Saturday, July 27, 2024

China demands release of its 31 nationals held in Zambian prison


Chinese nationals in a police cell in Zambia

China’s Foreign Ministry says Zambia has not justified the arrest of its citizens.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry official met Counsellor at the Zambian Embassy in Beijing Geoffrey Banda on Sunday to urge the release of 31 arrested Chinese citizens.

The Department of Immigration arrested 31 Chinese on Thursday from seven mine companies in he Copperbelt Province for allegedly buying illegal copper ore.

Director-General of the Department of African Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Lin Songtian in a meeting with Mr Banda expressed objection toward the Zambian government’s arrest of the citizens.

Among the group under arrest is a pregnant woman and two others who are suffering from Malaria and the ministry urged that they be treated on humanitarian grounds.

The Chinese foreign ministry official said that the Zambian immigration officials had no convincing evidence on which to make their arrests and also claimed that they failed to prove their identity before arresting the citizens.

Lin also urged the Zambian government to release them as soon as possible and treat them humanely while they are being held.

“China expresses serious concern and resolute opposition to this,” the ministry cited Lin as saying.

China hoped that Zambia could handle the incident appropriately and as soon as possible, and release those who are innocent, Lin said.

Foreign Ministry official Lin Songtian met with Zambian Minister Counselor in China Geoffrey Banda to urge the release of 31 arrested Chinese on Sunday. (Photo-Chinese Foreign Ministry)
Foreign Ministry official Lin Songtian met with Zambian Minister Counselor in China Geoffrey Banda to urge the release of 31 arrested Chinese on Sunday. (Photo-Chinese Foreign Ministry)

And Mr Banda said China’s position and concerns are understandable, adding that the situation will be reported to Lusaka immediately.

He added that Zambia treasures the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and is willing to work with China closely to deal with the case properly.

The Chinese Embassy in Zambia has also held discussions with the Zambian government for the release and has visited the arrested Chinese citizens.

The two-month pregnant woman was among five women arrested during police raids in the town of Chingola last week.

She is the newlywed wife of a translator working for a privately-owned Chinese mining firm and she only arrived in Zambia last month, according to Red Star News, an online news website run by the Chengdu Business Daily.

The woman’s husband was quoted as saying that his wife was confined with a group of other women and was in a bad condition, but he had not been able yet to visit her in jail.

The man said a bail request for his wife was refused, but the authorities did not provide him with a reason why.

On Saturday, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo told Reporters that foreigners should not get involved in mining-related operations such as smelting without proper licences.

Mr. Kampyongo also accused the Chinese citizens of employing youths to steal copper and precious minerals.
Officials from the Chinese embassy in Zambia had visited those in detention and asked for a screening of the Chinese suspects and for their early release.

The Foreign Ministry also said China supported Zambia’s crackdown on illegal mining, but the country’s authorities had not provided strong evidence to justify the arrests.


    • To be honest it’s disgraceful to arrest a white man or Chinese person in zambia.

      You don’t arrest your boss.

      Leave HH release all Chinese people regardless of the crimes committed.

      I had a PhD



    • The need for serious governance has never been so urgent! Clean up Zambia, I will take small victories even now!

    • Does China tolerate illegal Zambian immigrants in their land? There’s enough imbwa meat to feed them, they will be fine in there until deportation

    • Let’s hear Sunday Chanda, mumbi phiri and all those wannabe leaders shout this is a sovereign nation no one tells us what to do!
      You see they all have their tails behind them very quite!
      Now see how quickly the release the chocholis!

    • @Mushota : what happened to your PhD? Has it been revoked for genetic Bemba stoopidity? “I had a PhD”! PhDs in Scottish Erections that do not last!

    • Pf are you not running a sovereign govt? How come China is telling you what to do and you are obliged to follow.

    • That’s sounds like a joke, but it did happen in ivory coast, when it was under general Robert Guey.

    • This is a warning to the Chinese. African dictators are despised by the west because they have seen them all – from Idi Amin, Bokassa, Nguema, Mobutu, Mugabe, Museveni and now Lungu. African tinpot dictators are dangerous to everyone – from citizens to financial backers. Remember how Sata dumped the Taiwanese? Now Lungu is doing the same to the Chinese.

  1. IF she is newly wed how come she is pregnant please check for our copper in her tummy.
    Thanks to this government you have no where to hide! ahahahaha!

    • @Mushota : what happened to your PhD? Has it been revoked for genetic Bemba stoopidity? “I had a PhD”! PhDs in Scottish Erections that do not last!

  2. when they asked release for HH you said let law be followed let us see how you will follow the Law on Chinese case. you donont mind zb out donors funds let us see how far you can go

    • I tell you, the Illegal mining criminals will be release before traffic offense offender.

      lungu is in the pockets of tu ma chinese. They’ll be released by 18.00hrs today.

  3. when they asked release for HH you said let law be followed let us see how you will follow the Law on Chinese case. you donont mind about donors funds let us see how far you can go

    • when you study and understand donor politics, you will soon realize that we have no donors but thugs


  4. Let them be convictad pardon later isntit that is what th law says we waite and see by th end of th week story will change

  5. Zambian authorities can be so lame at times. Making arrests and adjournments all the time with many innocent people suffering in prisons. Maybe we try privatizing our legal bodies?

  6. Predatory Investors Slowly Taken away your resources and mines hospitals Znbc and Now stratergised to Finance Zesco mega projects with 10 billion USD dollars to set a STATE WITHIN STATE Poor Zambians without foresight and money easily gives away everything Typical of africans In the midist of EURO and Syno Zambians worse Off

    You are going a similar way to most countries with same conning Investors Learn to avoid the Traps

    “The 88 Queensway Group: A Case Study in Chinese Investors”

  7. Predatory Investors Slowly Taken away your resources and mines hospitals Znbc and Now stratergised to Finance Zesco mega projects with 10 billion USD dollars to set a STATE WITHIN STATE Poor Zambians without foresight and money easily gives away everything Typical of africans In the midist of EURO and Syno Zambians worse Off

    You are going a similar way to most countries with same conning Investors Learn to avoid the Traps

    “The 88 Queensway Group: A Case Study in Chinese Investors”

  8. Lungu has told the Western Lenders and Aid Donors to go to hell and he is telling China to go to hell. So no Foreign Financing from the West and East. Hence Zambia under illegitimate Lungu has chosen to go it alone. Does Lungu and his Economic illiterate Advisers know what they are doing? The collapse of the Zambian Economy under Lungu and Mutati’s watch is inevitable. Time will tell.

    • yo do not know what you are talking about? do you know what these china guys are doing in chingola.

  9. Mushota , PHD , you are a very bad person…..You need Jesus in your heart… I am praying for you to repent…..
    It is unfortunate for you to have obtain a PHD, probably a preschool diploma could fit you….
    Rise above being petty…….
    Your life in not above HH or ECL…. think beyond and give big economical plans to develop Zambia or help Britain with anti terrorism plan

    • @amandapalmer, I don’t understand how you guys always respond to this Mushota, you make him/her popular by the nonsense he/she brings out here. What normal person would comment anything that Mushota does apart from wanting attention. Here in the USA people do stupid things just to get famous, the guy who killed John Lennon wanted to be known and he made history. If only you can ignore this fool, you will see the difference in him/her. what educated person with a Phd does all that. I don’t think someone with that kind of qualification would always be on this panel blogging to every article. I’m a very busy person, I ready this online news from time to time because I have work to do and I can not blog all the time, but amalofwa like Mushota will always have time to keep up and comment to…

  10. China must not interfere with our Judiciary, let law take its course on those arrested Chinese. We have HH who was arrested purely on political matters how special are they for them to come out before they can testify in the courts of law? We understand China and Zambia have got a very good relationship but if its citizen have been found wanting, let them face the law. Imagine if a Zambian in China does this kind of a case what would happen either you will be sentenced life imprisonment or you will be deported within 24 hours.Yes they are helping us shaping our economy but remember its not for free they do take out our resources their country.we can allow negotiations but not to tell us how this matter must be handled we have got laws that are guided by our constitution, I foresee a…

    • Rafo; as i am typing this; the Chinese have already been released; China says to Zambia jump and Zambia asks how high; Our country has been sold before our eyes to China; we owe them too much; Wtch China colonise us now; Sad sad sad;

  11. Mushota , PHD , you are a very bad person…..You need Jesus in your heart… I am praying for you to repent…..
    It is unfortunate for you to have obtain a PHD, probably a preschool diploma could fit you….
    Rise above being petty…….
    Your life in not about HH or ECL…. think beyond and give big economical plans to develop Zambia or help Britain with anti terrorism plan

  12. China provided 192 million dollar loan to PF government which solely used to buy military equipment from China for the police. Large amounts of tear gas canisters, Zambia has never witnessed were among the equipment bought using this loan. This was clear sign of what we are seeing now and unfortunate Chinese are feeling the heat (police power).


  13. Kwena bu Donkey bulwele cacine. Surely they dont know that every act of patriotism can win them some votes they so badly need in 2021? Cant see beyond your noses, Donkeys?
    This calls for unity and patriotism by Zambians, unless you are a donkey of course.

  14. It seems the PF government is picking fights with every government and donor, Clearly these are signs of madness and failure.

  15. Zambian are just thick and docile.

    Chinese and Indians have taken over the countries natural resources which are being stripped at unpresceded levels, while the Zambians fight amongest them selves to loot borrowed funds and aid money.

    To speed up the stripping of our natural resources by these Chinese and Indians they even borrow you money then build roads for you for easy access and transportation of our wealth….

    Very sad.

  16. China has been on record hanging or executing Zambians on trump up charges of drag trafficking despite Zambian Authorities’ plea.So even here let the law take its course.Let them also prove to us that the “newly-wedded” woman is pregnant.Its still hurting me after seeing a Zambian woman hanged in 2015 for drag trafficking despite serious efforts from Zambian government.

  17. Mushota is a good person. I am now beginning to understand her/him. S/he thinks in reverse and end up saying the opposed. Not to worry, we will soon find a cure for you dear so you can start to think straight………Hahahahahahahhhhh.

  18. How does one steal copper? Not even fake prophets can pull it off….Only highly professional crooks like Angil of KCM are capable of such acts and to top it off they even go to State House as if they own!!

  19. Why all the zambian governments since 1964 use the deportationact to sort out any foreign whom the have axe to grind with mainly they know the deportee hasa strong case against the state once heard in zambian court ? ? why a zambian immigration officer is vested with unchecked power to detain at whims? Zambia besides its fooball the second best fame is foreigners deportations !

  20. I’ve seen how Chinese illegals are treated in Australia. No negotiations, they are just put on a plane back to China.

  21. PF has no enough evidence on HH and he is still locked , chinese claim we have no evidence also officers who arrested these pint sized people had no Ids. sure we can not learn from HH ARREST how to handle criminals ? Chinese are using HH case as a prototype, how do they know we have no evidence the pregnant woman will be taken to a singe cell and malaria men taken to hospital for treatment the way we did to HH, SO BANE BE CAREFUL TRUMP IS WATCHING US

  22. Here is Proper News
    The ex-wife of former Liberian President Charles Taylor has appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London to face torture charges. Agnes Reeves Taylor, 51, is suspected of ordering and carrying out torture between 1989 and 1991, during a civil war in the West African state. She is to be tried at the Old Bailey, the Central Criminal Court, on 30 June. Up to 250,000 people are believed to have been killed in Liberia’s civil war, which ended in 2003. Ms Reeves Taylor, of Dagenham in east London, was arrested on Thursday. She has not commented on the charges. One accuses her of agreeing with “a course of conduct” that “would necessarily amount to or involve the commission of the offence of torture”. The other charges allege that she along with “others…

  23. “The Chinese foreign ministry official said that the Zambian immigration officials had no convincing evidence on which to make their arrests “. If this is true, then sHame on ZP for arresting without evidence which is lawless

    • What evidence? Where were these Chinese picked from? Are they all legal? What was a pregnant woman doing to be picked up by police?

  24. ZP should learn from Americans who only arrest after gathering sufficient evidence. Here, you arrest and then start investigating. How abusive of human rights can this be

    • In the second republic thats the way they operated because citizens had few rights. Now they need to use intelligence and they dont have it

  25. If a Zambian gets arrested in China you rot in a cell , no human rights in china, so China should mind its own business as the law of Zambia is the law.

  26. Ba lungu becareful machina beno abo.u sold znbc to them and mines, iyooh,what’s remains is the roads to belong to China.pls pls u have destroyed our Land to Chinese. U see nw,they even bring fomg pregnancy. Do something before its too

  27. The Chinese government should protect its citizens first, by controlling the influx of its citizens to weed out criminals and street kaponyas. They have off loafed all manner of characters into Zambia and other parts of Southern africa in the name of investors. Apart from the real investors like large mining companies and road contractors, the rest of the Chinese should be allowed to cross the Chinede borders. Look at the characters we receive. They build all manner of ugly buildings anywhere, they sell things on thecstreet and in markets meant for locals. Just look at that ugly building near Levy Mwanawasa, after cheating and bribing Ndola council officials that they will build a decent building. Are they not ashamed that right across their ramshackle is a modern hotel building tge…

  28. Are they not ashamed that right across their ramshackle is a modern hotel building the Protea? They build ugly markets even in the middle of our plush townships, as if to spoil the beauty of our cities. Mukula tree smuggling its Chinese and their govt says nothing. Then the Chinese government should complain of harrassment and even teach us American civil liberties what cheek. Just lock tge offenders and keep them locked up until China offers to take them back in form of deportation. Chinese are becoming disgusting! Very soon locals will take the law in their hands if nothing is done about this new scourge.

  29. Comment:
    Quite typical of the Chinese; be it in Ghana, Nigeria, South Sudan, you will find them deported for illegal activities, involving gold, oil, etc. Not a good bunch, the Chinese.

  30. It’s all equality in Zambia. If nationals are arrested for the same, no favourable treatment for our visitors from the investor community.

    Chinese have Triad criminal gangs; we don’t want that ring developing here. Let them know we will not tolerate crime in Zambia.

  31. Its good,a criminal belongs in jail especially a China man. Committing such a crime in China one faces a firing squad.

  32. Comment:
    In Tanzania there’s the case of the illegal slaughter of countless elephants by a Chinese woman (the MOTHER) currently appearing in court. So give me the gentle Japanese any day, not these Chinese with their arcane and nefarious activities.

  33. Moshota you’re acting like a fool law is law regardless of the colour. How can you support our neighbour in a fight between your own father and ba neighbour. Think before write an article. You got your PhD in useless contributions or in steeling from a Bush Chinese university.

  34. When one of you own comes running, it is common to first confront the pursuers then find out the reason for the act. You may find your own may have done serious crime. The Chinese shall protect their own here but back home they are equally bad.

  35. UPNDonkeys never seize to amaze, how can you compare treason case and copper thieves / buyers? More over foreigners have got their own jail rules its either you depot them or if convicted they go and save their sentences in their own countries that is why their officials have come in to negotiate for them as for HH who is going to negotiate for him and to whom since Zambia has got no Govt, no President even the so called wise men (Chiefs) are also behaving like politicians.

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