Saturday, July 27, 2024

Polish  trade mission arrives in Zambia for business, investment talks



A Trade Mission of about 11 Polish Companies and Government representatives arrives in Zambia today to explore investment opportunities and business cooperation with Zambia.

High Commission of Zambia to South Africa Press Secretary Nicky Shabolyo disclosed in a statement that the 23-member Polish delegation is expected to meet Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Harry Kalaba; Energy and Water Resources, Mr. David Mabumba; Defence, Mr. Davies Chama, and Agriculture, Ms. Dora Siliya.

Mr  Shabolyo said they will also hold talks with Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Director General, Mr. Patrick Chisanga, president of the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI), Mr. Geoffrey Sakalunda, president of the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) Mrs. Roseta Chabala, and president of the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) Mr. Jervis Zimba.

The delegation, which arrives this afternoon, will be in Zambia until 25th November.

Poland has decided to send the team after noting that together with Zambia, the two administrations were strongly in favour of mutual cooperation.

The Press Secretary  said the scenario has  partly been demonstrated through an inter-governmental agreement for a loan of US$100 million which is at the final negotiation stage.

The loan is meant for the development and modernisation of agricultural technical equipment in Zambia.

Earlier this year, Polish Ambassador to Zambia (resident in South Africa), Her Excellency Madam Anna Raduchowska-Brochwicz  travelled to Zambia and held a series of discussions with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade & Industry on cooperation possibilities that resulted in interest from Zambian partners in the field of Information Communications Technology, infrastructure development (railways, roads and dams) and housing.

Discussions were also held with regard to project implementation in the defence sector.

Mr Shabolyo noted that companies on the trade mission include those from the automotive sector, mining, steel industry, agriculture, and defence.

He  also said there will be a Polish-Zambia Business Forum, tomorrow, Monday, 21st November which is organised by the Polish Chamber of Commerce, and the Trade and Investment Promotion section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The event is supported by ZACCI, ZDA, ZAM and ZNFU. The business forum is expected to create a platform for better understanding of trade and investment opportunities that exist between the two countries.

He explained that the investment opportunities that would be considered mainly relate to agriculture, focusing on agricultural infrastructure; the processing industry; mining; steel industry; automotive; energy; infrastructure, and defence sectors.

The Polish Chamber of Commerce and ZACCI will also sign a memorandum of understanding at the same event.

On Wednesday, 23rd November, the delegation will fly to Livingstone where it will hold meetings with officials from the Victoria Falls University and various other business entities.

Mr Shabolyo  said Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa, Mr  Emmanuel Mwamba has expressed joy at the development pointing out that the High Commission was happy that the efforts which it started making from as far back as March this year have finally materialised into the trade mission.

Mr. Mwamba said the High Commission has been working with the Polish Mission in Pretoria, which is also accredited to Zambia, and in April facilitated the visit to Zambia by Ambassador Raduchowska-Brochwicz to meet representatives of government and private institutions.

“It is this work which we started months back that has resulted in this trade mission going to Zambia today. We are optimistic that a number of positive developments will follow after the visit by this 23-strong man Polish delegation to Zambia,” Mr. Mwamba said.

Apart from representatives from the 11 companies, the delegation comprises Her Excellency Madam Raduchowska-Brochwicz; Head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in South Africa, Mr. Andrzej Krezel; Member of the Polish Parliament and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee to Africa,

Others include Mr. Killion Munyama (a Zambian born); Honorary Consul of the Republic of Zambia to Poland, Mr. Bartosz Brusikiewicz; Deputy Director in the Polish Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Economic Development, Mr. Marcin Jankowski, and Mrs. Anna Maleta, Specialist for the African countries, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mr Shabolyo  said First Secretary for Economic and Trade at the Zambian High Commission in Pretoria, Mr. Mande Kauseni, is accompanying the Polish delegation.   


  1. Barely a day passes without reading a story linked to Emmanuel Mwamba. Either he is working extremely hard or he is just an attention seeker, propping up his political CV.

    • Emmanuel Mwamba is a prostitute who do make-up even in the rain. I am amazed that he didn’t post his picture on this website. How many Zambian embassies are there,…. Or is it LT who fornicates with Mwamba?

    • RSA High Commission should change its name to Emmanuel Mwamba Investments…we will find that the stinking crook has sold everything.

  2. Today, when African refugees flee to Europe to seek asylum, they meet with hostility at European borders. But there was a time, such as before and during World War II, when European refugees flocked to Africa to seek sanctuary. There are such refugee camps in Uganda, which for more than a decade was home to thousands of Polish, Ukrainian and Russian World War II refugees.

    • The first group of an estimated 17,000-19,000 Polish refugees arrived in Africa around 1942. Their ships docked at Mombasa, the Kenyan port, and from there they scattered in various directions in East and Southern Africa – from the Equator to the Cape of Good Hope. These countries included: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    • Most people trying to get into Europe are economic migrants from Turkey who rely on social assistance and have no desire to work. Most of them are young men who left their wives and children in war-torn areas. Christians are welcome, but there is a big fear of Muslims. Do you know what’s going on in Germany? These “poor immigrants” are molesting our woman, and each of them carries a mobile phone – they are richer than many European, because the poorest aficans not afford to travel to Europe.

  3. This is now getting finished as a nation.What can Holland offer after delivering deadly IFA trucks.These are countries where gypsies live in Europe. Zambia should be serious as to who is coming as an investor.In actually such investors require help from developing countries like allocating them land to grow flowers.

  4. I have learnt with a heavy heart that Zambian bound cargo that is being shipped to Zambia via Walvis Bay in Namibia from Immingham Ports in the UK (and through Anterwep in Belgium) are being pilfered, tempered with and at most times; ransacked by POLISH Port workers that are employed by Belgium port authorities. Today these same Polish thieves are now coming to Zambia in the name of Trade. I am shedding tears really for Zambia my country, my home, my pride….

  5. I don’t think so polish people are highly skilled .And there have quility jobs I have worked with them And leaned a lot from them do not jarge a book before readings it

  6. Oh no that name again Emmanuel Mwamba; something stinks here..surely can’t this trade mission deal with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ZDA directly…not through this dealer, crook and middleman Mwamba.

  7. And so with this government there is always a Loan involved …..just how many and how much are we being committed to ….. they say its for modernization of Agric bla bla bla but we shall never see any of this modernization or feel its impact !

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