Saturday, July 27, 2024

Continued sale of foodstuffs near public toilets in Lusaka is worrying-Resident


THE continued sale of foodstuffs near public toilets at Soweto, Lumumba and Kulima Tower bus stations in Lusaka is worrying the public which has asked the Lusaka City Council (LCC) public health inspectors to move in quickly.

Misheck Kandulo, a Lilanda resident, said the council should increase the number of inspectors to enforce the ban on the sale of foodstuffs under unhealthy conditions and that the team should include State police officers.

Mr Kandulo said it was unfortunate that people were failing to observe hygiene when selling food.

He recalled that the LCC banned street vendors from dealing in fresh foods after the cholera bacteria was found in some of the food samples tested by the Food and Drug Control laboratory in Lusaka a few months ago.

Mr Charles Lusambo also said the sale of fritters, peeled fried sweet potatoes, fried chicken and sausages as well as other foodstuffs especially at Lumumba and Kulima Tower bus stations showed that the local authority was not serious in its campaign to promote vending in clean environments.

He said the problem was also with the public who were in the habit of buying from vendors selling food next to stagnant water, heaps of garbage and toilets.

‘‘Imagine, how do you buy fritters or drinks next to public toilets?’’ she asked.

Another concerned resident Naomi Mugala said lack of routine inspections by public health inspectors on food hygiene was a major challenge in Zambia.

She advised the public to practice good hygiene to ensure that they did not contract diseases.

Earlier this year the council issued a statement urging the public to avoid buying food from the street.

The council reminded the public to observe basic hygiene, including systematic hand washing with soap after using the toilet and before handling food or eating, as well as safe preparation and conservation of food.


    • And Zambians will even choose the fritters next to the toilet. If they didn’t buy no one would setup shop there but they buy after using the toilet its the first thing they think off. Fritters

  1. What What you expect when you have an illegal president who was mp of chawama and eve upto now chawama is a dump of a place. Do you expect the country to be clean?

  2. Country without leadership, bring in expatriates to clean our nation from streets to toilets, lol morning president am out of there.

  3. What did we expect city inspectors to do or how did we not expect the situation to get worse when MCS allowed hawkers all over Lusaka in the name of gaining more votes?

  4. “THE continued sale of foodstuffs near public toilets at Soweto, Lumumba and Kulima Tower bus stations in Lusaka is worrying the public…”


  5. Yes, it is ridiculous. It starts from the top brass in LCC – The Mayor, Town Clerk, Councillor, etc. These guys need to spend a day or two or a week in the city centre (12 to 14hrs a day) and physically see if they can survive amid the garbage, dirt, unsanitary conditions. Please don’t spend time in your air conditioned offices and pretend everything is fine.
    On another note, the traffic congestion caused due to the parking design on Cha Cha Cha Rd and other places within the CBD by Parkrite and LCC is to milk money out of innocent citizens who want to simply park within the city centre. Since when do you allow parking slots to be legal when they are designed to jut out onto the street, angle parking, instead of keeping them parallel to the street. One lane has been taken over by…

  6. Hygiene starts with the self and if this basic importance is not observed then its a huge challenge when it comes to managing extended responsibilities. LCC and other jurisdictions even among colleagues looking out for another on cleanliness should be concerted effort! Who wants to be sick and who wants to be in an environment that is teaming with communicable diseases or plagues? Public Health Administration in the country is now obsolete as compared to the colonial era! It is not inspections whose sole aim is to punish those found wanting but education! On average Zambians are very ignorant as regards environmental health! It must not be surprising anyway for illiteracy in the country still outweighs the literate! Public Health Authorities must double up on their efforts educating the…

  7. contd…. public and making information available through posters and fliers including using public media/ broadcasting houses! What we have now are public health officials hunting to punish the public and also raise revenues through penalties! Aren’t councils responsible in facilitating ‘business’ with licensing? Let people who earn a salary from public institutions start doing their jobs properly first by ensuring hygiene levels begin scaling ladders upwards!

  8. But who buys foodstuffs near the toilets??? Let’s not wait for the Council to intervene bane, boycott buying food sold near or at toilets, simple and straight forward

    • No mudala the stink is just around that Soweto market toilet and kulima tower also. Independence avenue iliche bwino

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