Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emmanuel Mwamba on SABC Question Time



    • Mwamba is NOT bemba, He is from Tanzania, That is where his parents came from, Lived with in in Lyanshya and his dad worked for the mines.

    • Who the fack cares about the way you think you Bemba hater. Hate the game and love the people. Bembas are superior Zambians and king makers. We decide who calls the shots. Look at hh at the moment. The chap had to abandon Banda (From the East) and went for Mwamba (A Bemba). We are special…..

    • You are nothing but thieves. Look at your brothers in Congo. If it were not for tongas and other tribes zambia would like Congo full of theives.

  1. Mawmba you just an unashamed opportunist.

    Where is the free wifi you promised lusaka residents , even grabbing head line news for the same at the time ?

  2. Batteries are flat here…from the first question, what does indepondo mean for Zed…he gives a historical agenda!? He is a good representation of what Zambia is today…flat batteries!

  3. The part of the video to do with the Election and the UPND Petetion has been edited out. Mwamba is hiding the fact the 2016 Election was disputed and the re-election of Lungu has been challenged in Concourt and until this Petetion is heard,determined and a Winner is declared Lungu will remain an illegitimate President. A court has to declare the Winner re-elected. As it is Lungu is illegal and illegitimate and as such HH &GBM cannot recognise Lungu until the Petetion is properly disposed off.

  4. How old is Mwamba? Is that haircut for a High Commissioner really? Is this the calibre we have? I cry for Zambia! English poor, full of lies! A kaponya haircut!

  5. And check out those end captions. The Executive Producer of the program is a Zambian. The end caption says Mwaba Phiri. Its a PF conspiracy!

  6. Mwamba Chika**la, you failed to answer the question, what is there to show in all this peaceful handovers for Zambians?

    Waba it**ole , you have done nothing as PF.

  7. That haircut is not for someone holding such an office, no! This is the chap who poisoned Chiluba having been the last person seen with Kafupi before the SOB kicked the bucket. He should be tried for murder.

  8. We have peace, stability, unity was what he said? I think he missed the point, ie in SADC where are you? What have you achieved? Gosh he cant answer because he would have to say the following: the Kwacha saw a 17% fall, Growth is now 3% not 7% under the PF, Debt servicing is now 19% to GDP and the country effectively cannot borrow from external markets due to gross mismanagement. Aside the above Zambia is doing great, we cannot wait to see another 5 year term under the PF.

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