Police are holding g a 35 year old male student of DMI St Eugene University in Lusaka identified as Edward Makayi in connection with Publication of Defamatory Statements on his Facebook page created in the name Royson Edwards M.
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the suspect is a student in the School of Engineering at the said University.
Mrs Katongo said the defamatory remarks which were authored and posted between April, 2017 and July, 2017 were targeted at President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Home Affairs Minister, Stephen Kampyongo, Minister of Agriculture Dora Siliya and Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja.
Others are Deputy Secretary General of the Patriotic Front, Mrs Mumbi Phiri and Presidential Press Aid, Mr Amos Chanda.
The suspect is scheduled to appear in Court on Thursday, 27th July, 2017 for the offence of Defamation of the President which is contrary to Section 59 of Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.
The Police Spokesperson says the suspect is yet to be slapped with other charges for defaming and use of insulting language against Senior Government officials and other persons.
“We wish to inform Members of the Public that investigations in other cases where people are using social media to make defamatory and insulting remarks have continued. The Zambia Police working in conjunction with ZICTA have intensified investigations in crimes committed through social media and we hope to bring more culprits to book,” she said.
“In view of the above, members of the Public are forewarned to desist from posting insults and defamatory remarks before the long arm of the Law catches up with them,” Mrs Katongo said.
“We also wish to caution all those fond of opening fake accounts on social media using false particulars that such deception will not protect them from prosecution as Law enforcement officers are able to trace your real identity.”
Very archaic move.Are we still operating under 1903 British laws? Let the BENG student finish his studies,he will contribute to Zambia’s economy in future.Why should the entire police/government be intimidated by juvenile facebook posts.Lungu will not be president for ever so lets not ruin a young life over nothing
UNZA and DMI are different universities LT.
Edgar Pombe Lungu. Is that an insult?
Every university is UNZA! hehehehehe
Zambian Scotland Yard at work, kikiki
All those listed, who are they not to be insulted?
Maybe only kanganja deserves
It is 1diotic to insult his Majesty President Lungu
Excerpt from one of Edward Makayi’s always brilliant provoking thoughts, Edward Makayi’s battle with zesco.
In zambia we have turbines that produces the flux voltage of 12935.86 Giga-Volts of power per second when the spherical turn is constant at the speed of 2000 Km/s (full circumference=360`c
omplete rotation). The power produced is so dangerous such that no machine was designed to work at a 1000 Giga volts or more not even heavy industrial machines; hence that power produced under-goes several step downs to neutralize it but still a vast voltage is left to compansate the transmission distances in forms of resistivity(Current resistance by legnth of wire d
They just had to look for a pin in a haystack to pin him down. He is a great thinker. Remember even Nazi’s in German hated great thinkers like Albert Einstein.
BBC reports
A prominent opposition politician in Tanzania has been charged with using abusive language against President Magufuli after he allegedly called him a dictator and accused him of making government appointments based on favouritism and nepotism.
Tundu Lissu of the main opposition Chadema party has been in police custody since Thursday after a video of him purportedly making the comments was widely circulated on social media.
He is due to make a second court appearance on Thursday to press for bail.
In court on Monday, the prosecution said Mr Lissu should be refused bail as he has repeatedly made seditious remarks.
However, his lawyer denies this, arguing that the allegations against him are unproven.
Mr Magufuli has been increasingly accused by his critics of…
Mr Magufuli has been increasingly accused by his critics of intolerance since he won elections by a landslide in 2015.
But his supporters say he is tackling corruption, and guaranteeing stability in the East African state.
I have always been an advocate of mental inventory before one pens down public issues and frustration. Insults in no way vindicate ones anger and frustration towards government. By the way, with a sweet tongue and some kindness, you can drag an elephant by a hair.
This is very petty! The whole of GoVERNMENT decsending on an impovershed and poor student sure? Yo guys need to build more prisons as we are all “EDWARD MAKAYIS”
so u mean there is no more freedom of speech
Im not a supporter of insults, but if say I break into your home & eat all the relish & then SH1T in the pot, don’t I deserve to be insulted, let alone beaten?
The EVIL DICTATOR Lungu’s misbehaviour of rigging of elections,
– mocking God,
– corrupting the judiciary,
– getting bribes from chinese,
– abuse of power & corruption,
– sinking the country into $17.4BILLION Debt,
– destroying the economy,
– abduction of HH, his cook, his gardener
– illegally going for a 3rd term etc.
are temptations enough for anyone to blurt out the F-BOMBS. The EVIL DICTATOR deserves more than insults. I don’t blame the young man.
No. He should have known better and exhibited intelligence and maturity than display his insolence to the public.
We are fed up of immoral language.
@Ex moma you have put it very well. Why should people who have better things to do, like bring development to the nation, get intimidated by a student’s little scorn. It shows just how insecure they are. They want to walk a path where noone points out their shortcomings and everyone sings their praises. That is not on planet earth
The case is going nowhere.
He spent time wrong insults.
How can he finish his Be?ng
Please repeal these archaic laws, which are nothing but relics of the colonial era. In the democratic western world, public leaders are not above criticism or insults, as long as you don’t threaten them with violence. That’s what freedom of speech means. Freedom of speech is guaranteed to everyone as a HUMAN RIGHT enshrined in international documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Human Rights Law, and International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights. So Zambia should not entertain laws that blatantly disregard these international Human rights laws. But then again there’s no longer any regard for human rights in Zambia, so this is not surprising. Does it mean we just go around insulting people for no reason, because of freedom of speech?…
(Continued)…. Absolutely not. But, at the same time, insults should not be classified as a CRIMINAL offense. Scrap that anti freedom of speech law, as it clearly violates international human rights standards, unless you want to continue projecting the image of a dictatorship.
Arrest him and through the keys. but you dont have to arrest everyone, concentrate on cardinal issues.
@White Man, speak for your pulverized life.
Yes beat him severely. We need to respect elders and leaders.
Remember the days when every toothpaste was Colgate and every washing powder was Surf?
Now every university is UNZA! hehehehehe
Hehehehe, ati UNZA ya ku America or ati Kaunda wa ku Malawi nindani!
……and I would ask the bar man to give me a beer (without mentioning the name of the beer) because the only beer available was a Most.
because the only beer available was a Mosi.
Boo Hoo! Police have too much time in their hands!!
Boo Hoo! Police have too much time on their hands!!
I wonder how much manpower these fooools in ZP have dedicated to social media to protect this utterly Lazy thing in State House.
Next is NEZ, please hurry.
They are actually doing final touches to there investigations on him before they can pounce. You cant hide behind a technology you know nothing about forever
Well done ZP.please teach that bantustan guy Machayi a big lesson!!we must all respect our leaders.if he was not taught good manners by his luvale parents,then let ZP teach him some!!!upnd supporters take things personal.they think HH is their god.little do they know that even with HH in state house,their lives wont change minus hard work.we voted for Mr.Michael Sata and now president Edgar Lungu,are we rich because of voting for those two?big no.so lets do civilised politics in Zambia!!HH is not a seviour!!INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON STUDIES,THIS MACHAYI THING WAS BUSY INSULTING LEADERS-SHAME!!ONLY EDUCATION CAN MAKE YOU ESCAPE POVERTY MACHAYI AND NOT HH OR ANY LEADER!!
In terms of knowledge njimbu you can’t compare to Edward makayi, he is top of the gene cesspool, you are bottom of that ladder, he is a brilliant guy, take time to read his articles not the trash from her majesty Madame PhD mushota.
Foolish analysis.
At 35 years he ought to differentiate right from wrong, surely?
Edgar Lungu is a liar and an opportunist using the presidency for private gain.
Teach the uncultured chap a proper lesson so that he should learn to respect elders! To be in engineering course does not warrant somebody to use abusive language. In fact insults or abusive language are acts of amafontini!
“To be in engineering course does not warrant somebody to use abusive language”. This points to you having an inferiority complex. Go to School and study..mwenzekuti when your friends were getting degrees?
bwafya iwe let us stop arresting pipo.All leaders are insulted but we need to stop arresting young pipo but teach them how to love one another.We are just now creating tension in the country.How many pipo have been arrested before?The president should advise the police not to arrest pipo inslting him.It’s normal u can’t be loved by everyone.
…so you teach your children to INSULT other people??? What a parent!!! What I know is even if you don’t like a leader, criticise not insult.Creating a facebook page to insult the president is malicious, it is not right. This culture of insults is very unZambian, most Zambians were not raised like that!!!
That is why they needed the SOE , to arrest anyone insulting.. …shame….
Excerpt from one of Edward royson Makayi’s articles (BATTLE WITH ZESCO)
He is a brilliant brain, just. Google Edward Makayi’s battle with zesco, not the PhD trash you get from the likes of tu mushota and terrible. They just had to find something to pin him down for his t provoking thoughts .
In zambia we have turbines that produces the flux voltage of 12935.86 Giga-Volts Iof power per second when the spherical turn is constant at the speed of 2000 Km/s (full circumference=360`c
omplete rotation). The power produced is so dangerous such that no machine was designed to work at a 1000 Giga volts or more not even heavy industrial machines; hence that power produced under-goes several step downs to neutralize it but still a vast voltage is left to compansate the transmission distances…
Iwe turbines do not generate electricity. It is the generater that is coupled to the turbine. There is a step up transformer which steps up the voltage to 330 kV
minimize losses as it travels to the CB. Volts per second? What animal is that?
In most ‘normal’ countries defamation is a civil matter. How many people would you arrest for ‘insulting’ the President in Zambia if you were able to identify them all? What an archaic law. Some countries that still have a similar law never use it. It was for the ‘dark ages’. But in Zambia, in the current scheme of politics, the GREAT LEADER and his cohorts have found it a convenient weapon to instil great fear in all the habitats of the kingdom of Zamunda in order to continue their perverted rule.
KK (fonko fonko) was insulted, no arrests were made.
FTJ (kafupi, thief) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Mwanawasa (cabbage) was insulted daily by Micheal sata, no arrests were made.
Banda (thief, vasco da banda) was insulted daily by Micheal data, no arrests were made.
Sata (chumbu munshololwa, satana) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Lungu (Lazy, ) is criticized and ZP descends upon you like a tone of bricks.
we are enjoying peace in Zambia and we cant complain about SOE.only trouble makers such as this Machayi guy can complain!!
Where are the 11 people arrested for the market fire ??? Was that a lie ??
@ Njimbu. Not all are political cadres here, most are normal ordinary citizens expressing their opinions.
Our God is a God of love. If you are aggrieved, let your complaint be heard. God doesn’t teach us to insult when aggrieved!! Even the Bible has rules and instruction on acceptable behavior, right?? Did Jesus Christ ever insult the Romans?? Ordinary citizens expressing their opinions is 100% correct but ordinary citizens insulting authority and calling it freedom of expression is not right.
When you are a public figure, politician for that matter you should expect criticism and insults. It all comes with the job. When people are unhappy with your performance, they air out there frustrations in different ways.
These PF guys forget they were just voted in for a short period of 5years.
They act as though it’s an absolute monarchy.
Let the people talk! Just focus on your job
when people insult you..you know they hate you..don’t like your behaviour..period..change for the better
Can’t believe it’s 2017 and this backward dictatorship of a village still has criminal charges of ‘insulting the president’ and ‘insulting government officials’. What a failed country this is! Unbelievable!
KK (fonko fonko) was insulted, no arrests were made.
FTJ (kafupi, thief) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Mwanawasa (cabbage) was insulted daily by Micheal sata, no arrests were made.
Banda (thief, vasco da banda) was insulted daily by Micheal data, no arrests were made.
Sata (chumbu munshololwa, satana) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Lungu (Lazy, ) is criticized and ZP descends upon you like a tone of bricks.
The is a very welcome move for the state because it is too much to disrespect government officials in the name of freedom speech. Please put up an advent so that the general public is aware to desist from this kind of arrest.
KK (fonko fonko) was insulted, no arrests were made.
FTJ (kafupi, thief) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Mwanawasa (cabbage) was insulted daily by Micheal sata, no arrests were made.
Banda (thief, vasco da banda) was insulted daily by Micheal data, no arrests were made.
Sata (chumbu munshololwa, satana) was insulted, no arrests were made.
Lungu (Lazy, ) is criticized and ZP descends upon you like a tone of bricks.
Read the Law you F00LS and stop insulting without knowing the consequences
Let the guy alone. Ba police balibe vochita
Well done.all bloggers with bad language must be taught a lesson. I wish ba Xavier Chishimba would fall into the
Today Lundu Lissu the opposition leader in Tanzania appeared in court charged with insulting the president. He has been denied bail. He called Magufulu a dictator.
Africans are allergic to democracy. They tend to abuse there own freedom. Rule them with a iron fist.
Frankly speaking we abuse freedom of speech in the name of democracy. Insulting a person whether he’s a president or just an ordinary citizen just indicates that a person is devoid of stamina to put up a civil manner. It’s a sign of a simple mind.
Yes there just too much insults.
Intimidation tactics by the thin skinned dictator and his minions. This is just a waste of resources. The police should go after real criminals. Zambia is quickly falling into Banana Republic status.
Zp are now the real criminals, so they go after citizens.
Thats what Dictators do. They stifle freedom of speech among the Bloggers. This Sadist and Dictator Lungu is now busy violating Zambian human rights. Zambians must resist Lungu’ s emerging Dictator ship.
Archaic laws that belong in the dust bin.
What do you gain by arguing with UPNDonkeys? By Christmas the “party” will be a shadow of itself. By New Year its donkeys will be embarrassed that their “party” ever existed.
This is a case of ‘Tone Vs Substance’.
Substance = People were attacked at the graveyard.
Tone = Reaction to the substance.
The fact that no one is addressing the root cause speaks for itself.
The cadres who beat the people at the grave yard are free. But which one is worse? To say fuu–ck or beat people at the grave yard. The happening at the grave yard when there is police and leadership is place and they go unpunished can lead to such comments. The cultured boy must have been amazed just how fuu–ck the country has become lawless.
IF THE POLICEMAN KILL MY FATHER AND I INSULT THE POLICEMAN, WOULD I BE CHARGED FOR INSULTING AND THE POLICEMAN IS SCOTFREE? ingredients of insulting are not easy to define and successfully prosecute… let us wait and see how far the case will go..
The case of Makayi is a good case for a defence lawyer……
@Robmwale, your submission is terra firma. The complainant should and/or will have to go to the USA where the server for facebook is hosted to be successful. Its quite laughable that the state is using the little resources the country has pursuing a mirage. This case I can assure you, unless the accused confesses is as dead even before it sees a day in court. The law of evidence will be tested in this one. Remember there will be need to determine who the author is, the custodian of the information, which computer and/or gadget was used in sending those “insults”, what software is on that computer… I relish the commencement of trial so that the ICT Act and the Law of Evidence is tested in this matter. While Makayi is having the discomfort of being in custody, the outcome is good for…
While Makayi is having the discomfort of being in custody, just like HH, these cases are good for our own jurisprudence.
Lol- these days- Imagine how many Americans would be in jail if Bush was intolerant?
The Zambians asked for democracy in 1990. Democracy was passed by the majority. You should all have known what comes with democracy. Democracy is not the absence of UNIP and Kaunda on the scene but the freedom of Makayi to say what he wants. The American politicians all defend the citizens’ right to free speech. If Lungu is a lawyer he should stand up and defend this student’s freedom of speech.