Saturday, July 27, 2024

Malawi Court suspends Agric Minister over Maizegate


President Edgar Lungu Meets Dr George Chaponda A Special Envoy of President of Malawi Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika who is Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development at State House in Lusaka - Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse 21-10-2016.
FILE: President Edgar Lungu Meets Dr George Chaponda A Special Envoy of President of Malawi Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika who is Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development at State House in Lusaka – Picture By Eddie Mwanaleza/Statehouse 21-10-2016.
The Mzuzu High Court in Malawi has granted an injunction against that country’s Minister of agriculture, irrigation and water development George Chaponda suspending him from discharging his duties.

This follows a court summon by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) who sued Attorney general Kalekeni Kaphale and Chaponda on their action towards the controversial maize saga.

The CSOs argued that Chaponda must resign to pave way for smooth investigations on the maize purchase deal in Zambia which the minister is believed to have used to defraud government of around K10 billion Malawian Kwacha.

In his ruling on today around 9:26 am, Justice John Chirwa ordered Chaponda to seize being a minister until proven clean on the transactions made with Zambian private company Kaloswe.

However, Kaphale has disclosed that he is to appeal against the ruling arguing that it has errors.

“We have a right to challenge the ruling, there are some fundamental errors in the ruling,” said Kaphale.

The CSOs have been questioning the effectiveness of the Commission of Inquiry that President Peter Mutharika appointed arguing that Chaponda was likely to jeopardize investigations since he was not fired from his position as minister.


    • Edgar, even failing to kopela from Malawi….. In this class Malawi is group 3,,,what group will zambia. With Edgar driving

    • When Sata brought a malawi judge to chair a tribunal here we all laughed. Maybe he knew better than these prosti.tutes we call lords & ladies here.

    • The scandal is in Malawi. The money is to be paid by Malawi. What wrong has been done in Zambia apart from supplying the maize. Besides in Zambia it was not go government involved but private business people. There is nothing to compare here.

    • In Zambia it is quiet because big fish in govt are involved in this scandal. They faked some ka unheard of company and supplied maize to Malawi. That’s why even the toothless ACC is quiet. We can’t develop.

    • A corupt deal that originated in Zambia being investigated from Malawi while its business as usual in Lusaka is shocking. If this is not proof that there is corruption in the highest office and that the Zambian judiciary is compromised then I don’t know. We’ve got a lot to learn from the Malawian President and the judiciary. Maybe afterall Sata was right to invite Malawian Judge Chikopela.

    • Stealing food from the poor atase and our enforcement are ndwiii? Malawi was expecting 100,000 tonnes but only 5000 has been delivered so who has the rest?
      Similarly just like roads, instead of doing 1km as per contract a zambian contractor only does 50meters and gets paid for 1km. And our ACC are ndwiìi until.

    • In Zambia its business as usual. Which government Minister got punished in the Carlington Maize Scandal of yester-years? Edith Nawakwi is not only free but contested as a Presidential candidate in the 2016. She did not stop at that but a fierce Presidential candidate who attacked her fellow presidential candidates, especially the UPND Presidential candidate alleging that he benefited himself during Privatization of the Zambian Parastatals! What has happened in Malawi only happens in countries where there is law and order and not in countries like Zambia.

  1. ……’ Chaponda to seize being a minister until proven clean on the transactions made’…
    ….with us here in Zed…its until Dora is proven ‘dirty’ guilty….its business as usual…

  2. Shame on the Zambian Govt that is full to the rafters of crooked corrupt lazy empty tins …Shame on you. Look at that small nation of Malawi leading the way on fighting corruption.

    Shame on you all…Zambian people need to wake up from their docility for once and demand transparency and accountability.

    Wake up people!!

  3. Zambians should learn to take to the streets until justice prevails. we have money but unfortunately, a few selfish people want it all for themselves. And why is the president involved in all these discussions, where are the people who run these ministries??? Zambia needs to revamp, the way things are done

    • You are asking too much from a Zambia!!!!
      Zambians are peaceful people, I doubt there is anything that will make them take to streets.

      Now I am not sure if it is being peaceful or docile. Sure even Malawi is proving to have a better judicial system and government walk the talk.
      I find it hard to say Zambia should learn from Malawi….disgraceful.

  4. Where are our forceful NGOs? Chiluba failed in his third term bid because of the push by NGOs that spearheaded the movement. But since then, it has been quiet. Dr Chishimba has done his bit, now our NGOs must take up the challenge. Let us also sue the AG to suspend Dora and Nonde for their questionable decisions. Don’t we have this law in Zambia?

    • Ati shani, did you say forceful NGOs! My foot, are these blocks any longer forceful? IMPOTENT is the right word. Forceful disappeared with late Lucy Sichone not these chongololos. In Zambia we are bewitched with very strange fear, somebody stole our votes we sit ndwii and even watch the kabokes at the unconstitutional constitutional court mutilate the constitution

  5. Fight against corruption is dead in Zambia. People are investigated when they differ with President and other inner circle. Kambwili is case in question who has fallen victim when Maizegate ring leaders are walking head high in our Zambian streets. Shame on Lungu and his inner circle.

  6. Our agriculture minister even went on leave sanctioned by the the vision less leader, there is a lot that meets the eye to all this saga. Our friends in Malawi have refused to have these minions, nincompoops, criminals masquerading as ministers to have a field and loot national resources. Here the buffoon has the audacity to say am not the ministry of agriculture in front of cameras. Chimbwi pakulila ninshi pali ekoashintilile ifimatako. We will make sure that you pay for your misdeed you morons, enough is enough. BAMAKAKA.

  7. But has anyone been directly implicated in the government. If Lungu is “involved ” that investigation will reveal this. How do you expect him to start “defending ” himself from what’s on LT …only the guilty would do that. Maybe as we are passing innuendoes Mutarika and Lungu have been talking.

  8. NEWS FROM MALAWI : In his ruling Justice John Chirwa ordered Chaponda to seize being a minister until proven clean on the transactions made with ZAMBIAN PRIVATE COMPANY CALLED KALOSWE AND NOT THE Zambian Government..

    • Lungu has been mentioned in this scandal, any responsible goverment serious in fighting corruption would issue a comprehensive statment, this silence is what encourages stealing.


    In Zambia:
    Who are the directors of this Zambian private company?
    How did this company win the tender?
    What is the real selling price?

    In Malawi:
    What IS the real buying price?

    • I have been asking this question for a while. Surely no one can do a company search at the Registrar of Societies and find out who owns Kaloswe?

    • Indeed. Surely our so called journalists cannot do a search with PACRA and inform us who the directors of this Koswe company are? I’m afraid investigative journalism is dead in Zambia. Somehow, I miss the Post and the Watchdog

  10. When did this transaction happen? Before Dora was at ministry of Agriculture or after she was appointed to ministry of agriculture ??? Let’s not rush into comments

  11. In Zambia Anti-Corruption Commission is used to fight enemies of the ruling party. ACC needs to work together with their Malawian counterparts to put this scandal to rest.

    My suspicions is ACC knows that the Money-Trail will end in Bank accounts belonging to LUNGU & DORA-BOKOSI-SILITI (Chilepule baby). Mark my words.

    Shameless thieves!!

    • *Maloza, I hope you’ll have the courage to come and apologize to the people you’re accusing after the real culprit (s) have been exposed.

    • @ Ndanje khakis That’s why I used “my suspicions”. I didn’t say they did it, but I suspect. If u r arrested as a suspect, it does NOT mean u did it. Even when u r released, police won’t say sorry to you for being held as a suspect.


    The Zambian government (Dora) agreed with that private company to sell and ferry maize at some price, say K50.00 per bag inclusive of transportation.
    The Malawi (government) minister agrees and PAPERS ARE SIGNED.
    If the Malawi minister inflated the price to K55.00 per bag to his government, how is Dora/Lungu involved?

    • The Zambian Govt sold the maize to Malawi through a third-party company Koloswe. This is where it is being party to maizegate scandle

    • You laupula premier

      Are you a spokesperson for GRZ ? We want to hear the official goverment position on this not from vuvuzelas who think corruption is part of service to the people, ala.

    • @Luapula…It’s the responsibility of the government to investigate any criminal or corrupt activity taking place in the country. And this because the government controls law enforcement. The government has a mandate to investigate corruption, regardless of who is perpetrating it. If they don’t do that, they need to be called out. Because it may mean someone in a government office may be involved. So you can’t say this has nothing to do with the government. Do you want another government to come up within Zambia and begin to investigate criminal and corrupt practices? That’s the job of the Executive branch of the current government, to investigate and enforce law. But Lungu, as Chief Executive Officer, either has no idea how a government functions, or he’s part of the corrupt lot…

    • Premier, you honestly can’t see the need for the Govt to come clean on an issue where the Proff sent an envoy to meet ECL over the same and this is in public domain. You don’t even see anything wrong with being associated with characters suspected of looting a neighbouring country’s scarce, borrowed resources. Meaning you would just about do the same. Then you turn round and protest when others say that you are inherently born theives !


    • What will it cost lungus GRZ to respond to a scandal that is alarming citizens, apart from doing the fight against corruption a good boost I see no reason why GRZ will not issue a statment.

  14. UPP president, Savior Chishimba published a full report including how money was transferred but as usual many out there rubbished the report and labeled him bitter. He has since lodged a report to ACC but nothing is happening on our Zambian side.

  15. Silence in Court! Chakolwa Lungu , Lubinda and Dora Siliya to testify in the maize scandal. In the meantime Dora has already spent her cut/bribe in the US with a New boyfriend. No word from the Zambian State House on the maize scandal. Cry the beloved Zambia.

  16. Who’s the custodian of maize in Zambia FRA ,who gives money to FRA to buy maize GRZ , who lifted the ban on maize exports ,GRZ .How can you say government wasn’t involved . Were did the transaction begin from State House

  17. Kwena ba Donkey mu Zambia nabafula, we need to crop them. Even as Donkeys they know that the ACC of Malawi is investigating the alleged scandal and with the cooperation of the Zambian ACC. Obviously this can only happen with the full blessings of the Zambian government, so the matter is being adequately addressed by the aggrieved party. But hear the Donkeys now, Lungu this Lungu that. As if talking with their asses, I mean donkeys as asses not the other ass.
    Most likely these must be UPNDonkeys, as usual they have no agenda of their own, everything is set for them.

    • And YOU, what’s your agenda, Mr. Non-partisan?

      For you own info, donkeys are constitutionally protected. You can’t just crop them.

  18. Donkeys see everything from a donkey mind and donkey standpoint. That is why they cannot understand the failure of their presidential petition, how could they when they think exactly like Donkeys? Even their lawyers understood the petition and advised accordingly, and pulled out. But a lawyer cannot advise a donkey and expect to be understood by the donkey, no surprises there.

  19. Iwe Your Excellent Chagwa Lungu, just ignore the donkeys and concentrate on governing your country….hiho hiho hiho hiho hiho.

  20. @ Terrible,
    Your names says it all. This a Malawian story and what has it got to do with the petition or opposition. Your thinking is low and i doubt if you even went beyond grade 7. You are free to support EL, as this a democratic country. You must raise relevant issues or address what has be written and not lower yourself to mad person.

  21. Where is the fight against corruption and theft if lungu and his goverment can remain silent after being implicated in theft ?

    Some people think governing involves stealing, that is PF followers regard stealing as part of the job.

    Leave kambwili alone and don’t victimise people when you lungu are implicated in major corruption.

  22. Now you can see why lungu harrasses and shuts down free independent media, it is to deny the public any news of his stealing…….

  23. Terrible…. there u go again on silly tanget.. this is about maizi where do you take your logic to go on about trbal talk.
    Who is the donkey. Have you travelled….. in Fairy tal Snow white and the seven dwarfs. The dwarfs sing “hihohihohi its of to work we go” Hey maybe the donkeys you refer to are actually working…… Donkeys sound is heehaw heehaw
    Listen to one next tkme you see one

  24. Kenneth Kaunda warned Zambians that Chiluba Kafupi was a thief who pocketed R10,000 meant for widows, but they ignored his advice and elected the thief to govern them. Again stup!dity took charge when a prospective presidential candidate confessed to being vision-less (read stup!d), he had previously been actually convicted of stealing, a shameless drunkard who doesn’t mind peeing in public, was elected president. The happenings in Malawi about the maize is actually confirming indirectly Lungu is a thief. What’s the response from Zambians? Disbelief! Lungu has amassed millions in record time. Zambians won’t even question how he got it. Talk about being own worst enemy!! Most docile nation in the milky way galaxy, Zambia grab the oscar!!

  25. The integrity of the justice system of Malawi is a shining example for African countries. Political offices require ethical conduct based on existing laws. Correct procedures constitute a vital element of the same existing laws. The suspension is definitely very embarrassing but absolutely necessary in order to pave way for investigations, charging and court ruling and justice. This is all about the truth as the foundation of national or regional reconciliation. Maizegate will serve as a deterrent to possible offenders in future.

  26. What if Mutarika was afraid of suspending his minister, but took the opportunity when the NGO took him to court by instructing the Judge to do the “dirty job ” for him?

  27. I will be called all sorts of names but let us face facts. Zambia did not go and steal money from Malawi but negotiated for the deal which the Malawi reps found acceptable and signed it. If Zambians who negotiated deal saw they can siphon more money from Malawi and the Malawi reps could not see that or were given private incentives to sign the agreement does not label Zambians as thieves. They negotiated a business deal and they got it.
    That is the reason why the pro pf govt will call HAKAINDE HICHILEMA a thief but they will never arrest him becoz he got his money during privatization by negotiating business deals on behalf of Zambian govt so whether he used underhand methods to enrich himself that does not make him a thief but a clever businessman

    • At least here is someone with a good analysis. Suppose the Malawi guy made a deal with someone to inflate the price for his cut, how does the ZAMBIAN government come in? Zambia can only confirm the cost of the commodity.

  28. Mwakale I can see your logic , however there must be some integrity in doing business you need to have trust in those you do business with , especially with those in public offices and as a state .
    Though Dora could not visibly be seen in the saga however they still remain entities to point fingers at, well including the president himself being the commander of all in question.
    HH like any other thieves they go behind darkness to steal, the nooks are the smoke screens that thieves use.
    The president still remains with the greatest voice what ever he says every one will obey.
    Malawians trusted our president and trusted his office to do good for them , now if you can’t trust those in power with integrity whom can you trust.

  29. lungu and pf wat a weak and full of corrupt pipo kuwayawayafye bamuntu insala kapondo unga wadula k190 awe mwe eyi dununa reverse government.

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