Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stop Branding ECZ as Compromised;that is a recipe for Preparing Cadres not to accept results-YALI


YALI President Andrew Ntewewe
YALI President Andrew Ntewewe

The young African Leaders Initiative says politicians should stop antagonising the work of the Electoral Commission of Zambia by branding it as compromised.

And YALI President Andrew Ntewewe says the decision on who will be in charge of the country after the elections is in the hands of Zambians hence political Party Presidents should not behave as though they know the out come of the election.

Speaking in an interview the YALI President said branding the ECZ as compromised is a source of conflict as it prepares the minds of their followers not accept the results once their leaders lose the elections.

Mr Ntewewe said the Commission has shown willingness to sit politicians down and ensure that the elections are credible and acceptable to all contestants but that some leaders have continued undermining their work.

“Politicians have to realise that ultimately the decision as to who will become President of the Republic of Zambia will be decided when the people of Zambia votes on August 11th. There is no one who has been elected President hence at this stage people should not rush in thinking that they have won the election. Doing so and planting that mindset in the minds of people is a source of conflict because once the people decide otherwise cadres of a particular party will not accept the results.

“Politicians must work hand in hand with the ECZ to ensure that the election is going to be handled in a free, fair and credible manner. The ECZ so far has demonstrated the willingness to sit political players down and we think that such platforms are important because when going into an election the referee should ensure that all the rules of the game are well articulated but if politicians work everyday to discredit the ECZ which is handling these elections that in itself is a source of conflict because it is more like preparing cadres not to accept the outcome if their party loses the elections,” he said.

Mr Ntewewe has also called young people to critically scrutinize the candidates aspiring for Plot 1 because some individuals aiming for the position seem too desperate that they will go to any length to get there.

Mr Ntewewe who was part of the stakeholders meeting which was called by ECZ and attended by Republican President Edgar Lungu, main opposition Party President Hakainde Hichilema, UN country representative, Commonwealth representative, the EFZ, YALI and the NGOCC among others said it was important for young people to ensure that they scrutinize their leaders before voting for them because the country belongs to them.

He said the levels of desperation from some political leaders were worrying and that leaders should not go to any length in the name of trying to serve the people because it is Zambians who in the end have the powers of making one President of the country.

Meanwhile a source from the meeting on Friday said tempers were high as Hakainde Hichilema accused some stakeholders including the opposition FDD President Edith Nawakwi of working against him.

The source said the UPND leader accused the FDD leader of working with government to have him arrested for treason after she accused him and his Party of training militias.

Earlier Ms Nawakwi demanded that the peace accord be signed by the PF and the UPND as they were the two parties perpetrating political violence in the country.

She said the meeting should have been reduced to a committee of only two parties as they were responsible for the political violence that continues to hit the headlines in the country.


  1. This chap is a f00l and an !diot.

    We have every right to scrutinize and criticize ECZ especially that the Office of the President still appoints the leadership of this instrument.

    The tenets of democracy demand eternal vigilance against the enemies of the people who come in many different guises like this clueless snake Ntwewe.

    • Why is call himself “Young”, because Mtewewe is older than me.
      And me I put in same category as Edgar Lungu. Drinking & dancing, but we are responsible people with mature wives.
      HH is young but behaves like a can be inducted in “Council of Elders”.
      Andrew, grow-up man!!

    • YALI and Ntewewe you now have unique intelligence to tell which leader is desparate. ECZ is not the one concellinng opposition meetings or stopping people to wear political party regalia but PF is. ECF is busy selectively applying the banning of campaigns in areas PF is filling the heat. Shiwang`andu is volatile but campaigning continues.Shame on you Ntewewe for being bias.

    • The comment fromm YALI fails the integrity test. Ntewewe you now have unique intelligence to tell which leader is desparate. ECZ is not the one concellinng opposition meetings or stopping people to wear political party regalia but PF is. ECF is busy selectively applying the banning of campaigns in areas PF is filling the heat. Shiwang`andu is volatile but campaigning continues.Shame on you Ntewewe for being bias.

    • What has PF done for jobless youths who are graduating from NRDC, Hone, Yunza, NORTEC, CBU?

      Where are the jobs for the youth?! Why still maintaining increased retirement age of 65 years?

    • Sounds like YALI themselves are compromised. How much money did Ntewewe get from Chakolwa Chagwa to endorse him in this backhanded way? ECZ show their true colour every time Akufuna, Chulu or that skinny coloured bitch open their myths. ECZ is the main rigging mechanism in Zambia.

  2. This is a very timely warning to Kaponya (HH) and his UPND minions. Why try to discredit a very reputable institution like ECZ? UPND are very Useless People for No Development. We are retiring your Kaponya (HH) for good and all you rats next month. Get out

  3. So with what so ever it is ok for ECZ to stop campaigns in Nammwala but leave out shawangangu,its is ok for ntewewe to stop campaigns in Lusaka and allow only PF branded vehicles to campaigh,it is ok for Ntwewewe to allow the police to cancel rallies at the last minute.Its is ok to Ntwewe to allow ECZ to allow registration of foreign s to vote in Zambia.It is Ok for ECZ to allow registration of people with the same number and having same NRC numbers?
    Can we say wrong is wrong and we should not allow this continue.Even Pf is desperate to remain in state house no wonder the panic.
    Be objective and let us name and shame ECZ where we know they are compromised.

  4. The arrogance of hh is appalling!This self centered goon does not take advice from anyone, and he dreams of state house! He has all the attributes of a dictator- his all knowing attitude shall be his downfall- why should people bend to his evil whims- he shall surely live to his name, KALUSA!

  5. This gremlin hh shall surely taste defeat on 08/11! When people call him under five, they are not far from the truth- the man lacks diplomatic etiquette and he can be a disaster as a national leader.For hh to disrespect others and create unnecessary fuss is just a reflection of his mental breakdown- he has seen the crowds Edgar is pulling and he sees the curtain finally closing on him.The man shall only get his regional vote because surely, he doesnt convince Zambians as an alternative- 2021- Mutati or Nawakwi- hh kuwayawayafye!

  6. ECZ Commissioners are appointed by the President and are accountable to the appointing authority. RB played a significant role in Lungu getting to Plot 1 and in return ECL restored RB’s immunity from prosecution. Significantly ECL appointed Justice Esau Chulu as Chairman of ECZ. Chulu is first Cousin to RB. These connections raise suscipions. ECZ has not been decisive on several issues including the Chawama shootings and murders . The culprits were never punished and victims were made to look like perpetrators. ECZ needs to demonstrate that it is professional and not compromised. This status or respect has to be earned by ECZ. Period.

  7. Kicks of a dying horse, mental breakdown for hh indeed, he needs psychiatric evaluation before all the Kalusa disciples follow his berserk attitude and end up in Chinama, this time not the hotel for futile endorsements but the health center for treatment, yaba, bwafya bangwere aba!

  8. Of ECZ is compromised! Who doesn’t know that every public institution in Zambia is compromised? And you sir, please stop being compromised!

    It’s not the ‘talking’ that will cause problems in the country, but rather the behaviour and the actual deeds of the same ECZ. These guys their actions to date point to a compromised institution and their credibility is in tatters. Look at their behaviour during the printing of ballot papers tender process among other vices.

    All I can say is too many NGOs in Zambia receiving free donor funding and not adding any value. We need real productive industries and jobs not these many NGOs.

    As a neutral observer I see the desperation in PF and Lungu, including abuse of public resources and public institutions for their political advantage.

  9. The chap is Edgar Chakolwa Cockroach Kaloba Wrungu’s Jameson drinking mate so nothing sensible will come out from him.

  10. UPND cadres are bitter to the bone. Even wise advice such as this makes them shiver, u guys must never form govt at all because u ll be so intolerant more than we have been in PF

  11. I really do not see any opposition leader who is desperate, but rather, those in govt, are. They don’t want to leave the offices due to their tummies. To be honest, Zambia needs to get rid of the current crop of leadership and put a new one, be it Nawakwi or HH, to stem the tide of corruption. The Country is gone for good, is PF wins – are we going to be getting everything because we are connected to those in power sure – what about those diligent Zambians that don’t have connections – doomed????????????????

  12. Stupid twisted minded boy, who does not no what is is right or wrong. It is b ‘coz, the boy has been corrupted with the PF stolen money that is why his mind & eyes are not clear. His language gives him away that he is nothing but another PF cadre. The independent audit revealed that more than 130 000, registered voters share the same NRC numbers, the same date of birth, how does he explain scenario if is vote right? What does this boy mean, should ECZ not beheld responsible or should we just keep quiet. We are warning everyone that this country will burn in fire if these things are not addressed before elections because the opposition will not except defeat with so much irregularities at the hands of ECZ.

  13. The statement above has been long over due. VJ, HH and his UPNDestruction goons have been underming the ECZ’s professional operations and yes to prepare their ill-tempered goons to be in conflict with the ECZ ruling. Yes the underdog HH could be 3th placed after Edith had it not been for the fact that there has been massive tribal voting in SP. Edith is more politically intelligent than HH, mark my words.

  14. HH’s United Party for National Destruction is so twisted, spooky, crooked, evil, screwed and bitter. They don’t know how to deal with constructive criticism. I mean just show me any one of these evil beings who is not bitter to the core. If you succeed, I will give you a prize of ZMW 1000.

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