Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND has nothing do with fire outbreaks rocking Zambia


Mrs Nalumango stresses a point during the meeting
Mrs Nalumango stresses a point during the meeting

The opposition UPND has distanced itself from rising cases of arson where unknown people have set ablaze some government buildings and markets.

Addressing a news briefing in Lusaka, UPND National Chairperson Mutale Nalumango said the party has nothing to do with such cases.

“I would like to clearly and firmly state here and now that the insinuations and pronouncements from the PF that UPND supporters are behind the fire outbreaks around the country are not only false but malicious and a threat to national security,” Mrs Nalumango said.

She said the UPND is aware that President Lungu is under pressure to sort out the mess he has created by destroying the economy, state institutions and even the democracy adding that frustrated people take all critics as enemies.

“The truth is that Edgar Lungu has failed to run the country. He has created division in the country through abuse of state institutions like the Zambia Police Service,” Mrs Nalumango said.

“He wants to create a police state but we shall not allow him to do that. He will not succeed. It is unthinkable that the PF can today accuse us of creating widespread fires under the guise of the state of emergency declaration. Zambians know by now who is perpetrating criminal activities without being arrested.”

She added, “We all know that some PF officials are on record of shooting innocent citizens and no arrests and prosecution have been made We know that even the threats of state of emergency by Edgar Lungu are all part of the grand scheme hashed several years ago to ban other political parties so as to slide the country into a one party state.”

Mrs Nalumango said the incarceration of party leader Hakainde Hichilema and the mass arrests of UPND supporters are all part of this scheme.

“Several fire outbreaks have been reported and the police have assured of investigations. We are yet to get any forensic reports on the causes of these fires. Up to now no one has been apprehended,” she stated.

“Our mission and vision as a party are very clear. We want a better Zambia for all- and not just for UPND members but for every Zambian. We challenge the PF to address the high prices of mealie meal, high electricity tariffs, unemployment created by the PF, shortage of drugs in hospitals and corruption than abusing the rights of citizens after failing to provide solutions.”

“Our message to the general party membership countrywide is stay calm. Victory is assured,” she said.


    • Nalumango owes money to her neighbour. How do you think she can pass a credible statement.

      UPND needs to be disbanded.

      Can’t stand them

      Could someone pass a puke bucket please ?



    • Just like you Mushota, how can you write a credible sentence with fingers that only hanjobs d!cks, or speak with credibility with a mouth that has tasted and swallowed cum of raandom guys in Scotland, and a head that has has been exposed to all sorts of drugs to stand the hardship of escort business?

    • Mushota get a life. That is the problem with black women dating white guys. They are never statisfied. Admit that you are looking for three: big, strong and reliable. Get a real man looks like your Nick is useless. What kind of a girl comments uncessary dull things like these. Are you even a PHD student?

    • A crazy woman, Nalumango, is. First she does not recognize Edgar Lungu as President. Secondly, she makes denials about UPND being behind the fires. Yet she does not even condemn those who are behind the fires. Not even once is there any condemnation from her. This tells you something about her denials. That she knows it is the work of the UPND who have on their watchdog site been celebrating all this.

    • Madam Nalumango, just say the PF may not have evidence.

      Just say you may not be aware, that is if it is true that UPND is not the master-minder of these fires.

      Suppose it is found out later that it is actually UPND elements, what will say? Will hold another pres conference and apologize.

      The problem is that you UPND guys you refuse everything. Did you not not say HH did nothing wrong by refusing to give way to the presidential motorcade?

      Are you sure that hh dis nothing wrong by refusing to give way to presidential motorcade?

      If you deny things that are clearly understood even by newborn babies, how then do you expect people to believe you when you deny this particular?

      The question is, how have you branded yourself as a party by denying things that eve babies can…

  1. Thank you Mama. She was one of the best deputy speaker and one of the most principled women our great nation has. Not Mumbi Phiri who behaves like man and advoating for violence. Everyone can see HH’s arrest was out of hate and lack no legal backing or proper charges. Lungu, must know HH and UPND are not his problem but the facts behind his asceding to the presidency. It was not done in a proper way. Let him fac tge truth not HH. Please release the innocent man

    • Yes, she was, but ubulimi bwakale tabu tali ka mwana.Ask for her for the meaning.Your members are even boasting in the compounds that there is more to come.They know what they are doing and madam nalumango knows this.

  2. @ Nalumango ” frustrated people take all critics as enemies”. I agree with you mama. If you see no arrests made in any scandal , then we all conclude that it is PF involved so that they can paint other parties bad names. You can not teach an ***** good knowledge. PF has been like that from its formation. Twalimisopolola kaleeeeeeh

  3. “Our message to the general party membership countrywide is stay calm. Victory is assured in 2021,” she said.
    Are you sure of what you are vomiting? Those are dreamers always wishing for the best but it does not come. LOL


  5. Tell them (PF) to stop spreading malicious lies. They are susceptible to concocting baseless narratives which serve divisive short-term goals. The PF language is divisive and bloated with hate, yet, they always unsuccessfully shift the blame to UPND. PF’s fundamental backbone is constructed and anchored on lies and usual boring old age accusations. For example; UPND this and ha Tonga this and that. To put it mildly PF think tanks are not creative and innovative. Build Zambia and unite everyone that is the primary and ultimate goal of an honest politician.

  6. Well said Madam Nalumango. We know that the Arson Attacks are State Sponsored to create an excuse to declare a State of Emergency aimed at killing the Petition and the Petitioners or jailing them to force them to recognize Lungu. The State of Emergency will not cure Lungu’s Illegitimacy and neither will succeed in killing the Petitioners and their Party UPND. The Petition will live on until it is heard and disposed off. Lungu’s Barbarism in dealing with the Petition , raiding HH’s House and jailing him on trumped up Treason charges will attract Economic,Financial and Travel Sanctions soon. Lungu and his Cabal have committed numerous crimes against humanity and are now perfect Candidates to be indicted to the ICC. Thru gross Human Rights Violations Lungu and his fellow Criminals have…

  7. Comment: Ba Mayo nga tamukwete ifyakulanfa, tekenifye amatako panshi. I had a lot of Respect for you, nomba chipalile kwati mulibapuba. Save yourself the Embarrassment that your blue Lie is causing u.

  8. During the Levy Mwanawasa era Zambia was one of the most respected and admired nations on earth with exceptional economic principles and sound economy. Whether a person travels to Europe, South America, Pacific Islands, US, Asia, Africa or Down under (Australia), knowledgeable and wealthy people commented positive and honest facts about Zambia and its people. However, currently, many educated and wealthy foreign nationals depict Zambia as a nation which consists of unstable law enforcement agencies and a problematic leadership. They view Zambia as a heaven of unreasonable mass incarcerations and corruption where anything bad is possible.

    • I left Zambia during the Chiluba era. Have been living in SA from that time to date. Must have missed the Mwanawasa era. Say again when was that?

    • Levy ruled in a political environment where opposition was responsible, and did not frustrate gov’t.

    • @ Patriot Abroad: Micheal Chilufya Sata, PF president then, referred to Levy Mwanawasa as Cabbage and accused him of not having a clue to run the affairs of state, day in day out but Levy focused on developing the country and not focusing on these trivial issues. Levy took the criticism as a positive and helped him propel Zambia to where RB found it. Use the criticism from Zambians as a positive to develop the country not just defending even the undefendable. Facts are facts you can’t change them.

    • @kgosi, how can you make that example as comparator? Take criticism as a positive is only possible if the giver of the critique is not using violence and law breaking tactics.

      Did Sata arrange the non attendance of Parliament, Labour day, women day as a criticism?

      It’s about balance. You have to be responsible and not destroy the country.

    • Get a life Mushota. That is the problem with black women that marry white men. They are never statisfied. Just admit you are looking for three things: big, strong and reliable. Never seen a woman so obsessed with uncessary and dull commenting. Are you actually a PHD student?

  9. “Our message to the general party membership countrywide is stay calm. Victory is assured in 2021,” she said. Is she talking about victory in the CON-COURT in 2021 when they petition?

  10. Very shallow way of thinking. This under 5 party has realised that its not as big as it projects itself. Where are the protests you promised?

  11. The guilty are afraid. No one is saying it is UPND, but by this attempt to pre-empty self-guilty it is now clear that UPND is responsible. All what Nalumango should have done was to denounce anyone doing this, but failure to do it is failure to denounce self. You will pay for this UPND. Pay day someday!!!!


  13. If UPND has nothing to do with these fires, why is it that anything to do with these arsons are first heralded and reported by their mouth piece Watchdog.

  14. If people are certain upnd are behind it then why not provide proof to your pf police. Why is pf scared of following the rule of law. If you accuse some one then the onus is on you to prove those allegations. Same way we have proof that the election was rigged and the electoral code was not followed. That is why we want the petition heard. We are not just pointing fingers but asking for our proof to be looked at by a fair court.

    • Nalumango was to quick to defend her party. The police are investigating. Why not wait for the results, why rush to defense? The guilty are afraid. The best she should have done was to condemn those who doing this destruction of public property. By refusing to condemn them she saying it the right behaviour. by supporting it, then we can conclude that UPND is the likely sponsor. Nalumango has indirectly accepted responsibility.

    • Why shouldn’t she defend her own party when they are been accused of crimes by insecure little men. When your officials have come out saying upnd are behind it why should we sit quiet and allow our name to be tarnished? Are you normal young man kikiki. So tell your party to keep quiet and stop useless accusation through media. Why can’t they also wait for the law enforcers to investigate after all the law enforcers are controlled by your party.

    • NEZ, you only defend yourself to an accusation. How can UPND defend itself from a crime no has accused it of. The guilty are always afraid!!!! let the police conclude their work. UPND thinks they are beyond reproach and free from the law of the land. UPND will commit a crime and cry foul against anyone who tell them off. If you live in a glass house, not throw stones!!! how many stones ahve UPND and HH thrown since they lost the 2016 elections? UPND and HH are insulting trivialising almost every sector of the Zambian society. Everyone cnnot be wrong and only HH be right, there is then something seriously wrongly wired in UPND and HH thinking. It is clearly warped!!!!!

    • @asigai,
      please, please, i beg. remember that someone somewhere ably coined this famous adage:-
      “never argue with a fool cos people might not notice the deference”. yet another one came up with this one:-
      “speech is silver, but silence is golden”.
      by keeping quiet, you heap more coal on fire as they do not know what you are strategising and what your next move will be, but if you answer back at them, you “ulula” and that is what lumango wants to know. upnd is interested in knowing at what level the investigations have reached. stop playing their game cos they are now vitually lost……

  15. PF political adviser is questionable how did he fail to foresee this. The government is in pain to justify internationally fake arresting of HH

    • Imwe, the dream I had was that there were early elections and UPND won…..only that I see a fat person being sworn in.
      Kateka ni GBM imwe !

  16. Utter nonsense.

    UPND are the cause of the violence outbreak. The senior officials in UPND, have a case to answer before citizens on its Party Politics and Modus Operandi. It was going to come to this. UPND has since atheist last elections, caused strife and spread a message of desolation on the economy, the governance, EVERYTHING has been negative. Everything twisted to rile the citizens into protest.

    It’s irrefutable that UPND, us the Party of Genocide, Economic Destruction. No other Opposition Party Leader has acted out in the manner of UPND. The Party MUST be deregistered, banned and all the senior officials held culpable for the violence and disturbance to economic advancement.

    • It’s Tomfoolery to suggest otherwise. You should hang your collective heads in shame. Shame at how your greed and loss of dignity has lead to innocent deaths and destruction of other peoples property.

      Even if there are opportunist among the rioters, looters; they have been given the green light by your conduct. You have created a warm bed for the bacteria of hatred to grow. SHAME ON YOU PERSONALLY NALUMANGO. After decades in gov’t you have joined a group to destroy the very country that gas given you everything.

    • This latest scenario reminds me when UPND acquiesced with mercenaries and disgruntled men causing mayhem in Lusaka. When ritual killings were going on in Lusaka HH and his colleagues were happy and to date, they have never condemned those killings. The killers are currently being tried in a Zambian court and will be sent to mukobeko. The men doing fires will be caught and sent to jail for arson. Do you remember the man who set the Post newspapers on fire? He is serving a 20-year jail sentence in a stinky jail cell.

  17. We expect older women to be respectable and behave in an exemplary money – particularly for a woman like her who has held very responsible positions in Government. Is she surely comfortable referring to the President simply as Edgar Lungu? Nensoni tabakwata – really sad.


  18. You are right Mama. This is a gimmick by pf cadres and Lungu to implicate innocent people. It will not work God is in control. Lungu and his evil pf Ministers like Lusambo who is wishing other people to die are scared of their own shadows. They will reap what they are sowing it won’t be long. Lusambo is not fit to be a Minister. He can only serve in Lungu’s government full of savages.

  19. The Fires are PF sponsored, the real motive is to frame UPND and deregister the party. Just like the presidential motorcade ploy the they arrested hh for, it was a setup they planned to put hh behind bars for not recognising lungu. It was well calculated knowing the nation will believe that he did not give way for the motorcade for that same reason.

  20. What do you about the clandestine activities of UPNDonkeys imwe ba Mutale, you are an outsider and just being used as a window dressing by the donkeys who really own the party. You mean you dont read what they say about bembas and ngonis mama wesu? These days they are open about it.
    Ati victory is certain, owe mayo wesu iyeee, muli ba donkey nomba bushe?

  21. Give me a few more weeks, am catching up on mushota…….timenya very soon & i will post pics here….He thinks he is very far away from everyone…….other platforms indicate this fool is a he…..

    • Please just read archives “Lusaka in Sporadic Fires ” “Katondo local court …..” and read the postings yourself

  22. The million-dollar question that you blind UPNDonkeys should be asking is “Where is GBM and Nevers Mumba ?”
    When the genuine old members of the UPND rose up to condemn HH’s picking of GBM as Running Mate, we saw how the Nkombo’s took the back seat. Have you heard Nkombo, Cornelius Mweetwa utter a word about HH’s incaceration ? Nothing ! They are busy smiling becoz the bugger has just learnt the political lesson the hard way. Mind you, there is also the ‘Unlawful drilling’ case coming up.
    In short, the stage is set for HH’s exit from the helm and then the Party Presidency should go to none other than GBM ! Thats how our contitution says !

  23. Nalumango is right; dictators do evil things to blame it on the opposition so that they declare a state of emergency; @game over,don’t worry about the whereabouts of GBM and Nervas; they’re ok andd doing what they need to do.

  24. Not long ago, PF alleged that UPND was behind ritual murders. He who alleges must prove! It has gone quiet. No investigation report. If our courts were reliable, the best route was to sue those who are making those wild allegations in their individual capacity and also the organization they belong to. Sue them!

  25. Bana Nalumango be serious and stop lying- thou shall not bear false witness! Everyone including yourself know UPND are behind these attacks. What about that youth that was stabbed by UPND blood thirsty animals in Kamwala?

    This UPND under Human Hyena is the worst opposition in Zambia’s history- they fail to address real issues- only addressing matters to do with the economy etc in a passing sentence? Very hopeless cretins! Better you release a statement on each of those issues- the electricity tariffs, unemployment, lack of drugs etc but you continue to practice petty politics- very hopeless cretins! Zambia deserves a better opposition than this!

  26. The trouble is neither PF nor UPND! The trouble is RB’s MMD which has come to destroy PF! How have we gone back to our vomit? With KK also in the mix, do we expect anything good? What has made things worse is the lawyer himself. He has a serious allergy to opposition and criticism and that is what is making things worse! Let him emulate LPM who got too serious fixing the economy! You need a thick skin to achieve that. When you get too pre-occupied with fixing your political opponents, it is your downfall which becomes more certain. The Bishops and the Chiefs have spoken! Take heed!

  27. Madam Nalumango, just say the PF may not have evidence.

    Just say you may not be aware, that is if it is true that UPND is not the master-minder of these fires.

    Suppose it is found out later that it is actually UPND elements, what will say? Will hold another pres conference and apologize.

    The problem is that you UPND guys you refuse everything. Did you not not say HH did nothing wrong by refusing to give way to the presidential motorcade?

    Are you sure that hh dis nothing wrong by refusing to give way to presidential motorcade?

    If you deny things that are clearly understood even by newborn babies, how then do you expect people to believe you when you deny this particular?

    The question is, how have you branded yourself as a party by denying things that eve babies can…

    • The question is, how have you branded yourself as a party by denying things that eve babies can investigate?

      It is that brand you have acquired that people will use to judge your statements – whether they trust what you say or not.

  28. @masalamuso, How come you didn’t read the postings by Upnd ardent online supporters where they took responsibility for, Kamwala, Katondo and Munali fires? Just go to archives and then report back what you’ll have read.

  29. It’s PF kaponyas lighting the fires so as to blame the UPND and inact the state of emergency.
    Lungu keeps talking about state of emergency is thier plan all along so as to fix the opposition, chabe!

  30. The arsonists could be from either party(UPND or PF).It could be UPND in the sense that they were denied permits to hold rallies and peaceful demonstrations hence resorting to arson. It could also be PF in the sense that it is common knowledge that there are some disgruntled elements within the ruling party who would want to see their own party failing and being ridiculed.


  32. Mrs. Nalumango, no one in his right mind expects you to admit that the UPND is responsible for the fire outbreaks. It’s very rare to find a drunk admitting he is drunk or a criminal admitting his own indiscretions. It is called human nature madam.

  33. I am not sure if Zambian Law has any articles on terrorism.

    It is high time that the law makers begun to consider registration that deals with terrorism.

    They need to put up laws that will align with the internationally agreed procedures of classifying and dealing with facts of terrorism.

    Some of these acts may well be classified as terrorist acts. And so offenders, if identified need the be treated and prosecuted as terrorists.

  34. I am not sure if Zambian Law has any articles on terrorism.

    It is high time that the law makers begun to consider legislation that deals with terrorism.

    They need to put up laws that will align with the internationally agreed procedures of classifying and dealing with facts of terrorism.

    Some of these acts may well be classified as terrorist acts. And so offenders, if identified need the be treated and prosecuted as terrorists.

  35. Why has Great Bag of Mealie meal run away? I stopped listening to you when you defended LPM when he stated that the UPND are like buttocks that were always behind and will never be in front. Tell us what you’re doing in the UPND a Party that practices butt politics


  37. Upnd are behind these fires. Ubushiku bulubile umukote elyo icimbwi cinyemfwi! What a coincidence and we are not talking about people shooting others here rather we are talking about arson. If any one was shot, let them go and report to the Police.

  38. I had advised the Upnd cadres not to be excited over the fires because anyone with something to hide can burn a court house to destroy evidence and Upnd will take the blame. Now here’s “He -She ” Nalumango denying even before being accused.

  39. This is why i hate upnd.this party cannot ever accept any wrong doing,apologize and do the correct things.they think they are angels.upnd’s image is tarnished beyond any control!!!ALL ZAMBIANS IN 6.5 PROVINCES KNOW THAT ITS UPND CADRES BEHIND THOSE ARSON ACTIVITIES BECAUSE THEY ARE UPSET ABOUT THE ARREST OF HH.according to them, hh is above the law.even if he breaks the law,the police must not arrest him.WHAT KIND OF THINKING IS THIS?ANYWAY,WE ARE OLD ENOUGH TO WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH BETWEEN GOVNT AND UPND!!over HH,please Govnt let the law take its course.the courts must decide hh’s fate over the mongu saga-period!!

  40. Mrs Nalumango. what do you say about the burning of houses, markets and other property belonging to suspected PF members in Namwala?

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