go back there in full riot gear. So for now we can’t confirm whether the body is intact or has some of its parts missing.”

Mr Hamoonga has since appealed for calm in the area so that Police could access the body and commence investigations into the matter.

And a near riot broke out in Lusaka’s Matero area after word went round that another body has been found in the area.

So far six people have suffered the fate of the gruesome murders.

Last week, the discovery of four bodies in George Compound sent shock waves across the city especially that private parts were removed.


    • People need to seriously pray for themselves and their families for God’s protection during this election period if it is tied to politicians as reported by watchdog. Zambians need to stand up and pray and reject every ungodly evil practice, God cannot be mocked a man shall reap what he sows.

  1. Zambian Watchdog

    8 January 2014 ·


    President Michael Sata knows very well the people who brutally murdered 19-year old NIPA student Ruth Mbandu and the circumstances under which she was murdered, well placed state house and police sources have disclosed.

    The Zambian Watchdog has also discovered that Ruth Mbandu was murdered in Matero stadium, the home ground of Lusaka Tigers Football club, which is owned and sponsored by Miles Sampa.
    A phone for one of the alleged murderers Collins Soma was found at the scene of crime.
    Ruth Mbandu’s uncle is kept in custody even when he had nothing to do with the murder.
    Sources have told the Zambian Watchdog that investigative reports from both Zambia…

  2. Sources have told the Zambian Watchdog that investigative reports from both Zambia police and a named private investigations company were handed to Sata in February 2013.
    Former Lusaka province commissioner of police Dr. Solomon Jere announced that the police had come closer to apprehending the murderers and indicated that there were some high profiled people involved but Jere was promoted to the position of deputy Inspector General of police and has since kept quiet.
    Collins Soma comes from Mpika, the home village of Sata (in Zambia) was convicted of a criminal offence and served part of the sentence before being pardoned by Sata. He was later apprehended by police in the same Mpika district in connection with the murder of Mbandu.
    At Zambian Watchdog, we challenge Sata and Jere…

  3. At Zambian Watchdog, we challenge Sata and Jere who is the second highest police man in the command to respond to the following questions, just to show some sanity because we have full details of what happened:
    1. Why has Jere kept quiet on the matter?
    2. Why did Sata pardon Soma, the criminal from his home village?
    3. Why have the police kept the uncle to Mbandu in prison even after the reports indicate that he is not connected?
    4. Whose Canter truck was used to transport the murderers trailing Mbandu
    5. And for the womanizer nephew to Sata and commerce deputy minister Miles Sampa, are you aware that your stadium was used for the gruesome murder? Who coordinated the security activities on the night of the murder? What was the motive for using your stadium? How much is in the…

  4. 5. And for the womanizer nephew to Sata and commerce deputy minister Miles Sampa, are you aware that your stadium was used for the gruesome murder? Who coordinated the security activities on the night of the murder? What was the motive for using your stadium? How much is in the ‘trust’ account you opened for Ruth Mbandu and who are contributors, why isn’t any of the family members not signatories?
    And on the reward money you offered for the heads of Ruth’s killers, how many people came forward, what information did they give you; did you pass that information to the police?
    Why were you so active in this matter?

  5. We just reminding people what HH’s website (ZWD) said about crimes committed in Matero Constituency under of a one of the defectors to his party. We will continue reminding electorates what HH is capable of.

  6. What has happened to sniff dogs here in ZAmbia? Such crimes you need trained sniff dogs to sniff out criminals from their hiding places and government better spend money on such ventures. Come to think of it government recently borrowed some million dollars towards Lusaka crime whatever, has the money come since nothing is happening in that direction?

  7. if the police are patrolling where wre thy? when the person was being. killed. i thought it was 24 7 but i was wrong it seems thy r also afraid of the serial killers…

  8. Under PF nothing is attainable my fellow Zambians,unless such a gruesome murder hits one of these so called government officials or PF leaders until that time comes,cry my poor Zambians!Those of you who still have hope with these PF diabolical leaders you can continue as you are swallow minded & inward looking,just look at simple violence which is brewed & embraced by these backward PF Cronies!These thugs in PF are really up to no good,they must be flashed out immediately to bring morality & sanity in Zambian societies!

  9. Zambian Watchdog

    1 January 2014 ·
    We (Zambian Watchdog) are also appealing to anyone who knows any of Miles Sampa’s current concubines to tell us. You can ‘inbox’ us just here or email to editor@zambiawatchdog
    If you send us credible data, we shall send you an Ipad or Kindle for you to continue browsing the Watchdog. But make no mistake, a courier will deliver the Ipad or Kindle to you but you will never know from which direction it came from.
    And for you Sampa, take notice that we with you.
    By the way we are aware you once dated former Miss Zambia Cynthia Kanema. We shall not list Cynthia one of the concubines because she has already suffered enough at the hands of this useless boy.


  10. We however sympathise with you Cynthia because we know how you were evicted from that flat in Kabulonga by Miles when he suspected you of having another partner.
    The fool forgot that he also had other partners including the poor girl she married.
    Miles can not today claim to be Mr. Clean. Miles you evicted Cynthia from the flat in Kabulonga and hired Dove Chambers a law firm owned by Mwangala Zaloumis to do conveyance to a fake person so that Cynthia thinks you have sold the house when you did not.
    Even your lawyers did not know that all you wanted was Cynthia to vacate.
    That is the flat Nchimunya is occupying today.
    We hope after this, Nchimunya will still accompany you to official functions.
    We are also aware that Miles behaves like his uncle at Plot 1. He grabs…

  11. We will remind the people of the republic of Zambia what the Zambian Watchdog said in the past. This is enable citizens judge if HH’a blog is principled or not.

  12. I have always told Zambians especially my fellow Bembas that Tribe does not determine wise and better leadership.It does not matter who is in the state house but the fruits of the policies put in place by the person in state house.we never liked mwanawasa for example but his works were felt by all Zambians.This PF starting from late Sata was and still is a corrupt and violent Government Zambia has ever had.They are criminals and Murderous of the waste kind.They have no remorse of the poor suffering Zambians. Thats the president increased his salary when Zambians are getting more poorer. To hell with PF. We shall meet in the battle ground (Campaigns).

  13. Zambian Watchdog
    1 January 2014


    We however sympathise with you Cynthia because we know how you were evicted from that flat in Kabulonga by Miles when he suspected you of having another partner.
    The fool forgot that he also had other partners including the poor girl she married.
    Miles can not today claim to be Mr. Clean. Miles you evicted Cynthia from the flat in Kabulonga and hired Dove Chambers a law firm owned by Mwangala Zaloumis to do conveyance to a fake person so that Cynthia thinks you have sold the house when you did not.
    Even your lawyers did not know that all you wanted was Cynthia to vacate.
    That is the flat Nchimunya is occupying today.
    We hope after this, Nchimunya will…

  14. PF ritualistic killings just to remain in power. Ask Lungu, he knows better. If arrest anyone he gives instructions to let them go.

  15. HH ritualistic killing to get into power. The symbol for UPND is red symbolising blood. UPND has refused to discard the red beret because it is a covenant to shed blood of Zambians. Zambians please be careful with this leader. It is a way of trying to sacrifice blood to rule in Zambia. That is why HH does not like Edagr and the Church only when he masquarades with Bishops such as Mambo.

  16. Red
    Energy, passion, anger, inflammatory, lust, strength, protects against psychic attack. Mars rules red- Revenge, anger, pure sexual lust, and physical gratification, courage, determination, dealing with enemies. Red is used for inciting accidents, fires, and injuries. Red can also be used for self-confidence, athletics, strength, creating magickal energy for black magick, (Good for selfempowerment before workings of black magick) and inducing intensity. Incites lust, energy, strength, sexual energy, dynamism, passionate love, physical desire, courage, will power, athletics (especially competitive), and vitality. When used in black magic, red as opposed to black brings on sudden attacks, accidents, bloodshed, violence, and hatred. Red can also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and…

  17. Red can also be used to incite wars, anarchy, and cruelty. Mars rules red. Red is of the element of fire. And we all know that RED is the symbol color for HH. So you know who is involved in these ritual killings, accidents, violence.

  18. RED
    The colour of blood is nat-urally connected with the idea of sacrifice…It has also a darker side, connected with the flames of hell, the appearance of demons, the apoplectic face of rage.

  19. Yellow can be used to incite infidelity, cowardliness, decay, disease, dying, insanity, and inconsistency in others.

  20. Very Sad. I thought we had a DNA lab by now, the criminals should swiftly be caught, this threatens national security as you can see the reaction of people towards innocent police Officers.

  21. Bring back Police and You scheme, the police can not do it alone. You the residents ,are the ones living with those criminals in your homes. If you can’t help the police to find those murderers, you keep in your homes nothing will happen. Throwing stone at the police officers who are there to help, won’t deter those criminals from committing the same atrocities tomorrow. Think before you throw that stone.

  22. Ghetto are an an easy place to commit crimes and hence this attitude towards the police. Which place would accept to patrol in Lilanda and George compound for starters! It is a pity that people are no longer safe because of living in such bad places where people can do anything to put food on the table. How I wish we could somehow start regulating these areas actively.

  23. The phrase”nobody impregnated the girl”then who impregnated the girl?definitely nobody is the name there.if these ba fi colour are patrolling 24/7 ,then they are the ones doing that,if they are not the ones,then ba imbwa bafola za mahala.

  24. The phrase nobody impregnated the girl,who impregnated the girl.thse same officers patrolling 24/7 may b the ones doing that.

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