Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former pupil donates learning aide to Mwinilunga secondary


A former Mwinilunga Secondary School pupil has donated six by twenty litres of wall paint and fifteen single mattresses to the school worth over eight thousand kwacha.

Mwinilunga Secondary School Head teacher Chalton Kang’asa who received the material on behalf of the school, commended the former pupil for the overwhelming gesture.

Mr Kang’asa noted that a conducive learning environment not only motivates teachers and pupils but also enhances the delivery of quality education services.

He added that the donation will go a long way in improving the learning environment for the pupils.

He also appealed to all the former pupils who made pledges during the Jubilee celebrations last year to emulate Mr Katambi by honouring their pledges.

And the former pupil, Reginald Katambi said he felt obliged to give back to his former school because of the quality education he obtained during his stay at the institution.

Meanwhile Mr Katambi has also encouraged the pupils at the school to take education seriously if they are to become responsible leaders in future.


    • Way to go, Katambi! third world minds don’t understand the importance of giving back. Its all about taking and no futue planning for them hence Mushota’s comment.

    • Iwe ugly Mushota, what have you ever done for other people. Sit your ugly behind down if you have nothing to say to those that care about others and are selfless. You are ignorant on half of the sh!t you write about on here, get off of the welfare you are in there Europe and go to Zambia and do something for your country instead of talking sh!t to those that are trying even on a tight budget. You are pathetic for bashing this former student that did a good thing to his old school. Sw!ne.

    • Mushota. you blog for publicity so that you can call yourself BB 2014, 16. Chawamina galu chaipila mbuzi. Pot calling kettle black!

  1. When you help out ati he did it for publist, when you don’t ati Wakaso,kuli imwe fyonse fibi,iwe Mushota, wiso ne chibala Cha maka takwatapo but you are mocking a Katambi who has done this marvellous work despite harsh times with our economy.

  2. @MUSHOTA. You can do better by emulating Katambi. The reason for publicity is for good people to be reminded. There are so many people who think like Katambi but do not fulfill this desire. When you are reminded, you can actually fulfil it. It is not too late even you “can do it”

  3. People forget about ba Mushota I don’t know whether I can call her or he because this ***** comments on everything in a negative way.

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