Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Police offer K50,000 for information leading to the arrest of Ritual Killers


Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja
Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja

INSPECTOR General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has offered a K50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprits involved in the ritual killings that have recently rocked Matero Township in Lusaka.

Mr Kanganja said police had declared war against the ritual killers and promised confidentiality of sources that would bring information leading to the arrest of the criminals.

The police chief has, meanwhile, urged residents of George, Mwembeshi, Chunga and Matero townships to be vigilant since the killers were within their townships.

Kanganja said this when he toured all police stations in Matero Constituency, including the recently-burned down Mwembeshi police post where some rehabilitation works have commenced with funding from business persons in the locality.

Members of the public mobbed the police chief and shouted “baza gwiliwa, boma ni boma” (they will be arrested, the State is powerful).

Mr Kanganja urged the residents not to attack police officers who were working in the area and asked them to cooperate and furnish them with necessary information since security had been beefed up in the area.

Mwembeshi Ward 10 councillor Chrispin Kabole thanked the police for intensifying security in his area, saying the killers would be caught soon.

Audio Courtesy: Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde


  1. Hey Zambia Police of Kangaja,

    The PF newspaper, Times of Zambia reported a few days ago that, the suspects were caught on their way to Malawi via Tanzania with the human body parts. This is rhetoric of pathetic unprofessionalism, where one PF police spokesperson, Munganga “refuted” the story due to intrusion of State House. The perpetrators so named by Times of Zambia with the connection to these ritual murders of innocent people, are eminent musicians.

    So, stop wasting money, the economic situation in the country is pathetically horrific & innocent people will be victims were the perpetrators of the ritual killings are dinning & tabling with those in authority.

    PF police is busy chasing the wind blows of their own biased unprofessionalism of shielding criminals.

    Wake up…

  2. ….Kangaja and fellow sleeping PF police. It seems that the police under visionless PF administration of Lungu have pathetically failed to live up to their original expectations of protecting the citizens.

    Whilst the current police have become a political tool for politicians like in PF to circumvent, the rest is left behind but so much to be desired.
    Otherwise, the police under PF has been flagged revisions failures of similarities to the DEAD MMD.

    Vote Wisely Forwards.
    The Skeleton Key

  3. “including the recently-burned down Mwembeshi police post where some rehabilitation works have commenced with funding from business persons in the locality”

    Why should private individuals pay to repair state institutions? Police chief please start your investigations with the same guys offering to fund your repairs …

    • It was destroyed by the angry residents.. Time to take responsibility.. Do not expect gvt to built another one again.

  4. The critics to kanganja are the ones who are victims and their party leadership should be questioned. They are doing it in order to win elections. Their sangoma asked them for human parts to translate into winning votes.

    • Kanganja represents an inept Polie Force, politics aside the Police should be able to protect Zambian citizens. How can you justify stripping naked of a young lady by PF cadres while police officers watch? How do u expect these same officers to protect citizens from more sophisticated criminals when they can deal with PF thugs?

  5. But i read a story in one times of Zambia papers which highlighted that three prominent Zambian musician linked to the ritual killings and suspected musician already in police hands.
    But how come again the police are looking for the suspects when munganga chanda reported to the nation that they have advanced in interrogating the three suspects and that there is overwhelming evidence in the matter.

    I cant understand this,were the cops have even gone to the extent of offloading K50000 pin when they just reported two weeks ago that they are close to the evidence.

  6. Mr. Lungu knows who the killers are. He knows them because he once threatened to reveal who killed Ruth Mbandu. A couple of weeks ago if not a month, Tayali was paid to throw this issue into the debate arena, but as before, it was not given the respect it deserved. I am telling you now as I did before, just ask ba Lungu.

  7. I wish IG Kanganja and the whole top cops could could be sent to Zimbabwe to learn how to police this country Zambia.Mr Kanganja apparently has not heard of or seen “police beats”- foot patrols by police officers.Not the nonsense they keep talking of “No transport” “Bring the thief/killer to the police station on your own”.Actually we do not need all these so called POLICE posts all over-most of the time the officers manning them would be drunk anyway.Those big trucks police use to transport cops to beat the hell out of political cadres can be used to drop off sections, platoons of police men at randomly selected,frequently changed parts of the WHOLE CITY HOT SPOTS-they are many, to conduct these patrols-“beats”.We are fed up of police incompetence.Meanwhile wait for reports of…

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