Friday, February 14, 2025

WWF Zambia launches a youth conservation initiative


The Young Conservation Trailblazers Initiative (YCT)
The Young Conservation Trailblazers Initiative (YCT)

The World Wide Fund in Zambia (WWF Zambia) has announced the launch of a youth-led initiative aimed at conserving the environment for generations to come.

In a brief statement, WWF Zambia is calling on young people aged between 18 and 29 years of age to participate in its first ever youth engagement platform dubbed The Young Conservation Trailblazers Initiative (YCT).

The event will be held this Friday, November 18 from 09:30 to 12:30 at the Global Platform in Lusaka.

“YCT is a unique WWF Zambia initiative aimed at raising awareness, enhancing advocacy and catalyzing youth action on conservation issues. WWF recognizes the power of the youth as opinion shapers and drivers of change in society,” the statement read.

To participate in this event, young people are being advised to simply sign up by emailing the name, age, gender, and mobile number before midnight of Thursday, November 17.

WWF Zambia, formerly World Wildlife Fund Zambia was established in 1962 to support conservation of natural resources in Zambia.

Since 1962, WWF has been involved in various conservation activities to conserve Zambia’s biodiversity upon which the nation’s economy and livelihoods largely depend.


  1. . Aha!!!!!!!!!!!!! you remember Chongololo club. its duplicity of activities. Chongololo club still exists under a poorly funded Wildlife Environmental Conservation of Zambia (WECZ). Run & managed by a former cleaner. The man who championed Chongololo clubs in Zambia has since moved to WWF – Zambia. Hence, poaching the ideas. May be we should ask baMwisho to assist us launch police complaint on copy right issues.

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