Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH’s Bitterness, Arrogance and Political Naivety will Consume the UPND


HH speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka on Sunday
HH speaking at a press briefing in Lusaka on Sunday

By Bowman C. Lusambo

The manner in which Mr Hakainde Hichilema has continued manipulating and brainwashing UPND Members of Parliament to fulfill his own narrow selfish motives is now becoming a source of concern.

In a Parliamentary democracy like ours, Members of Parliament are elected to the National Assembly to represent the electorate and when they begin to adjudicate that responsibility, then it is only fair that they are reminded that their stay in that House is dependent on their execution of those responsibilities.

Their behaviour on Friday when they elected to again boycott His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s State of the Nation Address should be condemned in the strongest terms.

I wish to remind the UPND MPs that President Lungu is firmly in office and he was sworn in using the constitutional provisions and that this is the reality they have to come to terms with and the sooner they do that, the better.

The people who voted for these UPND MPs now feel undeserved, unrepresented and short changed.

This is a lesson to the electorate to scrutinise some of these political parties whose leadership is well known for its self-serving machinations.

The Legislature just like the Executive forms part of Government. It is therefore folly to attempt to disengage from a Government which you are firmly part of by refusing to recognise the President who is the Head of the Executive, to which, as MPs you already belong.

When entering the House, UPND MPs took an oath of allegiance to the President. How can they turn around today and claim not to recognise the same President they swore allegiance to? The last time they acted in this manner, they apologised to the Speaker, to their electorate and the nation and they promised not to repeat such actions but now they have done the same thing they apologised for.

This kind of behaviour can be likened to that of a dog. In the animal kingdom, only a dog is known to go back to its vomit. The UPND MPs are behaving like dogs by going back to eating what they had vomited.

Mr Hichilema’s public life is littered with several answered questions about his source of wealth. When he speaks, he exhibits high levels of bitterness unfit for national leadership.

It is therefore a shame that men and women with high intellectual calibre such as Hon. Garry Nkombo, Hon. Situmbeko Musokotwane and Hon. Jackie Mwiimbu could be reduced to puppets for Mr Hichilema.
As an accomplished Lawyer, Hon. Mwiimbu is expected to apply reason and thought to his actions and do the right thing and that is represent his people in Monze Central effectively.

At the rate Hon. Mwiimbu is advancing Mr Hichilema’s narrow agenda, I can only prescribe that he borrows from his younger but more astute colleague from the same legal profession Hon. Keith Mukata who opted to do the right thing and stayed in the House to be addressed by the Head of State.

As a nation, we should commend Hon. Mukata for demonstrating independent and progressive thinking which is critical for national development.

My advice to the UPND MPs is that their acts of blind loyalty to Mr Hichilema will never take them anywhere. Zambians are now able to discern who means well or who does not. The UPND has some bright MPs especially those from North Western Province with promising political careers who should not follow Mr Hichilema’s dark schemes.

Mr Hichilema is a political failure which has never won a legitimate election even after a record number of attempts. Taking political advice from such a failure would spell doom for these MPs.

Even my personal political acumen is far better than Mr Hichilema’s as I have been longer in politics and won elections before. Mr Hichilema should be warned that the kind of politics he is now bringing to Parliament are only fit a village assembly in Bweengwa as they are outdated and irrelevant in our current political discourse.

The Author is Patriotic Front Member of Parliament for Kabushi Constituency and Coperbelt Provincial Minister


    • Shut up you Michael katabo minister of livestock kneeling before you ka god, we in upnd don’t practice Babylonian type of politics of kneeling before your ka god,stu pid chiefdom politics, just go to tumfweko Facebook page, you will see pf minister kneeling before his humble god. UPND are free beings.

    • Shut up you Michael katabo minister of livestock kneeling before you ka god, we in upnd don’t practice Babylonian type of politics of kneeling before your ka god,stu pid chiefdom politics, just go to tumfweko Facebook page, you will see pf minister kneeling before his humble god. UPND are free beings.

    • The only dog we know is PF which has gone back to eat its vomit MMD and its rotten vomit locally known as lusambo!
      Its a democracy people can boycott anything including jamesons from chawama!
      I may not like the choice of HH’s VP but Lungu has also made some very poor choices.

    • Well said Ba Lusambo. Sadly these MPs are being used by HungryHyena (HH) for his own personal gain. The man is slowly becoming bankrupt and wants to bring this country down with him! So sad that even up to today the United Dunderheads have failed to condemn the rampant acts of violence in their strongholds after elections which saw amongst other attacks a well known local PF member who was also a bodyguard being killed. When PF was in opposition there were never such acts of violence committed because the Late Great MCS believed in addressing issues on a political platform and winning outrightly through the ballot! Someone who has never held any political office cannot grasp this.

    • Look who is talking! One would think PF would be celebrating the so-called imminent demise of UPND. Instead PF is extremely bitter about UPND’s behaviour. My conclusion is that UPND’s campaign is working. It is irritating and raising the hackles of PF. That’s the way to go. The opposition is the opposition, not PF cheerleaders.

    • If this Bowboy~Lusambo from the MMD swallowed by PF bandits had any brains he would tell visionless Lungu to give power to the speaker & let the presidential petition be heard~simple!
      Everyday MMD & PF bandits are busy attacking HH who has a right to be heard in the courts of law.
      Bandit Bowboy should tell the nation how much mealie meal is today than wasting his time talking about HH. Let MMD+PF bandits talk about the plummeted economy, unemployment or load shedding tears.
      Otherwise, the presidential petition must be heard without confused excuses by PFjudges & PFudiciary.
      The Skeleton Key

  1. Lusambo is ranting and raving becoz he sees the danger of losing his job in the PF Illegitimate govt. HH is not bitter at all. He is exercising his Constitutional Right to be Heard thru the Petition. Lusambo is scared becoz if the Petition is Heard Lungo will lose the case and inrurn Lusambo will lose his mercenary job in the PF govt. Lungu has been blocking the Petition Hearing becoz he knows that if it is heard in Court that is the end to his illegal hold on power. Lusambo and Lungu were hoping that the Petition would die a natural death but this has failed and the Petition is very much alive in Court . The Commonwealth, AU ,SADC,EU,UN etc want the Petition Heard Urgently. Lungu and Lusambo Muyopa Chani? #Let the Petition be heard without fail.


    • When your adversary gives you advice, ignore it. Why should PF/MMD be concerned about UPND’s future success?

  2. My dear brother Lusambo, we want to see what will happen in parliament by the end of this day. PF have been caught up and taped the plan for the day and this will not end in parliament suspension but will catalyzed something countrywide. We want to see the wisdom of the speaker today on the point order Lubinda is going to give and know how it will go. UPND is linked with voters and not individuals and pars. Suspension of one year to be slapped on all the UPND parliamentarians will cost the whole nation and that is why Zambians now will be provoked into reacting countrywide.
    So dont alarm the country to fall into violence.

    • Let PF call for fresh elections and they will see how UPND will still wallop them in those same areas. We do not like thieves, especially Bemba thieves. Never take advice from a Bemba thief.

    • Fresh election?? are you serious?? UPND and those child soldiers…excuse me…children they registered to vote only won in your bantustans!! Seven provinces, yes, 7 voted for PF and President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. And Semeki why are speaking for Zambians to react countrywide?? Speak for yourself and your southern bantustan which will be hardest hit by the suspension of your MPs not us here who will be fully represented by ours!! THERE WILL BE NO VIOLENCE ANYWHERE EXCEPT IN YOUR BANTUSTANS AS EXPERIENCED AFTER THE ELECTIONS!!!

    • Zambian citizen
      Does that 7 provinces equate a difference of only 100,000 votes according to ECZ??
      That 100,000 is the same as 3 townships in lusaka. Even the rigging was not convincing

    • @spaka: but why couldn’t you provide that evidence to the Constitutional Court when the inauguration was suspended and you were given 14 days to do that???? My point is the majority of provinces (7 out of 10) REJECTED hh!!!!!

    • Lungu would not let the evidence be heard….
      100,000 disputed votes , equivalent to 3 lusaka townships is not something to sing about especially seeing lungu just spend 10 billion and had to use the whole GRZ.

      The high light here is “100,000 disputed votes”

    • Lungu or rather President Lungu is not a Constitutional Court judge, Spaka. I think even you know that. He is head of the Executive arm of government. The Constitutional Court and its judges are part of the Judicial arm of government and they don’t take orders from the Executive arm, they are headed by the Chief Justice. When you accuse someone of stealing in court, my brother, you have to present EVIDENCE to convince the judge beyond reasonable doubt. Your petitioners had rumours only and FAILED to present any hard evidence. Their fault only!!!

    • All political parties were allowed to have thei agent in all polling stations by the ECZ. If there were irregularities, they were at liberty to report the irregularity to the ECZ, police etc so that a case file could be prepared and presented in the courts. Why didn’t the UPND follow these procedures over the 100,000 disputed votes and present them to the Constitutional Court?? They had a team of powerful lawyers who could have easily compiled that case????

    • Zambian citizen

      The police have lost all credibility, they are controlled by PF thugs—Just keep tabs on kaiser zulu assult case of a police woman you will see what I mean.

      Also don’t be fooled, lungu knows and instructs all judges. He is the appointing authority.

      We are still in puzzlement as to how someone who won clean would rather not show the country he won but would rather be called a theif and an illigal president ruling over a divided nation !!!

      Lungu should actually drag HH and UPND to the courts to shut them up. Or let the PF Sue UPND for calling lungu a theif….

    • Zambian citizen

      The police have lost all credibility, they are controlled by PF thugs—Just keep tabs on kaiser zulu assult case of a police woman you will see what I mean.

      Also don’t be duped, lungu knows and instructs all judges. He is the appointing authority.

      We are still in puzzlement as to how someone who won clean would rather not show the country he won but would rather be called a theif and an illigal president ruling over a divided nation !!!

      Lungu should actually drag HH and UPND to the courts to shut them up. Or let the PF Sue UPND for calling lungu a theif….

    • Spaka HH had John Sangwa, Robert Simeza, Musa Mwenye, Jack Mwiimbu, Nelly Mutti, Mwangala Zaloumis, Keith Mweemba, Majo Muchende, Mulambo Haimbe, Martha Mushipe, Chad Muleza, Vincent Malambo and Gilbert Phiri as their lawyers, you mean this powerful team couldn’t come up with anything? That is over 50 years of legal experience among them!! Then you still speculate that President Lungu instructs all judges? what rubbish!!! SO refer to one case where there was undue influence (with evidence please!) from President Lungu-and I will believe you. That illegality and thief tag only exists in your minds as opposition otherwise the rest of the country and the international community recognise Edgar Chagwa Lungu as the sixth president of the Republic of Zambia. Petition finished last year!!

    • Zambian citizen

      The rest of the country is only a disputed “100,000” votes.

      If lungu would rather be called a theif and an illigal president and leave a dark cloud over our electrol process rather then simply show UPND are lying….that is his personal choice.

      As for individuals, if the petition is not heard to show UPND is lying, I will start referring to lungu as a theif everywhere online.

    • No the rest of the country is not only the disputed 100,000 votes. The margin was small because the UPND strongholds exhibited fanatical voting ie turnout of 90%+ and 99% votes for them (this is inclusive of child soldiers…sorry child/underage voters) against 60% for the rest of the country and 70% votes for PF. If the pattern was the same, the gap would have been wider as UPND only dominated in 3 provinces against 7 for PF. You are at liberty to call the president whatever you want, but sooner rather than later people will identify your mental problems and stop taking you seriously. Overzealousness and lack of respect for Laws is what landed Mwaliteta in prison because he removed his sense of reasoning!!

  3. In 2015 we jean kapata kneeling before lungu, now we have Michael katabo kneeling before lungu, which does pf practice these Babylonian chiefdom type of politics?

    No upnd member kneels before a fellow man, we are free beings, this what hurts pf so much.

  4. If the PF MPs are naive let them Order Matibini to suspend the UPND MPs from Parliament for a year. Let Matibini do this and start an outright Civil War in Zambia. As a result of the stolen Election tempers are very high and any stupid decision by Lungu and PF will ignite an open war which Lungu will lose. Instead of alarming the Nation Lungu should reduce political tension by allowing the Petition to be heard. Without Hearing the Petition there wont be peace in Zambia. SADC and AU are watching and will not allow a Civil War to erupt in Zambia. The Petition should be heard and disposed off in terms of the Law.Period.

    • And when this civil war you are proposing breaks out, we are going to ponona you because we are many in PF and you are only in three provinces while we are in six. Just imagine being beaten at an election as well as being pononad in a civil war.

    • only tribalists, jihadists and the like deal in extremes. Why talk of civil war when the rest of the country is at peace and has moved on? History tells us President Kaunda saw this threat and dealt with it and its chief instigator, Harry Nkumbula and united the country through ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATION. This threat has reemerged under Nkumbula’s incarnate, the bigot HH but once again Edgar Lungu shall triumph through the same spirit of One Zambia One Nation as the majority of us are behind and bless him so that he leads our nation to greatness. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA!!

  5. Where have Tonga’s fought in history?May be infights when shearing animals.There seats should be declared vacant and the current dudes must be barred from standing. Ati watermelon!

  6. Civil war is wishful thinking that the rejected party hope to pick up pieces and rule.don’t join the race if you can’t accept the results. How do you win with borroed regalia and song.watermelon!!!!!!!

    • #abash pf Babylonian politics of kneeling and praise worshiping fellow human beings. PF is just hurt that you UPND ain’t gonna kneel before anyone.

  7. If there is any party which has eaten its vomits and liked to a dog is PF.It is PF which even removed the immunity of Rupia Banda and now it is eating the same vomits.
    It is Dora Siliya who used a middle figure to point at sata now Dora is even a Minsiter.
    The party which has eaten its vomits its PF which is behaving like a dog.
    Let the petition be heard that is the only answer.
    The only solution is to divide the country so that each region can govern its self.
    We shall welcome the Speaker to suspend the UPND MPs and declare that Zambia must be divided now were are tired of singing political songs in parliament.

    • For your information, that language you are propagating is tantamount to TREASON: “The only solution is to divide the country so that each region can govern its self.” “We shall welcome the Speaker to suspend the UPND MPs and declare that Zambia must be divided now were are tired of singing political songs in parliament.” Be careful what nonsense you want to fill your bantustan kindred heads with, President Edgar Lungu is commander-in-chief of the Defense Forces.

  8. Aka divide and rule we have file photos of nkombo squatting before hh especially when talk of disloyalty took hold just continue to boycott national events and see the outcome in 2021

  9. Just read the name of the author it will tell you that what you are about to read is mere crap from a pf member desperate to please their master by criticising even when some one is doing the right thing. In many countries some one with hh influence would have directed his supporters to be violent on the streets as a way to deal with the stolen election. Hh goes to courts as a way to set a precedent for our future generations. Then we have a nobody with questionable credentials like lusambo talking down Hh. Just putting those two names in same sentence is an insult to hh

  10. Lusambo the rat.

    Instead tell us what deals you were cutting the the Congolese Dora’s lover at kasumbalesa ?

    Show the people who voted for you what work you are doing instead of mu.sterbating every time you hear the name HH.

  11. Author lacks credibility, resulting his statements not to be credible in a government that is far from being credible.

  12. @Namolya, Skeleton and co. ati “Lusambo swallowed by PF bandits”????, then what do you have to say about Nevers who is adamant on being the MMD President, Lupando Mwape a former MMD Vice and countless other MMD politicians currently in UPND???
    Proper Hypocrites you guys are, of all the MMD politicians that jumped ship for me as a PF commentator Lusambo is the brightest and most hardworking of all of them- I can’t put Mutati and Dora in the same league as Lusambo! You see that’s the difference between us and you! We are open to different opinions whereas United Dunderheads are run like a company- either you agree with your CEO or you are fired!

    • PF can not function without MMD. the little gains you see in agriculture and the economy are due to MMD.

      PF only know popularist polices and borrowing with mismanagement and corruption.

  13. SPOT ON, HONORABLE LUSAMBO. “Mr Hichilema is a political failure whO has never won a legitimate election even after a record number of attempts. Taking political advice from such a failure would spell doom for these MPs.”

    • So say the kaponyas of a man who has taken UPND to a place where lungu had to illegally use the whole GRZ, that is ZA, ZP, ZAF to campain for him and unleash violence. Bankrupting the treasury in the process. Even entering corrupt deals like Malawi maizegate just to fight the might of HH and the UPND.

      All that after alledged spending 10 billion on development and the thieves still had to rig only to find they could only manage 100,000 votes. Equivalent to 3 lusaka townships.

      Now gentelemen if that is not the mark of greatness……the UK queen will move to Zambia.

    • But why can’t you present all that evidence, baba?? Why would the queen of England move to Zambia?? Her own people exalt her and she is great to them?? Don’t speak rumours, present hard evidence for all Zambians to see!! …to fight the might of HH and the UPND…pwahahahaha!!! The failure has lost five times ie REJECTED FIVE TIMES BY ZAMBIANS!! Remember the ballots in a bin story? Even Maureen Mwanawasa distanced herself from that foolishness lest she dented her reputation. That’s HH for you-an abject failure!!

  14. To the United Dunderheads- Further on the subject of thieving one needs go no further than bring up the subject of the United Dunderhead heroes Masebo and GBV! Both of these crooks were kicked out of govt for corruption and abuse of office! Before they joined United Dunderheads Ltd you chaps both on this site and your ZWD site called them all manner of names even calling Masebo a prostitute and attacking her child that you called a retard! These are facts they are there on ZWD! Now they are your Heroes? What a bunch of proper Dunderheads you are! And let’s not forget HH and his ill begotten wealth by way of privitisation and being an agen of FTJ! Lying cretins you are!

    • Can you remind us why lungus licence was revoked by LAZ.??? Or will tell us that is because LAZ is UPND??

    • Can you see how short sighted the PF kaponyas are……they bring up the integrity of HH then when you ask the who is a fraud convict between HH and lungu, the slink away sulking……

  15. Often a person thinks he is a master when everyone is wrong except him. He wields a small ego and holds to ransom grown men with families with the threat to declare a seat vacant and they shiver and shudder because the new constitution can exclude them from a by election then they shall be in trouble as their families will starve. This brings satisfaction to the great leader aka Adolf…but this is short lived in 2021 he will take a back seat as he will be an old man with no ideas left to run the country. 2021 Zambia forward!

  16. HH is a great man. If he died today Lungu would be the first one to say the followig;
    ” Country men and women we have lost a great citizen. A man whose main fight in the opposition party of this country was to ensure that all Zambians’ living standards are uplifted. This Man could afford 3 square meals per day and naturally every suffering Zambian expected him to quiet, but this great man stood on their side. Let us therefore, emulate this man’s fighting spirit as he soldiered on even on the infamous petition which used to give us sleepless nights. Indeed I salute the people who supported him particularly all members of the UPND and those the western side of line of rail.” What? Lungu was day dreaming ofcouse. The man is still alive!

    • HH and the UPND have exposed the criminality of lungu and the PF…..they represent everything a mordern democratic society is not…..from the unleashing of the eorst violence to overseeing ministers like kambwili spewing tribal hatred on air to suppression of media houses.

      From the absolute thuggery and lawlessness of their leaders calling on thugs to takeover markets and bus stops and steal council plots to political advisors of lungu fighting and assaulting a police woman in a packed stadium to photos of PF ministers crawling for lungu….

    • @Grand Funk if Hungry Hyena is such a good person ask him to start buying gum boots for his farm workers, who run around barefoot plus start paying his workers a reasonable salary. Also the farmers he displaced should be compensated by him! Charity begins at home so don’t cheat yourself ati “HH is a great citizen” only Dunderheads like spaka and co cheat themselves into believing that!

    • 2020vision

      Pathetic, is that all you can come up with ?
      Boots and fake grievance stories?

      Since we are there did you know HH built a hospital, employees more then 1000 zambians, sponsores more than 100 kids to school upto uni?????

    • You should have included: ” …Country men and women we have lost a great citizen. A man whose main fight in the opposition party of this country was to ensure that all Zambians’ living standards are uplifted. A man who these same Zambians rejected five times…


  18. @Spaka like lilo:am sure you have got nothing to do in are ever online defending a known loser-HH.look,your HH will never win majority votes in 6.5 provinces.HH can camp in Luapula,Northern,Muchinga,and Eastern from today campaigning until 11/08/2021 but still get zero MP and fewer votes than a PF candidate who may just campaign there for less than 7 days!!!in 2015 HH lost with less than 30 000 votes and you all in upnd thought in 2016 he will win because he lost by a small margin.but what happened in?in 2016 the 30 000 gap was increased to more than 100 000 votes!!this gap may go beyond 300 000 votes in 2021 in favour of PF!!SURELY IS LOSING 5 TIMES NOT ENOUGH FOR UPND TO CONCLUDE THAT MANY ZAMBIANS CANNOT VOTE FOR HH?

  19. Whether upnd like it or not,the fact is the line is drawn in Zambian politics.PF in 2021 will still lose in 3.5 provinces but win easily in 6.5 provinces.just try to talk to those from 3.5 provinces,majority of them are pro upnd while majority of those from 6.5 provinces are pro PF.this is the sad news for upnd.HH has a mountain to climb in 6.5 provinces for him to win in 2021.forget about rigging.our voting pattern has gone regional!!!

    • Don’t forget the child soldiers…sorry…the child/underage voters they used in southern province.

  20. Wise words Mr Lusambo. UPND MPS cant think on their own. HH constantly has to think for them and tell them what to do. Their action on Friday was immature, foolish and ill timed. They should never return to Parliament again.

  21. @Njimbu well said comrade but 5 times is not enough for Hungry Hyena maybe 6 times will do the trick as a matter of fact its better HH stands as he is unvotable outside his strong holds in the 3 provinces!@spaka which hospital did Human Hyena build? On his farms and ranches with those 1000 employees as you say non of them have even a mere clinic on them and that is an undisputable fact so don’t lie. Also how much are those 1000 employees getting paid? How many are seasonal and how many are permanent workers, their salaries range from what to what, are they on Napsa, workers compensation etc?Don’t cheat mwana I’m not a brainwashed cattle herder from Neganega we know our facts- the State should send Labour officers to visit his ranches but then you blood thirsty animals would react…

  22. What content of ECL’s speech was worth a normal person’s ears? Even if it was boycotted, the speech was a worthless piece of Sh1t. I am sure the MPs had better things to do such as visiting their constituencies. Here’s a president who goes to watch football on a daily basis and you want normal people to think that he’s serious enough to address the nation on serious matters? Get serious Zambians. How many times have you seen a president attend football matches at that frequency in the developed world? And that’s a developed world we’re talking about. Here’s a poor country where the president is supposed to be even more hard working but he keeps globetrotting, getting drunk and watching football matches. When does the f00l seat his behind to do work?

  23. Some of you Zambians are sick, due to the fact that you are out of touch with reality. The case in in court concerning the fact that a Lungu did not win the last elections. The case has not been heard yet. We all know what happened during and after the elections. YOUR ILLEGAL president will go down as the worst president Zambia has ever had. He is even clueless how to govern.

  24. 1 John 4 :7-13
    7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

  25. nalumango gate back to your se,nses for once in your life you mor ron, what harp pend has harp pend even before lungu came into power you i,diotic and shame ful old for n,othing women. UPND lost that is it you lost with your f, ucking HH A BIG F,U i call him that.

  26. Lungu back teeth, your hatred for bemba will make u suffer from bp. u insult their votes hence insult them. ur perpetual hatred will not make your party upnd will elections. To get rid of the Pf u need unity of purpose, togetherness and above all the support from all region regardless of tribe. change your backwardness mentality.

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