Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kambwili and his witnesses survive road mishap enroute to Lusaka for disciplinary hearing


Kambwili displays his birthday cake
Kambwili displays his birthday cake

Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili yesterday survived a road accident on the Ndola Kapiri road as he was on his way to Lusaka for the PF disciplinary hearing set for today, Monday, January 16 2017.

Dr Kambwili was with his team of witnesses who were supposed to testify during the hearing.

He said the team survived the accident and they are all in good health.

Details of the accident are scanty but the vehicle which Dr Kambwili was driving is damaged and is now packed at Kapiri Mposhi police post.

Dr Kambwili conformed the accident in a post on his Facebook page.

“Earlier on today my team of witnesses and I cheated death, we were involved in a ferocious road accident as we made our way to Lusaka for the scheduled disciplinary hearing. We thank God that we survived unscathed, we are all in good health and we are ready for the hearing tomorrow. What an awesome God we serve,” he wrote.

Last week the disciplinary case failed to take place because Dr Kambwili’s witnesses failed to travel to Lusaka.

PF deputy spokesperson Frank Bwalya said Dr Kambwili was slapped with charges related to alleged gross misconduct and given seven days in which to explain why the ruling party should not take action against him.

The PF asked the law-maker to exculpate himself for allegedly accusing Luanshya mayor Nathan Chanda of being a wizard among other charges.

Dr Kambwili and Mr Chanda were asked to appear before the PF disciplinary committee on Friday for the hearing. But Mr Bwalya said that the hearing was adjourned to today to allow Dr Kambwili to transport his witnesses from Luanshya to Lusaka.

“The hearing has been adjourned to Monday at 14:00 hours because Honourable Kambwili was unable to transport his witnesses from Luanshya to Lusaka,” he said.

Mr Bwalya said Mr Chanda managed to transport his witnesses to the capital city.

In a posting on his Facebook page, Dr Kambwili had said that his witnesses failed to travel to Lusaka because they had allegedly been intimidated.

“The disciplinary hearing that was meant to take place today has been postponed to Monday, January 16, 2016. This is due to the fact that our witnesses did not manage to come from Luanshya because of rampant intimidation,” he said.

But Mr Bwalya said the party was not aware that Dr Kambwili’s witnesses had been intimidated.

“The party showed goodwill by giving time for Dr Kambwili to transport his witnesses and we are not aware of that [intimidation of witnesses],” he said.


    • He probably faked the accident to create drama! Kambwili must never be trusted. Let he officials travel to Luanshya instead. ‘This mugu mugu is playing and mocking everyone!

    • Imagine if Kambwili had died. It might be true that Ka Chanda might be umwana we ndoshi. I 100% believe in witchcraft, my friends from Haiti are good at it. And growing up in Luapula… I have no time to tell you. Its Kambwili day.

    • Uko!Its global & surely Kambwili knows that ~it is global. This is crying out loud of PF vice bandit, the so called ~utunkunkubiti.Visionless PF bandits of Lungu should just enjoy their~it is global~than wasting peoples attention!PF bandits are now fighting each other because their prey of victims~the opposition are not on the menu for now. Mwamoneni utunkunkubiti are on each others “throats” & “drilling”.
      By the way, how much is mealie meal today?
      The Skeleton Key

    • If calling someone a witch can attract such a disciplinary hearing, I wonder what calling the party president not fit for national duties will attract.

    • Thank God Chishimba Kabwili my favourite politician is alive and well. Zambia needs someone like him in our politics who will call a spade a spade

    • The case between Kambwili and Nathan Chanda is beyond any party…. Nathan if he was really hate by the allegation the best thing was to sue Kambwili for defamation and let the courts determine the case…. otherwise this whole issue is aimed at fishing Kambwili out of PF by this Kangaroo court called Central committee

    • Kambwili’s pending expulsion is too dicey for PF. It may make or break PF fiber of unity.

      In 2021 depending on Kambwili’s popularity Lungu is most likely to fail to rig his way back to power!

      I mean if a third powerful political party emerges and amasses minimum of 10% Presidential votes most likely from the Luapula and Northern axis Lungu will find it hard to rig his way to 50%+1. I strongly believe Kambwili is capable of attaining that feat.

      A second round ballot will be called and kambwili will hold the trump card.
      The two top parties may need Kambwili’s support.
      So handle him delicately!

    • @Baba, Ubuloshi? If it’s true this ‘accident’ did occur, there is nothing like ubuloshi here. To the contrary, I would say it’s the RB and Dora’s PF at play. The only problem is that we have no ‘purified’ police investigators in our so-called Police Force now. I miss Super policeman Max Nkole. He would have easily cracked open this hideous story! The rest ni bangwele!

  1. Kambwili tasting his own chloroquine. Remember how you treated people when you were minister now the same Lungu you loved dearly is coming after you.

    • It is a pity that these cochroaches did not die and save us from their drama. How many buses were the witnesses in? How come they now fit in one vehicle instead of a fleet of buses?

    • Seven days has elapsed, so just like the 14 days ConCourt petition this must now be thrown out without being heard.

      Or is there something else for other people?

    • Even you @house fly you are the same as Kambwili kabili mukolwa bonse why are you pretending on this blog, You and Kambwili mufyomfyonta icimena bonse elyo kuli wine yamuma komboni mwapena…. Nautemwa umunobe tafwile pakuti mukaye posapo ifikopo fya cibuku kabili mulatina utwa suswa mushilafye abasungu.

    • On a serious note it is beyond the bounds of evil to wish some one death, this is why I hate Zambian politics as they don’t service the interests of the Zambians. No matter how one pretends they will never convince me that they go into it for people. Mostly, its poverty you can even see the rhetoric of some bloggers on this site – even though they sound to be objective shake them and you will see who they are when they break ngabati bafumye ifimasele nabakabova bashala one example is @ house fly who has a street inclined behavior. For me these are people I endeavor to strip naked so that they show the masses who they are. I don’t care whether some one did ADMA it will mean nothing to me if it does not translate into some viable leadership tools to help the Country.

  2. Expel him for disrespecting the Ecl and Inonge wina, stealing golf club land, selling state land to cadres on cb, for being 2 fat…

  3. Sorry Dr Kambwili but good that you survived by God’s grace. Please be careful on the roads at this time of the year, the roads are treacherous due to the rains. And be careful driving under that mood.
    Yesterday some UPNDonkey called NEZ or some such Donkey name posted something on LT about an assassination attempt. The reasoning of Donkeys never ceases to amaze me, even when I know that they are Donkeys and I should not expect anything better!
    By the way has HH gone on sabbatical to reflect on his life in 2017? He has my full prayers, his performance during the past 4 months has been pathetic for a graduate, under obvious the influence of someone they called a bemba monkey barely a few months before.

  4. Comment:UPND president grabbed grazing land for the people of southern province and fence it to make sure that all live stock farmers suffer why don’t you fish him out from the top. selfish , triberist, satanic ,dundumwezi kachema, kambwili is better than hh who want to go to state house by sacrificing mapenzi.

    • Mwana you are a loser. He did not grab any land otherwise the PF thugs would have been on his throat already. Try to be educated my friend that if you have title over land you can fence it and anyone who encroaches on it does so illegally. Be educated my friend that HH legally possesses that land. Write with facts instead of hear say.

    • Its Okay,
      Where are the facts? HH is a greedy bustard who should not be allowed to rule this country. The facts are that HH enriched himself through the privatisation programme.

    • Uko!Its global & surely Kambwili knows that ~it is global. This is crying out loud of PF vice bandit, the so called ~utunkunkubiti.Visionless PF bandits of Lungu should just enjoy their~it is global~than wasting peoples attention!
      By the way, how much is mealie meal today?
      The Skeleton Key



    • @Loadist.. Ati people are scared to mention someone’s name..kikikikiki They are fearing the Luapula style…You just made my day…

  6. So, those witnesses of Kambwili and Chanda are going to testify (argue) that Kambwili called (did not call) Chanda a witch. And then the PF will attempt to prove the allegation????

    • Kuwayawayafye nabo ba PF. Let them squeeze him since he said he has a lot to reveal. So the Pf should just start acquiring lawyers asap if their hands are not clean. #Ndeloleshafye

  7. From trying to hire minibuses to transport his witnesses they can now all fit in a VX? And if OP are “invovled” shouldnt you have travelled separately?

  8. Show don’t tell. Where are the photos of the mangled car? Cantankerous Kambwili involved in a nasty accident and not splashing the pixs all over the place? Something not adding up here. I suspect that the once-upon-a-time PF Rude Boy is out to get our sympathy; don’t fall for it.

  9. Good lucky big man. Let them not .intimidate you. I don’t know why this issue of lungu 2021,could it be because kambwili threatens to take over from lungu. ? Pf should be coucious how you handle this issue. Dont think of expeling kambwili ,he has done a lot for the party. We are watching

  10. Sad, instead of the country focussing on the hundreds of problems we face, our attention is now on 2021! Arent schools opening today?

  11. Bwafya saana.A humble president turns into dictator. I expected reconciliation in PF instead of dividing us.Ba Lungu is destroying the party.We are all not happy in PF coz of harrasing Kambwili.The only group enjoying the show is UPND.I hope lungu can reflect on how he came into power.God loves people who reconcile with brothers and sisters.If ba lungu divides PF, 2021 lungu will be shown a red card.Unfortunately part of it is that he’ll be jailed looking at the way Zambia has set the presidency.Too bad he can see this.I hope the president can seek wisdom from God.Otherwise he is cheating himself that he can fix everyone.We wanted to protect PF when Sata died hence voting for him.Now he thinks pipo like him and can destroy everyone Awe tefyo tubomba ba Lungu.Reflect please!!

  12. Its good that there were no casualties … this ka Chanda is really a mfwiti. I get this feeling. But alas, your time hasnt come yet CK.

  13. Ba Lungu be very careful with your 2021 ambitions otherwise you will destroy this party.CK campaigned for you vigorously everywhere on the Copperbelt and instead of appreciating you are sowing seeds of hatred! Chase Kambwili from PF and you will regret the repurcations.

  14. Pf dip-sticks got too much time on their hands to deal with trivialities. Let the two people sort this issue through the courts. Sorry I forgot, President Bozo compromised the Judiciary and has gone into 2021 campaign mode. Talk about priorities!

  15. What’s so special about King Kong? Anybody can be involved in an accident. As we’re talking there could be ten or so accidents happening somewhere in Zambia.

  16. I am very much saddened with the squabbles which are happening in PF. God help us, if this party is to pull through in 2021. Alas ! ” Together we stand and Divided we fall.” I may not be a prophet of doom, but I prophesy, “The fall of PF before 2021”.

  17. Zambians are fond of electing stinking hyenas and when their sheep and cows are consumed they wonder why. Anyway, at least the system is giving this once pompous alpha hyena a taste of its own bones! How I wish the accident broke the back of this stinking tribalistc baboon!

  18. Anyway, since it looks like the death ? game of hide and seek and find and destroy has started between Chimbwili and the Red Brick, it won’t be long before some Chimbwilic silverback gorilla ? lays on its back facing the stars, cold! The count down has begun, unomwaka kufwa bebela ch.ikala iwe, walelimonesha ta saana while in office, stars!

  19. First Kambwili was reported corrupt and the nation has been waiting to hear that case since the ACC said they had concluded investigations and would inform the nation soon. It has been 3 months and the nation has been waiting. And now this witchcraft story… which is a matter for the courts being undertaken by the party. All these look like diversionary antiques meant to divert people and PF members’ attention from real national issues. Those mocking Kambwili should know that he carried out his job well given the circumstances. As a founding member, his preoccupation was to retain his party in power. After victimization started, he said it that he was not going to join some political party which survives on others’ misfortunes!!

    • @27.1 Nabs, they will hound him out but then is that going to finish his political clout forever? What does the new constitution say about expelling a member and their loosing the parliamentary seat? If he keeps his parliamentary seat then just know that there will be some trouble for PF on CB urban in 2021. Even those scheming to keep PF in govt may just fail at that time! He will be hounded out but what will happen if all dissatisfied PF members regroup and create a force to reckon with? Check @1.9 Neutral’s posting! That is where things will be tilting too and by that time Lungu and company will be pleading for people help them bring back old members to PF! Just wait…much as I am not CK’s fan, I believe in his capacity to mobilise people and sway opinion in PF strongholds!

  20. You do not know how grateful and fortunate I am to have founddrmamafaima +27633555301 . I was very desperate looking for help and support in a super-natural way. There are still other issues that still need to be taken care of and I will definitely reinforce the spell pretty soon for a legal action regarding a different issue with your help. Again, thank you very, very muchdrmamafaima . I have found a new her on +27633555301

  21. This is a kangaroo court whose outcome is already pre determine. Kambwili will be found guilty and expelled from the central committee! Thereafter, organized demonstrations against him will be held in his constituency and other parts of the country calling for his dismissal as Roan MP……..that’s what EL does best.

  22. This a-nimal is paying back for all the scandals in the road contracts money he looted with the Gomez Brothers in Ndola. Instead of all the money being allocated to projects he stole half, gave a quarter to the brothers then the remaining went to roads. You reap what you sow and this is the result of your own greed! Chika-bolala and now even you are being affected by your own greed. Mwamona nomba! This use-less piece of crap. Actually a big brown turd. Let’s see how he will manage those businesses he operates with stolen government money. Let us see how that degree will go towards those projects. It is a proven fact that if one has no brain he won’t manage because the lifeline supporting those businesses will be cut off. Ati smart business man atase. Let’s see!

  23. Kambwili and his fan club can roll 16 times, have the car catch fire and all burn to a crisp for all I care. If that mound of lard was on fire, I wouldn’t piss on him to put it out.
    He has fallen out with the kleptocracy and is about to be deep fried in his own abundant fat. ACC are on his arse like army worms on fresh maize. He’s a gonner, toast, mphukusu.
    I wish him confusion, pain, suffering and misery. Let the man try to hide houses in his back pocket.
    That nigger caused division in Zambia and should be hung like mussolini was, for all to see.
    Mumbi Phiri take note. Mighty will fall.

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