Saturday, July 27, 2024

Foreign observers say that Kenyan Election was fair and there was no sign of manipulation


Foreign observers have expressed confidence in Kenya’s electoral process, despite opposition leader Raila Odinga’s claim of massive fraud.

African observers described Tuesday’s poll as credible. Head of the African Union’s team, former South African president Thabo Mbeki, said the people of Kenya and its elections institutions had done well to ensure that the people of Kenya’s views were heard on building a peaceful and democratic country to overcome poverty and unemployment.

“Hopefully nothing will happen to spoil that outcome,” he said.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry said its integrity remained intact. Heading the Carter Center’s observer team, Mr Kerry urged all sides to wait for the final results, and for the loser to accept defeat. He said there were “minor variances here and there”, but none that had so far made him doubt the poll’s integrity.

The “bottom-line” was that the IEBC had in place a “transparent process of voting, counting, reporting and securing the vote”, Mr Kerry added at a press conference in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.

“I know how it feels to lose,” he said, adding that he had lost the race for the US presidency and had a lot of reasons to complain. “But you have to move on,” he said.

On allegations that the electoral body’s computers were hacked to alter results, Kerry said it was important that paper ballots and processes were used to tell the final results. There were agents from both parties at each polling station to sign off results forms, he said.

The European Union said candidates should accept losing as “natural”. In a statement, the European Union observer mission said the opposition had made “serious allegations” and it was up to the IECB to complete the “remaining steps with maximum transparency and adherence to the law”.

“Candidates and their supporters must accept that not winning is a natural part of a democratic competition,” EU observer mission head Marietje Schaake said.
“Any irregularities or challenges to the process and outcomes should be addressed through petitions and the courts,” she added. The opposition’s hacking allegations should be looked into by the IEBC, he added.

Commonwealth observer mission head and Ghana’s ex-President John Mahama said there was no reason to doubt the IEBC’s ability to deliver a “credible election”.

“We believe that the election has been conducted in a transparent and credible manner and that Kenyans must be commended for that election,” he added.

Expressing a similar view, African Union observer mission head and South Africa’s ex-President Thabo Mbeki said he was satisfied with the way the electoral commission had conducted itself.

Mr Odinga alleges that results of the presidential poll have been rigged to give incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta victory. On Wednesday, he said that the IT system of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) had been hacked, and Kenya was witnessing the worst “voter theft” in its history.

The IEBC said there had been an attempt to hack its system, but it had failed.

Raila Odinga, the National Super Alliance coalition leader, told a press conference that projections from his own team showed he was ‘far ahead’. Photograph: Jerome Delay/AP
Raila Odinga, the National Super Alliance coalition leader, told a press conference that projections from his own team showed he was ‘far ahead’. Photograph: Jerome Delay/AP

Meanwhile, Kenya’s main opposition coalition demanded on Thursday that its candidate Raila Odinga be declared president, claiming it had evidence he had won an election that has already led to angry protests over fraud claims.

The Opposition chief defeated President Uhuru Kenyatta, chief agent Musalia Mudavadi told a press conference on Thursday.

“We have received further information furnishing us with results from IEBC data. The results show Raila garnered 8.4 million votes and Uhuru 7.7 million,” he said.

“We demand that Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka be declared President and Vice President immediately.”

Mudavadi, who is Amani National Congress leader, claimed a confidential source at the IEBC gave the data.

He said they know the number of people who voted and that the commission should do what is right.

“The results being published by IEBC through their national tallying center are a fraud based on a hacked system,” he said.

“We have formally delivered a letter expressing our disappointment, pointing out certain serious irregularities that we want them to look into immediately. They have received it.”

“We are not doing IEBC’s job but the numbers posted by IEBC have anomalies,” he said.

“At this point we have stated our position. We have indicated the facts before us. We doubt the verification process at Bomas.”

Raila dismissed the provisional tally and made claims such as the use of the late ICT manager Chris Msando’s login details.

He claimed the electoral agency’s system was hacked, forcing the manual mode.

He earlier released results from his parallel tallying centre, which showed he was ahead of Uhuru by about a million votes.


    • Opposition parties in Africa are a shame to mankind. One would even ask if all their leaders they were all born from one mother.

    • Lesson learned 101. Why the lost love? We are brothers and sisters beyond politics. We can compete on the ballot and pick up piece post ballot verdict and still remain stakeholders in national affairs on many fora. This culture of post election acrimony must stop or else we ruin our nations. Seriously political parties must value some basic boot camp training in “Campaign and election management” if we have to appreciate this liberal democracy. Good reading in Comparative politics would be priceless too. What is killing us is a culture of entitlement based on a Groupthink that unless we win, otherwise elections are rigged. Such is dangerous politics. Winners must also understand that when voters confer a mandate, the loser are not useless but valuable stakeholders in national building.

    • Just like what they said here and one HH and his minions thought otherwise. We have jokers as opposition leaders in Africa.

    • Thank heavens, Kenya has finally graduated from rigging. Zambia must now team-up with Uganda in maintaining the rigging culture.

      Maybe just maybe we will be a great people when we learn to concede defeat. Our politics is filled with emotions envy and jealous. Some join politics to fix others. When someone feels a little grudge they run away to other parties like headless chicken acting like spoilers. When they learn that its not working where they ran to they roll back ashamed and ungrateful. Typical African. Political goons rant that “there will be peace if its not our own” What kinda’ stu.pidity is that? F.ake leaders claim “I have no control over the my unruly supporters, but police must not use excessive force” What are you talking about nigger? @ Senior Citizen, shooterz point on!

    • African opposition leaders always prepare allegations even before the vote is cast.

      They list down electoral and vote counting malpractices months before the vote is cast.

      They even promise not to accept because of the malpractices they project and prophesy.

      They say the predicted malpractices will happen only if they lose. But if they win then not of the prophesied malpractices will happen.

      When they lose they shout, “I said it !!”. If they win they say, “The Electoral commission has shown that it is credible”.


    • Opposition in Africa ni marabishi yeka yeka. When you lose accept not nyo nyo, they have stolen when you are just a reject. Not everyone is born to be president, others are born just to rare cattle. Some will never be president in Zambia, they will rot in opposition & keep jumping from court to court. Come 2021 niba Lungu chabe. Tawakatekepo mu Zambia!

    • Unfortunately, all international observer organisations, whether its the Commonwealth, UN, AU, SADC, and many others always support the incumbent by not restricting their comments to the areas of observation they have clear sight tio. Do they have access to behind the scenes activities by hackers? No! How can they issue a blanket statement of elections not being rigged when all they do is just walk around and ask government officials how things are going. Even in Zambia they couldn’t identify that thug found in the server room and yet they said elections where fair.

    • Africa is not ready for elective democracy. Let us just split the countries created by colonial forces into tribal chiefdoms so that not elections take place.

    • Foreign observers could not even detect the way the Russians manipulated the American elections. These foreigners are discredited and should not be used by Kikuyus to hang onto power.

  1. Raila Odinga is like HH -always complain ,make excuses and make bogus claims bcuz both of them assume the presidency is their birth right.Leading a country is NOT an entitlement.

    • You don’t know Kenya. If this election is being reported as “free and fair,” it is the exception. Their past has been ugly with respect to rigging. Thousands of innocent lives have been lost. Some of their leaders have been tried at the Hague… a trail of bloodshed. Check out who has been tried. It was not Raila Odinga.

    • For sure hechi hechi and Raila seem to have been born from same parents. They are permanent losers & complainants. When they lose ni nyo nyo they have stolen. You cant win an election basing on tribal support alone. Meanwhile fintu ni Lungu come 2021

  2. @Anyoko! Double standards! When are you going to tell your own to accept defeat! African opposition parties are a sham! Every loser MUST accept defeat and go away!

  3. Foreign observers said the same in Zambia but Under Fives and their supporters are a disgrace to Zambia’s well-known peaceful transition of power! Shame!

    • Its you who must be so stupid. Actually a full. If you lose accept coz you are a reject. Not nyo nyo they have stolen. Idi.ot

  4. Compared to Zambia’s ECZ the Kenyan Election Independent Boundary Commission (EIBC) has done a fantastic job. When Raila Odinga complained of Rigging and Computer hacking EIBC is now manually receiving from Constituencies properly signed 34B forms (Gen12) by Polling Agents. These are being tallied and verified at Command Centre and tumoro final results will announced.ECZ should learn from their counterparts in Kenya and tally all the Gen12 forms, verify the results and therafter announce the Winner. ECZ should be made to account and explain how they declared ECL the Winner without signed Gen12 from Constituencies and Polling Stations. To bring peace to Zambia the Petition has to be heard. UPND has published its long awaited PVT showing that HH won that election outright. ECL should…


    • When ECZ tried to verify the so called Gen12, you complained that they were too slow and were fixing results. The UPND and Muvi TV PVTs were the only ones that saw HH winning. Aisha how come? All other PVTs favoured ECL. Kindly stfu. You’re the biggest liar on this blogspot.

  5. We have seen the UPND PVT and want to see the PF PVT for comparison and for Petition Hearing purposes. An Independent Election Tribunal should be appointed to determine the Winner of the 2016 Election. Period.

    • I saw the Catholic Church PVT.It tallied with ECZ.No need for even getting the PF PVT. Mr Haikainde Hichilema aka Raila Odinga lost the elections. Period.

  6. There is no time in the news did we hear of a state sponsored brutal crackdown on activities of the opposition….they were freely allowed to campaign.. .and if they complain of fraud due to hacking a manual count is being expideated… no one will be called an election theif because I am sure Mr uhuru has nothing to hide and will actually let odingha go to court if he wants…..

    • When you lose an election, just concede. That’s how democratic elections were designed to be. This go to court madness has never helped mise.rable losers. Odingha like HH must learn to concede and look to the next elections. Damn! I hate time wasters.

  7. Raila a waste of time kenyans,like our own HH.If he misbehaves throw him mu mundende…to learn abit of manners.They are a shame to multi party politics.

    • They rely too much on propaganda driven opinion polls by their media department. Prior to the 2011 elections the majority of Zambians based in the USA were so sure it was going to be a walkover for one HH. This was because their only source of information was the ZWD a Upnd sponsored online news. These sources always give biased opinions which gives false confidence to their candidate.

  8. “I know how it feels to lose,” he said, adding that he had lost the race for the US presidency and had a lot of reasons to complain. “But you have to move on,” he said.

    Someone in Mukobeko – Kabwe should learn a lot from these wise words!

  9. Raila Odinga ambwela ECL to throw you in the Kenya Mukobeko equivalent. Imwe election is free and fair when you win? Another version of HH in Kenya.

    • Why is it that when you post a comment its followed consecutively by 2 or 3 different names with the same flag? Everyone knows its you.

  10. My take away for today:

    John Kerry: “I know how it feels to lose”, adding that he had lost the race for US presidency and had a lot of reasons to complain. “But you have to move on”, he said.

    Spaka like Donkey, muyandanzi batuumbu? Hino kayi?

    • There is no time in the news in kenya did we hear of a state sponsored brutal crackdown on activities of the opposition….they were freely allowed to campaign.. .and if they complain of fraud due to hacking a manual count is being expideated… no one will be called an election theif because I am sure Mr uhuru has nothing to hide and will actually let odingha go to court if he wants…..unlike our Mr lungu who would rather be called a theif.. …

  11. It is interesting that both Odinga and HH are clients linked to the Brenthurst Foundation, a racist agency that thrives in funding opposition leaders to effect regime change in selected African states. Is it feasible that the Carter Foundation led by former US Secretary of State (John Kerry), the African Union led by former President Thabo Mbeki and the EU Observer mission would deliberately mislead the world on the true outcome of the Kenyan Presidential Elections? Under democratically-held elections there is no room for a government of national unity that would entrench crooks into Govts through the back door. Odinga must accept defeat or face the wrath of the ICC.

    • Naimwe what has zambia got for the west to purse regime change ??? A truck load of files to support their begging for an IMF bailout ????

  12. I dont care whether its Uhuru or Raila but I am impressed with the EIBC transparency. They are manually talling and verifying the votes from constituencies and matching these to the Computer generated vote results. Right now they are looking into Raila’s complaints. This unlike what ECZ under Essau Chulu. Chulu announced Election Results without Gen12 and ri?ged for Lungu. No wonder ECZ has been identified as an Institution needing massive overhaul and personnel changes. Essau Chulu, his corrupt commissioners and Senior Management are responsible for the mess that Zambia finds itself today under Dictator and Sadist Lungu. Shame on Jonathan Chakolwa!!

  13. In Africa, it’s a dream to beat the incumbent with government resources at their disposal.
    Too much corruption and greedy.
    Uhuru being clean – that I doubt – probably Magufuli – Yes.
    Most of these African presidents are corrupt scumbags.

  14. Opposition leaders in africa are cursed!!!
    This was the case in Zambia in 2016 and it will be the same in 2021.our elections are ever free and fair,but kaili #1 HH fails to accept them because he thinks that he can win the presidency by receiving majority votes from his tribesmen!!!elections are not won by believing in opinion polls done by educated citizens,no.majority voters in Africa are uneducated ones who do not even know what opinion polls mean!!!

    • What is wrong with you PF rats ?? Can’t any one feel free to join or support any candidate or party the like without fear of violence ???

      This has been the downward spiral of democracy in Zambia where PF and it’s candidates are forced onto people by violence, intimidation, sacking and police brutality….that is why we have the tension and division we have today while a Mr lungu wants to be called President, watches on , he has a bible at the ready in his back pocket….

  15. This a lesson to UPND and the those that chose to deny the verdict of the people. As John Kerry has mildly said it, please man up when you lose and quickly concede defeat. Another lesson; ordinary people will always defend the revolution.

    • Yes and let the losers go to court with any evidence they have…..lets have transparency not some 14 day technicalities and people ending being labled election theif s .

  16. Kenya’s IEBC makes Zambia’s EC look like a backward and technologically challenged body.Their competence,technological edge and professionalism is impressive.

  17. In zambia we had mumbi phiri and kaiezer zulu moving with stuffed ballot boxes as if they were ECZ…….and people who questioned them were locked up for 1 year.. ….

  18. Transparency is all we have always asked for in this country. Zambia’s Electoral Commission has consistently failed to deliver on that. Election results are always manufactured and calibrated differently from the way voters have cast their votes. How mystical that people still have the patience to go to the polls, stand in long lines and wait for their turn to cast their vote! It is a sheer waste of their time.

    • How come the observers did not say what you are lying?
      The Catholics, the EU, AU name them all said the vote was credible.
      Why only you in UPND saw otherwise. Shouldn’t it be so easy for you to question your own position?

  19. African opposition leaders always prepare allegations even before the vote is cast.

    They list down electoral and vote counting malpractices months before the vote is cast.

    They even promise not to accept because of the malpractices they project and prophesy.

    They say the predicted malpractices will happen only if they lose. But if they win then none of the prophesied malpractices will have happened

    When they lose they shout, “I said it !!”. If they win they say, “The Electoral commission has shown that it is credible”.

    • Why is it, it is always the Opposition who lose presidential elections in Africa, rarely the incumbents? Don’t you see that as an anomaly?

  20. Opposition in Africa ni marabishi yeka yeka. When you lose accept not nyo nyo, they have stolen when you are just a reject. Not everyone is born to be president, others are born just to rare cattle. Some will never be president in Zambia, they will rot in opposition & keep jumping from court to court. Come 2021 niba Lungu chabe. Tawakatekepo mu Zambia!

  21. Deja Vu all over again. ..Odinga’s supporters in his strong hold of Kisumu are celebrating his “victory “. Does that sound familiar?

  22. Can all the PF Bloggers tell us what happened to Emmanuel Chavula the ECZ Computer Hacker found in the ECZ Computer Server Room manipulating figures in favour of Lungu? Chavula was said to be a Ugandan. He was arrested and remanded and then spirited out of Zambia and back to Uganda and paid a lot of money for the ratchet job. Is ZPS still investigating? We need to know how and the extent to which Chavula rigged the Election infavour of Edward Jonathan Lungu. It doesn’t matter how long it takes but the Petition must be heard. There won’t be peace in this country without Hearing the Petition. The truth will free all Zambians.

  23. Here is the commonwealth SG saying ECl and HH are ready to dialogue and move on but supporters for either party busy opening old wounds when will we think of the time wasted property destroyed and all let’s sit down ask for the commonwealth to help us fix our constitution the electoral commission the process for tallying votes and stop being silly with comments that fuel the pain of yesteryear

  24. Soul u are a lost Soul! U cannot fix anything without diagonising the sickness or fault. To prevent future Election Computer Hacking and vote manipulation we need to know what Chavula did and under whose instructions and authority.Mulandu tauboli! Lungu benefitted from that Computer Hacking and he needs to proove he didn’t. We will Never forget but we can forgive if we know and there is an appology and remorse. The Petition Hearing is Zambia’s Truth Commission. If we do nothing about election rigging in 2016 then future Elections will be equally rigged. Jonathan is already planning to rig 2021 with 4 years to go. He rigged 2015, 2016 and so why not rig 2021? Jonathan has mastered the art of Rigging Elections and so we need to stop him now!

    • @32 Mwase,

      I don’t think anyone diagnoses cause of sickness by breaking the law.

      UPND may be free to say that they still don’t recognise Lungu as president, and that may be their democratic right.

      But that position should not lead them to break the law.

      Whether one recognises Lungu or no as president, when you break the law, the law will visit you.

      Those of you who recognise Lungu as president if you break the law, the law will visit you.

      Those of you who dont recognise Lungu as president if you break the law, the law will visit you.

      In the eyes of the law there lies no advantage on either side. Let your recognition not cause you to break the law, and similarly let your lack of recognition not cause you to break the law.

  25. Rigging, Rigging, rigging, what’s this rigging? when you are popular no matter what they will do, you still go through. Great MC Sata did it. So no excuse bwanu, just work hard though time for you is gone as time wasted can never be gained.

  26. I didn’t know that the spirit of Under Five lives in Kenya too. These guys are not fit even to be on the ballot. They are dangerous and evil.

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