Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Government preparing for the printing of Barotseland Agreement- Kambwili


Chief Government Spokesman Chishimba Kambwili
Chief Government Spokesman Chishimba Kambwili
Chief government spokesperson Chishimba Kambwili says preparations for the printing of the Barotseland Agreement have commenced.

Following President Edgar Lungu’s directive to have the agreement published, Dr. Kambwili told Hot FM News that the Barotseland Agreement will soon be published in newspapers, disseminated through Radio and flyers to enable all Zambians have access to it.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kambwili said the details of the Rodger Chongwe report remains in the jurisdiction of the President, saying that for now, government will only release the Barotseland Agreement.

Recently FDD spokesperson Antonio Mwanza had challenged government to make public the Roger Chongwe Barotseland Commission of Inquiry report as this may be vital going forward in trying to find a lasting solution on the matter.

His call to have the Inquiry report publicised came in the wake of President Lungu’s comments during his visit of Western Province when he side it was only him and the Litunga who had the powers to talk about the Barotseland Agreement.


    • Anybody who needs a copy already has one. Sata had the BA64 printed in the PF papers in 2012. Nothing has been resolved; nothing has changed.

    • I read this document in 2013.. Pretty a tough one. Just like our confusing constitution, it will require steady hands to resolve. I hope our Lozi brothers and sisters wont act selfish and try to secede from Zambia. They have a valid point if you read the BA64 document carefully.

    • SATA Orders “MAKE PUBLIC BA64 Document. MAJORITY Of Zambians Have To Read And Comprehend Its CONTENTS”

      By Staffreporter on January 15, 2012
      Source – Tumfweko
      REPUBLICAN president Michael Sata has decided to publicize the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 to enable citizens understand and appreciate the contents therein.
      President Sata says that during the meeting with the representatives of the Linyunga-ndambo, Barotse Freedom Movement and the Movement for the Restoration of Barotseland, he promised to avail this document to the public.
      He says government decided to publish the Barotseland Agreement in order for the Zambian people to read and comprehend the contents of this document….

      Do our Ministers even dare to read what they publish sometimes? This was done in 2012 already. I…

    • SATA Orders “MAKE PUBLIC BA64 Document. MAJORITY Of Zambians Have To Read And Comprehend Its CONTENTS”

      By Staffreporter on January 15, 2012
      Source – Tumfweko
      REPUBLICAN president Michael Sata has decided to publicize the Barotseland Agreement of 1964 to enable citizens understand and appreciate the contents therein.
      President Sata says that during the meeting with the representatives of the Linyunga-ndambo, Barotse Freedom Movement and the Movement for the Restoration of Barotseland, he promised to avail this document to the public.
      He says government decided to publish the Barotseland Agreement in order for the Zambian people to read and comprehend the contents of this document….

    • Stop issuing ues1ess statements you neckless Phd holder because you are there illegally, drawing salaries and other allowances illegally…. Just wait for payback. As far as am concerned you neither here nor there, you are part of Parliament that has been dissolved

    • Ba Kambwili, what benefit is the agreement at this time of the year, just get a life and publish the damage you have done to the Agriculture sector and the economy at large.

  1. Seriously we are being ruled by *****s.Kambwili that agreement is all over the internet.You can even find it on Tumfweko .com on its page.So wht do you mean when you say preperations to print it have begun?Ati “Dokota”.

  2. let everyone know and judge for themselves. The bottom line is that Zambia shall remain a unitary state, finish.

  3. This document is in the public domain so there no need to have it reprinted. The process is on the second step of publishing Rodger Chongwe Barotseland Commission of Inquiry report. The Lozi’s will be naive to fall for this

  4. Lungu has completely missed the contention. If the BA64 is valid then GRZ has little input in the management of natural resources in Barotseland. If the BA64 is no longer valid then the basis of Zambia as a unitary state is no longer there and Barotseland can secede. There are no two ways about this.

  5. This is onother 11th hour job. Please, wait for the next govt be it PF, UPND, MMD, FDD, Muliokela, Danny Pule to tackle this issue. The Parliament has long been dissolved and those remaining in office are either for campaign purposes or providing campaign support services, even citizens are in campaign and election mood, even though the nation has to move on with the available resources.

  6. #theengineer totally agree. We read the BA64 in 2013 when MCS had it published. ECL has admitted that the unity of zambia is based on the agreement. The abrogating of the BA64 broke the foundation on which the unitary state was created.
    We are better off sorting out this mess now than leaving it to future generations. This is a non partisan issue & it requires magnanimity, candour & honesty on both sides to settle.

  7. We already have this document and it has never been a prohibited paper in Zambia. Why the hullaballoo to publish it by the desperate Chagwa. The only thing that will please the Lozis is to recognize it, finish. There is no political mileage to accrue here and nobody will vote for you for publishing this document. Find something else to tell the people of Barotseland to lure them not this rubbish. After publishing it so what? You start saying ECL has delivered by publishing the agreement, how cheaper can you be if not this?

    • Totally agree with you Lucy… what are they trying to achieve by publishing the BA’64? What a cheap and fulish move to try and hoodwink my people into voting for this failed government.

      If they were genuine, they would have published the Rodger Chongwe report and the fact they are refusing just confirms their dishonesty and trickery.

      We need tangible action on a straight forward Agreement on which the state of Zambia was founded. You had all your time and chance to fix the issue during your 5 years in office. Your man Sata went to Barotseland to buy votes using this document and you want to perform the same outdated tricks again… I’m afraid you will need better lies this time around.

  8. One zambia one nation – no selfishness! We are all equal is Zambia. Abash selfishness, just allow people from ofther provinces and investors in western province to help with development -period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The document is already out there, bupuba bwashani ubu, or how much are we going to waste on printing and who won this tender? ba PamaFii mulifipuba with no priorities.

  10. These agitators must be anarchists! Please Zambia forget about these dreamers! God bless One Zambia, One Nation! GaluWatchers alias ZambiaWatchGalu.

  11. Why is it that issues of Barotseland & tribalism only resurface during the period of election? Could be a mental illness to those championing them.

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