Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ignore detractors calling me dictator – President Lungu


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu in Dundumwezi
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu 

President Edgar Lungu has advised the people of Luapula province to ignore people claiming that he is a dedicator.

 President Lungu says the assertions are being made by people who want to own the PF party.

 The Head of State said when he addressed Mansa residents who turned up to receive him at Mansa airport.

He appealed to the party structures to start preparing for 2021 elections by recruiting more members.

 The party will only gainer votes once more people are recruited to join the ruling party, said the Republican President.

 He said if the PF party false to win the 2021 elections the development taking place across the country will be lost. 

 The President disclosed that the PF party has become bigger and more attractive.

 He has since implored party structures to consolidate the gains the ruling party has achieved.

 Meanwhile President Lungu says the hosting of the Luapula expo and investors conference will open up the province for investment.

 He said the province is endowed with abundant resources which can help to bring development in the country.

 President Lungu said Luapula has the potential to contribute to the growth of the national economy.

 He stressed that more needs to be done so as to market the province to would be local and international investors. 

 The President assured the people of Luapula that government will work tirelessly in advertising the province for investment.

 And speaking earlier PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri told the Party structures not to give chance to the opposition political parties.

 Mrs Phiri said Luapula is a strong hold of PF party adding that party structures must be strengthened in the province. 

 She urged party members not to be worried with people being chased from the party.

 Meanwhile, Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa  has thanked President Lungu for accepting to grace the official opening of the Luapula expo and investment conference which will run from the 26th to 31st July 2017.


    • I support pf but honestly speaking it’s not just the idea of stopping the opposition to form government pf must work and produce results otherwise the opposition will carry the day. Opposition are also Zambian if pf is just talking people will vote for other political parties. Wake up from slumber

    • A dictator by any other name is still a dictator. The label does not change the substance. Edgar Lungu is a dictator, FULL STOP.

    • Your Excellency, You have a perfect passion and the mojo of getting the country fired up for victory in all national spheres politics included. To this there should be some candid talk that the PF has many missing links. It ought to overcome some enduring deficiencies of character, ideology, value system and a corp of intellectual minds in the ranks and file to help you set the pace intelligently and drive a national agenda. You have the best opportunity to animate and manage some surging national support bases. Consider tapping into the youth and diaspora constituencies for membership and legislative offices bearers to inject talent, intellectual acumen if PF has to depart from some condescending and alienating practices at the hands of emotional reactionaries. Build a cadre of real…

    • Time to heavily blend your party. Build a cadre of real sophisticated political strategists with in-depth analytical acumen to drive a winning and fast selling entity on the fly in a contemporary political order. Abrasive mindless cadres alone alienates public solidarity. Time for a moderated approach consistent with politics of national interest. I’m yet to see ideologues.

    • You will be a dictator if you stand in 2021. You must give chance for others to rule, we are 15 million equal children, alas not HH.

  1. Check yourself in the mirror. That which you will be looking at, is what people are calling ‘dictator.’

    • What more proof ba thick head.
      Votes were counted
      Monitor agreed
      You petitioned……no evidence given in stipulated time while the President elect and his supporters waited for that long period.
      He was sworn in


  2. Lungu you have gone against the core values of our constitution and democracy by persecuting any one who disagrees with you. It is very strange that you are a lawyer and that is why up to now I question your qualification. I request that Lusaka times publish one of lungus cases so we can see how much water is in this guys brain. If your own members like kambwili can say you are evil who are we to believe otherwise. Silly dictator f.u.c.k off

  3. Zambians Must Wake Up From Slumber. Even If They Try To Intimidate You, The Fact Still Remains That The Pf Is Salaivating To Start An Autocracy Type Of Ruling For Zambia. Lungu Keep On Reacting Anyhow To What People Around Are Saying Or Calling Him, He Will Become Unpopular And In 2021 Upnd Will Easily Take Over The Country Without Any Difficulties.

  4. You are a dictator, foolish and you think that you are clever while you are just an ***** .useless president your days are numbered!

  5. You are a dictator, why don’t you want musenge and kambwili to entertain any thought of challenging you ???

    You started prosecuting the opposition now you are prosecuting any one in your party you see as a threat, you and your thugs threatened violence on kambwili, what kind of a President are you , and you are supposed to be a lawyer ??

    • Ask HH to hold a convention so that he can be challenged. We have had our conventions and we shall have another one soon. What about UPND?

    • The trouble with upnd is that HH is their god and therefore will always be obeying whatever he says and does, even if he says let me bonk your wives they will agree to this.

    • @Barabas…kwekwekwekwe…you are 100% correct…they would give their wives with so much zeal…kwekwekwekwe…..

  6. “Illegal President Chakolwa Chagwa Kamwendo Lungu says the assertions are being made by people who want to own the PF party.”
    This guy is still compaining.your criminality will haunt you 1mbecile…lol

  7. Looks like we are stuck with electioneering! When are we going to pay attention to our economy kanshi? There is time for everything. This is not election time. It’s time to work and deliver! We are not God to tell we’ll be alive in 2021. Let us humble ourselves before God and learn to number our days as the scriptures advise! The time to campaign will come. The ruling party always has an advantage over the opposition. Deliver on the developmental agenda of the nation and your re-election will be certain. Economy, Economy and the Economy!

    • Psalm 90:12King James Version (KJV)

      12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

  8. this is madness campaigning upfront what is pf scared of. no ways we want your fullfilment of your campaign promises which are not coming. you dint tell us that you will arrest the opposition leaders and fire all those who asisted you to rig the elections. please give this country a break.

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