Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government not part of any plans to break up LAZ-Lubinda


Kabwata Member of Parliament GIVEN LUBINDA
Minister of Justice Given Lubinda has disassociated the government from any plans to pass the Law Societies Bill as reported in some sections of the media.

Mr. Lubinda says government is not part of any plans to come up with a proliferation of law societies.

The minister says the PF government will not interfere in the running of the Law Association of Zambia -LAZ- or engage in public debate on matters relating to the association.

He says government wants the association to have a formidable team of lawyers to deliver high quality justice to the citizens.

And Mr. Lubinda has challenged the Law Association of Zambia to quickly help improve the passing rate at the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education -ZIALE- as the country needs more lawyers but without compromising quality.

He has also called on LAZ to help address the issue of archaic laws which were made centuries ago and discarded but still being referred to in Zambia.

Meanwhile the Minister of Justice says he is disappointed by LAZ’s failure to make submissions on the need to improve the Public Order Act, refining of the 2016 Zambian Constitution and membership to the International Criminal Court ICC.

Mr. Lubinda was speaking in Livingstone last evening when he graced the Law Association of Zambia gala dinner.

Speaking at the same event LAZ president Linda Kasonde said in the last one year the association has gone through the most challenging time in its 43 year old history as it has become a victim of an extremely polarized Zambian society.


  1. If some one had not signed the amended constitution with eyes closed supported by blind loyalty from the PF we would have a had a good constitution

    • The minister of injustice and government of injustice. Zambia will never be the same under this Lungu group. Even the late MCS was better.

  2. Lubinda it is your job to defend pf by any means even when you are wrong. We don’t expect any different because you need to feed your family and take care of them. The government is so politicised. Very sad

  3. The Minister of Justice said that he is disappointed that LAZ has not made submissions to improving or amending the Public Order Act. What are you surprised about Hon Minister? It is not a court case affecting the donkeys affiliated to LAZ is it? If it gets to court, LAZ will then play their dutiful part and apply to be joined as a friend of the court…..kikikikiki

  4. NEZ, I and other Zambians shudder to think what a UPND government would have been like. All your comments and other donkeys give an insight of how you expected an HH government would have been run. You cannot say what you dont believe in, in this case you are telling us that you regret that it is not your party in power to implement those thoughts. Fortunately for Zambians, UPND will never be in power under HH.

  5. @1 Mr Kudos, that is what happens when you boycott a national process. You can hardly blame anyone for what you may call a bad constitution if you did not put forward any proposals bad or good. Lungu is not the one who makes a constitution, he gets it done by you and me and we recommend for his signature. Bad or good, the constitution is ours, its as much yours as it is mine, you and me, for Zambia…….that is why I call you donkeys., the failure to comprehend simple things cannot be human.

  6. Lubinda is doing a Dununa Reverse. The illegitimate govt has realized that disbanding LAZ would be a confirmation that Rule of Law,Good Governance ,Constitutionalism and Respect for Human Rights no longer exist in Zambia. Lubinda can say this but Lungu will do the opposite. This govt cannot be trusted and its integrity is very suspect. Lungu is a Dictator who wants to Rule Zambia with an Iron Fist. This man will kill our Constitutional Democracy if not stopped. He has destroyed the Judiciary,the Army, ZPS, ECZ and all our Electoral Institutions thru lawlessness.# Release HH unconditionally and let the Petition be heard in Court.

  7. With due respect to the Hnorable Minister asking LAZ to do something about the pass rate for admission as lawyer.
    Sir, tbe pipo that are responsible for that are the applicants themselves. The quality of the lawyer is more important than the quantity.
    Archaic laws made centuries ago but discarded and still being reffered to today. Does he know what he is saying.
    Is he referring to precedence . Strange statement. Any lawyer there who can interpret please, but pro bono

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