Saturday, July 27, 2024

Axed PF officials threaten to name top officials involved in land scam


DISMISSED Patriotic Front (PF) district security officials in Ndola have accused the provincial leadership of using them as sacrificial lambs in land illegalities that have engulfed the district.

Speaking to journalists in Ndola, Mr Joseph Chisala, a PF security official, accused the provincial executive who suspended them early this week of using emotions to discipline them.

Mr. Chisala disclosed that the district party and security officials that have been removed from various positions had been tasked by the Mayor Amon Chisenga to spearhead a task force to apprehend persons in the party involved in illegal land allocation.

Mr. Chisala charged that the group has been caught up in the web in which the mayor and the provincial chairperson Mr Kainga have clashed over the matter.

“The provincial chairperson Mr. Stephen Kainga and the mayor Mr. Chisenga, who is provincial vice chairperson of the party, have been at war with each other; the story is in the public domain.

“We were trying to assist the party in cleansing it from the land illegality that has hit the district like wild fire and we went underground to catch the culprits involved in land allocation.

“Last month we apprehended one of our party members who was suspected to be involved in illegal land allocation but we saw him released from police custody and collecting charge sheets and offer letters we found in possession of the suspect,’’ said Mr Chisala.

Another dismissed official Fyolafyola Musonda, who is youth treasurer for Chifubu constituency, stated that the group will not accept the decision taken by the party to remove them from their positions.

Mr Musonda described the action by the party as disheartening, accusing the provincial leadership of protecting wrongdoers and targeting members working to bring sanity in the party.


  1. Remember what I said that the truth will soon come out. Slowly the corruption under pf is been revealed. Kambwili was left scot free because they knew he would implicate the illegal president and other pf goons. I cry for Zambia.

    • Chagwa will just put this kama Joseph Chisala in for treason over Easter to shut him up, ECL is now the King wamativi.

    • Joseph Chisala this is a former Army officer who resigned under ‘fake Medical reports’ now turned into a cadre. Njala izakunyokola

  2. You’re all guilty of this scam. You’re only talking because you’ve lost out. The abuse of land is common among parties that control the councils and noone is innocent … clerks, mayors, councillors, staff and all sundry. I take no political affiliation on this issue.

    • You scumbag, you @Nda, you @Nja, you now realise that your beloved PF are chaotic anarchists. They cannot run a country. Zambia is finished under PF.

    • Jemasoni Chakolwa has destroyed, or sterilised all Independent media establishments, coz his first name is “Drunkard” (Chakolwa), & second name “Corruption”
      He is a scared little thief, as no one since the introduction of Multi party politics has ever gone on to destroy independent media like this Godfather of Chawama.

  3. Ndanje, you cannot pick and choose ypur political affiliations when you are embarrassed, you are pf and have so stated, your pf is allocating land illegally as stated by pf members in this article. By correlation if at council leval a group of the same political persuasion as the government is undertaking illegal acts it then must reflect on the party as a whole. A person with your intelligence would have to agree

    • You cannot not even see the logic in what I am saying because of bitterness. For your info although I am not a member of P F I prefer it to Upnd. Point is all councillors whether PF or HHparty are guilty of corruption where land is concerned.

    • @Masalamuso, has your account been hijacked by PF? Did you really say that @Nda&Nja has intelligence?

    • @back teeth HH, for you as long as I don’t support HH then I am not intelligent? On the contrary the one who doesn’t want to see his party’s wrongs is the one who lacks intelligence. Corruption is corruption regardless of who is involved. Your reaction just warns us that you’ll not be different from those you accuse once in power.

  4. Will post my comments or not about kambwiili bei g the consummate politician by being out of the country when problems are hitting government. Come 2021 watch the true green man

  5. The ONLY development Jemasoni Chakolwa has brought to Zambia is Endemic Terminal Corruption.
    Lets see if the Stone age P.f Cadres will dispute this one!

  6. It is clear for all to see that NEZ was surely the rightful winner of best blogger. I have watched this guy grow his fan base and increase upvotes while mushota has been forced into a mere PF cadre attacking tribes and not making any sense at all. I followed you NEZ at umfweko and when you left that website it finished. You are a true champion of freedom of speech. continue in your work young man

  7. The most corrupt party south of the equator. Undisputed kings of corruption – land, adoptions, elections, all weather

  8. Nandje, i have no bitterness i am a political and want the best for zambia.
    Kambwilli is not silly he is not around when all this rubbish is happening. Come 2021 he will smell like roses

  9. Buck teeth lungu think they have, have posted twice but not published.
    No just tongue in check but he didn’t understand rather attack me personally

  10. Flourishing democracy in a country where only 11% of it’s population is in formal employment, 98% of educated people only contributes 1% to the country’s GDP, more than 80% of it’s people live on less than a $ in three days. I guess more is yet to come. Zambia is simply paying back for getting into democracy which we dont understand but we can only define it

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