Saturday, July 27, 2024

DJ Chichi gets 5 years in prison with hard labour for assaulting and stripping girfriend


A KAFUE magistrate’s court has sentenced the infamous Disc Jockey (DJ), Chishimba Chibemba, commonly known as Chichi, to five years imprisonment with hard labour for assaulting and stripping his girlfriend Nagaad Saad naked last year.

Magistrate Masoja Mbewe sentenced Chibemba, 26, of both Kafue and Chibombo districts to jail after he admitted the offence of assault.

“Upon your own admission, I find you guilty and convict you accordingly. I sentence you to five years imprisonment with hard labour with effect from yesterday,” Ms Mbewe said.

She said cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were on an increase and the courts had a duty to impose such sentences to act as deterrents.

Chibemba was facing one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm on June 26, last year, at a night club in Kafue.

The convict immediately went into hiding after the video in which he was seen assaulting the victim went viral on social media.

He was only arrested on Tuesday and appeared in court yesterday, where he pleaded guilty to the charge.

However, Saad pleaded with the police not to prosecute the boyfriend.

Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said Chibemba was nabbed after a tip-off from members of the public.

“The accused person, who has been on the run, was apprehended from Madido area in Lusaka’s Chelstone after a tip-off from members of the public and he was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm,” she said.


  1. “However, Saad pleaded with the police not to prosecute the boyfriend” what is wrong with women? How can you protect such a thug just because he is your boyfriend ?

    • This is quite fast by this emotional judge, but why are male judges taking long to sentence women thugs, who are chopping off their husbands dangling bling bling and running over them with cars.

    • Victims of abuse are usually so brainwashed. I hope she is healed mentally by the time ChiChi sees the other side of that 5 year sentence so that she finally sees him for what he is, a monster!

    • This was fast because he admitted the charge and there was no trial. But if he had pleaded not guilty the case was to go for trial which takes forever due to the incompetence of the police prosecutors.
      And i m sure if it had gone to trial, the police would have lost. If the girl pleaded with them not to prosecute, then probably she didn’t submit the doctor’s report for the assault. Without that and without her testimony, no case.

  2. Sounds harsh … it was a domestic quarrel between lovers. No wonder the girl pleaded with the cops. GBM should hear this!

    • Did you see what he did to her? If you did and you still insist on calling that a domestic quarrel then you are equally a sociopath. Ichinyamu nyamu, Such people have no place in civilised society and should have been aborted.

  3. Hookers unleashed! But I hear prisons are doing quite well nowadays… Even better than society where unemployment and poverty hold top spots.

    • I forgot this is Zambia, probably someone advised him that pleading guilty at first shot will attract leniency from the judge, have seen those chaps who go on a shooting spree in the USA, plead guilty and brag about their exploits, but still judges won’t be this fast, they will even take into consideration the mental status of such an individual, this was just one emotional female judge.

  4. He ruins his life for being a fool. A lot of young men today are not thinking with their brains but with their dicks. This should serve as a lesson to all these small boys who think that they are very important and yet are nonentities and empty tins

  5. I really feel saad for the guy, he has been brought up in a culture where even police officers will tell you to just vomela chabe mulandu iwe, vomela chabe, so that vintu visile fast, Tulefwako na NO guys.

  6. Let him serve the sentence with hard labor. If his woman wants to pardon him, let her pardon him but the courts shouldn’t because the case is between chichi and the state and not her. How I wish he could appeal the sentence so that the next judge can actually increase to 12 years with VERY hard works.

    • Victims of abuse are usually so brainwashed. I hope she is healed mentally by the time ChiChi sees the other side of that 5 year sentence so that she finally sees him for what he is, a monster!

  7. Good! In fact 5 years Yachepa. I saw that video and he is a monster. We cant have young people watching perpetrators of such crimes go free lest they think that such a level of abuse is normal. It is not. How Nagaad feels about her useless boyfriend is inconsequential. Victims of abuse are usually so brainwashed. I hope she is healed mentally by the time ChiChi sees the other side of that 5 year sentence so that she finally sees him for what he is, a monster! The law is the law. Now can we hear how the husband killers will be sentenced. This GBV has to stop on both sides we need a society of humans not wild animals. How I wish these abusers would be rounded up duterte style.

  8. Comment:why is it that when girls are chopping men they take time sembe ndine will do the same abanakashi baleipaya,abaume bafimfyafye

  9. Comment:chimababa if you find your girl with another guy especially ngaula Spender big big a sacrificial spending

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