Saturday, July 27, 2024

Luanshya Man Hacked to Death by Girlfriend


A 52-year-old man has been hacked to death by his 22-year-old girlfriend in Luanshya.

Police have since arrested the woman of Mpatamato Township for murder. She is alleged to hacked the man with a hoe on Christmas day.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Charity Katanga identified the suspect as Bwalya Komakoma of house number 310 section 21, and the deceased as Stephen Mulenga, 52, of Mpatamato township.

ZANIS reports that the incident happened between 03:00 and 05:00 hours when the deceased went to visit Komakoma at her house where she was with another man.

Ms. Katanga said it was then that Ms Bwalya together with her other boyfriend only identified as Kalela attacked the deceased, beating him up and hacking him with a hoe.

She explained that the deceased sustained multiple head injuries and was rushed to Roan General Hospital where he was hospitalised and later died in the early hours of Tuesday.

Ms, Katanga said Ms Bwalya, who was initially charged with unlawful wounding, was later charged with murder and will appear in court soon.

She however said police were still searching for Kalela in connection with the murder.


    • Why do the police in Zambia publicize home addresses of suspects to the general public ? This is absolutely not right and puts the lives of other family members living at that address in danger. Where is common sense kanshi? If this was done in a country like the USA the police would be sued. If any police official is reading this, please stop publicizing suspects’ home addresses to the whole world. You’re accomplishing nothing by doing that but just putting people’s lives in danger.

    • Christianity forced on people that is why we see such things. Not even the person who pronounced Zambia a Christian Nation was indeed a Christian!

  1. So all those women in Zambia are engaging in multiple partner relationships? Zambian sexual morals are now even worse than in Botswana!!

  2. Well deserved death. I don’t know any clever woman these days married or not who only has one man.Those days are gone. The only mistake this small girl made was to kill the 1diot, she shouldnt even have opened the door.

  3. 52 – 22 = 30. This means the deceased was 30 years old the day this girl was born. These age disparities, which seemingly bring issues even amongst couples, should be addressed both ways and not only when it’s the woman who’s older. On the other hand, I wonder how much this girl loved the man.

    • Hormones know no age difference nor reason. The man must have been a He-goat without self-control! The young lady must have told him off on several occasions but he kept trying till he met his fate at an ungodly hour of 03:00am. Sad.

  4. Proverbs 5: 1 – 23 My son pay attention to my wisdom lend your ears to my understanding. That you may preserve discretion, and your lips may keep knowledge:V3 For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil V4: but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two- edged sword. V5 her feet go down to death and her steps lay hold of hell. Continue reading: Please all men in Zambia whether rich or poor, tall or short, fat or slim, Ministers, MPs, Councilors, Men of God or otherwise, watch your steps: THIS IS MY ADVICE TO ALL READING THIS Message: Even women watch these men you meet in corners they are very dangerous: New year 2017 is on Sunday 1st January watch your steps.

  5. it s just unfortunate that this big dady met his fate in this manner pliz ba police deal wit gal mercilessly coz the big man was one payn for house so the young lady shld als o pay her sin

  6. Chop his moni but don’t kill him. If he catches you with someone else don’t apologise . Kick him out of your life and bag another sugar daddy and get back to chopping moni. if he won’t go away turn on him and have him arrested, have his poor sorry wife arrested too so she can turn into your free counsellor and convince him to stop bothering u for the sake of peace in their sorry boring marriage

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