Monday, January 20, 2025

Let us re-open Dag Hammarskjöld’s Inquiry -LUSAMBO


Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo delivering his speech during the 55th commemoration of the death of Dag Hammarskjöld
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo delivering his speech during the 55th commemoration of the death of Dag Hammarskjöld
Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo says there are still some unanswered questions surrounding the plane crash that killed late UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld.

And Sweden, the country where Dag Hammarskjöld hailed from has disclosed that it will present a motion to the UN Security Council in January when it takes up one of the non-permanent seats on the Council seeking re-examination of the circumstances leading up to the plane crash.

Speaking during a solemn and moving ceremony at the crash site to mark 55 years since Dag Hammarskjöld was killed, Mr Lusambo who was the Guest of Honour said Zambia joins calls that the cause of the mysterious plane crash be established.

He said the testimonies from some eyewitnesses in Twapia Compound, some of them who are still alive should be considered in order to bring closure to the tragedy.
Mr Lusambo said the rest of the world needs to emulate the late Dag Hammarskjöld with his noble mission to promote peace.

He said President Edgar Lungu’s crusade for peace and unity under the umbrella of a One Zambia, One Nation motto should be supported by all including the members of the opposition.

“Let us continue to work for a better life for all, in the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld. Through his deeds and his words, Dag Hammarskjöld remains a source of inspiration for all,” Mr Lusambo said.

At the same event, Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Henrik Cederin revealed that his country will present a motion to the UN Security Council in January when it takes up one of the non-permanent seats on the Council seeking re-examination of the circumstances leading up to the plane crash.

Dag Hammarskjöld was the second Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1953 to 1961.

On the night of 17-18 September 1961, in the course of a UN mission to try to bring peace to the Congo, Dag Hammarskjöld’s Douglas DC-6 airplane crashed in Ndola killing him and fifteen others.

Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Henrik Cederin speaking during the commemoration
Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Henrik Cederin speaking during the commemoration

Wreaths laid on the crash site
Wreaths laid on the crash site
Laying a wealth on the crash site
Laying a wealth on the crash site


  1. “Copperbelt Minister Bowman Lusambo says there are still some unanswered questions surrounding the plane crash that killed late UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld.”

    Ba Lusambo naimwe really? , Copperbelt residents do not have clean drinking water and you want us to start worrying about the dead white man who died 55 years ago. iyo mwandi

    Tell Illegal President Changwa to give us the report of the Gabon disaster.

    • Lusambo should also explain about PFs violence, load shedding and poor economic mismanagement currently suffocating the country.
      Let ACC, DEC & police do their job, however they lack professionalism as it can be witnessed by the way PF cadres are let free when they violate any laws with impunity.
      Lusambo to remind Edgar to still hand over power to the speaker and allow the constitution of its purpose, so that electoral fraud is ironed exemplary by the rule of law without intrusion.
      This is 2016 Lusambo, Dununa reversed into 1961. What will it benefit the pathetic economic and load shedding or unemployment? Always in reverse order PF slavery.

    • And that’s his first assignment in office? My foot! If I were him I could have delegated a Junior officer. The Copperbelt is the industrial Hub of Zambia. How’s this typical cadre expected to discuss and articulate critical issues with owners of big companies?

    • Be careful Bowman.This is a sensitive case which also involve your neighboring Country. That plane was allegedly brought down by the army, but which army? Is is Zambian or Congolese Army. Can you please waste your energy on other things.

    • I will not be shocked if I find that UPND takes one side on a matter such as this.

      Even on a topic such as football UPND can choose to take one position, and all of them can decide to stand on and defend one view, as long as they identify one another as UPND.

      Very interesting indeed.

    • The mines are stealing billions of dollars copper in transfer pricing and this empty tin is talking about issues that he hardly understands…you wonder why we are poor if such an empty tin can make it in a govt office and be delegating to educated civil servants.

    • Been to the site a few times. My assessment of the crash was that it was more probable a result of pilot error and less likely a ground rocket attack or other. Ndola airport then in the 60’s was more of a military outpost than a regular civilian one and it too could have contributed to the problems.

      The SGs plane hit trees and a hill in the area and exploded on impact. Eyewitnesses on the ground, who were charcoal burners, did not do much to help but instead just stole valuable items from the dead …

    • I agree with views that the Dag issue should be of low priority as the Copper belt and Zambia in general have more pressing problems than investigating a problem as old as only 6% of Zambians …

    • Ba pf, i dont want you to complain. this man was chosen by the president. abena nubian why should he use his salary? let him use the peoples money, kaili pf is ruling. why are you complaining. Anso ba nubian mutume nempiya to contribute to the inquiry. why would you be complaining so early sure? i dont understand you people. UPND, FDD and others nabasela. Bombeni ama inquiry kaili. chaba shani

    • HH Lover Numbian Princess and others, get to understand the occasion that Bowman made the statement from then you will understand the context of his statement.

      Issues you have raised are genuine and of concern, but cannot be raised at this particular occasion.

    • This is what happens when a political party has no vision for the country. It’s ministers just make up stuff to start working on. It’s akin to a company giving you an office, but not telling you what you’ll be doing in there. So you just make up stuff for yourself. There are more urgent, desperate, life and death, issues facing the suffering Zambian people, and Dag inquiry is not one of them. For instance, people in some compounds have no water to drink and bathe, and if you want something to do, start working on that. Also shamelessly referring to Lungu as a crusader of peace and unity is completely laughable.

    • This is what vision-less, passionless and careless leaders behave. Surely any normal Zambian cannot be wasting time even discussing such. We have real issues affecting the people and Lusambo knows very well. But I guess he has already forgotten, but he will remember when his term come to and end. I feel pity for my fellow citizens really!

  2. He said President Edgar Lungu’s crusade for peace and unity under the umbrella of a One Zambia, One Nation ……

    You think zambians are blind… many opposition supporters have been murdered

  3. words of the mouth comes out when you have been given a platform to speak on issues that you dont understand and have no idea of. Otherwise, the crash occured before our independence. The best governments to be answerable are the federation government, the belgian congo government, the America CIA Who supported zaire since 1943 because of the uranium used to develop the first Atomic bomb.otherwisw, as zambians we have nothing to explain over the crash.
    We need our own explanation as to what happened to our galant soccer players who perished in Gabon immediately after FTJ CHILUBA DECLARED ZAMBIA AS A CHRISTIAN NATION.

    • We need an inquiry into how Mapenzi and Ruth Mbandu died.

      Let’s start with this:

      During the first intra PF fight for supremacy? Lungu told Sampa that if you insist on being the party nominee, I will ulula how Ruth died. With that statement from the former Minister of Home Affairs, Miles Sampa stood down.

      We need to reopen this case. The people cooling in the pen are innocent.

  4. Misplaced priorities. The man has no clue of what to do in Office. He was suppose to emphasise with those that still feel hurt by the incident and that’s all. Too busy advocating for foreigners instead of advocating for a cleaner environment for the people of Copperbelt. The chap is simply clueless and it`s nobody`s fault but himself. The President missed a chance to appoint a well educated and experienced individual. Anyway, that what you get from a leader who does not have the interests of the nation at heart.

    • Ubukulu bwa nkoko babumwena ku masako. The seriousness of a president is judged by the people he surrounds himself with.

      Lusambo’s failure is Lungu’s failure.

  5. We are a peaceful country. We are cowards. A good recipe for peace. Reason we didn’t rise up when HH said we should.

    Stop insinuating there was anything sinister about that accident. Now, get your head down and start working.

    • He like his boss do not their roles in govt…this is just the start. These are the cowboys Lazy Lungu likes useless empty tins who know nothing….really laughable.

  6. Kikikik typical thinking of a thug dressed in suit. You can take the thug out of ghetto but can’t take the thug out of him. People are suffering and this guy is busy thinking of a dead man who wasn’t even Zambian. Dull chap

  7. This what happens when you appoint dull empty tins in sensitive positions making utterances without any thought – let this f**l go an watch airplane investigations on National Geographic channel.

  8. Ours is a society that rewards, honours and celebrates crookedness. The most crooked of our fellow citizens are the ones who excel in everything – they are the ones who become political leaders, legislators and judges.

  9. No one has seen the report on the Gabon air crush. There are many unanswered questions. Gabon air crush is more recent and closer to every Zambian heart. Lusambo, stop pressing for Dag’s air crush full report, give us the Gabon full report.

  10. Read and then you respond to what Lusambo meant. Lusambo was at the memorial service of Dag so what do u expect him to say. He has to say something related to the death of the big man not water sanitation issues or Gabon air crush. THINK

    • “Mr Lusambo who was the Guest of Honour said Zambia joins calls that the cause of the mysterious plane crash be established.”
      If he has nothing to say he better not say anything especially that his boss is in the US begging for funds from the selfsame people said to involved CIA…the whole of Nation Geographic concluded that the plane was not brought down by a fighter was pilot error who misjudged the altitude….you dont even have the capacity to investigate such issues.

  11. There he goes. Instead of focusing on issues which will bring development to Zambians, the chap is now busy with a plane crash which happened over 50 years ago.

  12. Please people read the fine print. Zambia needed to take a stand, because whether we like it or not Sweden will proceed to make a request to re-open the at the UN. As a country we need then to decide whether to support that or frustrate it. This is also keeping in mind the relations between Sweden and Zambia and of-course DRC. The answer is tilted towards Sweden for obvious reasons.

  13. We still have unanswered results about the death of Mapenzi. Just rebuild Dag stadium. We need more stadias in Ndola. We also still have unanswered results about PF violence

  14. Iwe Fine print uli cadre ayii. What final print. It would even make sense if he talked about our Zambian heroes (footballers) who died in a plane crush. We also want a report or an investigation to be re opened for our heroes who perished in that plane crush.



  16. Speaking beyond one’s pay grade!!! Lol! He doesn’t understand the difference between being a cadre and a member of Cabinet. Let the games begin… Meanwhile Mr. Humble is lathering it up at the Waldorf Astoria in the big Apple! Uko!

  17. I will not be shocked if I find that UPND takes one side on a matter such as this.

    Even on a topic such as football UPND can choose to take one position, and all of them can decide to stand on and defend one view, as long as they identify one another as UPND.

    Very interesting indeed.

  18. You are simply a joke. There are so many things to sort out in Zambia than embarking on this pointless venture . We need an enquiry to
    1) establish whether the judges in the concocourt are qualified for the job?
    2)Whether they are value for money?
    3)Whether their conduct in the election petition was morally and ethically justified ?

    • While moral and ethical considerations are important, the legal and constitutional consideration must come first.

      Right now death sentence may not be morally and ethically acceptable, but you must be aware that judges have continued to commit some convicts to death sentence.

      They do this not because they feel this is morally and ethically okay, but because the Constitution say so regarding the cases involved.

      But is it good to lose life? NO.
      Dont those people have the right to life? They do, but their will not contravene with the Constitution.

      This why one can not say, “but I have not been heard. I have the right to be heard”, when he has chosen to waste all his constitutionally allocated time.

      Baba, your right is guaranteed by the Constitution, and cannot violate the…

  19. Imwe, the man was speaking at the crash site at a memorial. Really, you expected him to say, “since I’ve just assumed office, this is not a priority but I’ll deal with this much later”…this is laughable some of the comments here. Did he tell you he’s going full throttle sorting out this mystery before all other areas of importance and urgency? Stop politicking about everything.

    • “When a man cheats on you once, shame on him, when he cheats on you twice, shame on you.” – you wouldnt understand this Proverb because to you being lied to is normal…just like Lazy Lungu pretends to be humble and god fearing yet doing the opposite.

    • So he should have gone politicking (e.g. About water and sanitation) at the memorial service? What has that got to do with Dag’s death? Be reasonable! You don’t pray for food when called upon to pray at a funeral. Right speech for the eight occasion.

  20. R E A L L Y …. With all the problems Zambia has, you are concerned with a UN problem. Go deal with unemployment, Hunger and poverty on the Copperbelt. Leave Europeans to be worried about how he died and how. Youth unemployment should be your No.1 concern, go create project of skills development, business development and support, etc.

    • Yes, he was being honourable by commenting on an issue that concerns the memorial he was invited for. Did you expect him to go talking about cows at a memorial service? Yaba!

  21. The next thing you will hear the Minister for Luapula saying is that “let’s open an inquiry on the circumstances that led to FTJ Chiluba kicking the bucket”. Not to be outdone, the Muchinga counterpart wants one inquiry on the circumstances that led to “Sata all of a sudden dying while joyously ‘jogging’ in Hyde Park. Or maybe the Chibesa Kundas might want an investigation into who cacooned a disgustingly Luo in their family of beautiful people!

    Anyway, what did people expect from Bowlessman Lusambo anyway. Next time they better watch out fir what they ish for.

  22. Lusambo…we have serious problems on the copper belt and you want us to start wasting time and money on such? Please do not embarrass us. As PF we need developmental projects not chasing wind. I hope the President as taken not of this.

  23. Ba UPND, are you reading the speeches in tonga, bemba or kaonde or other vernacular language? Or are you reading it in English? I need to clarify this because UPND always misunderstand straightforward issues cast in simple english. Assuming that you are reading it in English, tell me what’s wrong with the speeches? Will it cost you or any Zambian any money or the Swedes and UN will foot the bill? Haven’t you read that the Swedes are the ones who want the inquiry? What is wrong with Zambia, as a responsible member of UN, the host and site of the crash, and a friend of Sweden, supporting the Swedish appeal? Is there anything that Zambia wants to hide? Imwe ba UPND, understand international protocol, teku bwatukafye lyonse. What is wrong with you people? Thank heavens you the elections at…

  24. Thank heavens you LOST the elections at the ballot and in the three courts. I shudder to even imagine what kind of governance you would have provided. Obviously you would have started in Grade 1 learning international protocols until you reach university before you could start governing. You are too petty to listen to, next time you will be suggesting that the government should not even attend the memorials of the great man because he died a long time ago and that we have better things to attend to like digging trenches to lay water pipes. Who told you that when you attend memorials of loved ones or great men like Dag then it is a waste of time? And these are the same donors that you want to listen to you but you have no time for their memorials, what kind of logic is that. just…

    • Mwandi tell them am in shock! Really, Bowman should have gone to present the pf manifesto perhaps! People cant even go for memorials and join the memorial mood just because they have “bigger problems” to sort out? These guys are jokers.

  25. Ba under five fiiikaalaaa ububi. What is the swedish ambassador saying. Go jump in the sewarage pond you maggots. You see nothing good. What a shame. Your blogs are being read even by swedish gvt where you beg aid from.

  26. It is for such reasons that Voted against PF. The caliber of leadership is deplorable. We have cadres in high places with each wanting a go at the mic. They are uncoordinated partly because they have no vision. They don’t know which way is FORWARD, so some instances they point us backwards, in Reverse.

    This is a very sensitive issue that he is raising as Lungu prepares to address the UN General Assembly. Bowman, grow up. Dununa Reverse!

    • Yes he was given an official gov speech —representing zed gov_ he was speaking on bhalf of foreign minister wenyi – now go hang —


  28. @Kapaso If Bowman consulted and this is the position of your government, then we have a misguided foreign policy.

    Very embarrassing that the thinking in your government is so shallow. Where is the Gabon Report? Who killed Mapenzi? Where is Chavula? Who really won the presidency?

    Dununa Reverse!

  29. One zed ube booolo. The swedish envoy says his gvt will move a motion at the UN in january to have the inquiry reopened. Are there to people who read and write english in dundumwezi. No wonder you cant win an election, let alone put up proper arguments in court, smelly cowsheards boy

    • Good question. Find out the answer to that before you start embarrassing yourself. Do you have any idea how much Swedish aid Zambia gets annually?

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