Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambians in South Africa hold Independence Prayer Service, Donate to UTH


Mr. and Mrs Mwamba present the Eucharist to Father Thabo Motshegoa during the independence prayer service in Johannesburg
Mr. and Mrs Mwamba present the Eucharist to Father Thabo Motshegoa during the independence prayer service in Johannesburg
ZAMBIANS resident in South Africa have raised over 1, 000 blankets which they will donate to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Children’s Ward.

And Zambians from different parts of Gauteng Province in South Africa, today held mass to thank God as the country commemorates its independence anniversary which falls tomorrow. The service, held at the Cathedral of the Christ King in central Johannesburg, was graced by Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa, His Excellency Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba; his wife, Mrs. Monde Mwamba and Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa, Ms. Philomena Kachesa. Diplomats from the High Commission and their spouses also attended. Others were Zambia Association in South Africa (ZASA) president, Mr. Ferdinand Simanya and Patriotic Front – South Africa branch chairman, Mr. Sydney Njamba.

According to the press statement by Nicky Shabolyo Press Secretary at the Zambian Embassy in Pretoria, the Independence Prayer Service was presided over by Parish Priest Father Thabo Motshegoa, Father Harrison Mulenga and Deacon Louis Khumalo. The mass was also attended by nationals from Malawi, Nigeria and South Africa.

Father Motshegoa congratulated Zambians for upholding unity and political stability over the last 52 years on independence. He prayed for President Edgar Lungu and the entire Government so that they could be blessed with humility.

In his Homily, Father Motshegoa bemoaned the fact that people had become comfortable even when they were engaging in sinful activities. He said it was shameful that man no longer challenged those things that took him farther away from God.

“We live in a society where we are comfortable with sin. We are no different from those men who walked past a man who was in need of help in that story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible. Even when we ask God for forgiveness, there is no remorse in us because of pride,” Father Motshegoa said.

He said people should learn from the story of the tax collector in the Bible in which Zacchaeus genuinely gave up his old ways and turned to God.

His Excellency Mr. Mwamba thanked the church for according the Zambian community an opportunity to celebrate independence mass every year. He also thanked other nationals for joining in to celebrate independence with Zambia.

Mr. Mwamba charmed the congregation when he pledged 5, 000 rand and led the church in raising money for the procurement of a public address system for the Parish. Over 32, 000 rand in cash and pledges was raised soon after a member of the church, at the end of the service, went to the front and bemoaned the challenges the Cathedral of the Christ King was facing.

After the church service, Mr. Mwamba met the Zambian community during which he called for unity particularly that they were living in a foreign land. He commended the Zambian Catholic Community and ZASA for their efforts in bringing together Zambians across South Africa.

Mr. Mwamba said Zambians should always look out for one another and interact and not just wait for occasions such as independence before they could get together.

On Saturday, several hundreds of Zambians across Johannesburg and surrounding areas converged on Edenvale Sports Complex for the 52nd Independence and Family Day organised by the High Commission in collaboration with ZASA.

The Zambians used the occasion to present to the High Commissioner the brand new blankets which ZASA had gathered through its various branches across South Africa.
Receiving the blankets, Mr. Mwamba thanked ZASA for the initiative pointing out that this stood as good testimony of how best to break the mindset that a lot of people had that government should do everything for them.

“Zambians in South Africa have demonstrated that individuals can make a difference through individual contributions. This is how it should be. Let’s all, in our own small ways, supplement government efforts,” Mr. Mwamba said.

And Simanya said ZASA took up the initiative because Zambians in South Africa realised that there was need to contribute to raising the standards of health facilities in Zambia so that patients, particularly children, could be treated in better conditions.

ZASA is working with the High Commission so that the blankets could be handed over to UTH some time in December this year.

The Family Day, which was officiated by Mr. and Mrs. Mwamba, Ms. Kachesa and diplomatic staff from the Zambian High Commission, saw various social teams from Gauteng, participate in games such as soccer, netball and children’s racing. High Commission staff competed in tug of war with members of the ZASA executive committee.
The Mize Dance Troup, who travelled from Zambia, also provided some of the entertainment.


    • But Catholicism is being abused, when did Emmanuel Mwamba qualify to hold Eucharist? If he goes to church with one of his wife, means Zambians? Anyway in Bible is written, if more than 1 Zambian attend prayers, means a full service.
      I also went to Church today, it should be posted that “Zambian in America hold prayer service”.

    • Lusaka Times what are other Zambians doing in other countries. Am a bit tired of all the time Emmanuel Mwamba and South Africa. Or does he pay you for this publicity. We have other Zambian missions abroad, tell us what they are doing for independence. Or are you telling us that Mwamba is the only diplomat who uses his initiative. Its getting boring mwandi.

  1. @Nostradamus it is Lusaka times that misled us that Mr Mwamba presents EUCHARIST to Father. He presented the gift of water and wine (in small vessels) and the wife presented Bread to be consecrated by the priest into Blood and body (Eucharist).

  2. Wrong caption! Mr and Mrs Mwamba present water, wine and bread to the priest. At that point, these are not Eucharist. LT make an effort to understand these things so that you don’t lead people astray.

  3. People it is not like it sounds i was there ZASA is useless in south africa, no one takes them serious any more they are just opportinist,since Mwamba came he is trying his best to make it work but he has wrong people in ZASA,Ask them how many paid up memebers they have,and if they have a lot what do they do with the money because the dont help any zambian here always asking for donations,they are so many zambian in south africa but the dont trust this ZASA leadership period and once they hold the election they always say only paid up members should stand when the know very few zambians will pay with this leadership,so the end up having the same guy as president wamuyayay type.

  4. Only religious i d i o ts attribute things to gods. Atheists don’t need scapegoats. We hold people accountable for their actions

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