Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Edgar Lungu Strongly Speaks Against Corruption and takes a swipe at ACC for being Inept


President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Matthew Nkhuwa as Minister of Works and Supply during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Matthew Nkhuwa as Minister of  Works and Supply during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House President Edgar Lungu President has said that that he was concerned about the increasing cases of corruption at both Ministerial and lower levels of Government, adding that he has already had received reports linking some Ministers to corrupt activities.

The President said during the swearing-in-ceremony that he was concerned with the increasing cases of corruption which had beset the country and warned the newly sworn-in Ministers not to fall prey to corrupt activities.

The President observed that he was specifically concerned that he had received reports linking some Ministers to corrupt activities and that once found wanting, he would not hesitate to relieve them of their duties even before they are investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

President Lungu noted that corrupt activities were not just being committed at Ministerial level but even at lower levels of Government. He wondered how some people had amassed property rapidly at the expense of poor Zambians.

The President said it was appalling see huge amounts of money being credited to some bank accounts regularly. He also warned against illegal allocation and acquisition of land using political influence and other illegal activities.

Meanwhile, the President has taken a swipe at the ACC for being inept because of their failure to prosecute corruption cases. He speculated that perhaps the ACC was used to a situation where they are directed on what to do and who to pursue. “I will not use the ACC to fire anyone, but l expect them to operate efficiently and fairly.”

President Lungu wondered why the ACC no longer availed reports to the Office of the President as was the case before, when they were so many corrupt activities which were being conducted with impunity.

The President also noted that it was difficult to act against some Constitution Office bearers on matters of corruption because they were bound by the Constitution.

The President appointed and sworn-in Hon. Matthew Nkhuwa, MP as Minister of Works and Supply replacing Hon. Ronald Chitotela, MP who has been transferred to the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development in the same capacity.

Others who have been appointed and sworn-in are:

Hon. Freedom Chomba Sikazwe, MP
(Minister- Presidential Affairs, State House);

Hon. Sylvia Bambala Chalikosa, MP
(Minister-Office of the Vice-President);

Hon. Lloyd Mulenga Kaziya, MP
(Minister-Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection)

Hon. Rev. Godfridah Nsenduluka Sumaila, MP
(Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs).

President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates Godfridah Sumaili after the swearing in ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates Godfridah Sumaili after the swearing in ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Freedom Sikazwe(r) as Presidential Affairs Minister of State House during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Freedom Sikazwe(r) as Presidential Affairs Minister of State House during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Freedom Sikazwe(r) as Presidential Affairs Minister of State House during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Freedom Sikazwe(r) as Presidential Affairs Minister of State House during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates the newly appointed Minister of  Presidential Affairs(State House)  Freedom Sikazwe(r) during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates the newly appointed Minister of Presidential Affairs(State House) Freedom Sikazwe(r) during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Sylvia Chalikosa as Minister in the Office of the Vice President at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Sylvia Chalikosa as Minister in the Office of the Vice President at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates newly appointed Minister in the Office of the Vice President Sylvia Chalikosa at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates newly appointed Minister in the Office of the Vice President Sylvia Chalikosa at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Loyd Kaziya as Minister of Water and Sanitation during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) swears in Loyd Kaziya as Minister of Water and Sanitation during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates newly appointed Minister of Water and Sanitation  Loyd Kaziya  during the Swearing in Ceremony
President Edgar Lungu(l) congratulates newly appointed Minister of Water and Sanitation Loyd Kaziya during the Swearing in Ceremony
Vice President Inonge Wina(l) the newly appointed Minister of Presidential Affairs(State House)  Freedom Sikazwe(r) during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House
Vice President Inonge Wina(l) the newly appointed Minister of Presidential Affairs(State House) Freedom Sikazwe(r) during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House


    • President Lungu has neither the will nor the desire to fight corruption.

      If he should know, the greatest corruption is to create 4 new ministries the country does not need and has never asked for. And all for political expedience.

    • Whatever he says don’t take him serious otherwise you will be shocked. This man is a problem and he always wants to portray himself as a messiah, someone who will liberate Zambia and yet he is just a living punishment among Zambians who doesn’t know whether he going or coming.

    • “He wondered how some people had amassed property rapidly at the expense of poor Zambians.” Is this really sincere concern? Wouldn’t “I” start by looking at “my” own asset declarations?

    • “President Lungu noted that corrupt activities were not just being committed at Ministerial level but even at lower levels of Government. He wondered how some people had amassed property rapidly at the expense of poor Zambians.”

      I suppose the 23 MILLION US Dollars he acquired in just over one year does not qualify as rapidly amassing property.

    • You don’t know where this man is leading us? The President himself does not kno where he is leading the country. @The chosen one youare just chosen not to say it you know this man is leading us no where but destruction. He is clueless. He thinks leading a country is about swearing in ceremonies and all that. No leadership skills or ability to influence, he is just there. And for a President of 16m people, that is very dangerous. Atleast if he had some Charisma, that would win him the day. But my! the guy has nothing.

    • He’s the face of corruption, he’s the product of corruption, he’s the leader of the corrupt party, Even he is disgusted with himself.

    • Just look at these UPND bloggers always condemning for the sake of condemning, where the President deserves praise and applause for his stance on corruption and he has even gone as far to state he will fire ministers found wanting but instead of praise they throw their usual insults! Some of these UPND bloggers I believe used to insult even their parents as kids, that is the only explanation for such bad behaviour!Mr President Sir don’t mind these mindless blood thirsty animals! Keep doing your work and God Guidance be with you and please don’t forget to ban luxury SUVs in govt!

    • As usual critics are busy doing what they believe they must do – criticise.

      Whether the president does a wrong thing or right thing it matters less, their job is to criticise. What an attitude!

      That is why chief Puta said some of the opposition people are possessed with a dem9n called opposition.

      Even when they agree with what you are doing, they will criticise you because of the spirit that has possessed them – the spirit of opposition. What a life!!

      If you do what must be done they will demand the opposite; if you change and do what they want they will demand what you wanted to do at first.

      You want to do what the nation, even themselves, genuinely want they will criticise and oppose and frustrate the effort, e.g. the the campaign against referendum. What a people!!

    • I don’t a blotted cabinet; I will never especially at the time the country is going through a rough time. Ministries are being duplicated and the ministery of religious fimo fimo is a no no. We can agree to disagree.
      Firing of corrupt minister mission impossible.
      Sentiments about the ACC are correct.

    • I don’t support a blotted cabinet; I will never, especially at the time the country is going through a rough time. Ministries are being duplicated and the ministery of religious fimo fimo is a no no. We can agree to disagree.
      Firing of corrupt minister is mission impossible.
      Sentiments about the ACC are correct though.

    • @Dons
      ‘I suppose the 23 MILLION US Dollars he acquired in just over one year does not qualify as rapidly amassing property.’

      I am surprised that 17 people like this lie.

    • It’s incredibly disheartening how Zambia has become so thoroughly corrupt to the core. This guy condemning others for corruption, he himself had his assets multiply from K 10 million in January 2015 to K 23 million in 15 months. That’s an increase of K 13 million, to which he has given no explanation as to how the assets came about. Try and guess how much he’ll amass at the end of his 5 year tenure. The ICC should start with him, since he’s the bigger fish, before they move to the little fishes. All in all, with this kind of corruption, there isn’t much hope for Zambia. That’s why Zambia is now insignificant on the African stage, let alone the world stage. Currently it’s mainly known for it’s docile citizens, with big friendly smiles, while their resources are being…

    • (Continued)… plundered by their corrupt leaders and the country raped by foreign crooks with the help of local politicians. It’s also currently known as the third hungriest nation in the world. What a shame.

    • The ACC know very well that the first suspect to investigate is Lungu himself for taking kickbacks and backhanders from contractors. The ACC must be exasperated to be condemned by the chief culprit. I suppose to that effect, they are inept because they have never fingered Lungu for how he has amassed wealth in one year. ACC wake up and investigate Lungu himself.

  1. The ACC down the line has become a “yes Bwana ” entity. They have to wait for instructions because they also corrupt and fear that an investigation may end at their very doorstep.

  2. I have strongly opposed the creation of these meaningless ministries which we have never needed for 50 years. Let’s wait and see where His Excellency ECL is leading us.
    Meanwhile the ACC should be disbanded and reconstituted. Too many UPND cadres at ACC and DEC.
    Meanwhile Kaponya (HH) has sworn in 3 farm boys to look after his cattle. The Free masson was speaking from the verandah of his Kabulonga mansion

    • How can you seamlessly pretend to care that taxpayers money is being waisted now when you were one of the main ones cheering on when everyone was condemning lungu for abusing public funds during elections to campain for him including using ZAF choppers to ferry musicians country wide ? We’re you not the ones cheering lungus use of private jets to go dancing to NY ?

      Zambians don’t need your fake concerns to look relevant, just continue cheering on….

    • Kudos, wayamba kuz1nyela manje’ because mbanje yasila in your warped brain.
      Kudos, U spent a lot of your energy defending Chagwa, despite evidence of his poor leadership qualities and lack of vision.
      Wouldn’t be surprised he has sacked you, or is sleeping with your wife, useless belly citizen!

    • HH can swear in as many farm workers as he wishes because he is using his hard earned money. But this empty head of yours is creating useless ministries whose dependence will be on tax payers money. How can you have ministries for the President and the vice president? Is this normal? Do you need someone at minister level to manage the office of the president or vice president respectively? There are people who already manage these offices but because of fraud this chap has created ministries so that money can be syphoned. Zambians will forever be poor if they keep on allowing these empty heads to rule the country. Edgar has no heart for the poor. He is driven by greed.

    • @Mr Kudos,
      This is time to work for the Zambian people and not politicking, elections are gone. The news is about HE ECL swearing new Ministers, which you condemned earlier on and nothing to do with HH. Are you trying to make for the mistake of criticizing the President?

    • Mr Kudos is nothing but a vexing stupid troll. Seems his job is to distract with f0olish comments when people are trying to discuss important issues. I wonder how much he gets paid for it.

  3. Mr president you always sound and fire warnings of firing corrupt govt workers including ministers, and you even know who the corrupt guys are and nothing has ever happened to anyone of them despite numerous bells that ring. You also know that corruption exists at points of contract awarding, especially the awarding of road construction contracts. If at one point you could be like Mwanawasa the late, things could change in zambia and your ministers could have akatina. The only person you fired so far is chilubanama for hiring thugs to clobber Andrew. So wake up sir

  4. The President said it was appalling see huge amounts of money being credited to some bank accounts regularly

    But you Mr president amassed $2.3 million in just 1 year in office, how can you demand accountability when you are accountable ?

    It’s a Monkey see monkey do situation Mr president.

  5. A proper case of the pot calling the kettle black!
    Edward will have No guts to tell his equally corrupt ministers to refrain from graft, as they will just threaten to “Wulula” where Edward got his U$D 2million ++, & how his special advisor for deception & corruption Kaizer engineered the Eurobond plunder.


  7. Why didn’t he allow the Anti-corruption to investigate Kaiser Zulu for allegedly receiving a bribe from a Chinese? I very much doubt those pronouncements about the fight against corruption. We want actions, not words.There’s no way this man could have won those elections because negative comments about him outweigh positive ones.

  8. The problem in zambian politics is that most politicians are thieves, just look at the opposing president he can not even explain where he go that wealth he has .
    It is a well known fact he plundered from the mine sales and privatisation , now he is leading figure in politics.
    Zambians can not see anything wrong he has become their darling have burried their minds in in the sand .
    Lungu and his testimony he really had nothing in the bank now he is every rich where are the clean politicians to help us from this circus. Zambians must learn to screen any one coming into power, those are real issues .

    • @nshilimubemba: if you have any tangible evidence that the opposition leader amassed wealth through plunder, as a Zambian, you have the responsibility of reporting this case to ACC,DEC, or better still ICJ/ ICC. We need the money to be paid back. If you do not have evidence, then do not mislead other bloggers by issues you do not know. Ignorance is not an excuse in a court of law.

    • Big liar, pedaling lies, fortunately the Zambian people are smart enough to know that HH was never a government employee and had nothing to do with the Zambia privatization agency.
      Grow up, educate yourself and debate facts. Zambia is being raped economically as it is now.

    • There is no president in the world who is poor, if it were so no body would aspire to become president. Even in america, the richest are the ones jostling for power why, because there is more money in politics than in business.

    • PF have taken 6 years investigating HH but up to now they cannot prove anything tangible against him. The best that Sata could do was disclose some bank statements he got from Finance Bank through Miles Sampa. PF are completely incompetent and liars. If you have facts, not lies, please prosecute him.

    • 12.2 shadrek, the DIFFERENCE is most of those presidents made their money HONESTLY before they were elected.

      Are you saying it is ok to go for president just so you can STEAL from people and get rich?


  9. So he has no idea what to do about thieving ministers and no action ACC? But then he said it upfront that he is lueless and the sheeple still voted for his kleptocracy. Now the monkeys are having a field day . I wonder what Zambia will be at the end of 5 years if massive plunder has began so early.

  10. What a hypocrite this ‘Edward’ Lungu president of Zambia! He knows deep down that if the ACC were to be truly independent and effective, he would be the first govt official to be investigated and prosecuted for corruption. Or is he trying to say he’s entitled to stealing public resources and not his juniors? How can they not be corrupt when they are seeing their boss looting with impunity? I mean he stole an entire presidency for crying out loud!

    Look at the contradiction: apparently he wants ACC to be independent but he still wants them to report the cases they are investigating to his office. How is that not political.

    This Bemba “nchekeleko” and “tola fye” mentality has really messed up the country. You can have your country people.

    • The Bemba “natolafye” culture has devastated Zambia. Being a thief is no longer a cause for shame. Instead the chief thief is the star everybody congregates around. PF are now stealing with impunity. Lungu had confirmed what we have been saying for years.

    • @Buck, for the first time in your life you are right by saying,”the chief thief is the star everybody congregates around”.

      What an apt way to put it! I hope he is listening from his verandah or wherever he is spending his boring time nowadays…

    • @Mavu, I have a Bemba dictionary and I can confirm that “nchekeleko” is not a Bemba word and therefore can not be a Bemba mentality..

  11. Is there anyone leading ACC after Mubwae retired but after amassing so much? And what happened to the DEC cases where money for exhibits was chewed? What happened to the youngest PS and her Husband? What about the former Lstone PS from Cabinet office? Oh never mind the ZNFU?

  12. “Lazy Lungu wondered why the ACC no longer availed reports to the Office of the President as was the case before”…really laughable…surely even ACC know that there os absolutely no point sending reports to a monkey about theft of maize by monkeys.

  13. There is so much corruption and abuse of office at Zampost the list is endless, as a result the corporation is in a total mess. It is now very difficult to pay salaries but CEO pays himself first and he is up to date when some employees are now 3 months behind. He is always making unnecessary trips to claim huge allowances. in the last meeting we had at government complex he was even boasting that nothing will happen no matter what is reported even if it is plain selling.

  14. Useless ministries, just a total waste of resources and office space.
    Why do we get ministers we can’t afford, if we are borrowing money from IMF why should we be extravagant in expenditures?
    That’s just official corruption.

  15. Problem with some Zambians want to comment on things they don’t understand. Ministries will create jobs for ordinary Zambians but politicians want to shoot everything brought by govt

  16. @ chandwa peter “Ministries will create jobs for ordinary Zambians” What rubbish! Ministries create jobs for MINISTERS!

    And ordinary Zambian people have to pay EVEN MORE TAX and HIGHER PRICES for FUEL and MEALIE MEAL to support the huge allowances these parasites consume.

    Looks like YOU are the one that does not understand.

  17. Criticism is not insulting unless to PF. No wonder we are wallowing in poverty cos all we know is to lick asses and not ask any questions. In short Zambia is full of deadwood and our country shall sink further from No. 40 poorest country in the world to replace DRC at No. 1 very soon. You shall eat your ‘Yes, bosses’ for dinner!

  18. Lungu you are the most ***** and biggest risk to the Zambian economy just as Trump is to the world. You are the only thing standing in the way of meaningful economic progress and stop blaming others. You have wormed your way to the president and it is clear that you have no faintest idea of how to get the country out of this hole you and pathetic PFools have dug and you are still digging farther.

  19. Mr President,look at southern provincial administration where the ps you gave us with his staff are laudering govt funds while DEc is not doing anything,may be compromised.Even if we did not give you enough votes,we deserve better than this rubbish.We hope you mean what you are saying.

    • @Tutu you’re right. In fact it wouldn’t be a bad idea to introduce a law to make people reveal the source of their sudden wealth.

  20. The fish rots from the head downwards. Lungu is the Godfather and Godmother of all corruption in Zambia. Without corruption Lungu would not have been President today. He stole the Election by bribing Senior Staff at ECZ and bribed Concourt judges to block the Upnd Petetion. With corrupt and illegitimate Lungu at the helm Zambia is truly a failed state.

  21. “Armchair Analyst”, Dombwa, Suntwe and the whole pack of UPND cadres, your anger for the HH’s loss of Presidential elections may lead to mental stress, psychosomatic disorder to the peril of your dear health. Yet your HH and his headless Vice President (GBM) have no clue on what would be their way forward in their political dreams. What political alternative can HH &GBM offer as they cry for help from the ICC – when the ICC is in the process of investigation their crimes against humanity perpetrated in Southern Province. HH is exploiting GBM (a biggest clown) to harass the Bembas as Kakoma has just exposed his money laundering program – worth investigating.

    The bigge

    • This not about HH and GBM anymore , stop trying to divert attention from PF fallout to run the country.

      You civil servants not getting paid and secondary schools without toilets yet lungu creates a whole ministry to look after his expenses and another one for the VP.

      We factories closing with lose of livelihoods and all the PF kaponyas can think of is HH…….

  22. Anyone who can take Edward seriously needs to have his head examined – Edward is on record of protecting well known criminal & corrupt elements & here he goes hallucinating aimlessly as usual – he thinks we have forgotten that Kaiser one of his closest confidants called ACC monkeys at one time & nothing was done to him…

    • Even before lungu became president he used to advise well known criminal like fawaaz Etal and other very corrupt Chinese.

      Lungu is through and through corrupt to the bone, his conviction for fraud was no coincidence.

    • This makes interesting reading. In modern times the banks are mandated to know their clients(KYC) as instrument to curtail ill gotten money. Any client has to disclose the source of funds for amounts above certain threshold. Bank of Zambia recentlyput a cap on amount of cash that can be withdrawn , a wise decision.
      In other words , with political will, corruption can be nubbed in the bud. Audit of personal lives of persons holding public office is a pre requisite because people grow money once elected into office.
      Zambia can move forward only if we embrace citizenry participation as key drivers. But democracy cannot and does not work in poverty environment. Mr president, you hold the key. Certain public practices we have embraced has to change. unnecessary expenditure on none productive…

  23. There is a BBC program that shows how a country can stop corruption. Google – BBC World Service – The Inquiry – Downloads. it is called – Can a corrupt country get clean

    Lungu should listen to that instead of just making empty statements.

  24. To add more salt to your wounds..there is another group which will go round the country to inquiry about the so called cause of political violence in the Aug election…Zambians will have to foot the bill towards there allowances and lodging untill the economy reaches the cliff of the mountain and take a nose dive.imagine what will happen to the already impoverished people.

  25. Lungu revealed in his speech, ‘he wondered why the ACC no longer availed reports to the Office of the president as was the case before’. This confirms that currently there is no president to report to, it’s free for all. Lungu is publicly exposing his frustration, ineffectiveness and irrelevance. It’s tough!

  26. While the ECZ and Independent Broadcasting Authority is given awards for effective management of the August 11 General Elections! And ZCCM IH won with ZICTA the runners up! ZESCO spokesperson Henry Kapata was the Best Publicist of the Year. WTF?
    These people are responsible for the lies about load shedding and rigging of the election, and THEY ARE GIVEN PRIZES???

    This is the biggest insult seen for a long time.

    After a stolen election and duping people about load shedding these people can do this???

    This is simply spitting in the face of poor Zambians after defrauding them!

  27. The president cant fire any minister for corruption. He gets 60% of whatever any minister gets from corruption. He is the supervisor of corruption, he is the defender of corruption, he is corruption himself.

    • Iwe’ chilufya sumvela??
      People are giving you numerous reasons why Edward Chagwa is D.N.A, of Corruption, has even had his Lawyers license revoked in the past due to embezzling, & you then make an empty headed comment, ati “give him a chance”

  28. its like people do not understand what declaration of assets is all about. Let me explain once more: if you have a horse (am avoiding cattle for peace) today and its worth 10 000 on the market, you will say you are worth 10,000. If the next time to want to declare your assets you find that horses are trading at 25,000 on the market, you will say you are worth 25,000. This does not mean your horses have increased by one and half. You will still have one horse. Now coming to my farm, i had 275 goats when ECL declared his assets in 2015 and i was worth 275*125 = 34,375. This year my goats had increased a bit to 309 by the time he declared and at 450, i was worth 139,050. please, i have not stolen 100,000 and have no cash. its mathematics.

    • In a country where the economy is going down the drain like this one, assets do not have the habit of appreciating at 100% in a year. Stop trying to be clever. Ka lungu is a thief.

  29. As usual critics are busy doing what they believe they must do – criticise.

    Whether the president does a wrong thing or right thing it matters less, their job is to criticise. What an attitude!

    That is why chief Puta said some of the opposition people are possessed with a dem9n called opposition.

    Even when they agree with what you are doing, they will criticise you because of the spirit that has possessed them – the spirit of opposition. What a life!!

    If you do what must be done they will demand the opposite; if you change and do what they want they will demand what you wanted to do at first.

    You want to do what the nation, even themselves, genuinely want they will criticise and oppose and frustrate the effort, e.g. the the campaign against referendum. What a people!!

  30. The Provincial head for DEC and ACC in southern province should be fired or transferred. They are colluding with criminals for small token at the expense of mother Zambia.

  31. Has Lungu just woken up to the fact that the country is riddled with a culture of ‘using your position to self enrichment’? Or was he advised to speak about corruption for a change as he has always turned a blind eye? Corruption, wrong people in positions (thus no planning for the country’s future), no accountability and reckless use of resources will be the down fall of Zambia. This is not a wish for those trigger happy defenders. It is a serious concern for the survival of a nation. I feel desperate that something mighty right must be done. The situation is not helped (in fact gets more depressing) by seeing the so-called representatives of the people approving the creation of utterly useless ministries – to gobble more resources. What is the use of a ‘minister of Presidential…

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