Saturday, July 27, 2024

Polish quash UPND protest on Mumbwa road-Katongo


Esther Katongo
Esther Katongo
Police Public Relations Officer Esther Mwaata Katongo has said the Police have received a report of some suspected UPND cadres that had staged a protest between Petroda Filling station and Engene filling station on Mumbwa road today around 09:30 hours.

The Police spokesperson said the unruly cadres dashed to the road where they burnt some tyres and by the time the Police officers rushed to the scene they found suspected UPND cadres had ran away.

She said the situation is now calm and Police officers have already cleared the Mumbwa.

Ms. Katongo has since called upon Zambians with information leading to the arrest of the people involved in the mischievous act to unveil the information to the Police officers so that perpetrators can be brought to book as soon as possible.

She took advantage to give a warning that the police shall not tolerate anyone who would want to cause confusion in Zambia for whatever reason.

Ms. Katongo also revealed that officers are on the ground ensuring that lives and property of innocent and law abiding citizens are preserved and protected, adding that Police will not bear with anyone destabilizing the country’s security because Zambia is known as an oasis of peace to the international communities.

We are mandated by law to use minimum force in bringing about sanity in any hostile situation therefore, do not blame us if you are caught up in the web. We want to remind people that democracy does not support lawlessness but propagates for observance of the rule of law.

“we have have received a report of some suspected UPND cadres that had staged a protest between Petroda Filling station and Engene filling station on Mumbwa road today around 09:30 hours” Ms. Katongo said


  1. For your information. Those of us who feel aggrieved with this situation have reached a point where we are ready to take up arms. What they did to HH they can do to anyone. If you try to protest the police can shoot you with impunity. We may be left with no options but to arm ourselves and defend our freedoms. Don’t push us any further. This is just a warning

    • coward…keyboard warriors. most zambians know its not worth it dying for that arrogant chap detained at lilayi…why havent serious riots broken out? people are more concerned about putting food on their tables out there. they can only sympathize with that chap

    • LT you are right only Polish can quash a protest were they did not find anyone. And how did they know it was a protest if they didn’t find anyone.

    • kikiki squash a nil protest hehehe.. they are really interested in seing and detaining UPND cadres what a country.

    • You will be locked up and Upnd will not even come to your aid. U see even USA government says dialogue. Now how do you dialogue with a government you don’t recognise? Anyway why talk to a person you don’t recognise.

  2. Indeed polish because those pf thugs are nor worthy of being called police

  3. Hey,That HH chap is a coward who even without a shot fired he hides in the bunker and that is a leader upnd thnk will rule zambia.First he stole the presidence frm Patrick Chisanga nd wants to steal frm Lungu kikikiki .jail for now iz best for him to growup.

  4. Cowards,if upnd cadres are men enough why run away?stay on our streets if you are men enough and you will see how us (Not Police) peace loving Zambians will crush you!!IF YOU CANT DIE FOR JESUS,WHO IS HH(Cuundu chaitwa chairman) TO DIE FOR?meantime,long weekend begins now and its enjoying time until next week monday while ARROGANT HH FIGHTS WITH MOSQUITOES AT LILAYI!!Lusaka and CB are as quiet as ice!let HH respects the rule of law.HH is old enough to know what is wrong or right,why has he choosen to be doing wrong things only since 11/08/2016?

  5. the current situation is there because of you the police. if you did your job professionally, all this wouldn’t be there. A situation where people live under constant fear of the police is not ideal because at some point, people reach a point where they can not take it any more. Let us all strive to make an environment where citizens are proud to belong to this country. This should start by forming the syllabus of police training. the current system isn’t matching with modern trends.

  6. Was on a bus yesterday morning and next to me was sitted a police officer with his walkie talkie. I heard police Commissioner for Lusaka instructing cops on the walkie talkie to use maximum (leathal) force on any UPND supporters found protesting. Sounds like a self declared state of emergency.

  7. Whats wrong with people protesting? In S. Africa people are exercising their rights by protesting to force president Zuma to resign but I have not heard where police have shot at protestors. But in zambia where there is no rule of law thousands would have lost their lives. The police that destroys innocent people’s property and even stealing shame on you hungry useless police that is killing people.

  8. Foolish person, when u were raiding innocent person did u followed the rule of law for u to issue rabish diabolic statement? Soon u see u are going run out of ammunition and chop yr heads like chickens u think we happy rabish spokesperson. Remember to time will catch u soon.

  9. Ba mwata Katongo you can’t even be embarased your police has been exposed Worldwide that they stole money and other things breakings things yet you are their claiming police is their to protect people,s property something’s its better you just remain quite with your drama.

  10. Ba mwata Katongo you can’t even be embarased your police has been exposed Worldwide that they stole money and other things breakings things at HH,s home yet you are their claiming police is their to protect people,s property something’s its better you just remain quite with your drama

  11. You didnt find anyone, yet suspected upnd a good police officer would have said pipo unknown, statements like suspected upnd acrually fan the fire rather puut it out. Police should not be politicised,
    We are mandated to use minimum force, is tear gas used as a first option minimum force.
    I hope you sleep well and your conscience is clear during tnis easter period.
    As a christian nation we should all reflect on our christianity

  12. Comm

    The ruling party should concentrate on developing the country it shouldn’t just be rhetoric,arresting political opponents and suppressing the freedom of speech will not take this country anywhere,the high cost of living should be something that should be brought at the centre of focus by a serious government.It has been said that the government has found the solution to the high milie meal prices yet prices are still exhorbitant where has the government solved the milie meal problem in the country?Who is cheating who?

  13. The underfive is not loved by people, even in his own home region. Who would want to die for him? And now that he is behind bars who will buy Chibuku to pay rioters?

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