Monday, September 16, 2024

Pictures of President Rajaonarmampianina of Madagascars’ trip to Zambia


Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarmampianina(c) and during the tour
of Lusaka South Multi Facility Economical Zone
Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarmampianina(r),NRB Pharmaceutical
Zambia Director Operation Caroline Yeta(second right),NRB
Pharmaceutical Zambia Executive Director Operation Denis Moraes(second
left) and Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba(l) during the tour of
Lusaka South Multi Facility Economical Zone
Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarmampianina(c),Foreign Affairs
Minister Harry Kalaba(l) and NRB Pharmaceutical Zambia Director
Operation Caroline Yeta(r) at the Lusaka South Multi Facility
Economical Zone
Lusaka South Multi Facility Economical Zone Staff explaining to
Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarmampianina(c) and NRB Pharmaceutical
Zambia Director Operation Caroline Yeta(l) during the tour of Lusaka
South Multi Facility Economical Zone
SF Group Chairman Mr Found El Sahely presents a gift to His Excellency Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina President of the Republic of Madagascar after touring the bottling Plant
His Excellency Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina President of the Republic of Madagascar being taken on a conducted tour of the bottling Plant by Fairy Bottling Company by the Chief Executive Officer Dr Mohamed El Sahill and SF Group Chairman Mr Found El Sahely


His Excellency Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina President of the Republic of Madagascar chat with SF Group Chairman Mr Found El Sahely at Fairy Bottling Company.


Madagascan President Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina bids farewell to First republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda after he paid a courtesy call on him at his residence in State Lodge
Madagascan President Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina talking to First republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda when he paid a courtesy call on him at his residence in State Lodge
First republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda welcomes Madagascan President Mr Hery Rajaonarimampianina when he paid a courtesy call on him at his residence in State Lodge
-Madagascar President Hery Rajaonarimampianina who is also Chairman of the Comesa Authority present a gift to Comesa Secretary General Sindiso Ngwenya during the official visit at the Comesa secretariat
Madagascar President Hery Rajaonarimampianina who is also the Chairman of the Comesa Authority plants a Tree at Comesa secretariat
Madagascar President Hery Rajaonarimampianina Chairman of the Comesa Authority with Comesa General Secretary Sindiso Ngwenya plants a Tree at Comesa secretariat
Madagascar President Hery Rajaonarimampianina who is also Chairman of the Comesa Authority present with Comesa Secretary General Sindiso Ngwenya during the official visit at the Comesa secretariat


  1. Ba LT THERE are rules to writing a caption. Its not just Chipantepante. Captions all over the world explain the people in the picture left to right. It cant be:
    “Lusaka South Multi Facility Economical Zone Staff explaining to
    Madagascan President Hery Rajaonarmampianina(c) and NRB Pharmaceutical
    Zambia Director Operation Caroline Yeta(l) during the tour of Lusaka
    South Multi Facility Economical Zone”

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