Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF Propaganda will not distract me from insisting the 2016 Election Petition be heard


Dr Nevers Mumba during the news briefing
Dr Nevers Mumba during the news briefing

Current desperate attempts by the PF propaganda machinery to distract my attention from insisting that the 2016 Election petition be heard will not succeed. Reports circulating from PF circles that I have resigned from the MMD Presidency and joined the UPND as Vice-President are typical of PF lies and are a total fabrication and should be completely dismissed with the contempt they deserve. I firmly remain the democratically elected President of the MMD until end of my five-year term as per our MMD Party Constitution.

The nation is well aware that the MMD National Executive Committee sanctioned the party to enter into a strategic electoral alliance with the UPND in the 2016 General Election and a Memorandum of Understanding to this effect was consequently signed between our two parties on 26th May, 2016 to formalize the alliance. We remain two distinct political parties.

Our position has been made very clear that an illegality no matter how rushed or ‘sugar-coated,’ remains an illegality. We stand by our position that the stated outcome of the 2016 Election that PF won is an illegality and that the UPND election was stolen. If Zambia decides to keep quiet at this crucial hour, we will have created a ‘monster’ that will consume all democratic and judicial institutions in our beloved country and eventually Zambians will have nowhere to run to for justice.

This fight is not for me personally, nor for HH but for mother Zambia and posterity.

The MoU betwen our two parties states that our alliance will remain in force until the election outcome is conclusively and legally determined and the rightful winner announced. We do not subscribe to the assertion in certain quarters that we ‘must move on’ as a nation because its too late. We therefore wish to assure our alliance partners and the many Zambians who have been alarmed and concerned by the PF propaganda, of our unflinching support and cooperation until the petition is heard.

Our position is that the failure by the Constitutional Court to conduct itself appropriately in the last election has caused serious tensions and divisions in the country which can only be resolved when the petition is heard.

As I explained to the nation recently, we have made a decision to peacefully exhaust all local legal avenues to have the petition heard, and if all fails, Zambia being part of the global village with protocols with international legal bodies, reserves the right to persue all international legal channels to present the opposition petition to these bodies to help determine the true result of the 2016 election.

Our insistence on this approach should not be misunderstood as being treasonous as is being suggested in certain circles. As a Masters Graduate in Public Policy and Governance, I have a moral responsibility which is strongly influenced by my Christian values, to introduce politics of Morality and Integrity in our nation, strongly undergirded by democratic tenets, the rule of law and good governance. The 2016 General Election has provided a valuable test case for me to appreciate the huge amount of work that still needs to be done.

I have a deep personal conviction that this generation should not stand by and watch the blatant assault on democracy and the complete disregard and abbrogation of the rule of law in our country but courageously stand up and fight for the kind of country we wish to leave for our children and children’s children. Millions of Zambians are desperate for someone to speak for them and stand up to challenge the frightening levels of lawlessness that have engulfed our nation under the PF regime.

Since 1964, Zambia has been a pioneer nation for freedom, good governance and the rule of law in the region and beyond. KK and late Frederick Chiluba played their part. It is now our turn to carry this torch forward.

We are therefore determined to follow the legacy of political luminaries like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, who persued a non-violent path to freedom until they overcame. We have set our case clearly that violence will not be tolerated and are grateful that so far, all opposition cadres have heeded this call. Zambia is a Christian and peaceful country and we have the capacity to resolve our challenges peacefully without losing any lives.

In conclusion, the cheap and misleading PF propaganda aimed at distracting our attention from the matter at hand is understood because they are terrified of the combined strength and resolve of the opposition to PURSUE AND RECOVER ALL and re-set a new agenda for political freedom, tolerance and good governance in our great country.

Understandly, some in this fight will fall by the way-side due to their unclear purpose as to why they joined politics in the first place. That is expected. Some have already fallen and some more may still join them. But I believe that in every generation, God reserves an incorruptible, patriotic and determined remnant that He will depend on to liberate a country from corruption, violence and lawlessness and achieve justice for all, irrespctive of colour, creed, gender or ethnicity.

The PF propaganda efforts will therefore not work and is a pursuit in futility.
There is only one way out of this PF predicament. The petition must be heard and the rightful righful winner announced.

Nevers Sekwila Mumba


  1. TRULY LOST SHEEP BA NEVERS. The petition cannot and will not be heard. Doing so will mean the President going against the constitution which he swore to protect. Ba Nevers is 100% aware that was he is asking for cannot happen. What is the motive for this writing????

    • Isn’t the end of a Hearing the Beginning of the Trial? In other words, the Constitution directs that the Trial of a Petition must commence 14 days after the successful filing of Petition [after completion of the Hearing!]. The purpose of making tye Petotion was not only to be Heard, but to be Tried, and Determined. The ConCourt Judges are actually flauting the Constitution by their failure to Try the Petition, and deliver Judgement. The Judges must resign or be Removed for failure to abide by the Constitution! Let the Petition be Tried and Determined. We need to know the truth of what actually transpired during the past Elections.

    • Mumba, sorry to say it, I can now agree that you now a confirmed mad d*g. The rabies is now in your brain. And if you are the MMD president, like you keep claiming, why are you still stuck with the Under 5 up to now?

    • @MCH – I disagree. Dr Mumba is saying this out of conviction and principle. I hardly find steadfast men like Dr Mumba anymore. He has fought very hard to keep MMD from thugs who tried to betray him. No need to mention their names now.

      Trust me, I have criticized this man in very harsh ways and I think I kinda misunderstood him at some point. No wonder the Bible doesn’t permit us to Judge others because we dont always know what is in their hearts nor do we know their relationship with their Maker (The Lord). To me, Dr Mumba’s actions and words are more Christian than those other Church leaders that are condemning him.

    • This small man mumba is completely deranged. What makes him think that people are still interested in his personal aspirations to become president of Zambia by all means. The man should be ashamed to be running after upnd and hh like a small puppy. Have you heard hh or upnd clamouring for mmd’s support? You are, supposedly, the leader of a major party in mmd, why should you be running after and clamouring for upnd’s support. If you are convinced that there is a case to petition, then do it as mmd, out of conviction. The fact is, if hh offered you the vp position in upnd, you will gladly take it, hoping that you can unseat him before 2021. And your international court has no jurisdiction over the outcome of an election in any sovereign state.

    • 14 days elapsed so what are we to hear again UPND lawyers lost direction when petitioning the main issue which could have helped . They were supposed to have petitioned that the elected president did not aquire the 50% +1 vote so that ECZ could have come up with the answers AND it come to my knowledge that the very lawyers all became confused with no proper agender

    • Imwe this man has no source of income so to remain relevant on ”their” payrol he has to act Vuvuzela all the time otheriwse he may soon be homeless! How I wish this man could make peace with his creator more than looking stup!d like this!

  2. If you remain ‘2 Distinct Political Parties’ why are you fighting this battle more than the owners ? You are behaving like that maid who mourned her boss more than the widow. Look around, why arent the old original UPND members taking part in this fight of yours ? Take a chill pill iwe ka Nevers coz this case wont be heard by any Court apart from ConCourt which has already rejected it. Meanwhile kateka ni Lungu


    • ALUTA CONTINUA yes But NOT AFTER THE BALLOT. THE VOICE OF THE MAJORITY HAS BEEN HEARD AND DECLARED. BY they way how did UPND/ZWD expect to win win people like Nevers Mumba who failed to maintain a presidency of a political party, the likes of Sampa & GBM (GBV) … the list goes on.

      Does UPND really expect such a collection to result in victory…really?

  4. @Truth…I think Nevers has become more dumb and confused. He doesnt seem to know what he is on about
    What do you expect from a chap who only passed in the English subject at form five (as it was called then)


    • @Jameson na Vodka that’s the problem with you HH and ZWD supporters you think HH and GBM (GBV) will waive a magic wand and Zambia shall be developed no more poverty, corruption, etc it will be good governance all over.Exactly like cults preach. Remember HH has now surrounded himself with the same scum who have been plundering the nation since they were adults GBM(GBV) was defence minister- corruption followed him, Sylvia Masebo, corruption at tourism, Nevers fired by the biggest champion against corruption we have ever seen – LPM, lupando Mwape no spine the list is endless. I say your hope and faith in HH is what will lead to SHIITI eating. Zed knows this

  5. Ba Mumba please mention that you are also Form Five failure from Hillcrest no matter how many patches you put the rags are seen! But on a lighter note please pursue all legal avenues local and international to the bitter end it will not erase how you sent thugs to beat up Rtd. Major Kachingwe from the then MMD secretariat but then again you became bedfellows to try and achieve one thing and one thing only i.e dislodge ECL. You failed. You were given a stint in Ottawa we all know you opened a personal account to receive monies you obtained using GRZ which as you know deep down flouts Finical Regulations . Lastly, you are a laughing stock within UPND.

  6. The problem with UPND is that,they don’t choose who’s ADVICE to pick,the rubbish that PF dump and ignore is what they associate with for expired advice.thats why they are always out of context.

    • ……..Oddly he does not confess to having Morality sourced out from his THEOLOGY training for Priesthood!???? What the ‘hell’ ( pardon the pun,….do they teach in Priest ‘Skool,’ these days?) 4). MoU for General Elections? Again he demos his dinosaur/Dodo like quality by failing to understand THATS DONE. OVER like last century ….dude!! Move on, join us! Useless fella!!

      Please PF CONTAIN these culprits before they destroy Zambia. This us a treasonous call for Anarch. A refusal to recognise a democratically elected President is Treason. Everyday there are a Treasonous outbursts and shameful misconduct by UPND like the Parliament opening staging of disobedience. It can’t go on!

  7. Ooooooh Dear! Mumba is a cross between a Dinosaur and a Dodo Bird, either way he demonstrates how extinct he is in every belief he utters here. 1). The petition is long gone and dusted, so no moral obligation here,… as the courts have determined firmly that; No Evidence, No Case. Dismissed Forget Technicalities…not even relevant. The Petitioner was Lying, Malicious, Vindictive and hastily filed a dud! 2). The election is long gone and a winner has been legally declared….er…that’s HE Lungu….just in case it’s not clear yet. 3). The correlation between his Masters in Public Policy and the source for his Morality is misplaced/misapplied. Oddly he does not confess to having Morality sourced out from his THEOLOGY training for Priesthood!???? What the ‘hell’ ( pardon the pun,…

    • 2). The election is long gone and a winner has been legally declared….er…that’s HE Lungu….just in case it’s not clear yet. 3). The correlation between his Masters in Public Policy and the source for his Morality is misplaced/misapplied. Oddly he does not confess to having Morality sourced out from his THEOLOGY training for Priesthood!???? What the ‘hell’ ( pardon the pun,….do they teach in Priest ‘Skool,’ these days?) 4). MoU for General Elections? Again he demos his dinosaur/Dodo like quality by failing to understand THATS DONE. OVER like last century ….dude!! Move on, join us! Useless fella!!

  8. Illegality is illegality and remains so and will not change status by passage of time. If the UPND has the right provided by the law to pursue this case further, why are you bothered. They are not spending your resources.

    • So…..NOW you don’t even recognise The Law as Legal!! You know you’ve lost it….. when you can’t even trust the Law of the Land and The Biblical Law, ‘to love one another and respect your Leaders, be good citizens.’


  10. If only Nervous Mumba could relies that in the eyes of many Zambian he is an unprincipled self-serving man who can’t be trusted. I bet you if he was officially offered the VP position to replace suspended Cancious Banda he will jump at the opportunity and will be publishing another write-up justifying his move and how he can no longer lead MMD …blabla. Equally, if ECL was to give him post in the cabinet (e.g Minister of Religion) or in the foreign service, he would jump for it. We don’t trust you Neverous and don’t take you seriously at all.

  11. Pastor, continue pounding TRUTH and JUSTICE. As can be seen from comments on this site, .the guilty are panicking , and they are trying hard to silence you because they know they have something to hide. All well meaning Zambians are behind you. Please keep fighting to the end, and may God bless you.

  12. Mr Nevers Mumba ( Honorary Doctorate Degree), surely the only way you can be relevant is to find something to do such as to continue singing the same old song over and over. This is arguably easier to do than running a political party. Mr. Mumba, a true leader leaves their organisation growing and going strong. But if a leader leaves his or her organization and that organization collapses then that particular leader is a failure. This was the case when Mr. Mumba left his church/ministry in search for a political career. Running a church or a ministry is not nearly the same as running a democratic office, such as being a leader of a political party. The above scenario explains in part why Mr. Mumba has failed to run the MMD political party. He (Mr Mumba) has contributed a great deal to…

  13. At this critical moment we need people such Nevers Mumba who are fearless. Things are not right,we have a self imposed dictator on the throne and yet everybody is silent. There are times when silence becomes conspiracy. My heart sank when I saw many Zambians especially youths celebrating the bogus victory of Edgar lungu. What is wrong with some of you Zambians? Have you been bewitched that you are out of touch with reality? Fuel subsidies have been removed and electricity tarriffs will go up despite load shedding. Brace yourselves for 5 years of hell. Those people are just there to amass wealth for themselves not to help poor zambians. We have a serious problem in our country, the police and the other has been rendered useless by becoming PF puppets. WAKE UP MOTHER ZAMBIA

  14. At this critical moment we need people such Nevers Mumba who are fearless. Things are not right,we have a self imposed dictator on the throne and yet everybody is silent. There are times when silence becomes conspiracy. My heart sank when I saw many Zambians especially youths celebrating the bogus victory of Edgar lungu. What is wrong with some of you Zambians? Have you been bewitched that you are out of touch with reality? Fuel subsidies have been removed and electricity tarriffs will go up despite load shedding. Those people are just there to amass wealth for themselves not to help poor zambians. We have a serious problem in our country, the police and the other has been rendered useless by becoming PF puppets. WAKE UP MOTHER ZAMBIA

  15. At this critical moment we need people such Nevers Mumba who are fearless. Things are not right,we have a self imposed dictator on the throne and yet everybody is silent. There are times when silence becomes conspiracy. My heart sank when I saw many Zambians especially youths celebrating the bogus victory of Edgar lungu. What is wrong with some of you Zambians? Have you been bewitched that you are out of touch with reality? Fuel subsidies have been removed and electricity tarriffs will go up despite load shedding. Those people are just there to amass wealth for themselves not to help poor zambians. We have a serious problem in our country, the police and the other has been rendered useless by becoming PF puppets. WAKE UP MOTHER ZAMBIA

  16. At this critical moment we need people such Nevers Mumba who are fearless. Things are not right,we have a self imposed dictator on the throne and yet everybody is silent. There are times when silence becomes conspiracy. My heart sank when I saw many Zambians especially youths celebrating the bogus victory of Edgar lungu. What is wrong with some of you Zambians? Have you been bewitched that you are out of touch with reality? Fuel subsidies have been removed and electricity tarriffs will go up despite load shedding. Those people are just there to amass wealth for themselves not to help poor zambians. We have a serious problem in our country, the police and the ARMYother has been rendered useless by becoming PF puppets. WAKE UP MOTHER ZAMBIA

  17. In fact it’s not PF propaganda, it’s common knowledge that you want to replace the real Dr as VP. HH should be careful with this viper. He has always pushed owners out of their property

  18. @24 those youths voted for Edgar and it’s natural for them to celebrate. Just as you’re are expressing your opinion, they too have a right to do so.

  19. Surely, this Nevers is a lost soul! Lost politically and lost spiritually!! What a journey he has embarked on!

  20. NO ONE SHALL FIGHT ON YOUR BEHALF because we know you have NOTHING to offer evidenced from the period you were offered in the vice president’s office under a very capable President then. He had to fire you to avoid further damage to the Nation. Tell us what else you are doing to help yourself and the nation apart from galvanizing weak people with your ramblings.

  21. ba envious muli ule, elyo nalyo ilyachipa, lilya ba pela ama one kwacha pukulilala.
    mwatampile kul chiluba, chiluba amikana. mwaya iminina ku chinsali, kulya bamilopola kumavoti.
    mwabutukukako. mwaisa kuli mwanawasa. mwalwisha, a mupela bu vice president. mwalamwenda
    panshi, amisowa kwati ni koswe. mwaisa ku bayashi ba sata. be mutuma ku Canada, mwayashako
    amapwetete, ba sata ba mubwesha ku Zambia. nanomba mulinemilandu mu court. mwaisa kuli edgar,
    mwalwisha ati mupange ichibusa nankwe, kanshi edgar li gaii, amililoshafeye, at aba liuule, teefimbi
    balefwaya, ni mana chabe ta bakwata bantu, asala felix. mukaleka bushikunshi ubu buule? nelyo mukotele utmisango tumotwine utwakale. twalilileni na under five tumone ukomwalafika, ine ndemona kwati nao under five alamitamfya ati mwalya…

  22. Elyo Mumba nikabolala he stole from the embassy and I just wonder what value he’s brought to Upnd. He’s no following, no brains and unlike gbm no dollars.

  23. all legal processes and procedures were followed to the letter, period. There is nothing illegal here that’s why ECL is riding the saddle. The only problem is UPND overrated themselves. They thought they had won all Zambians hearts but nay, the people have spoken. Please respect their choice and stop making unnecessary noise.

  24. Remember prof Chirawa? Same procedure was followed. My question is Why doesn’t government build the railway line? They clam to have built roads and bridges! Sonttapo
    This is rip off Zambia – wake up

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