Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mpombo’s Son to be put under Detention for at least 10 years for the charge of murder


Ndola High Court Judge-in-charge Emelia Sunkutu has recommended that former Defence minister George Mpombo’s 17 year old son be detained under the President’s pleasure for at least 10 years in a charge of murder.

And Judge Sunkutu has send the juvenile to 12 months at Katombola reformatory school.

Passing judgement in a matter where Mpombo’s 17 year old son is facing two counts of murder and attempted robbery contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

In the first count the Juvenile offender is alleged to have on January 11, in Ndola, murdered his girlfriend Ruth Phiri.

In count two, it is alleged that the juvenile on January 16, armed with a firearm, attempted to rob Lewis Mpundu of his property.

Mpombo’s son is alleged to have stolen his fathers nine-millimetre pistol, which he used to kill his pregnant girlfriend before beheading her.

Last week Judge Sunkutu said she could not pass the sanctions without a social welfare report.

Senior probations officer Chrissy Hilweele recommended that the juvenile be taken to Katombola to reform.

“The juvenile needs institutional care for him to be safe. He needs physical care. Let the juvenile be taken to the reformatory school for him to reform. Removing him from society is the only way he will reform,” Hilweele said.

But Judge Sunkutu said sending the juvenile to Katombola reformatory school will be a de-service to the offender and society.

“Sending you to Katombola will be a de-service to you and society. Therefore, I order to the offence of murder to be detained at the President’s pleasure. I will submit a report to the President and the recommendations from the social welfare. The court shall send you to the President’s pleasure for a period that will be suitable for your detention. You should be confined for at least 10 years,” Judge Sunkutu said.

“On attempted aggravated robbery, am sending you to Katombola for a period of 12 months. So you will go for 12 months at reformatory school. For the murder, like I have said I recommend to be detained at the President’s pleasure for at least 10 years.”


    • This is a heinous crime. He should have been tried as an adult not as a juvenile. This thing is too dangerous to be released into the community at any time.

    • Zambian judges are such idyots. Somebody who is so evil gets away with such a laughable non-sentence. Where do these judicial clowns go to school? (No wonder they cannot even pass judgement on something as complicated as a Presidential petition). As for the murderer, all he needs is for his father, Mpombo Senior, to compose a pompous poem in praise of Lungu and next week Lungu will pardon him as part of the New Year’s pardon list.

    • this is the reason why i am nominated as best blogger while mj banda who claimed to be best blogger during our tunfweko days is not nominated. you can just see from the calibre of comments this empty tin gives.

    • This cant be a juvenile- judging by the the seriousness of the offences, and the brutal and savagery manner in which the hernious crime of murder was committed – shooting and beheading a pregnant girlfriend???? Jail him for LIFE!!!!

    • I agree with most of you who believe that Mpombo Jr should have tried as an adult and not as a juvenile. If you are a man and impregnated a a 16 year old girl, you will imprisoned for having canal knowledge with a minor. The story however, would be different if you had impregnated a 17 year old girl because a 17 year girl is considered to be an adult and of marriageable age. Armed with this opinion, similarly, Mpombo junior should have as such, as an adult and a drugist in addition to murder and attempted robbery.

    • This archaic law needs to be changed. Children aged 17 who commit heinous crimes like these should be tried as adults. This chap is a murderer. He should be tried as an adult. Anything less is unacceptable. Where is justice for the family of his victim? If he doesn’t qualify for a death penalty because of his age, at least he should receive a life sentence. Such a person should not be allowed to walk the streets again, as that would be putting the lives of people in danger. He will kill again if you release him back into society. Do the right thing. Send this chap to the slammer for good.

  1. I think it’s not the first time he’s killing,for that boy to cut off a human’s head,then he must have a good need for juvenile what ever,take the bastardy to mukobeko.for him to impregnate a lady then he’s a man.

  2. Mj banda you are a silly ignorant little dot. This boy is a juvenile who needs reformation and support. The real criminals are those under pf stealing from a poor country while zambians die of hunger and poverty with its related ills such as disease etc. A upnd female member was killed in cold blood and no one in the pf trigger police camp has paid for her death. So do not come to me with that tit for tat idiocy!!! grow up bane

    • Like the way hh store from the Zambian people in the name of privatization and left millions dying and languishing in poverty. Today hh is nez’s hero. Truly laughable.

  3. The boy killed someone’s daughter. I do not care whether he is George Ugly Mpombo’s son or not. Wow selective justice indeed………very useless judge.

  4. This is not fair the parents of the murdered girl must appeal ,this is why such people come back into society and continue doing the same killings. Take it he is pardon by the president and comes back into society, he will have learned new ideas and he will be good in this kind of life. Please send him to hell where he belongs. Politicians children are a late down just like there fathers when they are in power.

  5. NEZ please stick to the point what are you taking about. The subject is about the son of mpombo’.how do you manage to discuss by moving away from the topic.

  6. As a gesture of goodwill please i ask you all to vote for mushota as best blogger. She seems to be struggling to steal the vote from me. You cannot cheat yourself to victory when the people are on my side. Please vote for her to help her

  7. Kikikikikkikikikikiki. Balimulipila Judge Emelia Sunkutu beause this is a capital offense regardless of age. How many kids younger even than his age who have been in prison for similar offenses. She was just paid period.

  8. Kikikikikkikikikikiki. Balimulipila Judge Emelia Sunkutu because this is a capital offense regardless of age. How many kids younger even than his age who have been in prison for similar offenses. She was just paid period.

  9. Please ba LT take your staff to journalism schools, good ones. Your reporters need to know how to report.
    After Mpombo’s son has been convicted you can’t continue writing ” the Juvenile offender is alleged to have on January 11, in Ndola, murdered his girlfriend Ruth Phiri.”
    He is no longer ALLEGED. That’s why he is being sentenced. Its just simple logic mwebantu!

    • The thick won’t understand the logic. During the trial the accused is alleged because it has not been proven. Once the judge makes a decision of guilty the “alleged ” falls away

  10. How much was Hilweele paid? “The juvenile needs institutional care for him to be safe. He needs physical care” Hilweele said.”
    Does this old man need “physical care” and “to be safe” after stealing his father’s gun, shoots his pregnant girlfriend, beheads his dead girlfriend and attempts aggravated robbery?
    C’mon Hilweele, be serious man!

  11. Isaiah 59:4, 7-9,14-15 “None calleth for justice, nor [any] pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” 7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts [are] thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction [are] in their paths. 8 The way of peace they know not; and [there is] no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. 9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, [but] we walk in darkness. 14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. 15 Yea, truth…


  13. Sunkutu the failed judge you are requesting for a social welfare report after the trial and at sentencing? Uhm! Juveniles are defined as being what age? (not youth) Murder and aggravated robbery and you still rule that this criminal is a juvenile? And why a Social welfare report instead of a psychiatric report and even a medical report to determine true age….you failed at IRC and now HC you are a puppet? No wonder hubby found leisure in the former zisc md…

  14. What is this so called ‘President’s Pleasure’ type of sentence… Jeez why is this country has to always revert everything to the president? Aren’t their enough laws and common sense for her to make an informed decision?

    Juvenile or not, I believe a murderer would always have an appropriate judgement befitting the crime. Even Juveniles can go to jail for a very long time… the only difference is the type of jail they will be serving from. When they reach adult age, they can be transferred to an adult prison. This judge is sending a wrong message to overzealous 16 year or 17 year year old teenagers out there that you can kill at will and there will be no consequences. Not OK!

    It’s only accidental manslaughter deaths by 5 years olds that need to be interpreted…

    • continued…
      It’s only accidental manslaughter deaths by 5 years olds that need to be interpreted the way thus judge has gone about this. This Juvenile definitely had intent to commit this heinous crime and he deserves to go away for very long time regardless of his age at the time.

  15. This so called juvenile is a cold blooded murderer and deserved a harsher sentence (death) than a presidential pleasure. What is that anyway?

  16. … Sunkutu has recommended that former Defence minister George Mpombo’s 17 year old son be detained under the President’s pleasure for at least 10 years in a charge of murder. (WRONG)
    ….. Sunkutu has recommended that former Defence minister George Mpombo’s 17 year old son be detained under the President’s pleasure for at least 10 years on a charge of murder. (RIGHT)
    And Judge Sunkutu has send the juvenile to 12 months at Katombola reformatory school.(WRONG)
    Judge Sunkutu has sentenced Mpombo’s son to 12 months at Katombola reformatory school. (RIGHT)
    Passing judgement in a matter where Mpombo’s 17 year old son is facing two counts of murder and attempted robbery contrary to the Laws of Zambia. (WRONG)
    Passing judgement in a matter where Mpombo’s 17 year old son WAS facing two…

  17. Passing judgement in a matter where Mpombo’s 17 year old son is facing two counts of murder and attempted robbery contrary to the Laws of Zambia. (WRONG)
    Passing judgement in a matter where Mpombo’s 17 year old son WAS facing two counts of murder and attempted robbery contrary to the Laws of Zambia.(RIGHT)

  18. The family to the girl kill the ***** with lightening he is not important. The judge even saying for at least 10 years? Chalafuma nombaline muchibombelepofye chapwa

  19. LT use of the English language is laughable. ‘Send you to the PResident’s pleasure ….” Honestly these journalists have no excuse for using terms that they don’t understand. Use the internet to check the correct use of terminology.
    This type of reporting is an indication of the poor standard of education and low literacy rates in the country. The sad thing is it is getting worse.

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