Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF says UPND’s much publicized Protest at the Zambian High Commission in UK Flopped


Members of the ruling Patriotic Front in the United Kingdom have said that the much publicized protest meant to be the climax of the UPND social media negative vibe in demanding for the immediate release of their leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema who is currently under detention flopped today.

In a statememt released to the media, PF said that only two people turned up for the protest.

Below is the full statement



London, 20th April 2017, United Kingdom – Earlier today, the Patriotic Front in the United Kingdom called on Zambians here to shun the planned UPND protest which was scheduled to take place at the Zambian High Commission in London from 09:00am to 16:00pm. The protest was meant to be the climax of the UPND social media negative vibe in demanding for the immediate release of their leader Mr. Hakainde Hichilema who is currently under detention.

Zambians in the United Kingdom have today proved that they will not take part in activities and agendas aimed at tarnishing Zambia’s image. For a long time now, some known UPND members living in the UK have even gone to the extent of insulting His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and issuing online statements bordering on criminality to the extent of treason.

We wish to officially report that only two (2) UPND members turned up for the protest while Staff at the Zambian High Commission went about doing their work without any disruption whatsoever. The Staff was only alerted by a cleaner about the presence of two men outside the High Commission carrying out what looked like a protest.

We wish to dispel falsehood by some online media that the High Commission remained closed as a result of the protest. We are also aware that Ambassador Muyeba Chikonde is currently in Zambia on national duty.

Once more we wish to encourage the Zambian community over their good judgement to continue shunning any ill-intended activities aimed at tarnishing Zambia’s reputation and drag President Lungu’s name into disrepute because the Country is our common heritage. We live in a country where Citizens respect their institutions and understand that their rights come with responsibilities too.

Signed and Issued By: Arnold Zulu (Mr)
Chairperson – PF in the UK

Dr. Mutambo
Vice Chairperson – PF in the UK


    • By the way guys I have just spoken to an insider in the Zambian embassy about the failed protest.

      The guy told me that this is PF cheap propaganda. Kaiser and Amos forced two poor Zambian embassy fellows to make a placard and parade themselves outside the embassy so that an obscured video can be taken and this statement released.

      Video is deliberately obscured to avoid those guys holding placards being identified as Zambian embassy workers. One of the guys is a Mr Ngoma so the embassy insider says.

      Poor PF . Poor strategy.

      Just wait for a real big one!

    • You can see that there is nothing PF will not do to stay in power. There love of power is extremely frightening. This propaganda. The next thing is PF cadres raiding your homes, from one to the next demanding to know which party you support, and if you dont show them your EL chitenge or PF card, your family will be raped while you watch helplessly!

    • You can see that there is nothing PF will not do to stay in power. Their love of power is extremely frightening. This propaganda. The next thing is PF cadres raiding your homes, from one to the next demanding to know which party you support, and if you dont show them your EL chitenge or PF card, your family will be raped while you watch helplessly!

    • You can see that there is nothing PF will not do to stay in power. Their love of power is extremely frightening. This propaganda. The next thing is PF cadres raiding your homes, from one to the next demanding to know which party you support, and if you dont show them your EL chitenge or PF card, your family will be raped while you watch helplessly!..

    • And you can now see as Mmembe told you Zambians, that there is nothing PF will not do to stay in power. Their love of power is extremely frightening. This propaganda. The next thing is PF cadres raiding your homes, from one to the next demanding to know which party you support, and if you dont show them your EL chitenge or PF card, your family will be raped while you watch helplessly!

    • A protest is not about numbers but the message conveyed. Lucy Sichone used to hold one-woman protest. Mbozi (Philosopher king) also held one man protests against USA and UK invasion of Iraq. If I was the PF, I would be more worried that there was a protest and not there were few people

    • UPND is the biggest failure politically Zambia has ever seen. This is because of their politics of tribalism and lack of rational behaviour. They should not think that all Zambians in diaspora do not know that HH and UPND are just trying to make trouble after losing the election. In the long run, even their support in N/W and Western provinces will dwindle. UPND needs rebranding. They have been advised severally, but because they fear losing their tribal leader so much, they have continued on their downward uncontrollable spiral

  1. I live in the UK as do many I know; and this is news to me. Never heard of the protest by UPND in England.

    We are too busy for such nonsense. If people want to protest, let them fly to Zambia and add to the numbers of protesters there.

  2. How can they protest when they have run away from zambia inorder to earn a living due to poor economic policies by PF. Now you need to understand that in in the UK there is no laziniess. you get what you put into the system . That is why most of the zambians there work 13 hour shifts just to make ends meet . so how can you expect a huge turn out kikiki talk about the zambian situation where your president was booed by entire western province. mukose bane.

    • NEZ, are then agreeing that the planned protest was a flop? Even in UK or USA people work for longer house to make ends meet. Some have multiple jobs in a day. Life is not easy anywhere on planet earth In developed country’s life is even more stressful than here. Being booed does not remove ECL from being President of Zambia. Even you NEZ. ypou are not popular with everyone, but that does not make you an animal or useless. man is man and will act irrationally when he he fails to achieve his or her goals.

      PF and ECL have already proved that balikosa by walloping HH and UPND two times in a row. What is evn worse is being being beaten by a political novice, whom you consider to be a drunkard, a chimbwi, name it. It then means that UOND is worse than all the names you are calling ECL. It…

    • You now call stealing votes with irregularities beating some one. Grow up iwe asigai. Until petition is heard lungu is not president and we don’t recognise him. That is more than half the country. If you won why not have the petition heard in fair terms

    • NEZ, Zambian has no Presidential vacuum. There is ECL as president, with all the instruments of power. This is a fact. Yes, HH and UPND petitioned, but failed to prepare their case and lost via a technical knock out. HH and UPND have themselves to blame for using incompetent legal team. HH and UPND attempted to ride on emotions than legal reasoning and lost. Until proven otherwise, there is a President in Zambia properly sworn in and carrying executive functions. NEZ, I want you to prove to me that that there is no President in Zambia, if you can. I know all you can prove to me is that there is a failed petition by UPND about not being heard.

      Kindly help me understand why the London demonstration failed.

    • Ba NEZ naimwe, ukukosa nenshi???? You have been using the same statement before and after the past two elections. Mulekwatako insoni namukula.

  3. Utter drivel. Besides British citizens have better matters to be concerned with right now as elections have been declared for 7 weeks time. We are too busy balancing Theresa and Jeremy to be concerned with mediocre matters. Who is HH to UK indigenous populations? They care about their country and are ordered in their conduct to allow the state to work for them so their livelihood and security.

  4. Nez don’t say we don’t recognise ECL. Say UPND does not recoginise ECL. I bet you there will be no petition to be heard concerning 2016 presidential election results. I thought the government told the public at large that the petition was closed. You people don’t you understand. Don’t mislead us.

  5. Both UP ND and PF presidents are not good leaders though we are under obligation to respect them.What HH did in Mongu was very wrong.that is luck if respect for the office of the president and the people of Zambia.He showed that he is a very rude ,orogant and spolied boy.on the other hand, lungu as the commander in chief of the armed forces should have shown that he is big by simply forgive his brother.treason case is going no were but he has humiliated his fellow man.HH should apologise to his brother and lungu must accept the apology,scrap off all charges and both work to unite the country. We are one and the same people called Zambian.I love president Lungu and I also love HH my next president of Zambia.

  6. People did not get enough notice, to put up something last night and expect people to attend and at 9:00 am was too optimistic. I would have attended but the notice period was not enough to rearrange my schedule. As far as I am concerned this is not about PF or UPND, this is about democracy.

  7. Zambians abroad have better things to do. Time is too precious to waste on trivial pursuits in the western hemisphere.

  8. The best way is to hand down death penalty on HH and hang him with a week all this bickering will go

    • Yes, because Zambia will be on fire! Mark my words, make no mistake! Remember Rwanda? You have not seen anything yet! Try, just try, touch the anointed one – HH. You will wish you were never born! Yapping is good but think twice before you say certain things. Those who have ears should listen!

    • @marygoround,
      what do you mean by “touch the anointed one – HH”.
      he is already touched and is in chimbokaila or is it that you are the only “jew” who is not aware of this.
      we have been through these useless threats before and after every election that your ka hh thing has contested and lost, no fire has broken out.
      just try to be funny like your ka small god – hh and you will be smoked out and dealt with severely, just try……

    • @Dan pf cadres are not obeying orders, they have been told to seek for permission from…….., For them to speak on this matter, i still don’t understand why they are still making running commentaries on this matter, i can’t see any cc……….fimofimo
      cc kampamba

  9. Who took the Video? Why not approach the protesters and find out why they are protesting? This looks like a failed set up.

  10. If nwasnt a flop, the diplomats, locked themselves in the offices. Fearing to see the protesters.
    Dr Mutambo wansalafye. Go back and support your useless dictator president

  11. @Wanzelu, if PF themselves devised the so called protest, still they have done well with those embassy staff.atleast the whole world knows about what the drunkard president has done to our once peaceful nation; even one protester is a success

  12. It took one fruit seller from Tunisia to bring down Gaddafi, Mubarak, Tunisian former president and put Asad in Syria in trouble up to now.

    If only two showed up, who took that video, and the other two in the video are they embassy staff meeting them? If that’s the case, then they surely sent a message, if they didn’t you wouldn’t bother to take videos, don’t tell me it’s mutambo and zulu, then pf is stupid, how do you start giving publicity to your opponent, i actually didn’t know that such protest was taking place, thanks to pf now i know, don’t get surprised when that two goes to 4,then a dozen, a hundred, thousands, millions.

  13. why does PF behave like they are in opposition? when do you guys have time to plan on how to run & manage the country? You are in power & the sooner you start acting like u are the better. By the way, even a protest by one man is still a protest

  14. Why plan a protest in London? These negative guys bangagulise zico! Hazaluza Hagain! President of Namwala District and his cohorts!

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