Saturday, July 27, 2024

Copperbelt police concerned with escalating political violence


Copperbelt Police Commissioner, Charity Katanga, has expressed concern over the increased levels of political violence in the country.

Ms Katanga says it is for this reason that the police called for a stakeholders’ meeting to find solutions to the matter.

ZANIS reports that Ms Katanga says it is important that political parties and other stakeholders meet to find solutions to the matter before political violence escalates to unmanageable levels.

Ms Katanga says the police wants to ensure that campaigns are without intimidation and are done in a peaceful environment.

She said this during a stakeholders’ meeting on peace ahead of the August 11 general elections.

She further said the essence of the meeting is also to ensure that conflict mechanism resolutions are put in place and to address the issue of political party cadres contravening traffics regulations.

Ms Katanga has since warned aspiring candidates and political cadres not to use false registration number plants on their campaign vehicles.

She warned that perpetrators of this act will have their vehicles impounded whether they are from the ruling party or opposition political party.

She also urged political parties on the Copperbelt to collaborate with the police when placing notifications of political meetings.
Ms Katanga further expressed disappointment over the poor attendance of the meeting by stakeholders despite being invited.


    • When someone calls you morons you get upset. Concerned? concerned, concerned? you perpetuating violence by shooting to kill and watch PF met out lawlessness and you do nothing going ati concerned. Just be professional

    • Radio Phoenix 13hrs some PF SG was saying he has told PF cadres to permit UPND to have their tally in Chawama on condition they don’t touch posters im like no wonder there is violence UPND has been getting permits from police instead of PF cadres

    • Complained of poor attendance??? Can’t you even get embarrassed to say that? Charity check why relatives stopped visiting you.

  1. Part of the plan to postpone elections. It is like sensitizing the masses so that they are not caught unawares once it is announced. Ok if the police don’t know and we know exactly who is funding this violence and who has provided police uniforms to PF cadres to perpetrate violent attacks on the opposition, then kaya. These excuses can’t work even to villagers as everyone knows who is causing violence.

    • You are right. In fact CB has been relatively quiet. Its the police themselves who are planning to start violence.

  2. But how can you be disappointed when you don’t act on what you are saying people are not interested in your talking without actions mayo naimwe

  3. Muletashako ifintu ifisuma. What is the matter with UPND cadres’ brains kanshi, rotten beyond repair? Charity Katanga says something good for everyone and you open your mouths only to spew one week old vomit (rotten). Please elections come quick so that this rotten ghost can be re-buried in chuundu county.

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