Saturday, July 27, 2024

Odinga and GBM, give justice a chance in Zambia


Mr Hichilema counsels his wife Mutinta in court this morning.
Mr Hichilema counsels his wife Mutinta in court this morning.

By Honzy Mang’wato

In 2007 and 2008, a humanitarian crisis of huge proportions left a big blot on the politics of Kenya, once a serene and stable nation.
Hundreds of people died at the instigation of a political difference that could have been avoided, the death list included babies under 12 months that were burnt to death after a church was set ablaze and locked up.

The reason for the black spot on that country’s political page was established by Amnesty International and HRWA as politically motivated.

Media reports, however, local and international who had reporters on the ground were more categorical—the accusation finger was pointed Raila Odinga, a losing candidate in an election that was officially won by

President Mwai Kibaki who was declared the winner of on December 27, 2007. Supporters of Kibaki’s opponent, Raila Odinga of the Orange Democratic Movement refused to accept defeat and alleged electoral manipulation.

Raila Odinga according to media reports established internationally “encouraged his supporters to engage in mass protests which he announced on local television and radio stations, most noticeably in Mombasa, Eldoret, Kericho, Kisumu, Nakuru and parts of Nairobi.”

In cold blood in a bid to quell the Odinga encouraged violence, Police shot in cold blood, hundreds of violent Odinga supporters before live TV cameras in some cases.
The lives lost have since been buried but their relatives have not forgotten that sad chapter in their history that must have never occurred.

Odinga, however, has not slowed down on his thirst for blood and instability within and beyond Kenyan borders.

Zambian situation

Last week we heard the blood thirst tribal oriented Odinga beat the war drums yet again except this time it was not to attack his usual Kikuyu tribal enemies in Kenya, he is baying for Zambians blood.

We call on President Uhuru Kenyatta, a Gentleman and great friend of Zambia to school his older brother Odinga to tone down on his political rhetoric and call for anarchy in Zambia.

He must stop calling for open support for UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema while treason charges are being heard in Zambian courts – this is disrespect for Zambia!

Kenyans memories are still fresh with the bloody scenes of 2007 perpetuated on the record by Mr Odinga who like HH refused to accept defeat. No wonder they say birds of a feather flock together.

The same advice we would like to extend to renowned wife batterer and HH’s deputy GBM.

GBM was in the news this week calling the government of President Lungu intolerant when he has a spectacular record of beating his wife Chama to pulp whenever the spirit moves him.

GBM has several times—as recorded in The Post newspaper—beaten his wife to pulp and threatened to beat anyone else who does not agree with him.

How can he call the Lungu administration intolerant regarding matters that are in court when he takes matters in his own hands regarding his wife, practically?

GBM must also know that the long arm of the law may sooner or later visit him for allegedly falsely signing government documents in parliament that he had a Grade 12 certificate when in fact he doesn’t have one on record. He allegedly lied.

Odinga and GBM, give justice a chance in Zambia.

Your (Raila and GBM) brutal and blood thirst methods have no place in Zambia. This explains why Kenyans continue to reject the tribalist Odinga.

The Author is the Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Provincial Youth Chairperson for Western Province


  1. Great article.

    GBM should now take reigns of UPND.

    He can’t do any worse than HH

    I just completed my PhD.



    • In an interview with BBC News in January 2008, Odinga asserted that he was the first cousin of U.S. president Barack Obama through Obama’s father.However, Barack Obama’s paternal uncle denied any direct relation to Odinga, stating “Odinga’s mother came from this area, so it is normal for us to talk about cousins. But he is not a blood relative.”

    • But why is it that its Uhuru Kenyatta & Ruto his vice who have been indicted by ICC over the massacres & not Raila Odinga? PF penchant to change history is frightening.

    • Great piece of writting.
      Its in public domain that, while insulting, GBM beats anyone who opposes him including his own wife.
      We must revisit the grade 12 case and signing of government documents illegally.
      Keep UPND on the toes all the time – maybe, just maybe they may become reasonable in their dealings.
      Meanwhile, keep HH behind bars.

    • even pipo who pick papers on the streets can claim to have completed their PhDs in prostitution. God is watching. you may be disappointed to see a dununa reserve in favor of GBM $ HH.

  2. Well stated Mr Mang’wato . Odinga is a bloodthirsty fella who is also on record bragging about a taking part in a failed 1982 bloody coup attempt,inciting the separatist MRC breakaway group in the name of vote hunting and his famous incitement of 41 tribes vs the dominant kikuyus in the lead to the bloody riots of 2008.
    Such a man with a bloody ,tribalistic and blemished record should never be the man to advise Zambia about anything.KEEP OFF Odinga from our peaceful Zambia.

  3. Useless article by a pf cockroach. Do not try try to shift the blame. This is not Kenya. The reality is that in Zambia we are under under dictatorship with abuse of human rights and erosion of rule of law. All this is happening under the direction of an insecure losing illegal president. So mistele take that article and go shove it up lungus behind

  4. Useless article by a pf rat. Do not try try to shift the blame. This is not Kenya. The reality is that in Zambia we are under under dictatorship with abuse of human rights and erosion of rule of law. All this is happening under the direction of an insecure losing illegal president. So mistele take that article and go shove it up lungus behind

    • You Don’t know what you talking about, Dictatorship that is just seen by you, HH and GBM.. why isn’t the international community seeing that crisis here? you are still in denial, wake up and smell the roses. The reality is that President Lungu warn and the international community monitored therefore establishing without reasonable doubt that he scooped the sit.

  5. That’s Raila for you. He always sprinkled his campaign rhetoric with the battle cry – “WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION BECAUSE GOVT WILL RIG IT.”

    And didn’t HH do a thorough job of parroting Raila’s war chant at every election! As quoted below.

    I won the 2015 Elections by a small margin; that is why PF managed to rig it-HH [October 23, 2015] He went on: The Patriotic Front (PF) has embarked on a programme to rig the 2016 general elections, United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has disclosed.

    On January 30,2015 here comes: Without rigging, I would have won by 33,000 votes, insists HH. He maintained that Zambians had voted for the UPND but that some staff at the Electoral Commission denied the Zambians an opportunity for…

  6. Great article. Needs no “editing” whatsoever (OK maybe just minor type & English errors). I enjoyed reading it but now it’s time to get to work.

  7. Cont./- an opportunity for real change.

    On January 9 2015, long before a single vote was cast, he declared: We have already won this election, declares HH as he calls Bishop Chomba a scam, a cheat and a rogue Bishop.

    October 26, 2015: HH accuse President Lungu of inviting Witchdoctors to help him win 2016 elections.

    Need we go on and on? Suffice to say, in Raila and HH, we have two individuals whose lust for power is well-documented, and matched only by boundless blood lust.

  8. It is wrong to equate Zambia with Kenya without providing convincing arguments. Kenyan politics are different from Zambian politics. The only similarity is regime change, i.e., voting in and voting out of power a new political party. The violence in Kenya was caused by frustration with a democratic order in which one political formation was dominant. The dominant political formation made it difficult for a different political agenda to succeed. There is nothing wrong with a political party remaining in opposition as long as that is what the voters have chosen. Take time to personalize political choices.

  9. 3 NEZ, how can the President be insecure with all the massive support that he is enjoying both local but more so international. There is no government, or UN, EU, AU, IMF/World Bank, AfDB etc etc in the world that does not recognise the President of Zambia. On the other hand tell me whether the above recognise HH as president of Zambia. That is how we tell who is the real President of Zambia.

  10. We no hand in his political feuds in his country, why is he advocating for war in Zambia? Mzee Odinga hii nia Kali ya kutaka kumwaga dam ya wa Zambia wasiokua na atia imetoka wapi? Tafadhali muheshimiwa Mzee raisi Uhuru Kenyatta mpe shauli uyo Odinga kabla aja tuletea misukosuko Aache kuchochea vita

  11. @12 KK Airport – You can’t finish reading because it entails the truth. We know you all donkeys are allergic to the truth.

  12. I respect the writer’s opinion but he lacks objectivity. To resolve a problem, you must deal with the root causes and not the outcomes. Hearing the aggrieved party is the pinnacle of any reconciliation process. In Africa, a thief who steals a chicken is more criminal than thieves who steal millions of tax payer’s money. People who manipulate the voting process go away with it and are handsomely rewarded. This is the more reason who have so many African leaders at ICC because of the writer’s mentality.

  13. I always get surprised at the cry to be heard as if someone did give them chance to present their grievance. Constitutional 14days period. It’s not Lungu but the constitution.

  14. To resolve a problem you do not go to the root cause because if you know the root cause then its not a problem. To solve a problem you apply first aid to reduce the danger and later investigate to get to the root cause and eventually eliminate it. If one is drowning for example you cannot start lecturing to the victim on how to swim but first try to save him and later on teach him how to swim. Then you will have killed the problem.

  15. Odinga, O Odinga, please stay away from us and concentrate on your perpetual losing career in Kenya, please!!!!!!!!

  16. Character assassination is a childish way of gaining unmerited attention. The article is a share waste of time and resources. I got better things to do.

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