Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH attends LAZ Prayers


HH and Guy Scott leaving the Cathedral of the Holy Cross
HH and Guy Scott leaving the Cathedral of the Holy Cross

UPND President Hakainde Hichilema joined hundreds of Lusaka residents who marched for peace and violent free elections.

In interviews with Journalists, Mr Hichilema said the UPND has maintained its call for peace and unity and prayed to God that all the people can appreciate the true value of peace.

“During today’s prayers we reaffirmed our commitment to conducting peaceful campaigns. We once again called on our people throughout the country never to use violence no matter the provocation. We are extremely grateful to the Church and the Law Association of Zambia for organising these prayers,” Mr Hichilema said.

During the event, the Law Association of Zambia has accused Government of collaborating with the Zambia Police Service to intimidate innocent citizens.

LAZ President Linda Kasonde said the police have been systematically abusing the rights of private citizens in the run up to the August elections.

In a speech read on his behalf by LAZ Vice President Eddie Mweetwa, Ms Kasonde urged the police to carry out their duties professionally.

This was during the prayers for peaceful and violence-free elections organised by the Law Association of Zambia and presided over by the Council of Churches in Zambia at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

She said the high incidences of electoral violence poses a serious threat to Zambia’s peace.

Ms. Kasonde observed that Zambia has been known world over as a haven of peace but that the rising violent acts has the potential to dent the country’s image.

Earlier today, UPND said that it will shun July 24th national prayers bacause the party did not not see the need to take part in the national day of prayer to be held on 24th July to pray for peaceful elections.

UPND Deputy Director for Policy and Research Joseph Lungu who is also in charge of the party’s fasting and prayer organizing committee says his party has issues with the national day of prayer because the people who are spearheading them seem to have some biasness towards the ruling PF.

Mr. Lungu says this is why the UPND finds it difficult to be part of such prayers.

He has told QTV news that his party also believes that praying is a continuous process that should not be done for convenience sake alone.

Mr. Lungu states that this is why the UPND has declared a 40 days of prayer and fasting leading to the elections on the 11th August.

He says the UPND is praying and fasting because it wishes to see the elections held in a peaceful atmosphere

HH speaking to Journalists outside the Cathedral
HH speaking to Journalists outside the Cathedral
HH inside the Cathedral
HH inside the Cathedral
Marchers troop out of the Cathedral to embark on a peace march organised by LAZ
Marchers troop out of the Cathedral to embark on a peace march organised by LAZ


  1. cathedral of the holy cross has been our place were we go and ask for forgiveness since independence,but someone wants to change that to under water darkness.GOD is omnipresent and omnipotent,

    • was william banda ever arrested or served his jail time for assaulting people in chongwe in 2011,if not thats why we have all these pf thugs killing and assaulting us,i hope all those who are for peaceful zambia are taking pic so that we use them in the court of law to bring the culprits to book after august .there is need to send a strong message to these pf thugs and future political campaigns.

    • Who is that lady next HH on pic 2, is she Malaysian, she not latino because I have them in my life? We see all races in UPND, but mostly men. If there ladies as clean skinned as that, I will join UPND.

    • ba nostradumbass, ati clean skinned. ninshi black girls are dirty skinned. nga self loathing iye, where has it come from. who has taught you to hate yourself kwena kanshi?

    • Your HH is a self confessed Mason. So we know he is only a pretender. A devil’s advocate. HH only went there to pollute the prayers. You do not do prayers like it is a competition. Just because ECL called for national prayers, you also do your own. God will only hear those those who pray in truth. It is clear from the statements that this was only a political rally because of one sided accusations.

      We pray everyday. HH prays only when it is politically good for him. He is mocking God and will see how he will beaten in August. He will repent I hope.

  2. Who told you that things Dont change iwe kampwe? You go to cathedral as long as you will be worshiping God Almighty and not some Lucifer nyana

  3. This desperate Kalusa of the century can even eat a monkey’s head just to get to state house.

    We say no to the Black Friday Armageddon Kaponya (HH)

  4. @ Mr. Kudo,

  5. I’m interested to hear more about these LAZ PRAYERS. In earlier report on LT it was said that LAZ, ZCCB & CCZ made speeches. In this report which appears to try & repair earlier report nothing is said about any preaching, prayer or ‘speeches’ except an accusation from LAZ that GRZ is collaborating with police to intimidate citizens & a reaffirmation from UPND President to conduct peaceful campaigns. Where are the prayers & why so few people? Are these the only stakeholders? Why can’t we coordinate things properly as a country rather than always trying to compete & outshine each other? God has to be the CENTRE otherwise things don’t work. God Bless Zambia!

  6. Amashilu outdoing each other on the social media, especially those who see white where it is trully black.

  7. kikikiki black Friday crew.even LAZ is part of this crew.They are all satanist hiding in the name christianity.wait until you see yourselves crushed by the mighty pf.

  8. william banda aka (tekele) tekele means violent from malawi language.This man is known as a violent cadre,in mmd he was the one who choped battocks of women in chongwe during run up to 2011 elections during the mmd elections.he shifted camp to upnd upon rearising that pf never wanted him near its party and today upnd has learnt how to be violent through william banda.

  9. Your HH is a self confessed Mason. So we know he is only a pretender. A devil’s advocate. HH only went there to pollute the prayers. You do not do prayers like it is a competition. Just because ECL called for national prayers, you also do your own. God will only hear those those who pray in truth. It is clear from the statements that this was only a political rally because of one sided accusations.

    We pray everyday. HH prays only when it is politically good for him. He is mocking God and will see how he will beaten in August. He will repent I hope.

  10. Asigai you are the one who is a satanist with your PF look at the miserly you have caused to our nation with your poor failures party shame and go to school to learn some dynamics of a good leader not just being a mere cadre always shouting pabwato pabwato even when the real founders of pabwato are all gone shame on you.

    • Kayes, I am a true follower of Christ and I make no apologies. I am aware of false belivers and cults because the Bible teaches me so. “Whoever calls himself a Christian must walk as Christ did” 1John 2:6. HH does not has never felected this. His insults, attitude, immoral remarks shown that he is not a true follower of Christ. We shall know them by their fruits! What Christ-like fruits do you see in HH?

      How do can you show that PF has failed? It is by checking their manifesto and promises to the actual work done. PF has tried to deliver as much as possible according to their manifesto. You cannot want them to perform according to UPND manifesto, if you have any. I am proud to belong to PF and equally proud to what they have done so. As I travel across the country, I see evidence of…

    • Kayes, I have already told you that I am a true follower of Christ, His disciple and I have no apologies. HH on his own will and confession chose to belong to the Free mason movement. His membership is documented. My faith in Jesus is also documented.

      Once again, it is my prayer that HH will truly repent and turn to the true God. If you are not born again, I encourage you to put your trust in Jesus Christ. This should come first before politics. Here I mean what I say and talk you as a fellow brother/sister in Jesus Christ.

  11. Notes
    1. Linda kasonde could not attend such an important Laz function?
    2. The function had to be presided over by Laz vice president, called Mweetwa?
    3. And also presided over by Council of Churches in zambia. That means general secretary of Ccz, called Suzane Matale?
    Bit there is no report of the prayer itself or a picture of suzane matale, did she send a proxy too like Laz and what was his name?
    4. Arent both Laz and Ccz biased towards Upnd too? Do what is HH talking about?
    5. Was it really a prayer or march past?
    6. The march past proves one thing; that when you make a lawful and violent free procession Zambia police are equally peaceful. UPND and HH should be ashamed of themselves for satanism for sending poor Mapenzi to her death instead of marching in this peaceful…

  12. 6. The march past proves one thing; that when you make a lawful and violent free procession Zambia police are equally peaceful. UPND and HH should be ashamed of themselves for satanism for sending poor Mapenzi to her death on that dark friday instead of marching in this peaceful procession.
    7. Typical of HH, this is damage control for the fatal mistake that he made by refusing to sign the peace accord. Sorry HH, the damage is already done and cannot be repaired. You refused to sign for peace with important fellow national leaders witnessed by important international figures. Your behaviour at mulungushi does not show a person who desires peace, even insulting fellow human being the police, and the very next day you are “praying”? ……kikikikikiki

  13. “Earlier today, UPND said that it will shun July 24th national prayers bacause the party did not not see the need to take part in the national day of prayer to be held on 24th July to pray for peaceful elections”. ????? Watch the writer of this article. What was the intention of this misquote??

  14. I wish Umwaune Kaizer Zulu nu munakwe Chilumanama ordered police to disperse these satanist with teargas….lungu for liffffeeee…hh back to cows

  15. Much as we are gathering for prayer,at the end of the day we should realize that Yahwe is not a magician or an ATM who we expect to jump at our every `request`.Besides prayer,what measures or efforts are we putting in place to see that the violence ends?
    Lets learn even from simple insect colonies that we see around,even from the army set up.No soldier will shoot without being commanded to,no matter what the threat.So at the end of the day the army is that one person who commands others to shoot.
    So now under whose command are pf and upnd cadres hacking each other and for what?
    Zambians lets wake up and have some diginity.Has anyone ever heard of the relative of these politicians harming each other because of their daddy`s or uncle`s or brother`s political affiliation?NO!
    But why…


  17. No imagination left in this country. Are you telling me closing your eyes and opening them up to pick up stones to hurl at those who are not practicing the peace you pray for will itself bring about peace! I despair.

  18. Well my name sake HH also attended a gathering of people biased towards UPND…wonders will never end! Wait for the gathering of those biased towards PF on 24th July….You see if you are peaceful the police do not beat at all.

  19. This was a genuine prayer meeting. Its good HH attended this particular prayer meeting. If I was HH I would not attend the Satanic Prayer Meeting on 24th July 2016. That prayer meeting is being organised by “Christians for Lungu” on orders from Lungu himself. The organisers never condemned the Chawama shootings and the murder of Mapenzi Chibulo and as such they condone the shootings and murder. This prayer meeting is just a cover up. In any case a prayer without action is futile. Lungu should just stop the violence. He has the power and means to stop the violence but does not want to becoz it does not serve his interests so the means justify the end and the end is political power.Period!

  20. God helps those that help themselves……you can’t pray for peace yet you have injustices and bias in your heart, hatred and selfishness full and overflowing. Just listen to Dead NBC, the Crimes of Zambia & the Daily Lies. Abuse of GRZ instruments (ZRA and ZP) and resources to fix your opponents, promotion of thugs and brutes to beat up your perceived enemies. Then you kneel down and pray for peace…..waste of time.

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