Saturday, July 27, 2024

Presidential Empowerment Fund was not a campaign tool-Frank Bwalya


Frank Bwalya
Frank Bwalya
THE Patriotic Front (PF) has said that the continuation of the Presidential Empowerment Fund is proof that the project was not a campaign tool formed for the 2016 general elections.

PF deputy spokesperson Frank Bwalya said the Presidential Empowerment Fund initiative that started prior to the 2016 general elections has continued, proving critics wrong that it was a campaign tool.

“It was not a campaign gimmick that is why it has continued. It is going on and reaching out to even more people,” Mr Bwalya said.

He said the PF Government wanted to empower all Zambians even when there were no elections coming up.

The PF deputy spokesperson said this yesterday when he featured on Millenium Radio’s The Interview programme yesterday.

Mr Bwalya also said the PF was a law abiding party that did not use its popularity to run public institutions like markets.

He said members of the PF were operating in markets and bus stations just as other members of the public were also operating in those public institutions.

Mr Bwalya said the Lusaka City Council (LCC) was now receiving huge revenue from markets since the PF started governing the country because there was no interference from the ruling party organs.

This was not the case in other governments before.

Mr Bwalya said the public should take an interest in what the local authority was making as profit from markets and bus stations and compare with other times before PF got into power.

He said PF members did not have the power to instruct the police to undertake any arrests.

Mr Bwalya said the public should not confuse media statements made by party members as instructions to the police.

He said PF members and officials had rights like any other citizen to appeal to police to act, therefore, such statements should not be treated as instructions to police to act.


  1. This former priest jumped on the bandwagon after the demise of Sata. If Sata was still alive he could have been on the other side. Edgar Lungu is such a good man.He embraced almost everybody who fell out of favour with the late Sata.

    • Edgar Lungu is a WEAK LEADER AND and all these idi0ts know that, no wonder they pushed him hard beyond his capabilities to become a so called president!

  2. Childless barren father bwalya please do do us a favour and kanyonke mb0lo ya lungu in private. Talk about been a behind licker

  3. HMMM…I WONDER WHAT ZICTA is doing allowing such insults to a senior party leader at no cause? This is really unbecoming of so called NEZ


  5. “To rob Peter to pay Paul, or other versions that have developed over the centuries such as to borrow from Peter to pay Paul, and to unclothe Peter to clothe Paul, are phrases meaning to take from one person or thing to give to another, especially when it results in the elimination of one debt by incurring another.”

  6. the problem is these journalists don’t ask the hard questions, politicians go on radio make statements and we are told about these statements,softy softy, anyway they are scared of being visited by IBA if they ask the hard questions..

  7. I suggest NEZ should be tracked… ZICTA… do not just buck..can you bite!!! We can not allow someone to insult elders, let alone the president like that… Even if you do agree with party in Power, there is no need to insult the leaders.. Be mature the so call New Educated Zambian, whatever you call yourself… You are a disgrace even to your parents and society if at all you have genuine parents… May be ndiwe mwana wa muchigololo who has no morals, but some bustards have senses…..

  8. I suggest NEZ should be tracked… ZICTA… do not just buck..can you bite!!! We can not allow someone to insult elders, let alone the president like that… Even if you do NOT agree with party in Power, there is no need to insult the leaders.. Be mature the so call New Educated Zambian, whatever you call yourself… You are a disgrace even to your parents and society if at all you have genuine parents… May be ndiwe mwana wa muchigololo who has no morals, but some bustards have senses…..


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