Thursday, February 13, 2025

Southern Province Senior Chief Mweemba of the Tonga People Welcomes President Lungu


President Lungu speaking to Chief Sinazongwe at his Palace in Southern Province yesterday 21-04-2017. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
President Lungu speaking to Chief Sinazongwe at his Palace in Southern Province 21-04-2017. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

SOUTHERN PROVINCE chiefs have welcomed President Edgar Lungu who is in the province to address various development agenda’s for the province.

Receiving the head of state at his palace Snr Chief Mweemba of the Tonga people of Sinazongwe said President Lungu is the Head of State and as traditional leaders they are privileged to have him want to work with them.

The Chief Mweemba announced that as Snr Chief in the valley region he wanted to convey that they were receiving the head of state with open arms.

“We are the valley chiefs and we receive your with open arms… we receive you with both our hands… we are privileged to have you here,” Snr Chief Mweemba said.

And in response President Lungu thanked their Royal Highnesses for their warm welcome.

He noted that he wanted to work with all traditional leaders in his development agenda but noted that those who did not want to partner with government would not halt government plans.

He re-echoed his statement by saying, “those who do not want to work with us please, step aside and let us work.”

Chief Mweemba (r) and Chief Sinazongwe joyfully welcomes President edgar Lungu at Chief Sinazongwe Palace in Southern Province yesterday 21-04-2017. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS
Chief Mweemba (r) and Chief Sinazongwe joyfully welcomes President edgar Lungu at Chief Sinazongwe Palace in Southern Province 21-04-2017. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE/ZANIS

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu says he is done with politicking and wants to divert his energy to the development of Zambia.

Speaking when he visited Sinazongwe district Nzenga Farm on the occasion of the national field day by NWK Agri-services, President Lungu observed that government wanted to partner with great initiatives such as the cotton farming at Nzenga farm to help develop Zambia.

He observed that the time for politicking was long over and between now and 2021 he wanted to make a positive difference to the development of Zambia.

President Lungu observed that government was not an island that can work alone if they wanted to successfully develop Zambia.

He observed that various stakeholders needed had key roles to play and his government was ready to partner with these stakeholders.

President Lungu noted traditional leaders, the private sector and the community and key stakeholders in the development of any region.

He advised the private sector to not fear government offices when they have challenges and requested that they always maintain an interactive approach in their business.

“Together we can develop Zambia. Your issue of the tractors we shall look into it and table it. We are interested in partnering with great projects like this one, We are tired of politics, it’s time to work we will get back to politics in 2021,” President Lungu said.

President Lungu said government would strive to create a conducive environment for businesses to flourish as their growth greatly contributes to the development of Zambia.


  1. WHY didn’t HH stop when the police signalled him that he should when the Preseint was coming behind?

    HH thought he is god.

    He was trying to kill Lungu.

    His case is worse than Terrorism charges and if in USA, HH would be at Guantanamo Bay.

    Why can’t he be extradited there?



    • Tongas are actually just like that. They will still welcome you even they dont agree with you in many aspects. Very civilised people. I lived in Southern Province for 8 years

    • It will be CRIMINAL to let a Tonga rule Zambia.

      ANC was led by Nkumbula for those numpties that dont know, and headed no where.
      Kaunda took UNIP from poor Nkumbula and liberated Zambia in 1964

      Just shows Tongas when on Top dont know what to do.

      I dated one and regretted



    • Is that the reason you are now doing anal in UK. Because what can a PhD student be doing on blog 24/7/365. I think Rainman…… is telling us the truth about you mwe..bye!

    • Oh please, use your head even if it has no capacity, and not your anus. If that fails, consider a head transplant in China. It is cheaper and it always

    • @Mushota, you said “Just shows Tongas when on Top dont know what to do”. Did that apply to the Tonga person you dated when the two of you retired to your private quarters?

    • @Rainman, so you are saying “NEVER TRUST A TONGA”! No man! You are wrong here. How can you portray such a bad picture of this great tribe. Nooo! You are lying. I cannot believe you. If it is true, then haaaa! not very nice…..

    • Hh was at lilayi holding. In order to punish him his lawyers argued he deserves chimbokaila. Crowded. Tb. Skin desease. Bed bugs.

      Honestly why cant you hire level headed lawyers like sakwiba sikota. Mvunga. Sangwa. Chifumu banda.

      They cheated him that its washout case. Thats why he entered court jogging in style.

    • @1.2 Mushota. Great leadership is to pave way for someone in order to achieve the good for many.When Tongas give way for other tribes to lead,it does not mean they are nincompoops but it shows that they treasure the One Zambia One Nation motto. Give credit where it is due.

    • Other than the curtains in the palace, this was a really good meeting.

      Please let the doctor visit HH today, his BP is skyrocketing after ECL dominance of the South. Bye!

    • This Tonga Chief is doing Chagwa a Donchi Kubeba. He will be speaking to UPND about all they talked about with Chagwa. And Chagwa is ndwiiiiiiii…. thinking he is now accepted. No one ain’t accepting this Chagwa business. He’s a fraud this so called President!

    • @ Ken, please read my posting again over and over. I have stayed with Tongas for 8 years and I cannot undermine such a good people generally. Tongas are great people, and they work hard more than my own tribe, that’s a fact you cant erase. What Zambia needs is a unifying leader like KK who allowed all Zaambians who care, to learn from each other. Tongas work hard at anything they lay their hands on (but ofcourse there are always exceptions like in any other real life situ)..But get this: Tongas on average are honest, and there is less thieving among Tonga communities compared to some other tribes in Zambia. Not withstanding that I do not have actual stats. But this is general consensus in public domain among those who are truly objective thinkers.

    • Dr Mushota
      You must be higly paid to issue useless and tribalistic comment…or you are just a useless tribalist..
      from 2013 you have been a hater o HH,or is it that the Bemba hatred is dreiving your thinking,you are not normal think about it man coz there is no lady who thinks as stupid as you
      May God bless HH

    • What has happened to the policeman who bashed the motorcade sweeper motorbike in Livingstone today, is going to be charged with treason?

    • @Rainman. Yes man I have read again and realise you are ok with that comment. My apologies ok.
      However, bro again you went overboard by suggesting other tribes are thieving a lot more than others. It does not arise here. Let us get rid of this tribal tag on the blog guys. We are more than this.

    • Prosecuting HH on groundless cases is politicking bwana Lungu. You may talk to one chief that does not change the fact that Pf is a bad party.

    • Always contributing tribal mushota. HH’s case is now in court and your President has stopped all and sundry from commenting. You forget that the short history about the ANC and UNIP is exactly what is bringing today’s tension in the country because one half of the country feel downtrodden and marginalized. Who say a Tonga, Lozi, Kaonde, Lamba, Luvale or Linda cannot rule Zambia? That’s very cheap thinking Mushota. That’s explains why you are marital refugee in Scotland!

    • @ 1.1 Rainman & the Magna Carta: I make it Rain on Command,

      Lungu is welcomed everywhere he goes by chiefs. So how does the issue of Tongas come in here?

      And why should it be that only Tongas should not agree with Lungu?

      While will know that not everyone will be able to agree with some of the actions of leaders, in other parts of the coubtry it is done on individual basis, on isolated cases.

      But the way you have put it, all Tongas do not agree with the president. Thus, you are saying that their actions or beliefs or standpoints are driven by tribe, and border on tribal lines.

      This why people say that Tongas are tribal, because they seem to see everything on tribal lines.

      There is no way all Tongas can coincidentally collectively have opposing views, just like all the…

    • There is no way all Tongas can coincidentally collectively have opposing views, just like all the drivers of HH convoy could coincidentally defy the sweepers orders for presidential motorcade.

    • We are tired of politics, it’s time to work … we will get back to politics in 2021,” President Lungu said. Let’s all focus on developing our country … we can make a difference today.

      That’s why I love this man, President Lungu … as UNIP as I am, all we knew back then was working hard. That really resonates with those of us neo-cons from the Zambian Baby Boomer vintage.

      As KK used to say “… ala bane natubombeshe tu twale ichalo chesu pantanshi”. We worked hard in school, our parents worked hard at work, and our grand parents worked us keeping our villages clean.

      The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise did this before to where Cairo Road was nothing at independence to a flourishing dual courage way by 1972 and by 1980 all the sky scrappers in Lusaka were done…

    • Mr President, politics and development go hand in hand and you cannot divorce the two. Being a Republican President, you have already subscribed to politics. In fact, politics is you and you are politics. Politics will always start with you and end with you for as long as you are the President of Zambia. Zambia is not a Kingdom and even if it was a Kingdom, you would still be expected to make political decisions. Queen Elizabeth II does that. Sir, find another excuse for evading the hearing of the UPND PETITION. THE CALL FOR THE PETITION IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE, UNTIL YOU ALLOW IT SIR. I REST MY CASE.

    • Politics is how societies make things happen. Politics is not only about elections. Lungu is lying yet again. Let him bring his state of emergency.

  2. This ka girl commenting, is she the one who insulted the Father claiming Zambian men are dishonest. When you are dull, you forget your parents are Zambian and you bark anything out.

    • She is bro, dont even waste your time on such a hoe. She is an excort full service worker in UK, possing as a student for the last 6 years..worn out from CIM, anal, golden showers and all that filth white people do. She cannot even come back to Zed, she has nothing to show, apart from a worn out body

    • FACT: Mushota is in escort industry in Scotland and she has more fingerprints on her body than Scotland Yard police archives.

    • Fact: Mushota is hoe and should just hang, she is wortheless, sexually, and other ways…Mine cannot even erect in her presence, even if we are locked for 24 months and keys thrown away at sea..

    • Very true – her “engine sleeves” have been worn out to the maximum leaving a very large hole that never responds.

    • @Mushota, you brought this on yourself making contributions like a wild anminal that needs vaccination. You claim to have to be a PHD but are always commenting useless and uncivilzed words. Please grow up and make intelligent contributions that mean well to principled and respected people who can distinguish between wrong and right. Lungu is not a person to support. Incompetent and full of violence.

    • My 2 cents…She’s a hoe, she’s a hoe, she’s a hoe. b!tch please sit in the corner. Nobody wants to hear your garbage, you worthless cunt.

  3. Looking at all your comments, you seem to be such a dull person who can’t distinguish between right or
    wrong. Keep supporting your fellow thugs.


  4. Looking at all your comments, you seem to be such a dull person who can’t distinguish between right or
    wrong. Keep supporting your fellow thugs, Mushota please.

    • So people with different view points are your enemies? That’s why black people will always be on the bottom of the ladder. And when a white man says it, don’t call him a racist, he is just stating facts.

    • A good sign of being of limited thinking considering a tribe to be the reason to like someone. Typical of Pf short inferior mental faculties.

    • How does a police car hit a presidential sweeper? Please investigate the Police Force for brutality against each other and in full view of the president.

  5. I honestly think the webmaster must do something about all this repulsive and vernomous tribal bigotry Mushota keeps on farting on this website. Just how demented could one whore really be, it must be the diseased oral s.ex cum shoot she is busy in her dreams swallowing from her immaginery Scottish Nick bloke that is corroding this vile harlot’s cerebrum infecting her important brain function of thought and action. I mean, what manner of masalamusi can dement someone so bad? Not even being on drugs or just a mere gift of stupidity from God can turn one into such a maddening imbecile. I may have to ask HH next time I’m in Zambia whether he had oral and anal s.ex with the whole Mushota clan and dump them at badly all at once.

    • @Deogratias, you are one big of a hypocrite. In one line you are calling for the webmaster to root Mushota and in another, you’re cursing her out. Be civil ba Deogratias.

    • Whenever I see the name, I stop wasting my time read her trash and concentrate on reading other comments. just forget taking her serious or even desliking her comments. She is most irritating.

  6. mushota is spot on . i hate fellows who dont see wrong in themselves but others. to every story there are to sides now for some bloggers what they support is always right my foot. the day some cows will realise that they are infallible then Zambia will move forward. now they behave like gods

    • My friend, Tongas don’t depend on anyone to survive. They will never queue up at State House for appointments in the foreign service. They have means to survive. That is the difference.

  7. ECL happy one chief has recognised him. All chiefs in Zambia have requested him to respect the will of the people even if they do not recognising him as a legitimate president.

    • No worries, those 2 hungry Chiefs Mweemba and Sinazongwe were bought by Siamunene!! No serious person from SP even recognises them and Lungu himself felt the void of real chiefs like Mukuni, Monze, Chikanta, etc. not being there.

  8. But Lungu’s teeth are shameful, why can’t his handlers tell him people go for dental floss and cleaning of teeth these days? We cannot have a whole entire president with teeth much like a member of the Crocodylus niloticus! No wonder Dora refused to get laid with him any longer and opted for her Kasai Musalama boy who has better looking white teeth.

  9. @ays,
    There is virtually no need to demand freedom of speech for Mushota as a compensation for the freedom of thought which she’s proven incapable of using. She, just like everyone, is not entitled to her opinion, no!. She is entitled to her informed opinion. No one is entitled to be stupid. The verbature she has been raving off on this site is to say the least most shameful. She is the kind Wodehouse said have just about enough intelligence to open their mouth when they wanted to eat, but certainly no more. For Mushota, opening it to give her imaginery Nick a blow job and swallow his cum is the only ther function besides eating she should be opening her damn mouth for.

  10. It’s a mockery to yourself to visit someone you know does not like you and post on facebook to show the world you are on good terms.

    • Lungu is desperate to be liked and respected. It’s as if he was dumped by his father as a kid. What is his means family background? Was he bullied as a kid? Growing up as a street kid is not good.

  11. This talk of focussing on development has gone on now since he was sworn in. Seven months later, its still ‘time for politicking is over, its now time for development’ when is this focus on development going to manifest???

    • Always look to the opposite of whatever Lungu says. It is him who is politicking and begging for recognition from HH.

  12. You will do well to ignore certain attention seekers namely ‘MUSHOTA’. Don’t allow yourself to be hand-winked by his simple tactic on engagement. His intention is merely to brutalize your heart as he loughs at how easily you have been caught in his trap. He thrives on your response to his comment, without you responding he utterly becomes irrelevant. IGNORE him and see what becomes of him in the next one or more years.

  13. The Chiefs are very civilised. Lest they be quoted as trying to overthrow the Edgar Chagwa Lungu Government and be jailed for treason. Their approach in this respect is very mature. President ECL moves too much. From the Kuomboka to Northern Province, then Southern. Does he even have time to sit and plan how to develop the Nation.

  14. EL will turn out to be the best president Zambia will ever have in the near future. He is so focused regardless of how this 8 times failure has been saying or doing against him. This is very good for chiefs to welcome him, because the president means well…not that chief who ‘let go’ in his trousers and has been hiding behind being a tradition leader and yet he is a mere extension of UPND.

  15. You a bitch and blood full mushota!inthis age u speak like dont mess up with our peace ur behavior and language stinks failure.
    What out!


  17. @mushota my girl don’t feel intimidated by these bloody wankers. Your also have the freedom of expression just like them who claim to be insulting the president in the name of rights. Only people who have never tasted how sweet you are can insult you. Stay focused girl and I promise you I will attend your graduation party with a big bunch of myrh roses.

  18. You Nyanjas and Bembas you just don’t like Tongas. You pretend to like them but not. This is the reason why all these problems are coming from tribalism . HH won the 2016 elections but you guys panicked by inflating figures to make up for Lungu. Remember God knows what you guys did, you won’t govern properly until you repent from your sins.

  19. Mainza Chona
    Elijah Mudenda
    Kebby Musokotwane
    Harry Nkumbula

    Did the above leaders destroy Zambia….? I did my history lessons, but I could be missing something

    • You cretin those were not tribalists like your hh. Leave those great hero’s to rest. People hate tribalism and not tongas. I hope you understand that simple tone.

    • Its not about HH is tribal here. Its because those you call your heroes are no more and you could have treated them in the same manner as HH. Typical of people who praise the dead.

  20. Comment:Life has dynamics and people who are principled stand by what is true wolves will always defend evil deeds. I wonder and pit people like the so called Mushota who doesn’t have anything meaningful and sensible to say that can unify people but always spends his time being egocentric. Mushota for once be reasonable and not cadrerism mentality of chimwele which will haunt you later in life. Preach peace and love for hatred will kill you my friend and know that we have had Presidents before in this Country where are they now? what matters is the legacy left by each of them my friend. My friend God does not promote evil deeds deamonising other tribes like you do with your PF he is watching but time will always catch up with you. What kind of human being can rejoice at what police did…

  21. @Jays(15) which majority Zambians are you imagining. Development will continue no matter what. You watery brained kids enjoy dreaming.

    @Mushota worry not real men will not insult more especially a woman? A man must always show that he is worth being one not these cowards am seeing. The truth hates and what ever goes up surely comes down even Jesus said he will come down one day.

  22. @ Ganja Capital,

    I honestly think people come to this site to make contributions while stoned on someone, the chap just above is one such example. In all eternity, please try to figure out what message this chap is trying to put accross? It’s this apparent lack of sustained coherent thinking that makes other races think Niggers are *****s.

  23. Zambia is now ungovernable because of Chagwa and LT bloggership is ungovernable because of MU BB SH 14 OT 16 A
    Tha 16 nks

  24. We love ECL and he is Presido for all Zambians but one or two big fish(civil servants) need to be sorted out cos they are undermining Lungu

  25. Let’s hound Mushota out of this site then we can have intelligent discussions here. We hound Chagwa and his minions out then we can have our country back. Chagwa and Mushota have made our lives as Zambians intolaerable and we ain’t having this.

  26. Following some of the comments I fail to understand what the expectations were for Lungu’s visit to Southern Province! Was there some clandestine motive for his visit other than him being a Zambian citizen and president free to go wherever he prefers within the boundaries of Zambia? How many of us would turn away a visitor who came to our door step without exchanging a greeting and listening to what led them to our door? At times we tend to push overboard the way we want to divide a wedge between unity among ourselves and rational thinking. It would have been way unbecoming behavior by the chiefs to take a militant stance with Lungu just because a son from their region has issues with the law. Those reporting must learn not to try making insinuations that mislead when not privy to…

  27. contd…. to substantive details of some situations as the coinciding visit of Lungu to Southern Province while the opposition leader who happens to hail from the same region is grappling with law enforcement.

  28. This is a wise chief! I can work with people who are sober and not that other guy! He still needs mum to take him to Under Five Clinic.

  29. Good from southern chief, Let us working hand in hand with the gorvenment of today please.
    Development in this country is for every zambian both poor and the rich, this is why we say one Zambia one Nation and let us continue with the same spiritual love of one another

  30. @Mushota,
    I don’t insult you, but I am one of those who finds your contributions amazingly childish and criticises you for lacking critical thinking. In fact, I have never seen you comment on other people`s contribution scrolling down the list, all you do is jump in among the first ones to every article that appears, and then spit out rubbish that is irritating to many here. Today, you have scrolled down to read everything contribution that has been said about you, not a good reading, though. You don’t have to leave this forum, but make contributions that are at least equivalent to the level of education that you are fond of boasting off. otherwise, your papers are as good as toilet paper since you did not learn anything. Analyse before commenting.

    • Well said but leave Mushota alone to reflect!! What has been written about her in this article is a fair reflection of her personality. She knows that she is fully used and worn by those Golden Showers and Sex Parties and can no longer feel anything going in just like those West African women who have gone through FGM or Female Circumcision!! Nonetheless, Mushota can still use those West Indian cucumbers!!

  31. @ 1.1 Rainman & the Magna Carta: I make it Rain on Command,

    Lungu is welcomed everywhere he goes by chiefs. So how does the issue of Tongas come in here?

    And why should it be that only Tongas should not agree with Lungu?

    While will know that not everyone will be able to agree with some of the actions of leaders, in other parts of the coubtry it is done on individual basis, on isolated cases.

    But the way you have put it, all Tongas do not agree with the president. Thus, you are saying that their actions or beliefs or standpoints are driven by tribe, and border on tribal lines.

    This why people say that Tongas are tribal, because they seem to see everything on tribal lines.

    • There is no way all Tongas can coincidentally collectively have opposing views, just like all the drivers of HH convoy could coincidentally defy the sweepers orders for presidential motorcade.

  32. UPNDonkeys let me drive it down your throats in case you haven’t swallowed this. His Excellency The President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, was welcomed warmly by the two chiefs and to show it they even gave a healthy cow to him as a present. ……if it pains you, go and join your HH at Chimbokaila. We will send the treason charge later.

  33. @Terrible ka nio:
    Kkkk – Desperate!! You have been defecating on yourself for so long!! There is no cure for your Mental illness so unfortunately Doctors have to keep managing, treating and monitoring your condition until you go completely potty!!
    You are excited and talking about brown envelopes Lungu gave to 2 desperate chiefs and one cow donated to Lungu by Siamunene through the same sub-chiefs to safe Lungu’s face!! Dolito!!

  34. The Tonga tribalism is perpetrated by politicians and those online. Otherwise all tribes want to leave in harmony. That’s why some of don’t choose which tribe to marry from.

  35. Ati ” I have stopped politicking”. When? After getting HH out of the way? YOU will still be politicking as you are well known for hallucinations and paranoia. Lungu’s kind of ‘real’ development is constant tours of ‘developmental projects’. What do all his cadres, officers, commissioners, MP’s, perm. secs, ministers and cabinet do?

  36. Truth be told a black person was once a slave to whites ,after generations i am proud to say we have people like Mushota and many more trying to prove society wrong of what it thought on blacks. You may probably came from the poorest family but that doesn’t mean you cant be rich ,no tribe can boast over another.Be careful of such hate speeches and show love and respect to everyone.

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