Saturday, July 27, 2024

Civil servants should not expect salary hikes, they did not vote for PF


PF Lusaka province chairman Kennedy Kamba captured on a mobile phone at C ity Library Polling centre in Lusaka
PF Lusaka province Youth chairman Kennedy

PF Lusaka Province Youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba says civil servants should not expect any improvement in their conditions of the service because they did not vote for President Edgar Lungu.

In an interview, Mr Kamba said majority of civil servants abandoned the PF on the August 11th polls and they do not deserve to benefit from its stay in government.

He advised President Lungu to focus on improving the livelihoods of the poor in compounds whom he said turned up in large numbers to vote for the PF.

Mr Kamba said it will be unfair for government to start increasing salaries of civil servants who did support the party’s re-election bid.

“Our message as youths in Lusaka is that those that should benefit from this government are the people in Kombonis (compounds). The people in Marapodi, Kuku, Jack and places like Chipata compound. Those are the ones that supported us,” Mr Kamba said.

He added, “Civil servants betrayed us by siding with the other party and now that we have formed government, they should not expect anything from us. Our focus should be on making sure that the poor people in the compounds benefit.”

Mr Kamba said the PF is a party for poor people but noted that some civil servants who received salary increments three years ago did not vote for the PF in 2016 due to their own reasons.


    • What a bellend this man is.

      That statement alone shows how the guy is stealing a living in pf and is not fit for purpose.



    • Does he forget that he is a civil servant himself as his paycheck comes from taxpayers’ money? That’s just utter stupidity! There is no way a ruling party should be allowed to blatantly show discrimination and favours according to political affiliation. This kind of reasoning just takes us backwards!

    • Kennedy Mamba, that kind of thinking is misplaced.

      Who voted for who has nothing to do with salaries and development.

      Are you also wanting to behave like HH who does not understand democracy?

      When it comes to governance, whoever wins does the right thing for every citizen, those who voted for him and those who did not.

      Kamba, don’t behave like the people of Nambala who started victimizing others on suspicion they voted for ECL.

      Ba Kennedy, campaign is over now. It is time to work, and work for everybody, every village, every town, every city, every chiefdom, every Province.

    • Lungu is a shameless thief! Imagine imposing himself on the Zambian people even though he is an unwanted element, a thorn in people’s flesh! Lungu is a serious abomination to the Zambian people and humanity at large. This guy’s remarks are a clear indication that only a minority voted for Lungu. Shame on you shameless Lungu Kaminaminsa Jameson.

    • This is where PF lose it, when every Tom Dick and Harry wants to issue press statements. It is a known fact that the IMF Austerity program will call for among other things a public sector wage freeze. So this loud mouth should not bring ridicule on the Presidency with wild statements that just create acrimony.

    • Since when did the secret Ballot Become NOT so Secret…… when you are accused of rigging you cry foul….Voters register in all sorts of areas and its hard to tell where they actually cast their vote … By the way Don’t they have a right to Vote for their candidate of choice? We are all tax payers don’t think iwe Chi Kamba are above other citizens by virtue if your party Being in Power. You have already made tribalism prominent in Zambia don’t bring another divisive dimension PLEASE

    • Wow! This guy is completely lost. Or is he telling us that the 2016 vote was not secret after all. PF was monitoring how people were casting their votes. I see some people here even want to explain how they voted. Is that the level of confusion that we have reached. Am not surprised though. Ba Edgar himself from his own mouth said he will only take development to hia strongholds where people voted for him. Now that its coming from another senior party member perhaps that’s the official PF development strategy.

    • “Never argue with 5tup1d people like Kennedy Kamba, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” Let’s all ignore him to prove to him that he is nothing but a f00l

    • Finally the cat is out of the closet.

      I said this soon after Lungu was announced winner. Kamba and his PF stooges have just to realise this reality.

      Mwanya muzanya manzi. This includes biased judges and stupid ECZ f00ls who helped tig the elections.

      By Wanzelu.

    • This threat to hard working Zambians who are perfectly entitled to a political opinion is further evidence that ECL lost the elections,

      otherwise WHY be bitter and punish people for exercising their rights??

    • On a serious note, there should be grounds on which to expel ignorant individuals from a party and this is just one example. Surely who in his right frame of mind can utter such a nonsensical statement?

    • There you have it. This is what we’re up against. This is how dictatorial regimes work. You vote for us or we’re going to make your life miserable. You pay to play. What dictatorial governments do is they make sure you understand that if you don’t cast a vote for them, they’ll make your life a living hell. So this guy’s view of the people’s mandate given to them as a party to lead the country, is to be selective in which citizens deserve to be helped, and which do not. It’s a form of discrimination based on Party loyalty, which is totally unconstitutional. Not that a political party put in government is supposed to serve ALL the citizens of the country. So it’s either you’re PF or you’re doomed. They’re now trying to create absolute loyalty to them. Maybe next it’ll be…

    • (Continued)… either you wear PF regalia at all times, or you don’t get served. Or either you carry a PF membership card at all times, or you don’t buy from a market place. In short, it’s either be loyal to their party or suffer. That’s typical of dictatorships. They run a tight corrupt ship, like the mafia. What’s wrong with political leaders in Africa? Is it just mere ignorance of politicians or what? In any civilized western country, what this guy has uttered is enough to have him thrown out of office. I mean do these people even have a basic understanding of what it means to be in public office? And where are all the people who are usually on these blogs defending PF antics,, I would love to see how they’ll spin this one. Because, for sure, some of them have relatives who…

    • (Continued)… who are teachers. And who else is not going to benefit from them? Are they going to come up with a list of undesirables? And do you know what this will do to our men and women in uniform? The military and the police? Them too will get the message. Be absolutely loyal to PF or starve. The brutal politics of vengeance has now cast it’s long and ominous shadow over our nation. Oh, cry my beloved country. For Zambia is no more.

  1. There are civil servants who voted for PF. He is correct though that the majority of civil servants including defence wings and those in the private sector employment did not vote for PF.

    I offer reasons why they voted for change. Zambians by and large abhour corruption, looting of state resources, oppression and dictatorship. And Lungu was the picture of all these evils. He muzzled private media, took corruption to unknown levels, broke the ceiling of looting of state resources and in just a year he pocketed K15m, Lungu used executive and judiciary wings to suppress freedoms.

    There will be nothing to dish out to the deceived in the kombonis. The state coffers are dry and those in the private sector will be unwilling to pay tax to fuel corruption.

    • I think the civil servants are the most corrupt and lazy group of people we have in this country. Having said that, it is ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION!

  2. LOL! This is kind of news is what makes Senior Citizen & Kudos have boners.
    I’m not surprised. Just from the jubilation from most PF cadres tells you how much Zambians enjoy poverty. Civil Servantsn be strong, for the next 36 years under PF!

  3. Rubbish!!!! Even before ECL is sworn in they have already started uttering nonsense. This is but a foretaste of what awaits for the next 5 years. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen.

    • This is the start…let the Lazy Bum Edgar announce his cabinet of empty tins there will be more of this sillness …how on earth can the PF leadership if they exist let this **** make such utterances.
      Any way brace yourselves…they will even increase the ministers salaries next week.

  4. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, a Lawyer, managed to put cadres in their place. I hope Edgar Chagwa Lungu, a lawyer will do the same.

    This is the kind of cadre reasoning that Zambia does not need at this point in time. What this Cadre is forgetting is that the greatest buy of goods and services from the people in the compounds is the civil servants. If Civil Servants spend a significant amount of their money on goods and services offered by the so called poor. The Economy is a well linked machine and I don’t expect a cadre like Kamba to understand this this trickle down theory.

    This caderism needs to be put in it’s place until 2021. Now is the time to develop the country across party lines regardless of who voted for who.

    • @Bootlicker

      Kamba is draws his inspiration from a template that we all know; Edgar.

      Ruthless, ton of bricks, big stick, I will crush you. Dictatorship. Oppression. No dissent. Mugabe and Mu7 compatriot.

      There is nothing to expect in Zambia under Edgar Lungu apart from even more heightened:

      1. Suppression of freedoms
      2. Extra judicial killings
      3. Denial of basic freedoms through draconian use of POA
      4. Melt down of the economy as lenders refuse to give lifeline
      5. Political risk and intolerance
      6. Theft and looting of public resources. Lungu will in a year steal more than what he did in past 1 and half years.
      7. Endemic corruption as everyone goes to cash in.
      8. Hunger, disease and poverty.
      9. Impunity and disrespect of the law by cronies of Edgar.

    • @Sindamisale

      I think you are emotional and exaggerating. Again we don’t need this type of approach to problems we have in Zambia. Let us be sane, honest, sober, objective and solve the problems we have Zambia.

      These outlandish FUDs ( Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt ) you are preaching and spreading wont help us move Zambia forward. The constituency you are appealing to with your discourse, frankly doesn’t even care about Zambia, but themselves..

      No doubt Zambia has problems and they can be solved and we have to be honest in our assessment and framing of those problems than play this party caderism that am condemning Kamba for.

    • @Bootlicker

      Far be it for me to spread anything other than toscin signs of perilous times ahead. The crescendo of ominous clouds of a failed state on the back of intolerance, corruption, grand state resource looting, clamp down on all freedoms stares us in the face.

      At a time like this, many chose to ride the gravy train which soon becomes bogged down in a sewer.

      The moment any government choses to suppress the media, then you have a self fulfilling prophecy of dictatorship and its twin of economic breakdown. Peep south of vic falls.

      Just to declare interest; I more than anything else respect freedom of humans. Perhaps my law training got the better I speak whenever a crime or evil manifests with intent.


  5. This youth chairperson gets instructions from Lungu & tells the likes of Max Chongo what to do. Lungu has already endorsed this. Lol

    Actually, with the IMF coming in, it’s gonna be hell for civil servants

    • My curiosity is how they can run govt for the benefit of unemployed and unemployables in the slums. Lungu will not be able to create more civil service jobs, and he cannot give salary increments to civil servants. Subsidies from mealie meal, fuel and electricity will be removed. The only people who will not feel the impact are those removed from the money economy and survive on kachasu only. The slum dwellers are going to be fcuked, per Kaffir Zulu.

  6. Comment:not o civil servants voted against ECL mr kamba whatever ur name is.mind u ECL is da president 4 o zambians.bush ur mouth!

  7. However long it takes, perhaps even 10, 20, 30, 50 years, the one who breached Article 104(3)and those who helped him will face Lady Justice.

    The wheels of justice turn slowly. They do turn. A crime has no expiry date and it cannot be legislated away. This crime will not go away, it has been done. Retribution follows.

  8. Zambia has indeed gone to the dogs. This chap is his master’s voice and that is exactly how they are going to govern the country. The maniacs have issued a warning and are determined to bring Zambia to it’s knees. They must not be taken lightly.

  9. Ba kamba dont be talk like that……. Its us civil servants infact who campaigned for ECL especially here in Northern Province…..if you say that lets wait and see in 2021????

    • Davies Chama Caution …..Kamba pliz. he will make civil servants start to frustrate government programmes. he is playing with Civil servants. CS temunobe.

  10. Please forget democracy in Africa.Please take this animal called democracy back to the West it has completely confused this Africans.Takeeee it back,it is not for us.

  11. They didn’t vote for you because they are feeling the pinch of the economy you have mismanaged. i.e they are paying more for the loans they got cause you have worsened the interest rates…. from 18% to 40% meaning if one was repaying K1800 for his loan, they are now paying K4000. moreover, they pay the tax whilst the so called vendors pay nothing…..

    • You are just over borrowed! You perforated your own payslip and want to be blame on other people…learn to live within your means!

  12. Here we go, Cry my beloved Country, where do we go from here when a tax payer is threatened with suffering. what happens to my province that said no to dictatorship. God hear our cry, see our suffering and oh Lord deliver us from evil.

  13. Kamba mind your language! You should not draw civil servants in your shallow way of politicking! A lot of civil servants voted for PF. What you have said is a sweeping statement that has NO BASIS and CANNOT BE PROVEN. Mind the way you articulate issues for the public or else you will discourage even those people who have support for your party, PF. In fact it is not your party, but a party for intelligent, wise and learned people NOT YOURSELF. Meet me in town (Lusaka) so that I off-load all the words I have for you. What you have said is really discouraging to civil servants.

  14. Someone should pump some sense into this man.Doesn’t he know that the same civil servants are the biggest tax payers who contribute to the President’s hefty allowances? And even if they did not vote for Lungu so what? They had to vote for a candidate of their choice and you don’t even know who exactly they voted for. If you don’t have anything sensible to say just keep quiet. No wonder why you stole the votes, there’s no way a party with such low caliber of people could have won those elections

  15. Same old mediocrity from P.F, Bonehead cadres masquerading as leaders.
    Zambia does not belong to Edgar Chagwa.
    You can tell this to the workers @ his taverns in Chawama iwe’ Chikamba!!

  16. Kamba, can you tell us why you think civil servants did not vote for your PF and why you think they should not exercise their right to vote for whoever they want? By the way, what authority have you to issue such a statement?

  17. Ubupuba bwekabweka, Govt is made up of Civil servants and how do you expect the same Govt to deliver services to Komboni if you are not going to motivate the civil servants. Bu cadre mucimutwe.

  18. This is the flawed type of mindset exhibited by these empty tins…they think it PF money…any way you simply have no money for salary hikes!!

  19. Just ignore this eediot. He’s just having hallucinations. He’s far from government so his are just empty and illiterate threats. Fellow just do your as usual.

  20. Mr. Kennedy Mamba, that kind of thinking is misplaced.

    Who voted for who has nothing to do with salaries and development.

    Do you also want to behave like HH who does not understand democracy?

    When it comes to governance, whoever wins does the right thing for every citizen, those who voted for him and those who did not.

    Kamba, don’t behave like the people of Nambala who started victimizing others on suspicion they voted for ECL.

    Ba Kennedy, campaign is over now. It is time to work, and work for everybody, every village, every town, every city, every chiefdom, every Province.


    • @kondolo please don’t generalize. Kamba is found in every party ….
      we call them attention seekers. Like I said just ignore. And the media sure is this rubbish news worthy? Please sieve sense from nonsense.

  21. Mr. Kennedy Mamba, that kind of thinking is misplaced.

    Who voted for who has nothing to do with salaries and development.

    Do you also want to behave like HH who does not understand democracy?

    When it comes to governance, whoever wins does the right thing for every citizen, those who did and those who did not vote for him/her.

    Kamba, don’t behave like the people of Namwala who started victimizing others on suspicion they voted for ECL.

    Ba Kennedy, campaign is over now. It is time to work, and work for everybody, every village, every town, every city, every chiefdom, every Province.

  22. In short what Kamba is saying is what we already know that most our these civil servants are not grateful and actually they they don’t even know we’re their bread and butter comes from. HH cheated and lied to them and it’s time the new Government do a serious clean up in most of our Ministries, they are rotten to say the least.

  23. This is shear rubbish! How can a person sink so low? So ECL is not a president for all Zambians? Does this chikamba Kamba understand democracy? NOnses!

  24. The salary increment for those in formal employment has what we multiplier effects and that is what people in the so called Komboni ( compounds) need. Such statements can just paralyze the public sector operations.

  25. Just ignore him, he must have been on some prohibited and intoxicating stuff this useless cadre! A ballot is always secret, very dull guy!

  26. The guy who stood as MP on Upnd is my mlamu, but I didn’t vote for him and he’ll never know so how does this dull ffool know who voted for who? Muleikafye, we have won and our job is to deliver not to scare

  27. Explains the difficulties the country is going through. Cadres running government!. We are back to the UNIP one party state where the PIG (Party and Its Government) viewed civil servants and anyone else with divergent views as enemies of the state and that government resources are for them to abuse.

  28. Blagantly, it appears the gentleman is. How does he extroluquently harounguaed this thinking. Does he peletuated who voted for who for him to have actantantly come out like that. This kinda of thinking is very retrodecious and achaic in the face of modern political inuendos.

  29. Kamba, you have cheap thinking that is far from democratic tenets. You are just a cadre who does not understand what an election and democracy are! Can you ask a learned fellow to educate you about the tenets of democracy? Your thinking is like that of HH who DOES NOT know that there is a winner and a loser in an election! Your thinking is one hundred years backward! How dare you are to talk about civil servants who are your masters! No wonder you failed to proceed to secondary school.


    • Jay Jay ECL has no capacity to get rid, by kamba s own admission,of the people who rigged him into office sit back buy popcorns and enjoy the rough ride ahead of us.These guys have been issuing divisive statements for last 5yrs and dont even seem to know the damage they are causing to the country.They started their attacks on southerners to which they have now added western and n/western provinces.Who is next?

  31. First and foremost, were would money for salary increments have come from? My understanding now is that the IMF is here, if you are a civil servant the last seen you want to see is your employer (GRZ) sitting on the same table with the IMF. The IMF will not tolerate any unnecessary fiscal government spending especially that of addressing civil servants plight. Civil servants expect no salary increment in the coming years what you should hope not to expect or need to dread the most are retrenchments. Second, which monies will GRZ be using to develop compounds. Under IMF GRZ need to be sustainable in their expenditure, that is spending according to what they collect from tax payers. They be no further loan borrowing, no construction of roads, no new schools or clinics, hospitals.


  33. Is that an admission that PF was not popular in the Urban areas hence they had to manipulate the votes? Besides even if the civil servants voted for PF, IMF will not allow an increase in expenditure.The problem is PF campaigns are always based on lies like the 90 day rubbish

  34. Mr Kamba has a constitutional right to say what he has said just like the Supreme Leader HH of the UPND and Nevers Mumba however it does not mean that what he has said is correct or objective…

  35. Kennedy Kamba Please be quite, we dont need your contribution because it not in good faith… Mr. President Lungu you should not take advice from the likes of you… My President please keep your mind open and be on alert. Some people would want to mislead you…

  36. Kamba ulichipuba who told you that civil servants didn’t vote for Lungu. PF did well in urban and areas where we work and origins. What are you smoking or sniffing.


    • Stop you hate speech it is responsible for poor leadership,without rigging PF had lost an election where they were campaigning alone for 5yrs.They did not just campaign alone but also ransacked the tresuary buying votes and developing the country mainly on ZNBC.How does a normal GRZ blow-up in exess of 7billion dollars under 5yrs and immediately start pleading for a lesser amount with harsher conditions.Shame.

  38. ZAMBIA….THE NEW ZIMBABWE.The next 5 years will be a very interesting period for Zambia.The economy will continue to decline,cost of living/inflation skyrocketing,more job loses,more load shedding,increased poverty while the Concourt judges,ECL and his minions become wealthier.
    And then you start crying “No..ECL is not delivering on his promises”.My answer to you will be “Screw You with your Ifinintu Ni Lungu and Dununa Reverse”.FYA KUYIFWAILA…Just suffer silently and don’t disturb us.

  39. Kennedy please sober up. Do not turn your good self into HH’s shadow. DUNDUMWEZI is under one and only president ECL and the area should get a fair share of the national cake. The campaign period was over on the day before voting day. Zambians, chose ECL over the NINE candidates whom out of the 8, the majority have conceded defeat but one. It is not Zambian to segregate on any basis especially NOW.


  41. Why punish people people for merely disagreeing with you on political dispensation? Remember, Government money doesn’t belong to pf or civil servants but the general public.

    Just do the right thing without taking advantage of public office to settle scores.

  42. You see thats why i LOVE Pf. When one of us does not make sence in our contributions we are objective enough and call a spade a spade. Unlike our friends even when caught pants down they will support wrong doing for the sake and try as much as possible to justify. We said fellow pf bloggers.

  43. The problem with cadres is that they think they can now start instructing the president what to do and not to do. This guy called Kamba what is his background for him to think like William Banda in UNIP era? He is so backwards…you campaigned that’s it leave the president now to work you fool.

  44. 70% of the budget goes to salaries for civil servants. That is a lot of people. If they did not vote for the PF then who did ? You see you did not win legally you have just admitted that. PF is not for the poor its for the corrupt !

    • Trade Unions will probably go ape, but the removal of dissenting Civil Servants should be done quickly to prevent them failing the gov’t.

  45. Across all Party Cadre opinion is that this is a partly flawed advice to gov’t. Civil Servants are supposed to be the centre for delivery of gov’t policy and programmes. We cannot spite them. Their salaries must be maintained with the economic performance indicator. Raise where appropriate if inflation hikes up. I think what he means to say, (and I am sure he will want to issue another press release, apologising for his emotional outburst); is that Civil Servant demands for higher salaries above inflation will not be tolerated. The problem with demonising Civil Servants is that they will only grow more corrupt and start extorting money from innocent citizens for doing their job. PAY THEM ON TIME EACH MONTH, that’s the best advice His Excellency should attempt to instill in the…

    • PAY THEM ON TIME EACH MONTH, that’s the best advice His Excellency should attempt to instill in the next 5 years. These people are vital to a working gov’t. If the gov’t wants to go to war with an unsupportive Vivil Servant (which is what this chap needs to be saying), the gov’t can remove Civil Servants that are derailing its rule, and that us righteous. The gov’t should appraise each Civil Servant’s job performance. Measure how quickly they are processing services in line with their duty if there are bottlenecks in services such as the slow Land/home ownership title processing, then terminate contracts immediately. If these appraisals are done quarterly, the gov’t can catch any disobedience. Set their performance targets high. Trade Unions will probably go ape, but the…

  46. Do you know what Democracy means Kennedy Kamba. Ask somebody to educate you. Civil servants have a right to vote for who they like. Arent you ashamed that the Civil servants who know you better did not vote for you? Ask yourself why they did not vote for you.

    • @ninala, you are correct! but please note that Civil Servants are supposed to be non-political, non-partisan because they are the backbone of the government delivery in its years of rule. That is why their jobs are the most secure of all sectors. They get job protection and are not removed after each gov’t. The idea is that they provide Continuity, so yes the gentleman is correct in voicing concern in Civil Servant mutiny.

  47. This is a confirmation that no informed, educated person like civil servants in right minds would have voted for ECL…Kamba eee, kwena wasosa

  48. I am looking forward to a very radical set of appointments that will sidestep all these use.less id.iots who think government is about reward and hegemony. Well, if I were him I would run to Dudumwezi so I can dununa reverse for 2021. What a dork!!!

  49. Effect will always follow cause with unerring certainty. Do not be deceived. GOD cannot be tricked.. A man shall reap what he sows.
    Brethren you can never expect orange fruit from a pine tree. You shall know them by the fruits. A good tree bears good fruits a corrupt tree like wise. For by your words you shall be justified and by the same words you shall be condemned. It is better to keep quiet and make people wonder why than to speak and make them wish /regret you had not. Silence is the best substitute for wisdom.

  50. Comrade Kamba us correct and on point about development in the Compounds, all compounds including Kalingalinga, Chawama and all those others Kamba mentions. This is the easiest target for His Excellency, President Lungu because the development will stand out as testimony. The type of development needed through development programmes is Road Building, some like Kalingalinga already have tarred roads which are now desperately in need of repair, so it is just a partial spend to bring them up to scratch. Complete sewage works already in action. This area has become an economic hive with industry every where along the roads, very impressive. A lot us already happening currently in the last five years. Local Markets like Chelston, need to be developed and improve sanitation in them to…

    • Local Markets like Chelston, need to be developed and improve sanitation in them to draw the locals back to shopping there than in supermarkets like Spar etc. the poor in these compounds can be helped very quickly and they are deserving folk who are hard work ing entrepreneurs who are self helping than depending on gov’t fir jobs.

    • Finally Permanent Civil Servants should not be voting to maintain impartiality and prevent derailing the gov’t, which I believe us the case??? If not, let’s look into it!

  51. In ther first place this article should not have been published even…what a waste of space and time! There are more important issues to report on like why the man of the collar is in the ”chooks”. Not this Kamba guy who nevr makes sense everytime he opens his marijuana scented mouth! Utter rubb!sh really!

  52. Civil servants and other stakeholders should not for granted Kennedy Kamba’s comments. He is speaking/ expressing HIS MASTER’S VOICE. A lot of not user friendly civil servants will systematically be purged from the system. Just wait and see how thing things will unfound once Edgar C. Lungu is sworn as Republican President and Cabinet put in place. Kamba is a Provincial Youth Chairman for Lusaka Province not National Youth Chairman so where does he draw all that power to wash down the civil servants and the like. It speaks volumes of well schemed events to unfold in the next five (5) of Edgar C. Lungu’s reign.

  53. His excellency kindly discipline that man.Your goal is to unit; him is disuniting.his comment is very dangerous and sensitive. That is a careless statement.

  54. Mr.Kamba,watch your mouth. In what capacity are you making that statement.? Your statement on civil servants salaries not being hiked is a dangerous thought.What you are saying has the potential to put the country on fire.Which data are using to base your statement. ? Yes some civil servants did not vote for PF and they voted for the candidate of their choice,and that is what democracy is all ,and yet most overs voted otherwise.Dont make our president fail to rule this country due to your utmost selfishness as people who surround him.Are you saying because Western,Northwestern,Southern and other provinces did not vote for him ,then they will not be developed? No,lets not slide the country back into an era of segregation based on the voting pattern.

  55. kamba is a true DNA of semi iiliterate pfool fiber,what makes him even start talking about civil servants emoluments,kamba keep your shallow thinking to yourself or else you just put your edigar in more troubles,us the civil servants are the engine and fuel of the govt programs ,dont equate us to your felow cadres my friend.cadre to cadre finish.

  56. kamba is a true DNA of semi iiliterate pf fiber,what makes him even start talking about civil servants emoluments,kamba keep your shallow thinking to yourself or else you just put your edigar in more troubles,us the civil servants are the engine and fuel of the govt programs ,dont equate us to your felow cadres my friend.cadre to cadre finish.after all we can not credit the sontables you were using for your party as most of them are donor funded may be the non starter new districts.worse still the IMF is on our doorstep-results are all over to see maybe including you street adult.

  57. Kennedy!Kennedy!Kennedy!Kennedy.Plz don’t damage da gud heart dat our leader ECL has.Mind u,dis is democracy.Civil service is da engine of any country in da world.

  58. The International Monetary Fund will help Zambia only if the government stops spending. Remove all subsidies on food and fuel. Sell Zesco to a private company to gain profits.
    The Zambian Government has approached the IMF for a bailout believed to be in the region of US$1 billion mainly for balance of payment support. IMF wants government to cut on spending on civil servants and building projects. “We certainly have our own concerns about borrowing and too much borrowing. Zambia of course borrowed on the issued sovereign bonds at high rates.

  59. PF Lusaka Province Youth Chairman Kennedy Kamba what you are saying that civil servants should not expect any improvement in their conditions of the service because they did not vote for President Edgar Lungu. This is foolish thinking worse than Nevers, GBM, Martha Mushipe and HH. Don’t you know that there civil servants who have suffered because because aligning themselves with PF since its birth. To tell you the truth more civil servants voted for PF than UPND. Don’t you remember civil servant being chased from some districts and provinces for being suspected of being PF people. You is like all southerners, Westeners and North westerners voted for UPND, not at all. Mind you, if majority civil servants did not vote for Lungu and all southerners, Westeners and North westerners voted…

  60. cont……..
    for UPND he was going to lose to HH or not manage 50 plus 1. Mind you civil servants are more than 300 000 and the difference between Edgar and HH was 100 530. If you subtract just half of 300 000 from 100 530 you get (49470) This shows how important was civil servants votes and will be. I hope you have learnt something from this explanation MR. KAMBA if you are still doughting just ask all DCs in the country they will give you the good picture to correct your wrong thinking.

  61. cont……..
    for UPND he was going to lose to HH or not manage 50 plus 1. Mind you civil servants are more than 300 000 and the difference between Edgar and HH was 100 530. If you subtract just half of 300 000 from 100 530 you get (49470) This shows how important was civil servants votes and will be. I hope you have learnt something from this explanation MR. KAMBA if you are still doubting just ask all DCs in the country they will give you the good picture to correct your wrong thinking.

  62. cont……..
    Mind you Mr. Kamba election had some component ethnic based and this refutes your thinking that all civil servants did not vote for PF as if all civil servants come from one or two regions.

  63. shallow thinking. Are you implying that civil servants should have labels to show they are PF? are civil servants rich? such leaders like you have no room in our pro-poor party. Think before opening your mouth because ba ECL is not like that.

  64. Kamba, are you honestly a member of Team ECL? If you were, you would know that ECL is above that. And anyway, my family is full of civil servants….. were you following them into the booths? Please keep quiet, twalakusula!!!

  65. Imwe please all this talk about this *****! He does not make a budget he does not sign checks nor does he give recommendations! he needs to be punished! and clearly uneducated how dare he say the direct opposite of what the president is saying and make happen for the civil service personnel? Rubbish

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