Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Shangombo MP dismisses election petition allegations


UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) Shangombo Constituency Member of Parliamentary (MP) Mubika Mubika has dismissed allegations of corruption as well as violence and other electoral malpractices attributed to his party during the August 11, 2016 General Elections.

Mr Mubika has described the allegations contained in the election petition as mere stories which have been made up by the petitioner and losing Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Poniso Njeulu.

In the petition case, Mr Njeulu has asked the High Court in Livingstone to nullify the seat and declare Mr Mubika’s election as and null and void.

He said in his petition that campaigns were marred with corrupt acts, electoral malpractices and violence perpetrated by Mr Mubika and his agents

Mr Njelulu, who is being represented by Tresford Chali of Ndhlovu and
Company, closed his case after calling 17 witnesses.

Appearing before High Court Judge Mutale Bowa in Livingstone yesterday, Mr Mubita said UPND supporters not engage themselves in violent acts, electoral malpractice and corrupt acts as alleged by the petitioner.

He said allegations that are contained in the petitioner’s petition were meant to dent his image and that of his party.
He told the court that it was the third time that Mr Njeulu has
petitioned him since 2005 when he won the seat on the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) ticket during a by-election.

Mubika narrated to the court how the petitioner’s young brother
physically attacked him together with two PF cadres and damaged the
rear screen of his vehicle, a Ford F20.

“As UPND, we campaigned peacefully and our campaigns were
issue based.

“Unfortunately, our colleagues in the PF were the ones who

were attacking our members and nearly everywhere we held meetings,” Mr Mubita said.

Mr Mubika is being represented by Martha Mushipe of Mushipe and


Trial continues in the case.




  1. Njeulu should have known that PF cannot win in WP. Even today, if there was a by-election in Shangombo, Njeulu or any other PF scarecrow cannot win. Malozi are fed up with PF lies. Malozi hate thieves.

    • Fed up how? they have never and will never vote for PF as instructed by UPND… surly you know UPND dictates to all in WP, SP and NWP. You know its a cult thing

  2. The PF will contest all the wards – you see they need to control all the wards so they can carry on looting all the money !

  3. Talk of rigging, the Upnd tried to trick people in Luapula that voting had been staggered for two days with Upnd supporters to vote on 11th followed by PF on 12th.

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