Wednesday, October 23, 2024

UNZA needs reforms to be profitable-Luo


Gender Minsister Nkandu Luo during the UNZA Celebrations
Nkandu Luo

Government says the University of Zambia needs to be restructured to make it a more profitable public university in the country and the region.

ZANUIS reports that Minister of Higher Education Nkanu Luo said the University of Zambia needs to transform its management, staff and labour union in a bid to come up with solutions to address challenges currently facing the university.

Professor Luo was speaking in Lusaka yesterday in a speech read on her behalf by her Ministry’s Director for Vocation Education and Training Alex Simumba during the 46th graduation ceremony held in Lusaka today.

Professor Luo challenged the private sector to take keen interest in the operation and running of the University of Zambia.

And speaking on behalf the students Silvia Hamaabwe thanked government for offering bursaries and student loans to the students to complete their studies.

Meanwhile, Government has advised the University of Zambia (UNZA) management to make a follow up on the career progression of its students after they have graduated.

ZANIS reports that Minister of Higher Education Professor Nkandu Luo, said this in a speech read on her behalf by her Ministry’s Director of Vocational Education and Training Alex Simumba during UNZA’S 46th graduation ceremony in Lusaka yesterday.

Professor Luo noted that the follow up will help UNZA know the rate at which the market is absorbing its graduates and appreciate the relevance of the programmes and academic services that the institution offers.

“You need to begin to conduct an annual tracer study of your students so that you know what employers of your students are saying about the skills and competencies of your graduates,” said professor Luo.

The minister stressed that the success of the nation is determined and will continue to be driven by the intellectual capital that universities and other institutions of higher learning institutions produce.

Professor Luo said that it is for this reason that the nation must invest more in education and set up the right governance structures for financing of infrastructure for Researchers and Teachers.
And Silvia Hamabwe, who spoke on behalf of other graduates said the degrees that they have acquired will be used for the success and development of the nation.

Ms Hamabwe said the graduates are resolved to uphold the values of UNZA and promote the institution’s image locally and abroad.


  1. ‘Meanwhile, Government has advised the University of Zambia (UNZA) management to make a follow up on the career progression of its students after they have graduated’ Good observation

    • PF bandits of visionless Edy~Dagama have failed UNZA.
      By the way, why is the speaker~Matibini~ still entertaining PF bandit MPs~Luo & Mwanakatwe~ in parliament when their parliamentary seats were nullified by the courts. So the two~Luo & Mwanakatwe~ should immediately vacate the ministerial positions b’coz the constitution doesn’t allow, period!
      Closure after closure is what UNZA knows best under PF banditry.
      The Skeleton Key

  2. Two things UNZA must do to remain relevant and a top learning institution in Africa 1) they must create more auxiliary campuses- in each province they should set up a campus affliated to UNZA this reduces the pressure on the main campus in Lusaka, 2) they must partner with other prominent African Universities such as Uganda’s Makarere University, Ghana’s Legon University, Zimbabwe’s – UZ as well as many leading South African Universities such as Witswatersrand, Cape, Stellonboch etc in conducting and publishing research- A university’s international ranking is determind by the research it does, nothing else! So ba UNZA may think they are so high in Zambia but across Africa its standing is low.

    • Just to remind you that very few universities in the world recognize a degree from university of zimbabwe. For example the medical degree from university of zimbabwe is not recognized anywhere. My niece transferred to to the university of zambia in the final medical year so she could graduate with a UNZA degree.

  3. “UNZA needs reforms to be profitable”. I have heard this statement coming out of many Education Ministers mouths, but honestly havent seen any. Alas!, we wait.

  4. And I quote: “Professor Luo challenged the private sector to take keen interest in the operation and running of the University of Zambia.”
    Does this statement reveal some intentions to privatise UNZA?

  5. I thought the Minister lost her seat and her application to stay the execution of judgment was thrown out. Is she still a minister?

  6. The minister’s observations are correct. Unza should be in touch with institutions which are employing their graduates and get feed back so that the university can use the information to review their training programs in line with current and future needs of the country and world at large. The university should “smell business” and generate more revenue rather than the current status. Secondly the government should engage the work force through their various represantives to consider deducting a small percentage say 0.5% of the basic salary of each employee one month in a year and channel it towards funding colleges and universities.

  7. Where was she last two weeks when there was that debate about that vehicle procured for the vice Chancellor now you are barking about profit…when its time for them to make statements the disappear like Lazy Lungu.

  8. UNZA is not and was not set up to be a profit making entity and rightly so. The emphasis should be on how UNZA can provide good education, research, innovation and remain relevant to the development needs of the country. Inherent in this discussion is the best resource mobilisation model for UNZA to meet these goals. Otherwise it will lose focus. UNZA is not a classical private business entity set up for profit for its shareholders. Assuming it does make profit, where does it go. The usual looters no, we are tired. Things need to change

  9. UNZA has been dropped by many commonwealth organisations and hence the lack of support on academic research and scholarships for Zambia as a whole. Countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana top the list of academic recognision… Zambia fell of the radar 20 – 30 years ago.
    UNZA must work to other international universities to be recognised. UNZA MUST change its stance of enrolling only a handful of students and setting cut off points for each course offered at the centre of learning. UNZA instead should create and introduce more courses at degree level and they should have industrial placement in their final year – especially in subjects such as finance and banking, science degrees, healthcare and innovation, teaching and civic design. Our civil engineers cannot…

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