Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo to jet into Zambia


Ghananian Nana Addo Akufo-Addo

Ghanaian President Nana Addo Akufo-Addo is expected in Zambia for a Four day State Visit.

President Akufo Addo’s tour of duty will see him officially open the Zambia International Trade Fair in Ndola.

According to a programme released by Cabinet Office, President Akufo-Addo will be received by his host, President Edgfar Lungu at the Kenneth Kaunda International airport.

On Tuesday President Akufo-Addo will lay wreaths at the embassy park presidential burial site and thereafter hold official talks at State House before meeting First President Kenneth Kaunda.

In the evening President Lungu will host his visiting counterpart  a State Banquet at State House.

And on Wednesday President  Akufo-Addo will visit Amatheon Agri Farm in Mumbwa before departing for Ndola.


  1. True and genuine leadership attracts other leaders to come and learn.

    People of Zambia, it was wise for all of you to vote for EL, otherwise HH would have messed up our country.

  2. Dear Ghana friends, Please advise your president to stay away from dictators who brutalize opposition..

    Mugabe , Mu 7, Rule ngu are in then same class..

  3. Who is hh to be visited by a president…..please understand, he is just like any ordinary Zambian who is appearing in court.

  4. My genuine concern is the quality of deterioration of the exhibitions and trade fairs. I had the opportunity (or not) of attending the Copperbelt Agriculture and Mining Exhibition earlier this month. The low quality of the infrastructure and exhibits themselves e

  5. We thought that President Akufo-Addo is a Democrat. As a Democrat how does he associate with a Dictator and Sadist like Lungu? Doesn’t Akufo-Addo know that HH the Opposition Leader is being persecuted by hist Host and is in Jail on Fake Treason Charges? Doesn’t Akufo-Addo know that the 2016 Elections in Zambia were Disputed and Petitioned and that that Petition has not been heard in Courty? Why is Akufo-Addo Legitimatising Lungu the Vote Thief and Law Breaker? Could it be that as soon as an Opposition Leader is elected into Power he forgets other Opposition Leaders in other countries with whom they were in Opposition Trenches. Birds of the same feathers flock together. So does it mean Akufo-Addo now associates with Dictators like Lungu,Mu7 and Mugabe? I don’t understand the rationale…

  6. @Adote Bing. I share your concern and disappointment over President Akufo-Addo’s visit to Zambia and association with Dictator Lungu. Maybe once in Power Opposition Leaders quickly become Dictators becoz Power corrupts and absolute Power corrupts absolutely. We heard that the Ghanian IMF Mission Leader to Zambia was bribed by Lungu to get the IMF to approve the Loan to Zambia in spite Lungu’s Gross Human Rights violations in Zambia. Some Church Bishops have been bribed by Lungu to distance themselves from the Pastoral Letter. Maybe Corrupt Lungu has bribed President Akufo-Addo of Ghana to come and open the Zambian Trade Fair in refurn for a Brown Envelope. U bribe an African he forgets about justice and Human Rights. President Akufo-Addo is extremely disappointing as a Democrat.

  7. @ Peter Zulu, to the contrary, the problem is that the lense you are using is different from the ones that the visiting presidents are using.
    To start with you are brain washed and you have chosen to believe your lies.
    We have had more visiting presidents who have acknowledged that ECL is the president so your cheap propaganda won’t work.
    Just get back to the drawing board instead wining all the way to 2021.

  8. Only losers UPND want to tarnish the image of Zambia. All of the observers never said HH won. With no evidence to show, HH is misleading his dull Tongas with things like petition must be heard etc. HH has lost five times, God has rejected him. How is a person who has refused to accept defeat a democrat? And when was the last time, his party held a congress? He just appoints people.

  9. What does President Akufo Addo want from Dictator and Sadist Lungu? Is President Akufo Addo coming to Zambia to help Lungu further persecute our HH? President Akufo Addo has a history of taking his Election Petitions all the way to the Supreme Court. Lungu has refused to hear the Petition in Court and solve the Political Impasse. Lets hope President Akufo Addo will impress on Lungu to resolve the Petition Issue so that Zambia can move on. Zambia is at the Cross Road at the moment. Can President Akufo Addo help solve the Political Crisis?Has President Akufo Addo forgotten about his former Opposition Compatriots whom he left in Opposition Trenches? What does President Akufo Addo feel about the persecuted HH who is in Jail on Trumped Up Treason Charges?

  10. Mr Nana Addo Akufo-Addo. What are you really after propping up a dictator. These things will not work to your good. An election was stolen and the winner of those elections is currently in prison being brutalized by the same criminals who stole the election and you have now chosen to be a partaker of the curses of the cursed. It will not work for you.

  11. The truth is the PF is trying by all means to deliberately invite as many Presidents as possible to show blind following Zambians and screen outsiders of legitimacy.

    It is a tactic… Because each time they say: “can you see how many Presidents are coming to Zambian because it peaceful and have recognized ECL”. ..

    This we know They don’t know.

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