Saturday, July 27, 2024

I had a wonderful experience in jail-Tayali


Chilufya Tayali back at home
Chilufya Tayali back at home

Chilufya Tayali says he had a wonderful experience during his stay at Kamwala Remand Prison.

Mr. Tayali who was arrested last week was allowed to go home this morning after he met the bail conditions for his release.
The Lusaka Magistrate Court on Wednesday granted Mr. Tayali a K5,000 cash bail with two working sureties after he pleaded not guilty to one court of criminal libel.

“I have just arrived home, from Kamwala Prison, after being granted bail by Magistrate Kaoma. I was arrested on Thursday 13th April, 2017 for libel,” he said.

“I want to thank all of you who used to come to see me and bring me food. I sincerely appreciate your care and love. I am also very grateful to all the inmates, especially the UPND top officers and cadres. I really enjoyed your company. The inmates at Kamwala prison were best the best. Thanks very much,” he said.

He added, “I can’t forget to thank all the nice police officers who dedicate their whole to serve citizens. It was good to be in your care and the security that you offered us while in the cells and as you took us to court.”

“I had a wonderful experience but allow me to clean myself up then I will share with you everything and reflections.”

Mr Tayali said God works in many ways and this was one way in which God revealed himself to him in many ways including the people he met, especially UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema whom he shared the cell with, for a few hours, at the Magistrate.

“We had very good interaction just the two of us. God bless to all of you for now, we will chat later,” he said.

Chilufya Tayali back at home
Chilufya Tayali back at home


    • Ati “thank all the nice police officers who dedicate their whole to serve citizens. It was good to be in your care and the security that you offered us while in the cells…”

      Let’s hope Tayali keeps on singing this same song after he has been teargassed and had pepper spray in his mouth and his balls!

  1. I can’t wait to hear of your experience with HH. It must have been a movibg experience owing to the fact that you said alot about hin before. My conclusion, you are finding out like i am that he is actually a good man.

    • I can attest to that too. Spending some time with this man and listening to what he has to say on a one on one basis just changed my perception of him and I now have a lot of respect for him.

    • Wiyuwiyuwiyu have been to kitwe before, ask any kitwe resident or someone who grew up in kitwe in the 80s and 90s about mr cotton, just the stories we used to hear about the man when we were at primary school, made us fear and hate him for nothing, until i grew up, that’s when i realized that the man was just a businessman involved in the undertaking business, never look at a man from a distance, a mirage will definitely distort everything about him.

  2. the guy is just trying to put upa brave face.
    he is really broken inside cos no sane person who has been inside any police cell, let alone prison, would wish to go back in there.
    if he had a good time as he claims, why ask for bail?

  3. The problem with the these young politicians is they want to impress people in the media instead of concentrating on issues that will convince voters to give them votes. Right now he wants to show the public that he is in high spirits but the issue is has he even arranged for a lawyer to represent him against the charges he’s been accused of?? His friend Linda hiked lawyers fees, so is he ready?? Playing to the gallery has dire consequences, my friend.

    • Well said Zambian citizen, these politicians of nowadays forget that politics is a numbers game. Therefore the focus must always be on how to get numbers on your side. And this gallery they like playing to is only access by very few people who have access to social media platforms. The majority of Zambians or voters are out there not on social media and therefore they need to be reached by any serious politician. If you have to be arrested, how many votes will you gain in the process? And to gain any, the people must see that you stood for them and got in trouble in the process. Your campaign would have been done right there!

  4. My brother Tayali, never show hate to anyone, especially those you wanted to have them deregistered. We are Zambians and must treat each other with love , whether PF, MMD or UPND. We need each other….
    I imagine what you could have sais if it was HH who had you locked up.
    Glad that you met each other with HH in prison.
    Further, Tayali visit Mr Lungu at state house.

  5. The problem is that this boy has no ethics and morals…he justs scribbles away online as if he is posting on ZWD…you have to be responsible for your actions!!


    I fully concur with Mushota, indeed if prison experience was wonderful, why apply for bail and thanking whoever who brought you food?

  7. Well-come back to the sane world, Dr Tayali. I hope you have been sharpened and tampered to face future challenges.

  8. Tayali is just another turncoat. Others would rightfully refer to him as a “man”with a hinged tong and some shall call him a Yoyo man.

  9. “I had a wonderful experience but allow me to clean myself up then I will share with you everything and reflections.”Just this utterance and the desired massive cleaning of his body says it all about prison.He reminds me of Slap Dee ‘s “kuyichaila”(pretense) song.or burying the head in the sand.

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