Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has placed the blame of the Unruly Party cadres on the head of the Office of the Registrar of Societies for failing to move and deal firmly with parties that use unruly cadres to disturb peace.
In a statement released to the media, Mr Sinkamba said tha the Registrar of Societies has abated this unruly conduct and political violence, adding that this conducted had been perpetrated before and during elections, and that it has continued even after the elections.
Mr Sinkamba urged the Registrar of Societies to move in and bring sanity, failure to which the Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Steven Kampyongo must move in to shuffle the Heads at the institution
Below is the full statement
18 DECEMBER, 2016
As the Green Party, we condemn in strongest terms the unruly and riotous behaviour of UPND cadres at High Court grounds last Friday which resulted into damage to property and arrests of hoards of cadres. We also condemn use of excessive force by the police on defenseless women. Furthermore, we condemn indiscriminate use of teargas which adversely affected the entire court grounds and contiguous areas, and use of live bullets.
We blame the continued unruly conduct on the Office of the Registrar of Societies for failing to move and deal firmly with parties that use unruly cadres to disturb peace. The Registrar of Societies has abated this unruly conduct and political violence. We saw it being perpetrated before and during elections. It has continued post-elections. We now call upon the Registrar of Societies to bring sanity in the conduct of parties. Otherwise, the Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Steven Kampyongo must move in to shuffle the Heads at the institution.
As regards to judiciary, whilst we understand the frustration that Judge Mwila Chitabo was confronted with, from mischief by UPND cadres, however, we find it extremely demoralizing that he decided to adjourn the presidential petition indefinitely on an emotional note. As the Green Party, it is our wish that Aristotle’s declaration continues to guide the philosophy of our legal system: “The law is reason, free from passion.” It is the calling of the profession that a good judge should firmly put emotional reactions aside to their work. Thus, we expect judges to regulate their emotions, either by preventing emotion’s emergence or by walling off its influence. Put simply, our Courts should never be swayed by emotion or sympathy.
In this regard, we call upon Judge Chitabo to review his decision of indefinite adjournment of the on-going presidential petition. In certain sections of our country, especially Southern, Western and Northwestern Provinces, the petition is a highly emotive issue. For this reason, the presidency of His Excellency Edgar Lungu is not yet recognized or indeed still being held in contempt. There is still robust hope that his presidency will be overturned through this petition. Hence, the earlier the petition is brought to closure, the better for Zambia.
Sinkamba, this country has collapsed. The cadres who went to court on Thursday were very peaceful until they were provoked by the PF Police. If there is any other version anywhere other than this one, it is a very clear blue lie
Sinkamba is right.
Cadres such as those of the UPND need to be dealt with extremely firmly.
This is not a cattle kraal. This is a state which does not Calle for kachema tactics to run.
Let us avoid animal husbandry type of politics.
Farm politics will never make anybody president.
If you dispute my statement you continue with farm politics and if you ever become president, if not only that of farmers union.
But the very Steven Kapyongo is one with brothers in Shiwangandu who stone helicopters during campaigns. Unless deregister Kapyongo first, replace him with misused Frank Bwalya.
Sinkamba is a Lungu sarogate! His mouth is wroten.where is he when PF cadres are throwing stones?
Sinkamba is chikamba, Not thinking, The common enemy here is the PF controlled police. Every normal human being can see what the PF under vision-less EL have done to the police and the country, We have gone 20 years backwards and it will take a lot of time for us to rectify things, Feel sorry for the next president, It will be hard work for him.
Commrade Peter you are giving the entire government, institutions and politicians good checks and balances.
2021 is not far Mr Sinkamba you can win. You are fast becoming the most popular opposition voice. Watch out for those who may want to poach you. By and large I am in agreement that UPND should be de registered.
Kaponya (HH) is a disgraced miserable gay wankar with a GBV peins up his bottom shaft.
2016 vote Mr Kudos Most Influential blogger on LT
Mr Hanimal Husbandry (HH) the chief Kaponya has been turned into a violent, ruthless basturd by GBM. Little does Kaponya (HH) know that GBM is aiming for UPND presidency.
I call upon the judiciary and police to deal maximum hard labour upon those lazy, loitering, illiterate, filthy, smelly stone chucking spear throwers from Dundumwezi for the damage they caused at the High Court grounds. You can extend that to Max Chongo and his dirty bandits who camped at the Supreme court. We have enough photographic evidence on LT.
Judge Lisimba shouldnt even waste our time and money farrting on a chair at Nakatindi civic centre. All the material is right in front of your eyes Pillocks.
Iwe chikaanamba I used to think you were a confident and straight up man until today. What stopped you from simply saying that the registrar needs to deal firmly with the PF? Everyone knows that the PF has unruly cadres and have even turned the police force into cadres who victimise innocent citizens. Wake up mune and dont be scared to call a spade a spade. Meanwhile please nominate me as blogger of the year!! aluta
Sinkamba is even offering better checks and balances as compared to bena Kalusa. Wait for while and see how bena Kalusa will soon render themselves useless. Bena kalusa are still stuck in the old way of politics.
True that Mutinta.. bene Kalusa are out of touch..
Zambian polithiefcians are always about “elections” or “parties ” and “voters” because they have no agenda for Zambia ,visionary ideas or manifestos to lift up the nation.
They’re empty headed Lords of poverty,no wonder Zed is still 3rd a world nation after 50yrs of self rule.
Sinkamba either you have smoked or you don’t understand what you are talking about. UPNDonkeys have aready told you that they will not accepr the petition results unless it is intheir fabour. Same story was told to you before elections that UPNDonleys will not accept results. Drink some milk green man if you atlre to think properly. We need you as an akternative president not hh and gbm.
Sinkamba, we all want peaceful cadres and peaceful parties but PF has brought much violence in Zambia. This Kampyongo boy whom you’re appealing to is a violent PF cadre. Up to now no justice has been done over Mapenzi’s death. Where is your voice on this one?
On everything else Mr Sinkamba is Right. On the public attending Court Hearings there is no law which bars the Public from attending such trials. There is a requirement for “Silence in Court” and those who disturb the peace in Court can be removed from Court by Court Officials and Not Police. The Police have no rights at Law to enter Courts and remove attendees. The Judge provoked the Public by turning the Trial from being a Public Trial to a Chamber Trial without informing the Public in advance. This was part of the State and Judge Plan to avoid the Judge giving his judgment in Court to favour the State. It was wrong for the Judge to turn what was a Public Trial into a Camera trial without proper due process. Its the first time we are hearing an Application within an Application and in…
So concerned citizen you now agree with us that your goons became in sensed when the judge advised that the matter was to be heard in his chambers and not in the open court as opposed to what your supreme leader is insinuating that, the police officers are the ones that started tear gasing your cadres.
Start with PF kaponyas.
Mr Green Sinkamba, context matters in everything we do and say. When Aristotle said those words never in his wildest dreams did he imagine there would be UPNDonkeys led by GBM and blindly followed by HH.
We have to appreciate HH’s predicament. Unlike Anderson Mazoka, he grew up through school and university in the company of tonga friends. You know that group of guys who walked about with supersonic radios on their shoulders, very close together bound by common language. Hh failed 4 times to become president of Zambia and then he stumbled upon a bemba GBM. Now remember Hh is no exposed outside his tribal circles which you can tell from his unpolished accent. Unfotunetely his first exposure was a bad kaponya one rather yhan from a polished bemba. The kaponya influence of Gbm was just…
The kaponya influence of Gbm was just overwhelming for this boy. The rest is history. What he diesnt realize is that Gbm has actually taken over his personal party which has niw become UPND-onkey. Poor humble boy is heading to the grave a frustrated failure who lost lections twice to Lungu. And lost his party once was enough to GBM.
I am sure even in the boardrooms where HH sits it shows an Hh trying to show his newly acquered crude skills. Would nt be surprised if HH takes red clad criminals to camp outside those boardrooms.
HH has simply become a Tragedy from hero of tongaland.
Politics in our Country has become something else.No one can be trusted ubupuba bwachila.
The cause of this problem is Edward and his advisers. After stealing the vote Edward thought he can just usurp power and rule on. Edward in accordance with his Plan after blocking the Petition in Concourt he has to once again block at the High Court. Edward wants to be recognised as Legitimate President of Zambia when he is illegitimate becoz he lost the vote and stole the Victory from HH. Respect is earned and Not demanded By blocking the Petition Edward has confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt that he did not win the election fairly,freely and openly. Until this Petition is heard and determined Edward will remain illegitimate. This illgality and illegitimacy will huant Edward for the rest of his life. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Edward the Writing is on the Wall…
Infact the registerer of societies must go further by burning parties that encourage dagger smoking….like the green party….kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yes eliminate all parties so that Mr Sinkamba can go unopposed in 2021?
I beg to differ with your line of blame. I am of the opinion that the party leadership is to blame . This Party has literally failed to control the conduct of the young men and women. For them to gather at a particular venue means it is a coordinated move Which the leadership cannot deny knowledge of. If the registrar decided to act according to your wishes, the others shall cry uncontrollably to the extent of saying the PF has a hand in it and wanting a one party state. The Police MUST SEND a good message to the would be criminals that it is expensive to misbehave. Tolerance has its own limits. I salute you Judge.
Start by deregistering PF , and followed by police also should be deregulated period.
Iwe chi-Sinkamba uleke ifyamba…wamona nomba, wamba ukusabaila…uleisebanya. How can you ask the Registrar of Societies to de-register a legitimate party like UPND when YOUR OWN chi-Party actually promotes marijuana smoking and drug-dealing? Yashani iyo? Ifyamba uleke mdala, ukashala mukupena. Ulichipuba sana. Not that I necessarily support UPND, but it is just that some people like Sinkamba are irritating. Time for childish politics is gone, clowns like him should never be tolerated: at one time we had Chama Chakomboka, he was then followed by his ‘brother’ Muliokela from the West, and that is enough please!!!! Lets be serious now. People are busy discussing serious issues and he brings up a suggestion like this? Where was he during the campaigns when people were cutting and…