Saturday, July 27, 2024

Conditions you need to meet to Qualify for Tax Incentives offered by Zambia



  1. She performed deplorably. She either will fully avoided the questions or misunderstood them. For a director of Tax at PwC I am afraid the firm has failed. Time to change is overdue

    • Its hard to understand some of these accents by these South Africans. Teexi……………..should be pronounced taaax

  2. Get relevant information other than focusing on the individual. Here is what I got from her:
    We have huge economic challenges which resulted from the borrowing of 3 Eurobonds and falling Copper prices

    For FDI:
    1. We need to have clear and consolidated tax laws.
    2. Immigration needs to do their home work . Have clear requirements and process documents fast.
    3. Basically remove uncertainty
    4. We need to have local benchmarking to handle transfer pricing of Copper and other minerals
    On your concern of avoiding some of the questions directly, there are a lot of thin skinned ignorant politicians who are always on the look out for any truth they don’t want to hear, so its safe to stir clear while still painting the picture of the current reality in Zambia. Its pretty…

  3. X, it would be helpful for the questions to be responded in a precise/concise manner. As Mulenga said, a lot of questions were misunderstood by the respondent. Good points raised nonetheless.

    • Interviews such as this are arranged in such a way that the interviewee is given a chance to digest the questions before hand. Besides, what we’re watching is a pre-recording. They both had a chance to review the program before it was published.

  4. From that interview, one can tell that we have danderheards for our leaders in Zambia due to corrupt activities, no transparency and straight forward laws just to accommodate the leaders corrupt activities.

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