Saturday, July 27, 2024

Soccer fans Boycott group B AFCON under-20 matches at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium


The Inside view of the New Ndola Stadium
The Levy Mwanawasa stadium
Soccer fans in Ndola have charged that they will continue to boycott group B AFCON under-20 matches being played at the Levy Mwanawasa Stadium because the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has decided that the Zambian team should play all its three group matches in Lusaka.

ZANIS sports reports from Ndola today that following yesterday’s poor turnout at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium, the fans charged that unless FAZ changes its strategy and gives the Copperbelt based fans one Zambian game at the Levy Mwanawasa stadium, the stadium will not be filled to Capacity during this Total AFCON Under-20 tournament.

“What we are saying is that give us one game involving Zambia or else the terraces will keep being empty. There is no way all the three group stage games involving Zambia should be played in Lusaka, even Ndola is Zambia, we are also hosting the AFCON Under-20 ” said Moses Kambole.

Another irate fan from Chifubu Township, Arnold Mwila explained that the empty terraces in yesterday’s group B opening matches are a sign of boycott by the soccer loving fans on the Copperbelt Province to the Andrew Kamanga led FAZ executive for allegedly not being fair.

“If it was Kalusha Bwalya, he could have given Copperbelt to host one match involving Zambia, but this Kamanga is not considerate. Copperbelt is the power house of football.

“ We shall also show him that we are not happy, the stadium will always be empty. It’s not about the charges, infact K10. 00 is too cheap. It’s a boycott. We will be watching ( games ) from bars,” he said.

The fans have further charged that should Zambia go through to the finals which will be held at Heroes stadium in Lusaka, they will travel in numbers and FAZ should workout modalities of how they will get into the stadium.

Crispin Mwala of Main Masala Township explained that FAZ should spare some space for Copperbelt fans in Heroes stadium so that they also cheer their team.

“We know that Zambia will go through to the finals, so we shall all travel to Lusaka to watch the finals, because we are all Zambians and the final is set for Lusaka so Kamanga must make way for us to enter the stadium, even if it means we shall stand all throughout the game, otherwise we are going,” Mwala emphasized.

Yesterday only a handful of supporters were present at Levy Mwanawasa to witness the opening match of group B.

Group B, comprising Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa and Sudan games are being played in Ndola while group A which has hosts Zambia, Egypt, Mali and Guinea are based in Lusaka.


  1. Ba Kopala just admit that you are fake supporters. Where have you seen group games from the same group being played in different provinces. *****s muletusebanya mwalitemwafye amahule kwa chipulukusu

    • Ba kopala mwilasabaila. if only heroes was that full considering it’s relatively higher capacity compared to Levy, it would have meant almost 20, 000 people less for the first game. If the 60, 000 capacity stadium was that full, what more the 40pin Levy? PA last you are just fake Supporters. Some of us managed to move all the way from southern province. That’s #1 love for the games

  2. Ba Kopala just admit that you are fake supporters. Where have you seen group games from the same group being played in different provinces. Muletusebanya mwalitemwafye

    • They are exposing themselves how primitive they are and giving CAF enough reasons not to give Zambia chance to host AFCON for senior teams.

    • They shud be given One game since last games are played at same time Let them watch Zambia vs Egypt match after we beat Mali

  3. Mukose ba CB bola kuya ku stadium maybe you fear how to get home after game is over because of too many thugs called Jerabos

    • This is a point. So how does FAZ have a program for Zambia and another for the rest of the participating teams. Do they understand the cost of shuffling teams unnecessary. Changing venues will mean four teams travel and be accommodated in two different towns. LT interview real people and do not report what one Kaponya says. Those who are not serious soccer fans should keep their K10

  4. Same way pf has been rejected by the people. Give the majority what they want. They voted hh enmasse

    • NEZ noko icinyo what has PF got to do with this mukongo obe? sata-nyoko leave pf alone ci-kala,tombanoko

  5. This is fake news, I was at the stadium to witness South Africa demolish Cameroun after knocking off and there was quiet a number of fans. How do you expect the stadium to be full on a working day and the first game is at 15:00hrs. We shall see if Heroes will be full before the Zambia/Mali game starts at 18:00 hrs. @ Ubututu and @ Tenzebanthu please dont just comment foolishly before analising the story.

  6. How many soccer fans are on the copperbelt. Who are Anorld and Moses to speak for all the soccer fans on the copperbelt.

  7. I live in the Copperbelt, Ndola in particular. How on earth do these ignorant Fans expect the host nation to play outside the (1) Capital City (2) Change Locations to play and satisfy their supporters. Just go and watch the games you guys. Even Kalusha would not have pulled this one.

  8. Nonsense! stay away who cares? Do you fund FAZ for them to consider your senseless suggestion. Do you know the cost implications of changing venues ewe zimandola? Continue watching from Chifubu Bars like we care!

  9. Zambians so emotional over an insignificant u20 team. It just shows how backwards we are under pf. By now we should be hosting afcon

  10. I blame the journalist here. He interviews 2 people and concludes as fans on the copperbelt shame!
    If those 2 are even soccer fans then they are infants in support for soccer, they probably started watching soccer after 2010…

  11. Ok LT that is a nonsensical picture you have put up. A picture of a day when there is no game. Show us an actual picture of a game day showing an empty stadium not this nonsense.
    Secondly what is wrong with Copperbelt people. They should at least show us a tournament on the planet earth were such a demand was met or better still even ever made? MALABISHI CHABE!!!!!!

  12. My observation is that FAZ should have put the group where Zambia is , on the copperbelt and the other group in Lusaka. Reason is simple. It would be easy for soccer loving Zambians to come to Ndola from other towns to cheer Zambia than to say come and watch Sudan v Senegal match. I reside in Kalulushi myself and it can be appropriate for me to drive all the way to Ndola to watch Chipolopolo games, but with these other teams I would rather watch from the TV. But since Lusaka is a cosmopolitan city its easier and cheaper for people within Lusaka to flock to Heroes Stadium and watch the games. It does not necessarily follow that the host nation must be in the capital city. But for now since the fixtures have been released, its not possible to change. But then who loses out, its FAZ or CAF…

  13. It’s not FAZ that arranges the schedule it’s entirely a CAF responsibility. If you allowed the hosts to be incharge what would this mean? They ensure they put themselves at an advantage. Please don’t show your primitive thoughts to the world.

  14. The CB fans are not cowards they say things as they see them. Alot of consideration was supozd to be taken considering Levy mwanawasa Team is the home ground for our national team.

    • Where were the bafana bafana based when they hosted the World Cup? How do you honestly expect the host nation in this case Zambia to be based in Nakonde or Dundumwezi?

      Naimwe ba LT learn to conduct serious interviews! You interview two drunken baggage loaders from Peace Soldier buses and come to a conclusion and splash such a headline!

      Anyway, the reporter is the one who plain stup1d! I even feel foo.lish too, to comment on a non issue like this crap reported here!

  15. These copperbelts chaps are really embarrassing us. Where on earth have you seen games from the same group alternating stadiums. This province should just be eliminated from Zambia and given to Congo. We cant allow such type of thinking

  16. Stupidity of the highest order…where have they seen a host country moving base from the capital…canr they just be patient and hope Zambia proceeds from group stages if they are there!!

  17. That is why in Europe they play such games in the night. They allow workers to knock off so that as many as possible fans watch the matches. Do you expect these Indian employers to release their workers at 14:00 hrs just to go and watch a game? Impossible!!! As for the fans who were interviewed from bars, I would say they were showing ignorance of the highest order.

  18. Bututu na ka money fye mbelengele from Ndola. Zambia is not a guest but a host in this tournament. Muletusebanya abena ndola

  19. Ubututu, Chipulukusu is better than Chibolya in Lusaka. It would have been better if Zambia played group games in Ndola and final at heroes.

  20. The sample size interviewed is too small to conclude that soccer funds on the Copper belt have boycotted the matches because all the Matches involving the Zambia National Soccer team are played in Lusaka. Besides, its just the poverty levels that are high. Lusaka is too close to Ndola to allow funs travel and watch the Matches and return to the Copper belt within 2 hours. I have China in my mind with the speed trains.


  22. Please leave Kamanga & FAZ out of this. This a CAF tournament & Zambia through Faz are just hosting it. In fact these schedules where decided a long time ago & can’t not be changed for sentimental reasons. U just wake up with a Chibuku hangover and say Zambia must play in Ndola. In fact is only that there was no credible stadium in Lusaka after Levy Stadium was built. But otherwise for decades Lusaka was the base of the senior team. It ia also easy for delegates and international players to connect flights after a match from Lusaka as opposed to connect from Ndola

  23. Awe ba lusaka mwalanda. The problem is not with the soccer fans bt lt reporter. The reporter was drunk during the interview i say so bcoz CB is a great province compare to a dirty capital. Mwanawasa stadium is better than heroes fimofimo mandevu/ chingwele matero stadium mwaumfwa ba kembo. Ukulandalanda kwati ni ba council mwimbe maanda.

  24. Ba kopala twaamba ukulwa kwati ni PF na UPeND futi…yashani?…yabu kembo mwaamba baka’amba!..te OG!

  25. Comment:guys bonse u jst sound like kopala pipo non of u alembako namuchinyanja banyama niyabwa ba zed, enjoy the games instead of prat kak,,,,

  26. Kopala! There is just one Zambia with one capital city, Lusaka. We are all enjoying the games regardless of where we are.

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