Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government taking steps to address power deficit


David Mabumba
David Mabumba

Government says it has this year spent about $480 million to import power to cushion the power deficit that country has been experiencing.

Minister of Energy David Mabumba says the ministry is however taking necessary steps to ensure that the country’s power deficit is addressed.

The minister noted that Zambia and Zimbabwe plans to set up a common dam on the Batoka gorge and also construct separate power plants that are expected to generate 1200 megawatts each at a cost of about 3.6 billion kwacha through debt financing.

He added that the ministry also plans to indentify the four potential sites on the Luapula river basin which have potential to generate 1000 megawatts.

The minister said the Development Bank of Southern Africa has provided a grant worth 6 million dollars to undertake feasibility studies on the Luapula river basin.

He further said that the ministry of energy will also ensure that the transmission lines are worked on to enhance interconnector corridors.

The minister was speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka.

And Mr Mabumba also noted that the government will allow the private sector to procure petroleum products with the aim to empower them.

He said the ministry will next year begin a gradual process to build capacity in the private sector to enable them procure petroleum products.

Mr Mabumba added that the government is not selling ZESCO, INDENI or TAZAMA but will seek to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.


  1. Lungu came back from Mozambique aftere signing a MOU to export power to Mozambique. Loongoo comes back from SA after signing MOU to import power from SA. This is an ENRON

    • None of what Mabumba is talking about is short term. All those projects are at least 8 years away. Feasibility studies have to be made; financing obtained; and then construction started. It just means that PF have no hope of correcting the power situation.

  2. the main problem with PF is they forget what they say quickly. today you hear them say once the so and so is open we will not have load shedding. i am tired of promises please just work and then boom no load shedding

    • @ine wine You are right!

      And not only do they quickly forget what they say, they also forget what they have DONE!

      How many times has Lungu & co blamed the load shredding on drought? When the REAL reason is that PF CANCELLED the Kafue Gorge lower project as soon as they came into government.

      And in 2011 ONE WHOLE YEAR’S SUPPLY OF WATER was intentionally flushed out of Kariba by ZESCO due to incompetence.

      Now they blame the “drought” !!!!

      Rubbish. This has been CAUSED BY PF interference and incompetence!

      Ask the engineers.

  3. Visionary Lungu said said Zambia does not have to invest in energy but import power from South Africa. Is nobody in cabinet listening to the great leader?

  4. 6 million dollars for feasibility studies? How many times have we head this song and yet it doesn’t play? So their main interest is not to solve the load shading but to simply help themselves to these feasibility funds. Wake up and smell the coffee, how many of these agreements have we been subjected to in the last five years?
    As for the fuel, the price will soon go down once the private sector comes on board and not a situation were when the price on the international market goes down, the price remains the same, how ironic.

  5. 6 million dollars for feasibility studies? How many times have we head about this song and yet it doesn’t play? So their main interest is not to solve the load shading but to simply help themselves to these feasibility funds. Wake up and smell the coffee, how many of these agreements have we been subjected to in the last five years?
    As for the fuel, the price will soon go down once the private sector comes on board and not a situation were when the price on the international market goes down, the price remains the same, how ironic.

  6. $480 million CAN BUILD A BRAND NEW POWER STATION & create 7,000 jobs during construction & 500 after commissioning.

    The shortage of brain cells in PF is so costly to the country.

  7. Rhetoric as usual. This will be actualised after 10 years. These PF Ministers are always talking. Work on the ground nothing. Not that I think the opposition can do better, but PF Ministers are a total flop. By the way President Sata echoed his concerns about his party members.

  8. Too much Jamerson as consumption for these characters. They ‘re forever intoxicated heavily that they become delusional and start hallucinating

  9. There is too much my own boss in PF and hence they keep on confusing the nation.ecl comes with smiles SA saying no need to put some more power plants and today mabumba is contradicting his boss’s statement……am afraid he risks of being fired soon.

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