Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government becomes worried when the LAZ starts acting like a political party-Mutati


FINANCE Minister Felix Mutati gives his speech during the official opening of the Batoka Gorge Hydroelectric Power, Investors Conference at David Livingstone Safari Lodge in Livingstone yesterday. Far left sited are Vice President Inonge Wina (l) and Zimbabwean Finance and Economic Development Patrick Chinamasa.
FINANCE Minister Felix Mutati

Minister of Finance Felix Mutati has said that government was not involved in the manoeuvres to have the current Law Association of Zambia LAZ leadership removed.

Mr. Mutati said that it was wrong to insinuate that President Edgar Lungu and his administration want the LAZ leadership under Linda Kasonde changed.

Mr. Mutati said that government viewed LAZ as a partner who must start thinking together with the government on how to develop the country.

The Minister said that government wanted to see a united LAZ as it cannot engage with a fragmented association.

Mr. Mutati has however called on the LAZ to stay away from politics but maintain its professional integrity.

Speaking when he officially opened the Law Association of Zambia 2017 Annual Law conference in Livingstone yesterday morning, Mr. Mutati said government becomes worried when the LAZ starts acting like a political party.

He has also called on the LAZ leadership to always consult their general membership before making decisions or statements.

Mr. Mutati said that the country is facing many challenges and trusts LAZ to give fair positions on critical national issues especially on the interpretation of the law.

And LAZ President Linda Kasonde commended government for stabilizing the economy and taking steps to end poverty and promoting good governance.

Ms. Kasonde said that there was need for the government to be reflective on the voice of the people to improve governance.

She has also called on lawyers to stand up against any abuse of the law by the legislature, the judiciary and the executive.


  1. Point Mr. Mutati, LAZ needs to be neutral, they need to be advisors. Not streaming political press conferences on their web pages.

  2. It’s very rich of Mutation to call on the LAZ leadership to always consult their general membership before making decisions or statements. I mean, who did he consult of his electorate before going to D.C. to borrow unsustainably under our name? He can have an “erection” like Mushota does all the time when fantasizing about Nick, but not with out lives. With Kasonde, she made the right calls anyway.

  3. This guy has failed to borrow kaloba and now he wants to poke his nose into legal affairs. How can we heed a failed leader of mmd who is now a mere minister in another party kikiki sit down iwe mutati. Laz will respond politically as u claim if they are treated as political opponents

  4. Mr. Mutati, focus on sorting out the economy. Leave LAZ alone. This government is taking us back into STONE AGE! Are you sure the brutal arrest of HH and the damaging of his private property can be justified in anyway?

  5. Mutati is a diappointment. His a good man but please sir don’t be like the kaponyas around you

  6. Mutati is president of MMD and it will be folly for PF to think all that he is doing is in good faith unless he has no ambition of becoming Head of State and if that is the case then he is an extremely selfish person to block Nevers Mumba from propelling the MMD to higher heights.
    Do not trust Mutati he is not PF so is Dora Siliya. These two represent Rupia Banda. what these say must be put to scrutiny to see the other side. Come 2021 when these change sides they will talk that proper members of PF will fail to shine. KUTI WABULA UMUTULATULA FYE WAMUBIKA MU NG’ANDA ..SATA BUKA MU CHIWA UBAKANDE BAONAULA PF YOBE BAPOSA KAMBWILI PANSE

  7. Government was invited by LAZ to open their annual conference, it obliged. Govt delivered it’s speech and made it’s sentiments known to LAZ; there was applause. LAZ, in their vote of thanks, made their stand and sentiments known to Govt; applause. Afterwards, they shared teas and lunch together, not to mention the evening drinks, hearty laughs and back-patting.

    Meantime, as this event made news on LT, it became fodder for the resident keyboard warriors on this platform and in no time at all brickbats and all started flying in all directions…

    Isn’t life such a mind-numbing paradox…!?

  8. The truth is that PF brands LAZ as a political party when LAZ takes a stand that does not please them.LAZ continue interpreting the law as it is(correctly), not the way some people want it to be.

  9. Defacto leader of MMD is not even ashamed of his highest hypocrisy of going to bed with PF and licking and eating Lungu’s ………… PF agenda while confusing the MMD party. He can hardly explain his real position with MMD party.

  10. Ba Mutati ichindikeni!!! We are still worried that you jumped ship. One minute you were UPND. Then before our very eye’s you were PF. Stop behaving like a spoilt brat! Tomorrow might bring different circumstances. Nothing lasts long. Tomorrow you might just end up the same way as HH. Be warned.

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