Friday, March 7, 2025

Police cancels UPND Kanyama rally because Lusaka is unstable


GBM and HH at the Magistrate Court

Police in Lusaka has refused to grant the UPND a go ahead to hold a public rally in Kanyama compound.

According to Lusaka Province Police Commissioner Nelson Phiri, the rally cannot be held because Lusaka is in unstable security situation.

The police have also refused to grant the UPND a permit to hold a demonstration at Parliament buildings over the MP’s move to shoot down a motion on bursaries.

Mr Phiri said any rally or demonstrations by the UPND party may lead to serious tensions.

In a letter to the UPND, Commissioner Phiri said Lusaka is currently experiencing an unstable security situation and holding rallies and demonstrations would fuel the situation.

He however says if UPND is not satisfied with the police response, the party must appeal to the Ministry of Home Affairs.



    • Could you kindly explain what you find NO GOOD about speaking out in support of helping deserving students with money to finish their studies?

    • Why is PF so cared of UPND? Would the same have happened if it was PF that had applied? Indeed the guilty are afraid! Don’t deny people their basic rights.

    • You forgot to mention the safety of motorists. It’s really a good move. It’s time we had peace. Too much unruly crowds.

    • What a sttupid comment @ BJ.
      On one hand you asking HH to forget the Petition and just concentrate on reorganizing the party and when he tries to re organise, you threaten them with violence!!!
      This is why HH should pursue the petition until it’s heard no matter how long and where it takes place. Reasonable citizens must by now be aware that we are dealing with a gang of iddiots here!

    • That was very very responsible from you Mr commissioner.

      You understand your job and you know what to do at what time.

      If the child wishes to touch a snake and asks you to allow them, you will not focus on the child’s strong desire and on that basis grant the request.

      Rather you look at the safety of the child and decide in their best interest as well as that of others around them.

      You are not going to say:

      ‘no, just allow the child to touch the snake because the desire is verystrong, else the child will cry’.

      No, no, you can’t say that – otherwise it will be irresponsible on the part of the parent.

      To me, it shows your holding of that position is not accidental, you well deserve it.

    • Fallen into a gaping trap. Denying the opposition any space to say somethingconsolidates their claims that the current president is a frightened little man and builds their case on the ICC panel. PF must learn not to fall in such traps. The country has sufficient policemen to patrol such a small rally.
      Lusaka is an stable? For crying out aloud, the whole country is unstable!

    • Don’t be dull my friend London experienced terrorist attacks recently but the anti Brexit still carried out demos even in Russia this weekend the opposition held a rally where they are tensions, guys let’s allow divergent views even if they are not to our liking the police should demonstrate that we are a democracy

    • The difference is that UPND has decided not to recognize ECL’ Presidency and government, the government in response equally decided not to recognize HH and UPND.

  2. Of course the security situation will be unstable as long as citizens feel that their is an unequal and selective application of the rule of law and justice. And the police are taking the coward’s way out by cancelling the rally when letting the rally proceed while making sure there is security and law and order at the rally would be the first and honest way of diffusing the security situation.

    What the police and those who control them forget is that ‘Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order —in short, of government.’
    They would have done better by first arresting Mr Kamba for threatening violence.

    • Yes we are in a democracy and law and order is never sacrificed when you are in a democracy. These upnd baboons decampaigned the bill of rights which included education and now want to seem sympathetic with the poor by introducing an immoral bill. shame on you. Who was going to sign that useless bill into law. The same President you don’t recognize? Very shallow minded baffons in UPND. bY THE WAY NO ONE DEMONSTATED WHEN YPOU SHOT DOWN THE BILL OF RIGHTS. WE ARE YET TO DECAMPAIN YOU F00LS

    • Yes we are in a democracy and law and order is never sacrificed when you are in a democracy. These upnd baboons decampaigned the bill of rights which included education and now want to seem sympathetic with the poor by introducing an immoral bill. shame on you. Who was going to sign that useless bill into law. The same President you don’t recognize? Very shallow minded baffons in UPND. bY THE WAY NO ONE DEMONSTATED WHEN YPOU SHOT DOWN THE BILL OF RIGHTS. WE ARE YET TO DECAMPAIN YOU F00LS

    • Which democracy on earth will grant permission to an opposition leader who has openly announced that he does not recognize a sitting president? If HH’s position continues, don’t be surprised if the police decide not to allow UPND to hold a political rally before the next elections – in the interest of peace and public safety, and justifiably so. There should be repercussions to stupidity, truancy, and anarchy.

    • Oh, additionally – the Head of Government is the President — meaning even Ministry of Home Affairs under which the police fall is under him. So, if in your opinion he is illegitimate, how then does an institution under his command grant you permission to hold a rally and you accept it?

  3. I think the PF has been scored here and this will add to the silensing of voices. Police should have let the rally go ahead with thugs such as Kennedy withholding their venorm. It was a scoring day for PF but you guys you were not emotionally intelligent. Now upnd does not need to do anything but complain of how they are being treated

    • The Head of Government is the President — meaning even Ministry of Home Affairs under which the police fall is under him. So, if in your opinion he is illegitimate, how then does an institution under his command grant you permission to hold a rally and you accept it? It will be nonsensical for UPND to complain because they do not recognize the sitting Head of State. Complaining will just show how disorganized they are.

    • @ One Zambia

      1mbecile, have you ever heard of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms? Who the F*ck are this PF m0ther f*ckers to deny Peoples Rights?

  4. Removing Bursaries will be greatest mistake ever made in the history of the PF government. Even Edger Lungu himself could not have been where he is today had it not been for the Bursaries.

    Stop experimenting ladies and gentlemen(MPs), focus on real issues affecting the Nation. Wherever you go in the world such schemes are there. Education is investment, the more you educate the more returns on GRZ and the community at large. You can even export the excess of manpower.

    • Nobody is talking about removing bursaries. Understand english. UPND whats 100% bursaries for students which the govt can’t afford. Its simple *****ic politics that UPND is playing and unfortunatetly most LT readers are fools and don’t understand simple english

  5. The Supreme Leader HH of the UPND together with his cadres do not recognise the current President and his Government hence the consequences… It’s simple the Police is part of the Government…

  6. I was waiting for this response from the police. Lungu and his PF goons cant bear to see how unpopular they are. Lungu knows very well that his dictatorial tendencies have made him unpopular. HH is the president of Zambia and as long as the petition will never be heard, Lungu will be a lame duck president.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

  7. Guys do not follow what these monkeys are saying. The rally is going ahead and we ask you all to attend. We have got our own marshalls to ensure safety. All along lusaka and zambia has been safe until UPND ask for to excercise their rights, then it becomes a problem. Please come to kanyama as the rally is going ahead come rain or sunshine! This country is now a dictatorship and we the UPND are willing to lose our lives for the cause. We cannot have a situation where PF takes this country back to uncivilisation or the likes of uganda and zimbabwe. Here we will not accept it and the only one to lose out will be lungu and pf in the end. Please come to kanyama!!

    • Cowthern province is not Zambia. We need peace in Zambia. by the way why cant you just hold your rally in dundumwezi where you are popular and i believe nobody will complain when IFIKOTICA are stoned by the usual uncivilised cadres from namwala go mad

    • NEZ.
      You are one of the more concerned about the errossion of our democratic rights in Zambia.. ..

      Can we organise petitions to be sent via email to the IMF and all foreign embassies in Zambia regarding lungu oppression.

      I have started the process below.

    • flag NEZ (new educated Zambia UPND ) — you are just a do,gs you and HH with your peaty are just id,ot bla,ts.

    • Kikiki a lot of angry pf minions. The truth hurts. Lungu won’t come out of this alive. All dictators die painful deaths

  8. Zakeyo – ULICHIPUABA IWE. With or without wrungu police will be there. It is people like you who are trying to turn the police into cadres. You do not need to have Wrungu’s recognition in order to access police services.

    • Who is the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces in Zambia…And if the answer is the President then you should tell your Supreme Leader of the UPND to grow up and that you cannot win on anything if you fail to recognise the person who occupy that Office…You will continue crying and no one will take you seriously…That’s my advice, if you want you can insult me but nothing will change my opinion and you shall remain hopeless losers for good…

  9. So IMF is watching and you think they can give you their money. We are in big big trouble. You can’t suppress the media and everyone and expect them to give their money. KIKIKIKIKI. They want transparency from the media way up to the opposition. Then they will know that putting money in the Zambian coffers will be safe. But for now forget.

    • Like surly do you think IMF as any interest in a little rally. Come watch this space money shall be given. What grade are you doing my dear.

  10. Rally for what? Just go and sleep why you toying with people. Too much drama in Zambia. In palimament you don’t want to put up a fight but outside you busy calling for rallies. Come on you people,we not interested in your nonsense apart from your few followers here and there. Not even a PF rally am I in favour of it. We tired please

  11. The son of sa.tan hh please do sacrifice another person and say it’s the police…You have been given reasons as to why…Obey

  12. When I tell you that the difference between Zambia and some developed countries is lack of good governance and lack of leadership…the Police could have easily okayed the rally to go on and refused demonstrations to proceed. Who is it that has caused this “unstable security situation”…really laughable….Lazy is such a coward even when he is in State House the bum is insecure about a toothless disorganised opposition party of immature leaders.

  13. Good , Good move Zambia Police,HH & GB are after something to destroy Our mother Zambia.What gathering are they talking about?Good well done Police.HH will never rule Zambia,because of Tribe Tag,untill he look up to other groupings in Zambia.First he must tell his tribemates.

  14. Rally for what? Just go and sleep why you toying with people. Too much drama in Zambia. In palimament you don’t want to put up a fight but outside you busy calling for rallies. Come on you people,we not interested in your nonsense apart from your few followers here and there. Not even a PF rally am I in favour of it. We tired please.Let PF people work and deliver their promises please HH & GB

  15. “Of course the security situation will be unstable as long as citizens feel that their is an unequal and selective application of the rule of law and justice. And the police are taking the coward’s way out by cancelling the rally when letting the rally proceed while making sure there is security and law and order at the rally would be the first and honest way of diffusing the security situation.

    What the police and those who control them forget is that ‘Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order —in short, of government.’
    They would have done better by first arresting Mr Kamba for threatening violence.”


  16. Of course the security situation will be unstable as long as citizens feel that their is an unequal and selective application of the rule of law and justice. And the police are taking the coward’s way out by cancelling the rally when letting the rally proceed while making sure there is security and law and order at the rally would be the first and honest way of diffusing the security situation.

    What the police and those who control them forget is that ‘Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order —in short, of government.’
    They would have done better by first arresting Mr Kamba for threatening violence.

  17. PF and Edgar are afraid of democracy. This is not what we fought to remove one party state of Kaunda regime. God will one day liberate us and only time will tell.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

  18. UPND simply gave a 7 day Notice period as per Law. It is not the ZPS’s business to stop the Rally becoz they don’t have powers to do so. The Courts will rule in favour of UPND on this one. PF is shooting itself by theatening UPND with violence should they proceed with the Rally. The illegitimate Lungu Regime is showing to the International Community that they have no Respect for Rule of Law, Constitutionalism ,Human Rights and Good Governance. Lungu is proving to the World that his illegitimate govt is violent and lawless. The Petition Hearing is a deal breaker in all this. Without Hearing the Petition and a Court declaring one of candidates a Winner and duly elected Lungu will remain an illegitimate President. Lungu is under tremendous pressure to allow the Petition Hearing urgently…

    • At least learn to mix those insults with something sensible and informative. Not just showing is how dull you are. Empty tin kikik

    • I like it when throw tantrums because then I know I’ve hit you where it hurts. The permission has been denied so what do you me to say. Cry?

    • muntu wanga the only ones hurt are pf because their abuse of power to force the police to refuse permission is total proof that they are no longer popular. Therefore the only way they can keep order in the country is through autocratic and arbitrary decisions such as this. People ask for petition to be heard, you find illegal ways to stop it. They ask to hold a rally you use illegal means to stop it. If you are very popular and confident why not let us “losers” freely interact? No one is throwing tantrums,. Idoubt you even know the meaning of that word. I am engaging you in a very constructive way. I have raised many points which upto now you have not responded to. It seems you are still the slow empty tin that you were when i ended your blogging days on 2umfweko. Here i will bury you…

    • we thank our lungu for this decision. Now i just wait for him to recognise gay rights so that jupe my partner from sweden can come and marry me here in zambia. Why waste time on upnd when we have more important things to be dealing with. Gay people are been abused day in day out. Please ba lungu look into this.

    • @25.4 don’t be f00lish. No wonder you think HH won the election because you steal other people ‘s identity to “blow ” your numbers. You can support gaysim because Mmembe your biggest fanatic is already one.

  19. Every time i hear Zambia pforce talk about security threat, they don’t tell us exactly what type of animal it is, i have heard other police officials in other countries be specific when talking about security threats, they will warn you of high risk of a terrorist attack, they will warn you of gunman on the loose etc, for Zambia pforce this security threat has always been there ever since pf took power, in unip and mmd it was hibernating waiting for pf to take over.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

  20. When HH talks of a PF cadre police force, people say he is politicising issues. It IS POLITICAL and necessary to point out the despicable breaches of rights and abuse of the law when it comes to the opposition. Its one law unto the rulers and another for the opposition. This has nothing to do with ‘non-recognition’ of the President, for those peddling this sick excuse. There are people around the world who are considered to be in power illegitimately. The opposition have a right to state this and continue to seek to be in power themselves. That is their right. In any case, not every citizen anywhere in the world ‘recognises’ the leader. They are free to do so and ask that someone else be in leadership. There is always some silly excuse when the opposition is stopped unlawfully from…

  21. … from exercising their rights. Lungu is a servant. He does not own the country. He should not stop anyone from exercising their human rights because these are independent of him. He is not the law. People who can’t make this distinction are the ones who prop up dictators.

    Lusaka is only unstable coz, A Thug (Chimp)yongo controls Home affairs, & “Political Advisor” Kaizer assaults Women.
    ALL THESE FILTHY P.F CADRES WILL CRY ONE DAY!! We saw this in Zimbabwe, where Mugabe Brutalised the Ndebele, & the Shona enjoyed & laughed till Bob ran out of enemies coz most fled, & he turned his wrath on his fellow Zanu -P.F/ Shona, supporters, who are now refugees in other lands in biblical numbers.

  23. Every body who cares about democratic freedoms and who think the IMF funds PF are asking for will be used to curtail the democratic rights of zambians and opposition parties should email the IMF watchdog at

    Independent Evaluation Office
    of the International Monetary Fund

    Email: [email protected]

    • To [email protected]
      Sunday, 26 March, 2017 15:12
      Dear sirs.

      As citizens of Zambia we note with concern the continued errossion of press freedoms and democratic rights by the government oh Edigar lungu in the democratic republic of Zambia.

      We note with concern that the IMF is about to borrow Mr lungu money which we feel will be used to further errod our freedoms and close more independent media.

      Copy and paste the link to this thread.

      If enough of us complain the illegal dictator lungu will not be given money to suppress zambians and deny them democracy.

  24. That was very very responsible from you Mr commissioner.

    You understand your job and you know what to do at what time.

    If a child wishes to touch a snake and asks you to allow them, you will not focus on the child’s strong desire and on that basis grant the request.

    Rather you look at the safety of the child and decide in their best interest as well as that of others around them.

    You are not going to say:

    ‘no, just allow the child to touch the snake because the desire is verystrong, else the child will cry’.

    No, no, you can’t say that – otherwise it will be irresponsible on the part of the parent.

    To me, it shows your holding of that position is not accidental, you well deserve it.

  25. You are surprised why we are referred to as a dark continent. Black South Afrixans are xenophobic, Zambian politicians are scared of there own shadows. The Police are bunch of cowards in uniform only capable if killing people in police cells.

  26. PF cadres demonstrated against LAZ in Lusaka, armed with different types of mini-weapon and without Police permit. At least we know that UPND gave lawful notice to the police. So, if the Police feel powerless to take care of possible demonstrations, they may ask the UPND party security wing to supplement. I believe every Political party has an internal security wing. Misfits will easily be noted and sorted out whilst the business of the goes on. Just my opinion

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

    • @ 33.1 Spaka like lilo,

      Unfortunately, the IMF and World Bank do not do their business through social media.

    • Peace for Zambia.

      That is ok. At least they will know how lungu is degrading our democratic rights and how there money will be used.

    • @ 33.3 Spaka like lilo,

      They will ignore your messages because they know that social media is full malice.

      It accommodates all kinds messages from all kinds of jokers, including those that say Maureen Mwanawasa has found HH’s votes in a bin.

  27. You are surprised why we are referred to as a dark continent. Black South Africsns are xenophobic, Zambian politicians are scared of there own shadows. The Police are a bunch of cowards in uniform only capable of killing people in police cells.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

  28. Well done Zambian POLICE, BCOZ not too long ago HH was rebelling the Zambia POLICE as PF POLICE so what haz changed, Y asking PF POLICE 4 the rally permit YOU SEE…wutukwana crocodile matako ali mumanzi kikikikikiki

  29. PF cadres 3 weeks ago demonstrated against LAZ without a Police Permit but no Pf cadre were ever arrested. Now ZPS is denying UPND a Permit to demonstrate for Bursaries for UNZA Students. This is selective application of Law. On the Rally in Kanyama all the UPND needs to do is to inform the Police 7days b4 the Rally . They don’t need a Permit to associate with their supporters in Kanyama. Lungu is just exposing his disdain for the Rule of Law and violation of Human Rights in Zambia. With violence and lawlessness in Zambia Mutati can kiss goodbye to IMF Money until Legitimacy is restored .This can only happen if the Petition is heard and the Court declares one of the 2 candidates duly elected President.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a judge difference….

      The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

      Albert Einstein

  30. Whatever they want to say at the rally can be done via tv, radio and online. Why do they want to assemble. You say you want IMF not to bailout Zambia, who will suffer is it not us Zambians the same people you want to rule

  31. Nkani yochita boycott address mu parliament, inaminyonga kuipa.
    Ok iyi yeve inamigwila kumitima ka?

    Ikali kumibaba ka. Kikiki it’s point of order, after point of order.

    Viva UPND MPs.

  32. This kapokola boss is a bad marketer for Zambia to the outside world, his boss is busy globetrotting looking for whatever can come invest in this country, him he comes out and tells the world that Zambia is unstable security wise.

    The usual PF-PUTRID FARTS from these cadres.

    • Please see post @30. Responding will only take 5 minutes of your time but will make a hudge difference….

      ” The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

      Albert Einstein

  33. Just appeal to kapyongo.if u hit a no, then appeal to ka Lungu….until u recognise ka Lungu. No rally.or until the local court rules in hh favour.kikiki

  34. Well done ZP!!time for campaigns is long gone until 2021.HH and his bantustans have nothing to do apart from dreaming about state house.surely who is interested in upnd rally in kanyama to go and hear same nonsense of PF has failed,uunga wadula,kwacha is weak,un employment is high,PF is corrupt,etc minus offering solutions by hh?politics of name calling died in 2016.people now know what they want and its not hh.JUST LOOK AT HOW SPAKA LIKE LILO IS PANCKING.HE WANTS IMF NOT TO GIVE ZAMBIA MONEY.BUT WHO WILL SUFFER?IS NOT THE SAME PEOPLE YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR HH?UPND’S REASONING IS VERY EVIL.THEY WISH MOTHER ZAMBIA HELL SO THAT ZAMBIANS MAY HATE PF AND VOTE FOR UPND-AMAZING!!THIS CANT HAPPEN BECAUSE HH IS NEVER AN OPTION!!Many voters may rather stay home on polling day than voting for a…

    • Njimbu

      It’s not me panicking….it is PF panicking. If no one what’s to go to the rally why are lungu police banning it ?

      If people have jobs no one will bother with rallies. That is how democracy works.

      The only way forward is transparent governance and democratic freedom to all. If that is not possible for PF they should just make zambia a one party state.

  35. United Danderheads for sure, just reading the comments of these such as spakas, nez it shows Zambia is need of a better opposition

  36. Third World politics indeed! Some PF party cadre threatens violence if UPND is granted a permit to the extent of even commanding the police not to issue this permit and the police succumb! In the *****ic way of thinking when the outcome is well known you’re advising the applicant to appeal the denial with the minister! What country has Zambia become and how have we got to this situation where “freedom” and “individual rights” generally has become a preserve to be determined by a few? Zambia is sinking into a rotten administration. STOP THE TRAIN I WANT TO GET OFF!

  37. Is it not paradoxical and ironic that the UPND is seeking permission to hold a rally from the police who report to the Minister of Home Affairs who, in turn, reports to the very President (ECL) whose authority and legitimacy the UPND does not recognize? What sort of reasoning is this, imwe ba UPND?

  38. Lungu and PF should just declare Zambia a one party state without democracy.

    Instead they are lying to the west about democracy while suppressing the oppositions right to address their followers

    Dictatores and theives have no greater enemy then freedom of expression and one of the worst enemies of a dictator and theive is a vocal online pressure group.
    Especially vaunrable is a dictator who needs western funds. Ask the Arabs how Israel beats them for western influence all the time.

  39. Ba UPNDonkey nabo kwena, how do you apply for a permit to.hold a rally in a country which has no President? Mwalichimonapo? Who do think you will ensure the peace since the security of the nation is entrusted in the President? Donkey thinking ba UPNDonkie!
    In short, as long as there is “no President in Zambia” and no rallies by donkeys!

  40. Surely Ba HH and UPND, how do expect a system, government and President you do not recognize to give a permit? It only shows how confused you have become. You just making things difficult and complicated for yourselves. The best would be for you to remain in idling gear until you exhaust all you petitions including going to ICC. This might take you forever mind you.

    • You are a very dull dog because you have just agreed to what we have been saying that pf illegal government is controlling the police. ****** we, police should be independent of government and politics. So how can you say that recognising an illegal government is equivalent to recognising the police. Please can someone stab an asigai in this dull boys head.

    • NEZ, as at now, I do not mind your insults because I lose nothing but it feels great to be in a winning team. Your insults will be like an icing on the cake. I know HH defeat is so bad to swallow but that’s how the cookie crumbles.

      Remember the whole is greater than the sum of its parts regarding separation of powers. That is why President appoints heads of other wings of government. HH and UPND seem be uneducated on governance systems.

    • Well, being independent does mean allowing behavior and people who have no respect for very instituting they want to assist them. Being independent does not tolerating mad people roam our street freely to creat anarchy and threaten peace in the nation. Being independent dose not mean allowing a man who does not recognize the country’s chief executive to get a permit from a person appointed by the same ceo. HH should blame himself for creating this scenario. You insult will not stop me from challenging your warped reasoning.

  41. @Spaka like lilo:the biggest mistake you guys in upnd make is comparing president Edgar Lungu with your HH.Edgar Lungu is a president for all Zambians (HH inclusided).but your HH is just the same as Cosmo Mumba,Chilufya Tayali,Charles Milupi,Mulyokela,etc.he is simply a leader of a political party.ECL doesnt need to ask for permission from the police to address a thanksgiving rally or go anywhere in Zambia because ZP is under him.but your HH just like me needs the police clearance before holding any public meeting.BESIDES,DONT YOU KNOW THAT LUSAKA IS FULL OF PF LOVERS (CADRES)?IF THEY FAIL TO TAKE HH’S PROVOCATIONS AGAINST THEIR BELOVED ECL AT KANYAMA RALLY,CAN THE POLICE CONTROL THEM?BE REAL GUYS.ZAMBIA IS BIGGER THAN HH OR ECL!LETS WORK THAN POLITICKING EVERYDAY!!WE CAN DO CAMPAIGNS…


    • It is not campaigning.. ..UPND wanted to thank their followers. Why do PF and lungu fear UPND so much ?

  43. Kikiki pf Lusaka times trying to block all my devices. Sumuza kwanisa. Kikiki

  44. A critical examination of the photo where the duo UPND leaders, HH and GBM, appear to chat their way for more mischief, certainly one of them is a BIG FOOL being used by the real ethnic inner-circle, who feel that UPND belongs to the Southern Province to advance the Bantu-Botatwe tribal hegemony to the exclusion of the fat FOOL’s own ethnic group. Money is indeed a potent genetic factor that can act as a form of GMO to alter the thinking faculty of some human brain.

    • I do not know what you are talking about and which flag you are referring to. Some of the flags are automatically generated and allocated to bloggers.

    • Please, I do not know what flag you are talking about and I am NOT Mwansa Kabinga. Surely you should how I write differently from this Mwamsa you getting so confused with me. Now, let’s not try to run away from issues being discussed by bringing things that are trivial. The topic is about Police refusing to grant UPND a permit and not about Mwansa and Asigai.

    • Kiki this Congolese ati asigai coming to cause problems on Zambian websites. Please take your pygmy self away from here here and get lost

    • Now for sure you are crazy. I will not waste time discussing something that does not make sense. It only shows that I have defeated you in the debates and like you under five HH, you have nothing else to discuss but lies and stupid distractions. What makes you think I am Congolese and why should I call you ISIS

  45. @Spaka like lilo and NEZ:what is your take on the fact that HH and upnd do not recognize ECL but you went to the Police asking for a permit from a Govnt you do not recognize?are you guys in upnd not embarrassing yourselves?believe you me,voters in 6.5 provinces laugh at upnd’s behaviour after 11/08/2016.HH’s way or running upnd is very annoying to say the least.i really wonder why you see sense in HH’s wird leadership style.HH has been behaving this way since 2006 and am sure he will continue until 2021,so how can he win the presidency minus changing his wird ways of doing politics in 2021?amazing.all people who say HH will never rule Zambia may actually be correct!!!

    • @spaka
      Kindly exercise a little maturity. It’s not a factor issue but a matter of security and a little progressive behavior on the part of your leader who is busy sowing ill-conceived partisan packed behavior in the thick heads of his du.ll MPs. Police has just said no; okay cross line if you are men with superhuman balls.

    • You are a very dull dog because you have just agreed to what we have been saying that pf illegal government is controlling the police. ****** we, police should be independent of government and politics. So how can you say that recognising an illegal government is equivalent to recognising the police? you are even proud to say that pf government is controlling the police. Please i advise you to desist from commenting because you are just embarrasing your party and revealing things you shouldnt. Your party wants us to belive that the police are independent and yet here you are proudly saying that the police are part and parcel of pf government. So you have just accepted that the pf are involved in the arbitrary deaths caused by the police. Lungu has blood on his hands and i swear he will…

    • Well, the separate wings do need to agree or disagree on every issue, but surely they agreed that HH and UPND are crazy do not deserve to given the due respect and recognition. HH created chaotic bad image for himself and UPND. The onus the change this bad image is upon your HH. So when you fart(Chishupu) do blame others for foul smell.

  46. Actually the police simply quoted what HH has been saying, exactly his words that Zambia is unstable. Can he complain? No? Of course yes he will complain true to donkey thinking and reasoning, no less.

  47. @Spaka like lilo:you can camp online 24/7 until 2021 complaining about PF Govnt but nothing will change in Zambia.for majority Zambians it will remain business as usual.look,upnd has been crying over their failed petition but nobody cares in 6.5 provinces until you have become tired now.this is the beauty about democracy(majority wins).HH’s portrat is in your homes and tutemba in bantustan areas-but what has HH gained from this?nothing while treason charge may visit him soon!!THEREFORE,WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT,UPND IS FIGHTING A LOSING BATTLE BY PROVOCKING GOVNT.SOME INNOCENT SOULS MAY EVEN LOSE THEIR LIVES BY FOLLOWING HH BLINDLY WHILE HE ENJOYS LIFE AT HIS CHALALA HOME!!please peace loving Zambians stay away from HH.let him fight for state house alone.

    • Unfortunately for lungu my democratic right to camp 24/7 on line he will fail to block.

      As long as the west who are thinking of giving lungu money can see how oppressive his regime is the better.

      This is not about HH or UPND it is about good governance and democratic freedoms of expression.

  48. HH had no plan to hold a rally you could see it by opening sending the letter to the media way in advance so that he can get a rejection.. Next since he has been told to appeal to the ministry he will and his waiting for another rejection to have proof that Zambia is not in a good shape.. And if Lusaka is unstable which is the capital it means why should the IMF give money to an unstable country..creates a bad name for the country.. HH is playing politics and the PF have fallen for his trick..He has put them exactly where he wants them. It means even in Concourt it cannt be a fair hearing..i think HH has become a great politician

    • You are right, HH is playing under five politics and the international community including the IMF
      clearly see it. Actually, the government will even be commended for stopping this confused politician because the international community wants to see peace in Zambia and regard HH and upnd as losers and trouble makers.

    • Very useless police officer, you expect tourist levels to increase with such useless untamed and unguarded utterances.

  49. Makani yabija Aisha!
    What good can come from the dual bad team HH/GBM? The police administrates the POA. Kindly heed. We don’t want the dual to sacrifice another innocent fellow. Kindly heed that timely police excuse.

  50. @12, what has IMF to do with this? Look here, only UPNDonkeys are disputing what all international observers declared free and fair elections and recognise Lungu as President of Zambia. Today in diplomatic circles UPNDONKEYS has earned themselves a name as donkeys pantu imisango yabu donkey.yachila.

    • iwe chi asigai and mwansa how do you manage all these accounts kikikiki you must have a split personality to be talking to yourself all day. You are a mad dog kikiki uli na rabies iwe ala naseka. how can we have a congolese commenting like a serial commentator here on a zambian website. who is paying you kikiki

  51. Terrible, aka asigai, olo mwansa kabinga atishani boyi, last time i checked the only rallies that claimed lives was the dununa rallies, remember that grz loan bus that flipped in kapiri.

    • You and Nex have now completely gone bananas like you leader HH. Please ask Lusaka Times on how these flags are allocated to bloggers. My flag has been changed several times not by me. When I joined this blog, LT allocated me a flag and I have had no control over it ever. See that many flags depict various foriegn countrie, but this does not mean the respective bloggers are from those countries. Now, let’s talk about HH being denied the permit, ndiye nkhani!

  52. Lungu is stuck between a rock and  a hard place…..darrned if he does and dammed if he does.

    Stolen things have ways at comming back to bite you….he is trying his best to show the west he is democratic but at the same time he can not allow  HH to increase his populrity especially with a pending petition.

    But he needs those western funds and investors !! What to do ? What to do ??

  53. So you think that police are fools to say that without proof? This HH was given enough rope to hang himself. He thought that he was dealing with a docile government and fell right into the noose… .good morning UPNDonkies!

  54. Decisions our government keeps making against the opposition is slowly but surely eroding people’s confidence in their capabilities to lead them fruitfully.

    • To the contrary, more people are having confidence in the government because to has proved to deal effectively with people who are of confused and violent agenda. By not recognizing the authority of ECL and his government, HH should not expect the same government to give them a permit. How dull is HH to think he can pull this off.

  55. That is just a political rally. Let them hold it.Is it going to disturb the peace of the city?Sata used to have rallies any time he wanted with or without tension in the city and no one interfered with his freedoms of speech and assembly. This is a government of contradictions. On one hand we are praising the President for consulting citizens on the proposed move to leave the ICC and on the other hand the opposition is being denied their democratic right to hold a political rally.

    • An opposition party that does not recognize a sitting Government cannot ask the sitting Government that they do not recognize to grant them permission to hold a rally. Isn’t that simple?

  56. Country men and women let us love each other. Zambia has been a peaceful nation without segregation for a long time. We are concerned about name calling, tribalism which is being shown by greedy Zambians who want to destroy our country with a slogan one Zambia one nation. When the wicked rules there are confusions in the Country and when good person rules there is peace. Look at what is happening in America, confusions daily.

  57. For sure Lusaka is in unstable condition right now to hold the UPND rally, let HH and GBM go to Choma there strong hold instead i am sure that side the police commissioner of the area will not refuse because 95% of the people are for HH (don’t misquote me, i am also a Tonga by tribe) but i am enjoying here in Muchinga no one is considering me an outsider they have even given me a farm land. They even laugh whenever they hear that my brothers back home are segregating against their country folks based on tribe……

  58. Agony is to claim to be the president of Zambia only to have your rally concelled by the real president ECL.One blogger has made my day with this posting.

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