Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trade Kings 2017 Boom Washing Powder Campaign set to ignite patriotism among Zambians


Boom Bubble Plus Campaign Banner
Boom Bubble Plus Campaign Banner

The Trade Kings Group has launched its flagship product Boom Bubble Plus campaign for 2017.

The campaign titled By Zambians, for Zambia (Buy Zambian for Zambia) has been created to promote unity and peace among Zambians while also inspiring the spirit of patriotism for Zambians to embrace Zambian-made products.

In line with the President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s call on Zambians to embrace local goods and services during his State of the Nation Address on March 17th 2017, the campaign which is spearheaded by a television advert is airing on all major broadcasters countrywide.

It features messages in seven different Zambian languages among them Bemba, Kaonde, Lozi, Namwanga, Nyanja, Tonga as well as English which goes to reinforce the key theme of unity in diversity.

It encompasses an anthem that is presented in Zambia’s major languages promoting peace, unity and harmony and shows the diversity and beauty of Zambia as presented in Zambia’s various geographical locations.

As has traditionally been the case since 2012 when Trade Kings used AFCON winning coach Herve Renard to take the iconic brand to the next level, Trade Kings this year has gone further to promote national and local relevance of buying local products – not just Boom, but all products Zambian.

“As with everything that goes on around us, nothing makes us prouder than something that we can truly call “ours”. Having been in Zambia for over 20 years, the Boom product has gone from strength to strength – from a paste that took the Zambian market by storm to a powder than competes and surpasses some of the best international brands in terms of quality and price,” said James Songwe, Trade Kings Media Manager.

The campaign which can also be viewed on has variations of radio adverts with a similar theme which will also air countrywide on state-owned, private and community radio stations countrywide.

“Being an indigenously owned Zambian company, Trade Kings thought it apt to introduce an active “buy local” campaign to boost local business and to grow the regional economy. But in order to make this work, consumers need frequent and convincing reminders of the benefits of buying locally-made products,” Mr Songwe said.

He added, “In many countries, buy local initiatives and campaigns are increasing in momentum. Support for local industry and buying local programs often go hand-in-hand. The term “buy local” is fairly broad and each community may determine their own policies and guidelines for determining this definition.”

The campaign lists the advantages of local purchasing, demonstrating that more money stays in the community, local jobs are created and sustained, the local community and economy are strengthened and the quality of life is improved.

“This has always been Trade Kings’ vision from inception – to improve lives of the ordinary people,” Mr Songwe said.


  1. Excellent and Savvy advertising by the company. It’s on trend with current Digital Media advances. The strategy of Engaging the Consumer on topical issues will help to push the brand. A successful Digital Media strategy uses a multitude of media to connect with the people. A newsletter, blog and multi social media platforms will surely net more customers. Buy Zambian indeed.

    • Oh, by the way…..(tongue in cheek)…!

      Do take time to view my MA Digital Blog, created with 3 fellow students for our end of year Unit in Digital Journalism.


      We address these environmental factors and more affecting the world today. I write on ?Water Shortage, Over Population (Why Single people should adopt instead of …), also on Alternative Food Sources, an regular eye opener!

  2. Good to buy local products. But Seven local languages which includes Namwanga has left out one major language? Why not have 8 or more languages?

  3. The secret is just working on your prices Trade Kings and this applies to other local suppliers, i am ever surprised to find local products in these foreign owned shops like shoprite, spar, game, pick n pay …… are far too expensive than imported goods! ! e.g washing powder, cooking oil, milk etc

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