Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu and First lady’s Christmas day in Pictures


First Lady Esther Lungu(r),Minister of Commerce,Trade and Industry Margaret Mwanakatwe(l) and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya(c) during the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r),Minister of Commerce,Trade and Industry
Margaret Mwanakatwe(l) and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya(c)
during the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital
in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r),Minister of Commerce,Trade and Industry Margaret Mwanakatwe(l) and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya(c) during the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r),Minister of Commerce,Trade and Industry
Margaret Mwanakatwe(l) and Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya(c)
during the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital
in Lusaka
First Lady Esther  Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe and Health minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts newly born Babies December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe and Health minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts newly born Babies December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Journalists at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Journalists at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe (R) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe (R) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Journalists at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Journalists at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu(l)  appreciating the Journalists for the good work they have been doing.This was after  the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(l) appreciating the Journalists for the
good work they have been doing.This was after the visit of Christmas
Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(l)  appreciating the Journalists for the good work they have been doing.This was after  the visit of Christmas Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(l) appreciating the Journalists for the
good work they have been doing.This was after the visit of Christmas
Babies at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the
Christmas baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in LusakaFirst Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the
Christmas baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) giving baby hampers to the Mother of the new born baby  at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) giving baby hampers to the Mother of the
new born baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe (R) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with Commerce minister Margaret Mwanakatwe (R) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu admirers one of the Babies at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the
Christmas baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu  listens from expectant mother Racheal Masebo (with a bible) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu listens from expectant mother Racheal Masebo (with a bible) at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to Babies in Lusaka on December 25,2016-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther  Lungu talks to Jesica Mwape (L), Baby Emmanuel's mother  at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to newly born Babies on Sunday, December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu talks to Jesica Mwape (L), Baby Emmanuel’s mother at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to newly born Babies on Sunday, December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther  Lungu with Jesica Mwape (L), Baby Emmanuel's mother  at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to newly born Babies on Sunday, December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu with Jesica Mwape (L), Baby Emmanuel’s mother at UTH where she presented Christmas gifts to newly born Babies on Sunday, December 25,2016 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the
Christmas baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the
Christmas baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka

First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas baby at  University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
First Lady Esther Lungu(r) congratulates the Mother of the Christmas
baby at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka
President Edgar Lungu(r) and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l) after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie Kishiki/Zanis.
President Edgar Lungu(r) and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l)
after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie

President Edgar Lungu(r) and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l) after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie Kishiki/Zanis.
President Edgar Lungu(r) and Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l)
after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie
Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l) speaks to President Edgar Lungu(r)  after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie Kishiki/Zanis.
Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l) speaks to President Edgar
Lungu(r) after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie

President Edgar Lungu(r) chats with Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya(l) after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie Kishiki/Zanis.
President Edgar Lungu(r) chats with Health Minister Chitalu
Chilufya(l) after the visit to Kalingalinga Clinic. Picture by Ennie
PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu confers with Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda when he presented Christmas gifts at Chilenje Hospital
PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu confers with Minister of Justice,
Given Lubinda when he presented Christmas gifts at Chilenje Hospital

PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu presents a Christmas gift to Ruth Mwamba at Chilenje Hospital

PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda tours the Chilenje Hospital
PRESIDENT Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Minister of Justice, Given
Lubinda tours the Chilenje Hospital


  1. menomeno busy exposing and forcing us to accord him respect when he is busy blocking HH /GBM from helping the poor here in Lusaka.he is the most evil man of the year.

  2. Imiona ukupepuka ba fist lady, I wouldn’t let her near my baby because she will deprive the baby of the much needed oxygen.
    Birds of the same feathers flock together, the wise is just as clueless as the husband, No vision no direction but every which way.

    • So what you are saying is the if we had three or more people with noses like the first lady standing in the same space at the same time there would be a fatality due to oxygen deprivation even if no one fired a bullet. Do the first lady’s security men know about this technicality?

  3. Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of the messiah Yahushua (popularly known as Jesus) it is a pagan celebration attributed to Mithra the most high of the Greeks, Jupita the most of the Romans and Tammuz (Ezekiel 8 : 14)the most high of the Babylonians. Please read Ezekiel 8 : 7 – 18, these are abominations our leaders are doing Yahuwah (God) will deal with this land and He will not hear our prayers because our land is full of abominable things.

  4. a better gift would have been new beds and wards to replace the dilapidated ones seen in the pictures. Never cease to amaze me that these people are so blind to the poor conditions of these hospitals.

    • Even that last picture the poor lady is lying on a bed with no mattress…just cancelling one of his African flights can buy beds and medicines for that clinic.

  5. Is the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation Biblical? let us go into scripture; Joshua chose for himself and his Family and asked the people what their stand was He did not force them or declare them as servants of Yahuwah; Joshua 24 : 15 – 25, We should not just accept anything without searching the scriptures. Even the new covenant (new testament) attributes Salvation as PERSONAL not PUBLIC OR COMMUNAL then why should one be declared as a follower of Yahushua? As the word itself Christian is meant to mean a follower of Christ (Jesus – Yahushua) please read Romans 10 : 9. Yahuwah (God) says through His servant Hosea , “My people have perished for lack of Knowledge.” Hosea 4 : 6.

    • @Jay Jay, I am putting the word Jesus in brackets for the sake of explanation as I am trying reach out to every one with a thorough and vivid explanation. I, for one, do not propagate the idea of a white Yahushua (Jesus) as I know the image of Jesus people worship is that of Cesare Borgia the imposter the son of pope Alexander vi whose face was painted by his sinner-mate (gay partner) Leonardo da Vinci. Yahushua according to scripture is Black; Rev 1 : 14….Black man’s hair is woolly and the skin tone of brass as if refined or baked in a furnace. Moses was also Black; exodus 2 : 19 ….. according to history egyptians those days were black also Paul Act 21 : 38 …….. We are lost Brother!

    • You do realize a whole nation can follow the real God Jehovah right : Psalms 67: 1-7 The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God. God is not a white God, it is genetically and physically impossible. Jesus fled to red hot Egypt and the Sahara. Temperatures built for dark brown skin ( African ). God loves those that help the poor, work hard and develop their nations.

    • Funny how you use a book with those names like Paul, James, Peter verses to justify your post…wake up and dig a bit deeper than that you are almost there!!

    • @1PLUS1 I agree Jesus never existed but Yahushua did, if you are black you are just following what the scripture says; The Yahudites (Israelites) refused our messiah chose a criminal over him, this is what we are doing now, the stumbling block has been education so well aligned and designed by the Babylonians to puff us up. People conclude this way because of the vague scientific elucidation. In Bemba there is a saying : Imbushi pakuitwala ku mulemfwe (green grass) ilatanina …. when ever you pull a goat towards green grass it will vehemently refuse. The same with Black people especially Africans, We feel Yahushua is for whites? false! Christmas, Halloween,Goodfriday, easter sunday etc are white people holidays.

    • @ Jay Jay I know my Brother I am using the names so that the masses can align themselves with what they know : Paul was Sha’ul, Peter was Kepha and James Ya’aqob and Sha’ul never changed his name He died Sha’ul.

    • @Nzelu you are lost please don’t misunderstand scripture God Jehovah as you call the most high chose a people to mandate his plan of Salvation for the whole world and sent His Son to be born amongst the same people. The word nation in the Bible is derived from the word Ethnos in greek which means nation or multitude, so your portion of scripture simply means a collection of people with individual choices but not really declared unto. Why should you try to change scripture with regards to salvation? According to the Bible Yahuwah is Spirit(Has no Colour) John 4 : 24 but Yahushua is flesh (Black) John 1 : 1, Rev 1 : 14. Please touch and compare the hair of sheep – wool – blackman, the hair of goat long straing – white person. This is truth not racism, Yahushua is referred to as the Lamb.

    • Seleni twikale is following the black hebrew israelites doctrine. I know this rhetoric from a mile. well,atleast you are trying to keep it black. but did you know that the hebrew israelites calls africans the hamitic race which was cursed by their God Yahweh? Hebrwe israelites dont like africans

    • @zagaze the black hebrew Israelites are confused, if you have followed them they do not pronounce the name of the most high as Yahuwah, the name of the Son as Yahushua and they streamline the twelve tribes of Israel to the Americas whilst the scripture depicts Yahuwah Himself saying “I will gather my Children from the four corners of the Earth”, I know that misconception my Brother! One of their American Brothers Watchman Yahu has ridiculed and heavily corrected them and He seems to understand scripture including being true although his misses a bit of some points.

  6. Lungu this Lungu that. I thought Xmas was about Jesus. Why do we continue worshipping men who who lack integrity like this thief Lungu. Please Lusaka times as best blogger of year don’t embarrass me with such articles

  7. I can’t wait the day will have President of Zambia whom will be accompany by secret services, instead of secret services wearing combat fatigue. Are we at war?

  8. We should not politicize Yahuwah (God ) let us give to the President (ECL or whoever is on the throne) what belongs to Him and to Yahuwah what belongs to Him. This tactic of mixing politics with Yahuwah is a system devised by evil people whose aim is to hypnotize the masses with their LIES so that they can amass wealth for themselves and alas! People follow like zombies hence teaser movies like the “walking dead” one would wonder why the series is so popular. Yahuwah (God) will smite Babylon (this confusion) with an iron rod and bring to an end this age of tyranny.

  9. Lungu anya chishupu ati headline.. lungu azinyela ati headline.. OK lusaka times I also demand that you give a headline article for the winner of best blogger 2016.

  10. Just look at the boxes being dished out, everything is made is SA. Can’t this usless president and his usless cabinet have anything made in Zambia?????

    • To these theving monkey buffoons showing to be giving products made in SA is being smart or posh not knowing they are suffocating any industry zambia has…….

    • And someone will say its the Ester Lungu Charity that ordered these Baby products from Durban from Plastic Company…how can you sing about Value Addition if you have absolutely no clue how it works!!


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