Saturday, July 27, 2024

Decision by the Chief Justice to dismiss a petition against Dora Siliya is suspicious-FDD


Antonio Mwanza
Antonio Mwanza
The FDD says the decision by the Chief Justice to dismiss a petition to form a tribunal to investigate Madam Dora Siliya, Minister of Agriculture over the Maizegate scum is suspicious and lacks merit as it is contrary to the assertion by Her Lordship the Chief Justice that there is prima facie evidence to the fact that Madam Siliya’s involvement in the whole scam is questionable.

FDD Spokesperson Antonio Mwanza said the Committee which investigated the matter in Malawi found that Transglobe Export Produce Ltd wrongly and fraudulently involved Malawi’s Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Dr. George Chaponda, and MP to get who was aided by his counter party from Zambia.

He said the witnesses from the two countries submitted there were some wrongful dealings in the export of the Maize to Malawi which should enough for Chief Justice to prosecute.

“With such evidence plus other details in the Report, it is inconceivable that the Chief Justice could claim that there is lack of evidence to prosecute the matter. It is such suspicious decisions by our courts that have resulted in the public’s loss of confidence in our judiciary. Justice must not only be done but it must be seen to be done. It is clear in our judicial system that the rich and connected seem to be untouchable for serious crimes they are committing while the poor and less influencial are rotting in jail for petty crimes.

“In conclusion, we want to applaud His Excellency, President Mutharika for demonstrating leadership in this matter by occasioning the investigations and most importantly by firing his Minister of Agriculture for his fraudulent involvement in this Maizegate Scandal. Such decisive kind of leadership is what Africa requires in order for it to rid itself of corruption and theft of public resources,” he said.


  1. Our Judiciary under Mambilima is all about maintains the status quo. With a broken judicial system and compromised leadership, Zambia is doomed. Where the so called educated people and why on earth would anyone allow Lungu to be President?

  2. When a chief justice becomes a chief injustice, what remains of a country? Failed state!!! I thought women could hold such positions in more honorable manner. I don’t even want to go any further talking about this lady.

  3. Chief justice Mambilima is the worst chief justice in the history of this nation. She was supposed to be left at the helm of ECZ otherwise there is nothing that she is doing as head of judiciary. She doesn’t move to see the status of judicial workers and courts especially local courts sessions that take place under the trees around the country. Previous chief justices especially Justice Ernest Sakala had started building court structures. And corruption is at its peak among judicial workers so how do you expect this useless and corrupt chief justice to allow a tribunal against Dora siliya?

    • iwee ndiwe kawalala! that’s why you are happy with all the wrong things happenings in our country.Ndiwe galu ulibe muchila…

  4. Another useless politician who belongs in the rubbish heap of political failures. That old dinosaur Nkandu Luo beat you hands down in Munali constituency because people rejected you and you want to tarnish the name of Mrs. Mambilima??? Your own president Nawakwi wants to stand for a third term and you can’t do anything about it?? Then you want to come to us with an anti-corruption crusade thinking it will make you popular? That is why the people of Zambia will continue to reject you!

    • @Zambian Citizen I think that is below the belt …… THAT OLD DINOSAUR NKANDU LUO BEAT YOU HANDS DOWN IN MUNALI CONSTITUENCY. The same old hag has had her “erection” nullified that she is a woman not a man! However, for me, this young man possesses potential for the future! As for Nawakwi’s 3rd term is it for you or someone else to say! Nana tried 4 times; Wade of Senegal tried 4 times and even our own HH and Chilufya tried more than 3 times each!

    • @MB: well put! In fact Wade was in the opposition since the early 1970s against Leopold Senghor, then against Diouf, and only made it to President in 2000 at age 74 years, the oldest successful candidate in the whole world. These kneejerk comments about a politician being rejected too many times just shows immaturity and lack of knowledge of history.

    • …hh holds the record for being rejected 5 times!!! kikikikiki….as for MB: what potential does this young failure possess?? He can’t even understand basic principles. Remember Siulapwa, he was a worthless young politician who was just good at vuvuzelaring issues to gain political favour-what happened to him:RUBBISH HEAP OF REJECTS. “With such evidence plus other details in the Report, it is inconceivable that the CJ could claim that there is lack of evidence to prosecute the matter…” What evidence?? That i.d.iot Chishimba failed to present the evidence when summoned by ACC so what do you want the CJ to do? I will say it again: SCRAP MATERIAL POLITICIAN WHO HAS NOTHING TO OFFER OUR DEMOCRACY!!! By the way, Nkandu Luo is still minister after obtaining an injunction in court…FYI

  5. All class mates of Edgar Lungu have told me to my face that the guy IS NOT PRESIDENTIAL material. He is only fit to be a Chola boy to people like HH or Nawakwi! In addition, his intellect was dimmed a long time ago by whiskey, Kachasu and beer. He is washed out!

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