Thursday, February 13, 2025

Government pledges to construct Chisokone B shelter that collapsed after a heavy downpour


Northern Province Minister, Freedom Sikazwe addresing mourners during the burial of the late Chief Fwambo of the Mambwe people in Mbala at the palace
Freedom Sikazwe

Government has pledged to construct Chisokone B shelter that collapsed yesterday following a heavy downpour recently.

Presidential Affairs Minister Freedom Sikazwe says government will put up a shelter to help traders revert to their businesses while awaiting the construction of the modern market.

Mr Sikazwe the disaster at the market was an emergency which needs urgent attention before thinking of the long term measures.

The short term measures will be done in collaboration with Kitwe City Council (KCC), he said
adding that money will be sourced to speed up the construction works and have traders back to their businesses.

Mr Sikazwe said this during a meeting with affected traders at Chisokone market , today.

“We are happy as Government that the district commissioner and the mayor came to check the state of the damage ,this shows how Patriotic Front (PF) Government is committed to address issues of those in the informal sector,’’he said.

And Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe has assured traders operating from Chisokone B market that the collapsed shelter will be constructed soon through the council and the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).

Speaking at the same event, Mr Kang’ombe indicated that estimates are been awaited from the department of engineering at KCC on the works to be done.

Meanwhile Association for Vendors and Marketeers in Zambia (AVEMA) president Able Chikwa said government has always been committed in addressing issues affecting those in the informal sector.

Mr Chikwa said that issues of disasters must not ne politicized as they happened unknowingly.

“We are thankful that Government has always come to the aid of the people in the informal sector and they have been committed when ever such disasters happen,its in this vain that we appeal that they should not get tired of helping our people ,’’he said.


  1. Who is the minister on the picture? I cannot anybody there looking like a minister. LT using a wrong picture for a right story.

    • LOL, I equally thought he is a village headman or something. Luckily, I am used to PF ministers who are nasty looking, case in point- Shamenda Fackson.

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